Children's School Books

The Clarke Historical Library has a rich collection of textbooks that would have been used in one- room schools. The bibliography presented here is divided into subject areas, some of which have been further divided to aid use. The bibliography was compiled by Evelyn Leasher.

Language Arts



Foreign Language Primers

Basal Readers (Series)






The A B C with the Church of England Catechism. Philadelphia, PA: Young, Stewart & McMullock, 1785. 12p.

Alphabet ABC of Objects. NY: McLoughlin Brothers, n.d.. 10p.

American Illustrated Primer. NY: Kiggins & Kellogg, [1850's]. 25p.

American Juvenile Primer and First Step to Learning, Carefully Arranged on a New, Simple, and Interesting Principle. Philadelphia, PA: Turner & Fisher, 1837. 24p.

American One Cent Primer. NY: K. Tooker, n.d.. 8p.

American Primer: or an Easy Introduction to Spelling and Reading. Philadelphia, PA: M. Carey, 1813. 36p.

The American Primer, or, Child's First Book. J.B. Baldwin, [n.d.]. 36p.

American School Primer; or, First Lessons in Spelling and Reading. NY: Collins & Brothers, 1858. 47p.

Barbauld, Anna L. Lessons for Children. Boston, MA: Lee and Shephard, [1818]. 68p.

Bender, Ida C. The Bender Primer. NY: C.E. Merril Co., 1907. 128p.

The Benjamin Franklin Primer. Attleboro, MA: Attleboro Chronicle Print, 1879. 23p.

Boyle's Golden Alphabet, or First Step to Knowledge. Philadelphia, PA: John Boyle, [n.d.]. 8p.

Carlen, John P. My Own Primer, or, First Lessons in Spelling and Reding. Philadelphia, PA: Presbyterian Board of Publications, [1857]. 48p.

Child's First Lessons, or Infant Primer. New Haven, CN: S. Babcock, [n.d.]. 8p.

The Child's First Primer, or A, B, C Book. NY: Raynor, 184?. 23p.

The Child's Instructor, or Picture Alphabet. Glasgow: Lunsden & Son, [n.d.]. 16p.

The Child's Own Primer, or, First Step to Knowledge. Carefully Arranged in a Simple and Interesting Style. For the Use of Schools. NY: W. H. Murphy, [n.d.]. 36p.

...Coloured National Primer and Railroad to Learning. NY: Turner & Fisker, [1840]. 9p.

Cox, Palmer. Large Primer for Little Readers. Boston, MA: D. Lothrop, [1880]. 19p.

The Easy Primer in Little Words. Philadelphia, PA: Davis, Porter, [n.d.]. 12p.

Emerson, Benjamin D. Emerson's Progressive Primer and Fourth Class Reader. Boston, MA: Gould, Kendall & Lincoln, 1835. 64p.

Findley, Phillip. Our Baby's Primer and Pretty Picture Book for Youngest Children. Boston, MA: Estes & Lauriat, 1880. 46p.

Gallaudet, Thomas H. The Mother's Primer, to Teach her Child its Letters and How to Read. Hartford, CN: Belknaps Hamerseen, 1845. 45p.

Gecks, Mathelde. Play Fellows; a Primer. Richmond, VA: Johnson Publishing Co., [1928]. 128p.

The Good Child's ABC Book. London: W.S. Fortey, between 1860-1885. 8p.

The Good Child's Little Primer. NY: [1833]. 16p.

Hale, Sarah P. Boston Reading Lessons for Primary Schools. Boston, MA: Richardson, Lord and Holbrook, 1831. 142p.

Happy Home Series of Primers. Katy's Primer. Philadelphia, PA: Davis, Porter & Coates. n.d.. 8p.

Hazen, Edward. The Symbolical Primer, or, Class Book no. 1; with 492 cuts. NY: Baker, Crane & Co., [1830]. 36p.

Helton, M. Adelaide. The Holton Primer. Chicago, IL: McNully Co., 1901. 111p.

The Home Primer. NY: McLaughlin Brothers, [n.d.]. 30p.

An Illustrated Scriptural Alphabet. Baltimore: J.B. Keller, n.d.. 26p.

The Illustrated Primer; or, Child's First Book. NY: G.F. Cooledge & Brothers, [1850's]. 48p.

The Illustrated Scripture Alphabet, with Prayers and Hymns for Children. Boston, MA: J. Buffum, [1862]. 28p.

The Illustrated Sunday-School Primer. NY: Carlton & Porter, [1856]. 32p.

The Illustrated Toy Primer for Little Learners... New Haven, CN: S. Babcock, 1850. 16p.

The Indestructible one Syllable Primer for Home and School Use. NY: McLoughlin Brothers, 1878. 42p.

The Infant School Primer, by Mrs. Teachem. Concord, NH: O.H. Sanborn, 1837. 24p.

