German Study Abroad in World Languages and Cultures
Take your learning international! Receive CMU credit and life experience while studying in cities like Berlin, Lüneburg, Stuttgart, Bochum or Hamburg for a summer, a semester or an entire year.
Semester-long programs
Lüneburg, Germany: USAC at Leuphana Universität
- Credits: 12-15.
- Courses: German language courses and cultural topics courses.
- USAC website.
- Advisor: Daniela Richter.
Berlin, Germany: Freie Universität Berlin (FUBIS)
- Credits: 12-15.
- Courses: German language courses and cultural topics courses.
- FUBIS Website.
- Advisor: Daniela Richter.
Bochum, Germany
- Credits: 12-15.
- Courses: This is not a set program, but the program can be shaped to fit students' individual needs. Students are encouraged to take one course outside of German.
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) website.
- Advisor: Daniela Richter.
Summer programs
Berlin, Germany: Freie Universität Berlin (FUBIS)
- Duration: 6 weeks (two sessions available).
- Credits: 3-4.
- Courses: German language courses and cultural topics courses.
- FUBIS website.
- Advisor: Daniela Richter.
Lüneburg, Germany: USAC at Leuphana Universität
- Duration: 6 weeks (two sessions available).
- Credits: 3-4.
- Courses: German language courses and cultural topics courses.
- USAC website.
- Advisor: Daniela Richter.
Junior year in Germany scholarship
A competitive scholarship is available for a yearlong study-abroad opportunity at one of 24 German universities.
VDAC: Verband Deutsch-Amerikanischer Clubs
(Federation of German-American Clubs)
- The competitive scholarship covers tuition, food and housing, plus a monthly stipend.
- Location: one of 24 German universities.
- Credits: up to 24.
- Courses: German studies courses and courses in other academic fields.
- Federation of German-American Clubs website.
- Advisor: Daniela Richter.
Student experiences
Check out stories from students who share their experiences studying abroad in Germany.
- Megan Frey, '20, (German and psychology majors) studied in Lüneburg, Germany, during the fall of 2019.
- Nate Mansfield (international business major; finance, information systems and German minors) studied in Bochum, Germany, from January-March 2020.
- Grace Ridley (music major; German minor) studied in Berlin, Germany, during the summer of 2019.
- Morgan Thomas, '20, (mechanical engineering technology major; German and leadership minors) studied in Berlin, Germany, during the summer of 2019.