Consumer Information
Accreditation information
Central Michigan University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). Further information regarding accreditation and state authorization can be found on the accreditation and licensure website.
Copyright infringement policies
A student shall adhere to the rules and practices promulgated by the university Office of Information Technology and the policies containedtherein, including but not limited to the Copyright Infringement Responsible Use of Computing and Data Stewardship Policies.
Cost of Attendance
Cost of attendance (COA) is an average estimate of costs a student would have if enrolled at CMU for the fall and spring semesters. COA includes the costs billed by the university (direct) and estimated costs that are not billed by CMU (indirect).
Academic programs
CMU offers over 200 academic programs with varying levels of certificates and degrees as well as different modalities and delivery of instruction.
Distance education
CMU must be approved via the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement or other State licensure mechanisms before they can enroll students into any Online programs offered by CMU.
Facilities and services for disabled students
Central Michigan University is committed to providing students with disabilities the academic accommodations and auxiliary aids necessary to ensure access to all university services, programs and activities.
For further information on faculty and instructors, please visit the various academic colleges.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. Learn more about these rights and what it entails at CMU by visiting the Registrar's Office. If students would like the OSFA to speak with an individual regarding their financial aid (not FAFSA data), they must fill out the FERPA form found in the documents area of the financial aid portal. This can be changed at any point in time by contacting the OSFA.
Instructional facilities and labs
The Office of Curriculum and Instructional Support can help faculty and staff locate instructional facilities and labs.
Refund policy
CMU has partnered with BankMobile to provide refunds to students with credit balances. You must select a refund method in CentralLink regardless of whether or not you anticipate a refund. You may use an existing bank account or sign up for the BankMobile Vibe Account.
Return of Title IV funds
The university is required by law to perform a Return to Tile IV Funds (R2T4) calculation to determine the percentage and amount of aid that a student earned when they have not completed at least 60% of the length of their semester enrolled and do not meet one of the official withdrawal exceptions for students enrolled in module courses.
Student activities
CMU offers a variety of clubs, events, and activities to the student body. Visit the Office of Student Activities and Involvement to learn more.
Student body
The Office for Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (OIDEI) is the driving force behind CMU’s commitment to creating a culture of belonging.
CMU students can purchase their textbooks within the CMU Bookstore as well as view what textbooks are required for their specific courses.
Transfer credit policy
We know not all academic journeys are the same. We make transferring credits to Central Michigan University from another college or university a simple process. Transferring credits can be valuable toward earning your CMU degree. Learn more by visiting the Registrar's Office.
Military and veteran students
CMU has support teams dedicated to the unique needs of military and veteran students. Whether you plan to complete your degree at our main campus in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, through CMU Innovation and Online, or in one of our campus centers, the Veterans Resource Center is here to assist you every step of the way.
Withdrawal procedures
Students may submit withdrawal requests online in Course Search and Registration or by contacting the Registrar's Office.
If a student is considering a withdrawal from classes, they should book an appointment or contact (989) 774-3618 where a Student Service Advisor will detail the financial aid and billing considerations unique to their circumstances.
CMED financial assistance
The CMU College of Medicine Office of Student Financial Aid is here to help you reach your goals for a successful educational experience. The CMU College of Medicine Financial Aid office is open from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday on a walk-in or appointment basis.
All other students - financial assistance
Financial aid advisors are available to assist you with your financial aid questions in several modalities. Appointments are offered Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. by phone, in-person (Warriner 202), or virtually (MS Teams).
Phone: 989-774-3674 | Fax: 989-774-3634 | Email:
Overview of financial aid programs
A notice that outlines your financial aid offer will be emailed to you from CMU's Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid. Your financial aid may consist of some or all of the following types of aid, depending on your financial need, date of application and available resources.
How to apply for financial aid
Applying for financial aid is a very detailed process. Follow the application instructions, provide any requested information, and meet all deadlines. If you have any questions about the application process, please do not hesitate to call us at 989-774-3674.
Aid eligibility requirements
Students must meet general eligibility requirements to be eligible for financial aid offered by CMU.
Need-based aid
Available to undergraduate students who are enrolled at least half-time. CMU selects recipients on an annual evaluation of financial need based on FAFSA application data and receipt date. Funds are limited.
Study abroad financial aid
Financial Aid is available for students who participate in a Central Michigan University-approved study abroad program. However, you must be formally accepted into a study abroad program through the Office of International Education/Study Abroad before aid eligibility can be determined.
Rights and responsibilities
Both the student and university have rights and responsibilities that must be followed. Please review and become familiar with these items.
Enrollment status
Early active participation in your course(s) is important for academic success as well as for financial aid eligibility purposes. Participation is defined as active engagement in the instructional activity related to the course of study. If you do not begin participation in your course(s) by the 2nd Friday of the term/module that your course falls into (this date will differ depending on your course start date), you will be administratively dropped from that course and your financial aid will be re-evaluated which may have an impact on your eligibility.