An Irish English Primer, Intended for the Use of Schools. Dublin: 1815. 58p.

King, W. F.. Mother's Primer. Adrian, MI. 24p.

The Ladder of Learning; to be Ascended Early in the Morning. New Haven, CN: S. Babcock, 1839. 24p.

Linen Nursery ABC and Simple Speller. Syracuse, NY: C.C. Handford, 1905. 10p.

Little Pet Primer: the "Hobart Hall" Reading without Tears, for all Good Children. NY: A. Fleming, [1863]. 24p.

The Little Primer, or, First Lessons for Children. Newark, NJ: B. Olds, 1844. 24p.

The Little Primer, New York Cries and Many More. NY: Mahlin Day, [1830]. 9p.

McCarty's American Primer. Philadelphia, PA: McCarty & Davis, [1828]. 36p.

McGuffey, William H.. McGuffey's Newly Revised Eclectic Primer. NY: American Book Company, 1849. 34 p.

Major's Alphabet. NY: McLoughlin Brothers, [1884]. 10p.

Mann, Herman. The Columbian Primer: or an Easy, Systematic Introduction to the English Language. Dedham, MA: H. Mann, 1802. 84p.

The Mother's Pictorial Primer. NY: R. Marsh, n.d.. 24p.

The Mother's Primer. Manchester, NH: A. Quimby, n.d.. 24 p.

My Child's First Book, or Illustrated Gradations in Reading and Spelling. Louisville, KY: J.P. Morton, 1852. 32p.

My Darlings ABC. n.p.: n.d.. 26p.

My Little Primer: to Teach a Few Words and the Alphabet. Boston, MA: T.R. Maroin, 1856. 36p.

The New American Primer Containing Short and Easy Lessons for Little Children. Cincinnati, OH: E. Morgan & Son, [n.d.]. 21p.

The New England Primer. Many editions and publishers

The Nursery Primer. Philadelphia, PA: Porter & Coates, [n.d.]. 14p.

One Cent Primer. NY: E. Duniopn, [1840's]. 8p.

Oram, Janes. Oram's American Primer. NY: George Long, 1816. 35p.

Picket, Albert. Picket's Primer, or, First Book for Children. Cincinnati, OH: V.P. James, 1836. 31p.

The Picture Alphabet; or ABC in Rhyme. New Haven, CN: S. Babcock, [1830]. 8p.

The Picture Primer. NY: Philip Cozans, n.d.. 12p.

The Pretty Primer. NY: Hvestic & Cozans, n.d.. 8p.

The Rhyming Alphabet. NY: Mehlon Day, 1822. 29p.

Sanders, Charles W.. Sanders' Union Pictorial Primer. NY: Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman, 1899. 49p.

The Southern Primer: or, Child's First Lessons in Spelling and Reading. Richmond, VA: A. Morris, 1860. 36p.

Turner & Fisker's National Primer. Albany, NY: W.F. Harris, n.d.. 23p.

The Uncle's Present, a New Battledoor. Philadelphia, PA: J. Johnson, [1810]. 4p.

The Union School Primer, or, Easy Exercise in Reading and Spelling, Being the Child's First Book. Philadelphia, PA: Troutman & Haye, [1850]. 36p.

United States Primer. Cooperstown, NY: H. & P. Phinney, 1820. 46p.

A Useful Primer Containing an Alphabet and a Variety of Spellings for Children. Printed for the booksellers, 1809. 8p.

Warne's Everlasting Victoria Primer. London: F. Warne, n.d.. 31p.

The Western Primer, or, Introduction to Webster's Spelling Book. Cincinnati, OH: Corey, Fairbank and Webster, 1835. 34p.

The Western Primer; or, Child's First Lessons in Spelling and Reading. New Haven, CT: S. Babcock, 1847. 36p.

Willard, Samuel. The Franklin Primer Containing New and Useful Selection or Moral Lessons. Boston, MA: J.M. Dunham, 1803. 84p.

Willson, Marcius. The School and Family Primer: Introductory to the Series of School and Family Readers. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1875. 48p.

Worcester, Samuel. ...a Primer of the English Language, for the Use of Families and Schools. Boston, MA: Hicking, Swan & Brewer, 1826. 72p.

Wrigley's New Illustrated Primer. NY: J. Wrigley, n.d.. 12p.

The Young Child's A, B, C, or First Book. NY: Samuel Wood & Sons, [1818]. 16p.


Adams, Daniel. The Monitorial Reader, Designed for the Use of Academies and Schools. Concord, NH: Boyd & White, 1839. 288p.

Allen, Charles. Second Reader. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana School Book Co., 1894. 162p.

Arnold, Sarah L.. Stepping Stones to Literature. NY: Silver, Burdett & Co., 1897. 303p.

Arthur's Indestructible Reading Book. Boston, MA: Ticknor & Fields, 1856. 23p.

Artley, A. Sterl. We Three. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman, [1947]. 93p.

