Documentary Projects in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Sanford Strong: The Sanford Voices Project

Sanford Strong – Sanford Voices is documenting the personal and family stories of the catastrophic flooding caused by the dam failures, and the recovery that comes after. Central Michigan University faculty and staff are lending their expertise to record the voices of Sanford residents and helpers so that they will never be lost. We are focused on Sanford because of the strength and resilience the community immediately showed in pulling together after the flood.

Nor Any Drop to Drink

Nor Any Drop to Drink is about the ongoing water crisis in Flint, Michigan. The documentary focuses on why 3 years after the switch to the Flint River, there is neither trust in governmental institutions, nor any drop to drink. The film was written, directed and produced by Central Michigan University sociology professor Cedric Taylor.

America From the Ground Up

America from the Ground Up is a two-season documentary series created for national distribution on the Public Broadcasting network. It follows archaeologist and Central Michigan University alumnus Monty Dobson on an expedition to uncover the archaeological history of America. The series was created as a co-production with WCMU Public Media.