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Online Educational Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Module for Students

These trainings expose students to critical life skills centered around diversity and inclusion.

In previous years, Central Michigan University (CMU) has partnered with EVERFI to deliver online educational training modules at the beginning of each academic school year. This year, Everfi has migrated to a new platform known as Vector Solutions, a national provider of educational programs in inclusion, to continue its educational programming.

As a university community, we have made the commitment to creating an inclusive environment for every individual; achieving this goal will depend on each of us accepting personal responsibility for our education, awareness, and behavior. This Vector training is an important first step in that process. This course collection doesn’t attempt to assign blame, but rather seeks to encourage dialogue and understanding between different races, religions, ages, gender identities, and people with disabilities at our institution. 

New first-year and transfer students should complete the training called Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Students. The training can be accessed by utilizing the link above or by following the steps in the infographic included.

This course will help learners understand how to: 

  • Differentiate the terms diversity, inclusion, and equity.
  • Recognize and reflect on your own cultural biases.
  • Examine intersectionality to see how your own cultural identity influences your own perspective, biases, fears, and comfort levels. 
  • Seek commonality and understanding with people who are not in your in- or out-group.
  • Identify possible roadblocks to our being equally united across racial, cultural, and gender lines.

This online program will provide important information to help prepare you for a successful college experience in an ever-changing global society. Since these are valuable skills that benefit everyone, the course is available to all continuing students as well. 

If you have questions about these online training programs, please contact the Office for Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at 989-774-3700 or