Baldwin, James. The Second Fairy Reader. NY: American Book Co., [1907]. 192p.

Barnum, H.. The Child's Second Book of Spelling and Reading; Connected with the Elements of Writing. Boston, MA: Caren, Hendee & Co., 1832. 31p.

Baruch, Dorothy. Five in the Family. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1948. 192p.

Baruck, Dorothy. The Girl Next Door. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman, [1948]. 256p.

Baruck, Dorothy. Good Times with our Friends. Chicago, IL: Scott, 1941. 128p.

Biglow, William. The Child's Library. Salem, MA: 1800. 83p.

Bingham, Caleb. The Child's Companion, Being an Easy and Concise Reading and Spelling Book. Boston, MA: Caleb Bingham, 1819. 84p.

Bixler, William A.. Light on the Child's Path. Anderson, IN: Warner Press, 1918. 125p.

Blake, John L. The Juvenile Companion. Boston, MA: Bowles and Dearborn, 1827. 300p.

Bond, Guy L.. Stories to Remember. Chicago, IL: Lyons and Carnahan, 1958. 439p.

Boston Reading Lessons for Primary Schools. Boston, MA: Richardson, Lord & Holbrook, 1831. 142p.

Buckley, Horace M.. Happy Times. NY: American Book Co., 1938. 137p.

Buckley, Horace M.. Here and There. NY: American Book, 1938. 285p.

California State Board of Education. First Reader. 1886.

Chaudron, A. The Third Reader, Designed for the Use of Primary Schools. 2nd ed. Mobile, AL: W.G. Clark, 1864. 149p.

The Child's Book and Youth's Book in Two Parts: the First Teaching an Easie and Delightful Way to Read True English... London: 1661. 154p.

Clark, Stephen. Early Lessons in Language. NY: A.S. Barnes & Co., 1876. 96p.

Clymer, Theodore. One to Grow on. Lexington, MA: Ginn and Company, [1976]. 268p.

Cobb, Lyman. Cobb's Sequel to the Juvenile Readers. Havena, NY: Henry W. Ritter, 1832. 214p. <[p> Cutright, Prudence. Living Together Today and Yesterday. NY: MacMillan, [1958]. 278p.

Daggett, Herman. The American Reader. Poughkeepie, NY: P. Potter, 1818. 208p.

Down our Way. Chicago, IL: Lyons and Carnahan, 1949. 252p.

Dunn, Fannie W. By the Roadside. Evanston, IL: Row, Peterson & Co., 1928. 256p.

Eliot, John. The Indian Primer; or, the Way of Training up of our Indian Youth in the Good Knowledge of God. Edinburgh: Andrew Elliot, 1880. 127p.

Elson, William H.. Cathedral Basic Readers. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1931.

Elson, William H.. The Cathedral Readers. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1922-1928.

Elsen, William H.. Elson Junior Literature. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1936.

Emerson, Benjamin D.. Emerson's Progressive Primer and Fourth-class Reader. Boston, MA: Gould, Kendell & Lincoln, [1835]. 64p.

Emerson, B. D.. The Second-class Reader: Designed for the Use of the Middle Class of Schools in the United States. Boston, MA: American Stationers Co., 1837. 168p.

Evans, Eva K.. Something different. Boston, MA: D.C. Heath, [1955]. 183p.

Firman, Sidney G. The Winston Companion Readers. Philadelphia, PA: John C. Winston Co., 1923- Book 2

Fisher, George. The American Instructor. NY: H. Gaine, [1760]. 386p.

Fun to be Alive. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1950. 405p.

Gates, Arthur. Friends and Fun. NY: MacMillan, 1957. 256p.

Gates, Arthur. Here and Everywhere. NY: MacMillan, 1951. 472p.

Gates, Arthur. Sharing More Adventures. NY: MacMillan, 1953. 278p.

Georgiady, Nicholas. Gertie, the Duck. Chicage. IL: Follett Publishers Co., [1959]. 29p.

Gill, Mary H.. ...the Second Year in Infant School. NY: Anson D.F. Randolph, 1866. 149p.

Golden Blackbird Story Book; a Treasury of Sunshine Stories for Children. Philadelphia, PA: J.C. Winston, [1920]. 95p.

Goodrich, Samuel. The Second School Reader. Louisville, KY: Morton & Griswell, 1847. 194p.

Gray, William. Just Imagine! Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1962. 255p.

Gray, William. Guess Who. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman, [1951]. 95p.

Hall, Janes, ed. The Western Reader; a Series of Useful Lessons. Cincinnati, OH: Corey & Fairbanks, 1834. 216p.

Hanna, Paul R.Peter's Family. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1935. 96p.

Hardy, Rose L. Book Adventures. NY: Newson, 1929. 383p.

Harris, Williams T. Introductory Fourth Reader. NY: American Book Co., 1884. 248p.

