Public Administration Details
Degrees and certificates
The online Master of Public Administration degree from Central Michigan University is the gold standard degree for anyone in the public or nonprofit sectors. We'll provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to advance toward a senior leadership position. Our graduates lead their communities and organizations with a dedication to democratic values and public service. In today's global society, such leadership takes many forms and occurs in a variety of settings.
Our program offers flexibility and innovation in curriculum design to meet the diverse educational needs of part-time and full-time students, including evening and weekend courses designed to address current public service professional demands.
We welcome applications throughout the year on a space available basis. Come start your educational journey with us today!
Application process
Once you have completed your admissions application, submitted your essay, and the university has received your transcripts and letters of recommendation, a committee of Public Administration faculty and the MPA Program Director will review your application and make a recommendation for admission or denial of your application.
The Central Michigan University Master of Public Administration Program is a NASPAA accredited program. Please visit the NASPAA website
for more information. You can read more about achievement data, faculty, employment rates and graduation rates for our NASPAA accredited Master of Public Administration program by visiting our data reporting website.