Continued eligibility for aid
Continuing students who wish to receive financial aid must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year as well as meet general and specific eligibility requirements depending on the aid program.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Federal regulations (HEA Sec. 484(c)) require that Central Michigan University monitor the satisfactory academic progress of all students regardless of whether they have received financial aid in previous semesters. These financial aid requirements are separate from students' academic requirements. To maintain eligibility for federal student aid, as well as most state and institutional student aid programs, there are two distinct criteria that must be monitored and met: (1) Quantitative standard consisting of (a) pace and (b) maximum time frame; (2) Qualitative standard.
Disbursement of aid
Original aid offers are based on full-time enrollment. Your aid funds will be adjusted if you are not enrolled full-time as well as if you do not begin participation in all registered courses.
Federal work study
Work-Study is dependent upon eligibility determined through the on-time filing of the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).
Terms of student loans
Federal loans are an option for funding your education. You must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid to be considered for any type of federal loan as well as meet eligibility requirements.
Exit counseling information
Exit counseling will help you understand your rights and responsibilities as a student loan borrower and will provide useful tips and information to help you manage your loans.
Repaying your student loans
The federal government offers several payment plans for Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized and Direct Graduate PLUS Loan borrowers. Payment will vary depending on the amount and type of loans you have borrowed.
Deferment or cancelation of student loans due to public service
Students who work full-time in public service jobs may qualify for forgiveness of the balance due on their eligible federal student loans after making 120 monthly payments under certain repayment plans. For more information go to Public Service Loan Forgiveness
Loan Disclosures
Title IV loan information will be submitted to NSLDS and accessible by authorized agencies, lenders, and institutions, for students, or parents of students, who enter into an agreement regarding Title IV loans [HEOA 489 amended HEA Sec. 485B].
Graduation and retention rates
Academic Planning & Analysis collects, analyzes, and provides data regarding graduation and retention rates.
Graduation rates for student-athletes
The NCAA requires that prospective student-athletes receive information on CMU's Graduation Rates and CMU's Academic Progress Rates (APR) at the earliest opportunity after the first encounter with a CMU coach, or at the prospective student-athlete's request.
Retention rates for student-athletes
The NCAA requires that prospective student-athletes receive information on CMU's Graduation Rates and CMU's Academic Progress Rates (APR) at the earliest opportunity after the first encounter with a CMU coach, or at the prospective student-athlete's request.
Employment for graduates
Whether you are a first-year student deciding on a career path, a junior looking for internship opportunities, or a senior getting ready to graduate, the Career Development Center is here to help with every step of the career planning process. Visit the Career Development Center to review the services offered and to review the First Destination Survey for reports and statistics of employment rates for graduates.
Athletic program participation and financial support data
As part of the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, information on annual participation rates and financing of men’s and women’s sports in intercollegiate athletic programs is available by request to students and the general public by request.
Teacher preparation annual report card
The Educator Preparation Programs (EPP) is the primary coordinating body for all of CMU’s teacher preparation and continuing education programs which are distributed across five colleges and involve 20 departments and three interdisciplinary councils.
Campus safety and security
CMU prepares and publishes a “Security and Annual Fire Safety Report” each year on Oct. 1. The report contains information on emergency services, safety tips, policies, state laws, support services, fire safety in on-campus housing, confidential crime reporting, missing student notification protocol, and a summary of the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Student - Drug and alcohol abuse prevention
As a service to CMU students, Ten16 Recovery Network helps those struggling with alcohol and drug misuse. Located in Foust Hall, CMCREW is an independent resource for students whose drug and/or alcohol usage are creating health, interpersonal and financial problems or whose academic performance and overall success are being negatively affected.
Employee - drug and alcohol abuse prevention
Central Michigan University is committed to providing a workplace that is free from the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of controlled substances is prohibited on any CMU owned or controlled property.
Admitting Offices
Undergraduate admissions:
Warriner Hall 102
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859
Phone: 989- 774-3076 | Fax: 989-774-7267
Graduate admissions:
Ronan 230
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858
Phone: 989-774-4723
Fax: 989-774-1857
Medical Students:
2520 S. University Park Drive
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859
Phone: 989-774-7882
Fax: 989-774-7881
International admissions:
Ronan 230
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859
Phone: +1-989-774-1619
Innovation and Online admissions:
802 Industrial Drive
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858
Toll-Free: 1-800-950-1144
Mount Pleasant: 989-774-4371
Financial aid offer
When your financial aid offer is prepared, you'll receive an email notification from the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (OSFA) directing you to your financial aid portal.
Pell Recalculation Date
In accordance with federal regulations, the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid will recalculate Federal Pell grant based on the enrollment status as of the Pell Recalculation Date (PRD). The Pell Recalculation Date is based on your class start dates for that semester. All Pell grants will be based upon the PRD enrollment intensity.
College Navigator
College Navigator is a free consumer information tool which makes information gathered about postsecondary institutions (such as Central Michigan University) by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) available to prospective college students, parents, guidance counselors, and the general public in an easily accessible manner.