Hervey, Welton L. The Horace Mann Reader. NY: Longmans, Green, 1912. 124p.

Hillard, George. The Franklin Third Reader. NY: Taintor Brothers, 1873. 204p.

Hillard, George. The Webster Franklin Fifth Reader. NY: Taintor Brothers, 1878. 372p.

In Town and Country. NY: American Book Co., 1938. 216p.

The Infant Reader, or, Easy Lessons in Reading for Little Boys and Girls. Philadelphia, PA: Presbyterian Board of Publication, [1853]. 107p.

Kennedy, Clara E.. Shop Story Reader. Royal Oak, MI: Renume Printeny, [1929]. Have: series I and II

Knox, Vicesimus. Elegant Extracts; on Useful and Entertaining Passages in prose, Selected for the Improvement of Scholars at Classical and Other Schools... London: 1783. 600p.

Lansing, Jenny. A Forth Reader. Boston, MA: Ginn & Company, 1889. 362p.

LaRue, Mabel G. The F-U-N Book. NY: MacMillan, 1924. 110p.

Lawson, Edith W. Better Living for Little Americans. Chicago, IL: Beckley Cardy Co., [1928]. 160p.

Lent, Henry B. Straight up. NY: MacMillan Co., 1944. 87p.

Lindley, A. Knowledge for Infants. Philadelphia, PA: Johnson & Warnen, 1811. 106p.

McElroy, Margaret J. Tatters. NY: American Book Co., 1929. 32p.

McGuffey, William H.. McGuffey's New High School Reader for Advanced Classes. Cincinnati, OH: Winthrop B. Smith, 1857. 480p.

McIntire, Alta. Billy's Friends. Chicago, IL: Follett Publishing Co., 1957. 143p.

McKee, Paul G.. Let's Talk. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1956. 153p.

Manderville, Henry. A Course of Reading for Common Schools and the Lower Classes of Academics. NY: D. Appleton, 1850. 377p.

Mandeville, Henry. Fourth Reader for Common Schools and Academics. NY: Appleton, 1852. 264p.

Memling, Carl. Ride, Willy, Ride! Chicago, IL: Follett, [1970]. 31p.

Merriam, George. The Child's Assistant in Acquiring Useful and Practical Knowledge. Brookfield, MA: E. & G. Merriam, 1831. 70p.

Mertz, Henry A.. Forty Famous Stories: a Silent Reader for Lower Grades with Speed at Comprehension Tests. Chicago, IL: Hall & McCreary Co., 1928. 96p.

Monroe, Marion, The New We Three. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1963. 112p.

Moore, Mrs. M.B.. The First Dixie Reader. Raleigh, NC: Branson, Farrar & Co., 1863. 62p.

Morcomb, Marqaret. Red Feather, a Book of Indian Life and Tales. Chicago, IL: Lyons & Carnahan, [1938]. 128 p.

Morrill, Isaac. The Scholar's Companion. Norwich, CN: Robinson & Dunham, 1828. 252p.

Mountain, Lee H.. Aiming High. Wichita, KS: McCormick-Mathers, 1964. 282p.

Mountain, Lee H.. Gaining New Heights. Wichita, KS: McCormick-Mathers, 1964. 312p.

Mountain, Lee H.. Reaching Ahead. Wichita, KS: McCormich-Mathers, 1964. 312p.

Murray, Lindley. The English Reader. Many editions and pubs. 1813-1842.

Murray, Lindley. Introduction to the English Reader. Cincinnati, OH: H. & G. Guilford, 1827. 156p.

Nollen, Barbara. Fun and Frolic. Boston, MA: D.C. Heath & Co., 1947. 303p.

Parker, Richard G.. The National Second Reader. NY: A.S. Barnes & Co., 1857. 224p.

Parker, Richard G.. National Series of Selections for Reading. NY: S.A. Barnes, 1882. 120p.

Parker, Richard G.. Parker's Conversations..Designed to Teach Young Children to Think. NY: A.S. Barnes, 1850. 150p.

Pennell, Mary E.. The Children's Own Readers. Boston, MA: Ginn, 1929. Bk 1, Bk 2.

Pierpont, John. The National Reader. Boston, MA: Hilliard, Gray, Little and Wilkins, 1828. 276p.

Pierpont, John. The Young Reader; to go with the Spelling Book. NY: George F. Cooledge, [1835]. 162p.

Porter, Ebenezer. The Rhetorical Reader:...Designed for the Use of Academies and High School. NY: Mark H. Newman, 1935. 304p.

Proudfoot, Mark A.. Hiawatha Industrial Reader. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally, [1915]. 194p.

Quinlan, Myrtle. To and Fro; a First Reader. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1939. 188p.

Raub, Albert N.. The Normal Second Reader. Philadelphia, PA: Porter & Coates, [1878]. 144p.

Reading for Meaning. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1949. Diff editions.

