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Appearances and Speaking Engagements

To advance Central Michigan University in areas crucial to its competitiveness with regard to academic scholarships, state appropriations, research funding, student internships and job placements, a significant portion of the president's role focuses on external relations with the university's many constituencies and supporters.

His time is divided between daily and weekly meetings around the state and the U.S. (and periodically internationally where CMU maintains academic partnerships) and meetings on the university's campus in Mount Pleasant.

The president's calendar is built by a team that evaluates priorities and does its best to accommodate the vast majority of requests for his presence and leadership in meetings and events.

The president's administrative team, comprising the provost/executive vice president, vice presidents, and other senior staff, manages most day-to-day functions and matters on campus.

In cases in which the president is asked to appear at an event, the completion of a president's appearance request form at least six weeks in advance is requested in order to help staff evaluate how to prioritize the event on the president's calendar. Completion of a president's appearance request form is strongly recommended and greatly appreciated by the president's office.