Interior Design Computer Requirements

You will use computers extensively in the interior design program. We have developed the following recommendations for you to help you decide what type of computer to purchase while you take interior design classes.

Operating system
Windows 11  version 22H2
Windows 11  version 23H2
ProcessorIntel or AMD 2.5-2.9 GHz
Intel or AMD 3+ GHz
16 GB
*Graphics Card
4 GB or higher: NVIDIA or AMD
Hard drive space
256 GB SSD or higher with 30 GB available hard-disk space
256 GB SSD or higher with 50 GB available hard-disk space
Monitor Resolution

*Graphics card should be independent video, not “shared” video, and must be NVIDIA or AMD, Intel is not compatible with all software

You are strongly advised to refer to the system requirements of the following interior design programs:

(This specification will be updated annually.)

If you have questions related to the software taught at the CMU Interior Design program and computer specifications, please contact Professor Zuo.