Second Fonetic Reader. Sinsinati, OH: Lonli & Bruaur, 1881. 96p.

Severance, Moses. The American Manual. Waterloo, NY: M. Severance, 1831. 298p.

Sheldon, William. At Home and Away,. NY: Allyn & Bacon, 1957. 96p.

Sheldon, William. Fields and Fences. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 1960. 191p.

Sheldon, William. Story Caravan. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 1965. 222p.

Sheldon, William. Town and Country. NY: Allyn & Bacon, 1957. 224p.

Sheldon & Co's Modern School First Reader. NY: Sheldon & Company, [1882]. 98p.

Smith, Nila B.. Near and Far. NY: Silver Burdett, 1935. 320p.

Spaulding, Frank. Fourth Grade Reader. NY: Newson, 1910. 249p.

Stauffer, Russell. Come Here. Philadelphia, PA: John C. Winston, Co., 1960. 62p.

The Stepping Stone to the Reading and Spelling of the English Language. Tokio, 1871. 43p.

Torrey, Jesse. A Mental Museum, for the Rising Generation. Poughkeepsie, NY: 1835. 132p.

Town, Salem. The Fourth Reader, or Exercises in Reading and Speaking. Portland, ME: Sanborn & Carter, 1847. 408p.

Town, Salem. Town's Second Reader, or, the Speller's Companion; Containing Original and Selected Matter. NY: R.C. Root, 1844. 239p.

The Understanding Reader, or, Knowledge Before Oratory. Boston, MA: Isiah Thomas, 1816. 288p.

Webb, John R.. Webb's Word-Method; Being also a Key to the Dissected Cards. Detroit, MI: T. Nourse, 1881. 128p.

Webster, Noah. An American Selection of Lessons in Reading and Speaking. Boston, MA: Isiah Thomas, 1793. (Diff editions)

Webster, Noah. The Little Reader's Assistant. Hartford, CN: [1790]. 138p.

Wiley, Belle. Children of the Cliff. NY: D. Appleton & Co., 1905. 81p.

Woodley, Oscar I. Foundation Lessons in English. NY: MacMillan Company, 1901.

Worcester, Samuel. A Primer of the English Language: for the Use of Families and Schools. Boston, MA: Hickling, Swan & Brewer, [1826]

Young, Ella F.. The Young and Field Advanced Literary Reader. Boston, MA: Ginn, 1916.

Foreign Language Primers

Aapinen:Amerikan Suomalaisten lasten Kati-ja-pyha-ja Kesakouluopetusta varten. Hancock, MI: 1941. 64 p.

ABC und Lesebaum, zum Gebrauch fur deutsche schulen in den Vereinigten Staatan. Cleveland, OH: C. Hammer, 1854. 144 p.

ABC=Buchstabir=und Lesebuch, zum Gebrauch fur deutsche schulen: n den Vereinigten Staaten. Cleveland, OH: C. Hammer, 1854. 144 p.

Eckhardt, Karl. Frohlicker an fang. Frankfurt: M. Diesterweg, 1940. 82 p.

Ein wohl eingerichtetes deutsches ABC - Buchstabir- und lesebuch zum Gebrauch deutscher schulen, enthaltend. Germantaun: Gedruckt bey M. Billmeyer, 1792. 120 p.

Germanus. Der Amerikanische Leser. Cincinnati, OH: J. Eggers & Wilde, 1853. 110 p.

Hoch-Deutsches Lutherisches ABC und Namen Buchlein fur kinder welched anfangen zu lernen. Philadelphia, PA: Gedruckt, 1818. 30 p. Different editions.

Hoch-Deutsches, Reformiertes ABC und Namen Buchlein. Germantown, PA: Gedruckt von Michael Billmeyer, 1787. 30 p. (Different editions.)

Marthens, Heinrich. Das Pennsylvanische Deutsche, Buchstabir und Lesebuch. Carlisle: Gedruckt bei H.C.M., 1824. 130 p.

Nouvel ABECEDAIRE, ou: Alphabet Syllabuque. Nouvelle-Orleans: De Habert et Co., [1870's]. 46 p.

Reissner, Johann C. ABC Buchstabier - und Lesebuch, zum Bebrauch fur deutsche schulen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Neu Berlin, PA: Verlegt von W.W. Orwig, 1843. 151 p.

Schmidt, Daniel. Das Allgemeine A-B-C Buchstabier - und Lesebuch, aum Gebrauch deutscher schulen in Pennsylvanien und den benachbarten Staaten. Lancaster: Erste Auflage, 1824.

Sower, Christopher. Eine nutzliche anweisung: oder, Beyhulfe vor die teutcschen um Englisch zu lernen. Germanton: Gedruckt und zu finden by Christoph Saur, 1762. 287 p.

Basal Readers (Series)

Alexander, Georgia. Child Classics. Indianapolis, IN: Boffs-Merkill, 1909- . Primer - Fifth Reader.

