Borrow School Resource Kits and Zoology Specimens

The Museum of Cultural and Natural History offers for loan a variety of zoological specimens and a series of kits featuring items of historical, archaeological, and geological significance. This program is a valuable resource to Central Michigan University faculty and students, as well as primary and secondary school educators and students. These loan materials provide access to a wide range of specimens and artifacts, many of which are generally unattainable. The following prepared kits are available for loan. Special kits may be requested and prepared.

Borrow a school resource kit

Can't visit the Museum? Take the museum into your classroom! Each thematic kit includes artifacts and reproductions along with a teacher's manual filled with information, images, GLCE connections, common core standards and suggested activities.

  • Becoming Modern, 1880-1910
  • Bird Adaptations ​
  • The Civil War: A Soldier's Life
  • Fossils
  • The Fur Trade
  • Lumbering
  • Rocks and Minerals
  • One-Room Schoolhouse

Choose one of the following methods to borrow a school resource kit:

​Please allow two weeks notice. School resource kits are supported by your generous donations but no donation is required. ​​Teachers who are part of GIRSD may be able to have the kits delivered and picked up for free. Please email the Museum or call 989-774-3829.

​Borrow zoology specimens

Click on the list below to see which items are available for loan:

  • Birds
  • Insects
  • Mammals

Please allow two weeks for your request to be processed. Choose one of the following methods to borrow a zoology specimen:


The following guidelines have been established to protect museum collections and to assure their availability to all users.  Your cooperation is appreciated and will help us meet the needs of everyone.

Acquiring a Loan: At least two weeks advance notice is required to reserve a collection.  All loans will be picked up and returned by the loanee or their designee.

Specimen Types: Loaned animal specimens may be study skins (may be encapsulated) or taxidermied mounts.

Duration of Loan: Normally up to one week; duration exceeding one week may be arranged in exceptional circumstances.

Care of Collections: Loaned collections must be made secure when not in use, preferably locked up, when the instructor leaves the building for the day. Loaned collections are the responsibility of the loanee and should be supervised and handled properly.  Avoid extreme cold and heat! Fluctuations of temperature are damaging to the collections (especially historical). Keep zoological collections (birds and mammals) out of reach of pets. Lids on encapsulated zoological specimens should not be removed.

Please note: Alcohol preserved specimens (fish, amphibians, and reptiles) are not available for loan due to safety concerns. Please email the Museum if you have any questions.