10 Within 10 Recognition
Kyle Bazzy '10
Majors: Pre-law, economics
Current job: Chief Growth Officer for Grand Circus, the largest coding bootcamp in Michigan. I'm also a founding partner in Venture Catalyst, an entrepreneurial ecosystem development, and co-founder of Detroit Startup Week, the largest entrepreneurial conference in Michigan.
Current city: Detroit
What is your favorite memory of CMU?
Writing business plans and building businesses at CMURC with Cason Thorsby.
What has been your coolest moment since graduation?
I partnered with Techstars, one of the premier technology accelerators in the world, to bring Startup Week to Detroit.
What are you proudest of?
Marrying the strongest and smartest woman I've ever met – Katelynn.
What advice would you give new graduates?
Never stop learning. Be the boss of your own life. If "it" scares you, that usually means you're onto something.
What has your work life taught you?
We spend the majority of our lives working. Find what you love and figure out a way to get paid doing it. Everything else gets so much better when you're excited to get up each morning.
What about CMU helped you succeed?
Several people took an interest in my success at CMU. Robert Miller is the reason I believed in myself enough to get started on this journey. If it wasn't for him, I don't know if I'd be here. I also found my first-ever investor for my first technology startup at CMU. Overall, connections!
What has been your biggest accomplishment since graduation?
Coming soon …