...The American Educational Readers: First - Fifth. NY: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor, 1873. 5 vols.

Baldwin, James. Reading with Expression. NY: Cincinnati Book Co., 1911. First - Eigth Readers.

Banes, Charles J.. New National First - Fifth Reader. NY: American Book Company, 1884. 4 vols.

Betts, Emmett. Betts Basic Reader. NY: American Book Co., 1963. 7 vols.

Blake, Katherine. Graded Poetry Readers. 1st - 8th Years. NY: Maynard, Merrill & Co., 1905- 06.

Bolenius, Emma M.. The Boys' and Girls' Readers. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1919- 1923. Primer, 2nd and 6th

Brooks, Stratton. Brooks' Readers. NY: Cincinnati American Book Co., 1906. 4th - 8th years.

Burchill, Georgine. The Progressive Road to Reading. NY: Silver, Burdett & Co., 1909.

Chadsey, Charles. The Chadsey - Spain Readers. NY: Century Co., 1920. Bk 5

Cobb, Lyman. Cobb's Juvenile Reader no. 1-5. (several editions.)

Coe, Ida. Story Hour Readers Revised. NY: American Book Co., 1923-1924. Bk 1

Coleman, Bessie. The Pathway to Reading. NY: Silver, Burdett, 1925. Primer - 6th Reader

Cyr, Ellen. The Cyr Readers. Boston, MA: Ginn & Co., 1899-1901. Bks 1-8 (different editions.)

Davidson, Isobel. The Lincoln Readers. Chicago, IL: Laurel Book Co., 1922-. 9 vols. (different editions.)

Dyer, Franklin B.. The Merrill Readers. NY: Charles E. Merrill Co., 1915. Primer - 5th Reader

Elson, William H.. The Elson Basic Readers. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1930-. Primer - Bk 7

Elson, William H.. Elson Grammer School Reader. Chicago, IL: 1910-1911. 4 vols

Elson, William H.. Elson-Gray Basic Readers. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1936. vol 1-4

Firman, Sidney G.. The Winston Readers. Philadelphia, PA: John C. Winston, 1918. 7 vols

Fossett, Jones. The Beacon First-Sixth Readers. Boston, MA: Ginn & Co., 1913-1923. 6 vols

Gates, Arthur. The Work-Play Books MacMillan, 1932. Primer - 6th Reader

Gilmour, Richard. The First-Sixth Reader. NY: Benziopr Brothers, 1874-77. 6 vols

Ginn Reading 360. Boston, MA: Ginn, 1969-1971. 13 vols. (different eds)

Gray, William S.. Basic Readers. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1940. Pre-Primer - bk 8

Gray, William S.. The New Basic Readers. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1950- Pre-Primer - bk 6R

Harper & Row Basic Reading Program. NY: Harper & Row, 1963- 23 vols

Harper & Row Design for Reading. NY: Harper & Row, 1972- 21 vols

Harper's First-Sixth Reader. NY: American Book Company, 1888-1890. 6 vols

Harris, William Toney. Appleton's School Readers. NY: American Book Company, 1877-1879. 5 vols

Hartwell, Ernest. Story Hour Readings. NY: American Book Co., 1921-. Bks 5-8

D.C. Heath & Co.. Heath Readers: Primer-Sixth Reader. Boston, MA: D.C. Heath & Co., 1903-04. 7 vols

Hildreth, Gertrude. Easy Growth in Reading. Philadelphia, PA: Winston, 1940-1945. 14 vols

Horn, Ernest. The Learn to Study Readers, Boston,MA; Ginn & Co., 1924. 6 bks

The Houghton Mifflin Readers. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1971. 12 vols

Huber, Miriam. Core-Vocabulary Readers. NY: MacMillan, 1943. 4 vols

Huber, Miriam. The Wonder-Story Books. Evanston, IL: Row, Peterson, 1953-. 7 vols

Jacobs, Leland. Treasury of Literature. Columbus, OH: C.E. Merrill Books, 1954-60. 6 vols

Jones, Lewis H.. The Jones First-Fifth Reader. Boston, MA: Ginn & Company, 1903-. 5 vols

Judson, Harry P.. Graded Literature Readers. NY: Maynard Merril & Co., 1899-1901. 8 vols.

The Laidlaw Readers. Chicago, IL: Laidlaw Brother, 1928. 9 vols

Lewis, William. The New Silent Readers. Philadelphia, PA: John C. Winston Co., 19--. Primer - Bk 5

Lewis, William D.. The Silent Readers. Philadelphia, PA: John C. Winston Co., 1920. Readers 2, and 4-7

Lights to Literature, by Grades. Chicago, IL: Rand, McNully, 1898. 8 vols

McGuffey, William H.. The Eclectic First Reader for Young Children: Consisting of Progressive Lessons in Reading and Spelling, Mostly in Easy Words of One and Two Syllables. Cincinnati, OH: Truman & Smith, 1838. 72p.

