International Alumni Awards

Canadian Alumni Chapter: Innovation Award
For the purpose of this category, innovation means, the creation or promotion of a new service, product or variation on current practice that is unique and adds value to the organization’s internal and external clients. Examples of innovations may speak to the identification of a problem, potential problem or opportunity and/or a specific solution to the problem, potential problem or an approach to realigning an opportunity.
2019 Recipients
• Eileen DeCourcy
• Marilyn Teitelbaum
Canadian Alumni Chapter: Leadership Award
For the purpose of this category, Leadership will be recognized in its broadest context. Nominations should provide supporting documentation that demonstrates how the practice or initiative sponsored/led by the individual being submitted for this award results in tangible benefits to organizational effectiveness. Leadership practices or initiatives demonstrating clear impact should be currently in use or have been in use within the past 5 years.
2019 Recipient
• Pat Hedley
Canadian Alumni Chapter: Strategic Partner Award
The Strategic Partner Award is intended to recognize contributions made that directly influence the success of the CMU Alumni, Canadian Chapter. Partners may have contributed in-kind services or non-monetary resources that support the activities of the chapter. Partners may include the following: host institutions, academic institutions, organizations such as research centers, philanthropic foundations or trust funds, departments and or agencies of the government (federal/provincial/municipal), private sector firms and corporations, not-for-profit organizations, professional associations, labor organizations, and/or individuals.
2019 Recipient
• N/A