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Waitlisting for a course

All courses have the option to waitlist, once they are full. Waitlisting is handled through Course Search and Registration. If you find a full section you would like to register for, you can elect to add yourself to the waitlist. As seats become available, you will be automatically moved into the course from the waitlist and will receive an email notification that you are enrolled in the course. Pay attention to your waitlisted classes - if you are added but no longer want the course, drop deadlines still apply!

If I waitlist a course, does that guarantee me a seat in the class?

  • No, waitlisting a course does not mean you will be guaranteed a seat in the course. However, it does help departments determine if additional sections or seats of a course should be considered.

Will I be notified when a spot in a class is open?

  •   Yes, you will receive an email to your CMICH email account informing you if you have been added to the course. If you no longer want the course, you are responsible for dropping it by the drop deadline.

Do I need to register myself for the class if a seat opens?

  •  No. If a seat opens in the class and you are next on the waitlist, you will automatically be added to the course.

Can I waitlist for a course if I am registered in a different section of that course?

  • No. You cannot waitlist for multiple sections of the same course, including a course you are already enrolled in.

If I do not meet the prerequisite(s) for the course, can I still add myself to the waitlist?

  • No. Pre/co-requisites are checked when you elect to add to a waitlist. If you do not meet the pre/co-requisite, you will not be allowed on the waitlist. Pre/co-requisites are checked again if you are moved from the waitlist into the course. If the pre/co-requisite is not met at that time, you will not be added to the course from the waitlist. 

How many courses can I waitlist for? 

  • Waitlisted courses count toward the maximum academic load for a term, which is 21 hours for undergraduate students and 15 hours for graduate students. Your registered courses plus waitlisted courses cannot exceed the academic load limit.

How can I remove myself from the waitlist?

  • In Course Search and Registration, view “My Courses” and the “Wait List” tab. Select the course and click remove. If you are no longer interested in the course, we encourage you to remove yourself from the waitlist so others who are interested can move up on the waitlist. Removing yourself will also prevent you from being added to a course that you no longer need.