McGuffey, William H.. The Eclectic Fourth Reader. Cincinnati, OH: Truman & Smith, 1828. 324p.

McGuffey, William H.. McGuffey's First-Sixth Eclectic Reader. Cincinnati, OH: Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co. 6 vols (several eds.)

McGuffey, William H.. McGuffey's New Eclectic Reader. Cincinnati, OH: Sargent, Wilson & Hinkle, 1857.

McGuffey, William H.. McGuffey's Newly Revised Eclectic First-Fifth Readers. Revised and Improved. Cincinnati, OH: W.B. Smith & Co., 1853. 5 vols

McGuffey, Alexander H.. McGuffey's Rhetorical Guide; or, Fifth Reader of the Eclectic Series. Cincinnati, OH: W.B. Smith, 1844. 480p.

Manly, John M.. Good Reading. NY: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1926. Bks 1, 2, and 5

Mary Domitilla, Sister. The Ideal Catholic Readers. NY: MacMillan, 1915-16. 7 vols

The New York Reader. NY: Samuel Wood, 1812. Vols 1-3

The New York Preceptor: or, Third Book. NY: Samuel Wood, 1810. 68p. (Different eds.)

The New York Primer; or, Second Book. NY: S. Wood & Sons, 1823. 33p.

The New York Reader, no. 1. NY: Samuel Wood & Sons, 1812. 141p.

The New York Reader, no. 2. NY: S. Wood & Sons, 1813. 215p.

Nida, William L.. The Story of Man. Chicago, IL: Laidlaw Brothers, 1929. 6 bks

O'Donnell, Mabel. The Alice and Jerry Books. Evanston, IL: Row, Peterson, 1938. 3 vols (different editions.)

Parker, Richard G.. The National Reader. NY: A.S. Barnes & Co., 1857. vols 1-4

Pooley, Robert C.. Growth in Reading. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1938- vol 2

The Prose and Poetry Series. Syracruse, NY: L.W. Singer, 1960. 7 vols

Rasmussen, Donald. SRA Basic Reading Series. Chicago, IL: Science Research Associates, 1964-65. 6 vols

Robinson, Helen M.. The New Basic Readers. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1962. 9 vols

Russell, David H.. The Ginn Basic Readers. Boston, MA: Ginn, 1948-. 13 vols (different eds.)

Sanders, Charles W.. The School Reader. NY: Mark H. Kewman & Co., 1840. vols 1-7 (several eds.)

Sharp, Adda M.. Woodland Frolic Series. Austin, TX: Steck Co., 1947-. 7 vols

Smedley, Eva A.. The Smedley and Olsen Series. Chicago, IL: Hell & McCrearn, 1925-28. First Reader

Smith, Carrie J.. Nature and Life Readers. Chicago, IL: Lyons and Carnahan, 1912. Bk 2

Smith, Nila B.. Learning to Read: a Basic Reading Program. NY: Silver Burdett, 1945-. 4 vols

Sprague, Sarah E.. The Sprague Classic Readers, Books 1-5. Boston, MA: New York Education Publishing Co., 1902-06. 7 vols

Stone, Clarence K.. Joyful Readers. St. Louis, MO: Webster Publishing Co., 1939-. 3 vols

Stone, Clarence K.. The Webster Readers. St. Louis, MO: Webster Publishing Co., 1932. 5thReader

Storm, Grace E.. Guidance in Reading Series. Chicago, IL: Lyons & Carnaham, 1936-. 8 vols

Suzzallo, Henry. Facts and Story Readers. NY: American Book Co., 1932-. Bk 3

Thompson, Ruth. The Modern School Readers. San Francisco, CA: H. Wagner Pub. Co., 1925-. Bk 3

Treadwell, Harriette. Reading Literature. Chicago, IL: Row, Peterson & Co., 1910-1915. 7 vols

Van Sickle, James H.. The Riverside Readers. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1911-. Bk 2

Walker, Alberta. The Study Readers. NY: Charles E. Merrill, 1924-1926. 3rd Year Reader

Webb, J. Russell. Model First-Fourth Reader. Chicago, IL: G. Sherwood & Co., 1873-76. 4 vols

Watson, J. Madison. Independent First-Sixth Reader. NY: A.S. Barnes, 1868-1872. 6 vols

White, Margaret. Stories of Animals and Other Stories. NY: American Book Co., 1930. 2ndReader

Willson, Marcius. The First-Fifth Reader. NY: Harper, 1860-1861. 5 vols (different eds.)


Alexander, Georgia. A Spelling Book. NY: Longmans, Green & Co., 1906. 152p.

Barnum, H.L. The Child's Second Book of Spelling and Reading. Boston, MA: Carter, Hendee & Co., 1832. 31p.

