Abel Endowed Lecture Series Guest Speakers

The advisory committee for the Dr. Harold Abel Endowed Lecture Series in the Study of Dictatorship, Democracy and Genocide will invite to campus distinguished scholars to discuss the past, present and future of worldwide genocide. The series focuses on the impact of historical events such as the Holocaust and mass murders in Africa, Southeast Asia and Central America.

Panel Discussion

Learning Beyond Borders: Voices of Displaced Students

Wednesday, March 20, 2024
6:00 p.m.
Pearce Hall 127
Open event flyer (PDF)

Mr. M’Munga Lulaca fled from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and found refuge at the Dzaleka refugee camp where he worked as a teacher for over a decade before resettling to the U.S. in November 2023 and is currently a student at CMU.

Mr. Shofi Alom, a Rohingya refugee who arrived in the U.S. in 2016, is pursuing computer science and electrical engineering at Western Michigan University.

Ms. Shukurani Nsengiyumva arrived in the U.S. in 2013 as a Rwandan/Burundian refugee. She graduated from Kalamazoo College with a B.A. in Psychology and is currently working as a Program Manager at the Alzheimer's Association.

Ms. Emily Worline is the Founder and Executive Director of Refugee Outlook Collective (ROC) and is a law student at Case Western Reserve University. She is passionate about advocating for safe paths for forced migrants and in her free time enjoys playing with her dog.

This talk is sponsored by the Dr. Harold Abel Endowed Lecture Series in the Study of Dictatorship, Democracy and Genocide, the Critical Engagements initiative, and the Refugee Outlook Collective at CMU.

Past speakers

Jeffrey Veidlinger
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Jews and Ukraine in Times of War: Lessons from the Past

Yascha Mounk
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Video: Why Diverse Democracies Fall Apart and How They Can Endure

Dara Horn
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Discussion of her book, People Love Dead Jews: Reports from a Haunted Present (Norton 2021)

Ian Urbina
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Video: Migrants and Mercenaries on the Outlaw Ocean: A Discussion of EU Efforts to Build a Virtual Wall Across the Mediterranean

Judy Batalion
Monday, November 1, 2021
Author of The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler's Ghettos

Art Spiegelman
February 18, 2021
Virtual conversation with author and illustrator Art Spiegelman

Claudia Montero Miranda
April 24, 2019
Video: "Violence Against Women's Resistance Under Pinochet's Dictatorship"

Martin Lowenberg
November 7, 2018
Video: Holocaust Survivor Martin Lowenberg

Megan Bradley
March 21, 2018
"Ending Exile: The Meaning and Making of Solutions to Refugee Crises"

Laura Jockusch
November 9, 2017
"Jewish Honor Courts in the Aftermath of the Holocaust"

Jennifer Trahan
April 7, 2017
"From Rwanda to the Present: The Prosecution of Atrocity Crimes"

Debó​​​​rah Dwork
November 17, 2016
You Too Can Make a Difference: Rescue and Rescuers during the Holocaust

Christine Ahn​
April 7, 2016
Video: "Women's Leadership in the Korea​n Peace Process"

Steven E. Aschheim​
November 17, 2015
"Why the Germans? Why the Jews? The Perennial Holocaust Question​​"

Allida Black​
April 1, 2015
"Can a Declaration Combat Genocide?​"

Steve Hochstadt
November 17, 2014
"Seeing the Holocaust from Shanghai"

Zoltan Tibori Szabo
March 24, 2014
"Right Wing Extremism in Central and Eastern Europe​"

Murry Sidlin
November 19, 2013
"Terezín, 1941-1945: The Most Unlikely, Curious, Accidental, Enigmatic, and Inspiring ‘Improvised University’ in History"

Vera Meisels
April 7, 2013
Reading by Holocaust survivor Vera Meisels​

Robert Melson
March 21, 2012
"The Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust Through the Extraordinary Experiences of Two Survivors Who Outwitted Their Killers"

Guy Stern
November 9, 2011
"Kristallnacht: A Night of Broken Glass, Broken Bodies, Broken Hearts"

Gérard Prunier
March 28, 2011
"The Partition of Sudan and the Crisis in the Arab World"

Claudia Koonz
November 9, 2010
"Genocide and the Moral Order in a Globalized World"

Gerhard Weinberg
November 9, 2009
"A New Look at Hitler and the Beginning of the Holocaust​"