Betts, Emmett. Guide to Spelling Progress. NY: American Book Co., 1941. 5 vols

Blewett, Scotto H.. A List of Words in McGuffey's Primer and Readers; Given in Regular Order, as They First Occur, by Lessons. NY: American Book Co., 1886. 80p.

Boyce, Ella M.. Enunciation and Articulation; a Practical Manual for Teachers and Schools. Boston, MA: Ginn & Co., 1915. 90p.

Bryce, Catherine. The Aldine Speller, part 1-4, for Grades One-Eight. NY: Newson & Co., [1916]. 4 vols

Chaudron, Adelaide. Chaudron's Spelling Book, Carefully Prepared for Family and School Use. Mobile, AL: S.H. Goetzal, 1865. 48p.

The Child's Guide to Spelling and Reading. Philadelphia, PA: Mathew Carey, 1810. 72p.

Cobb, Lyman. Cobb's New Spelling Book, in Six Parts. Philadelphia, PA: E.C. Biddle, 1844. 168p.

Cobb, Lyman. Cobb's Spelling Book, Being a Just Standard for Pronouncing the English Language. Cleveland, OH: Jones & Wetmore, 1837. 168p.

Derrow, Nathan. Catechetical Orthography. Pittsburgh, PA: 1813. 17p.

Edwards, Richard. The Analytical Reader; Containing Lists of the Most Useful Words in the English Language. Chicage, IL: G. Sherwood & Co., 1871. 119p.

Ells, B.F. The Pleasing Speller and Definer, Part Second. Dayton, OH: 1842. 128 p.

Entick, John. Entick's New Spelling Dictionary. New Haven, CT: 1812.

Fenning, Daniel. The Universal Spelling Book; or, A New and Easy Guide to the English Language. Baltimore, MD: Warner & Hanna, 1802. 168p.

Flint, Abel. A Spelling, Pronouncing and Parsing Dictionary...Designed for the Use of Schools. Hartford, CN: Hudson Goodwin, 1806. 168p.

Good, Peter P.. Exercises, Designed to Assist Young Persons to Pronounce and Spell Correctly. Woodstock, VT: O. Watson, 1830. 120p.

Graves, Joseph. A New Graded Spelling-Book. Boston, MA: Ginn & Co., 1899. 154p.

Grout, Jonathan. The Young Child's Accidence; Being a Small Spelling Book for Little Children... Worchester, MA: 1803. 72p.

Harrington, Henry F. A Graded Spelling-Book. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1880. 2 vols

Henderson, N. P. Henderson's Test Words in English Orthography. NY: Clark & Maynard, 1875. 105 p.

Hicks, Warren E. Champion Spelling Book, for Public and Private Schools. NY: American Book Co., 1909. 238p.

Hunt, J. N.. The Modern Spelling Book. NY: American Book Co., 1897. 160p.

The Juvenile Spelling-book, and Reading Lessons for Children. Canandaigua; printed by Bemis, Merse & Ward, 1826. 31p.

Kneeland, Abner. A Brief Sketch of a New System of Orthography... Walpole, NH: Nicols & Hale, 1807. 23p.

Leonard, Sterling A.. The New Merrill Speller. NY: Charles E. Merrill Co., 1924. 1 vol

Little Annie's Speller. NY: Sheldon & Co., [1850]. 66p.

McElligott, Jane N.. The Young Analyzer; Being an Easy Outline of the Course of Instruction in the English Language. NY: Ivison & Phinney, 1857. 54p.

McGuffey, Alexander. McGuffey's Newly Revised Eclectic Spelling Book. Cincinnati, OH: Winthrop B. Smith & Co., 144 p. (Different Editors)

McGuffey, William H.. McGuffey's New Eclectic Spelling Book. Cincinnati, OH: Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co., 1865. 144p. (different eds.)

Mavor, William F. The English Spelling-Book Accompanied by a Progressive Series of Easy and Familiar Lessons. London: G. Rutledge, 1885. 108p.

Mayne, D. D.. Mayne's Sight Speller. Chicago, IL: Powers & Lyons, 1905. 182p.

The Metropolitan Speller and Pictorial Definer, with Relative and Associated Words. NY: D. & J. Sadlier, [1862]. 284p.

Miller, Adam. A New and Easy Spelling and Reading Book, in German and English. Cincinnati, OH: Benjamin Bofinger, 1837. 125p.

Murray, Lindley. An English Spelling-book. Carlisle: A. Lordon, 1809. 147p.

The New American Pronouncing Speller. Philadelphia, PA: J.H. Butler & Co., 1872. 143p.

Parker, Richard G.. The National Pronouncing Speller. NY: A.S. Barnes & Co., [1857]. 188p. (different eds.)

Parlin, Frank E.. The Quincy Word List. NY: Silver, Burdett & Co., [1902]. 140p.

Pattengill, Henry R. A Manual of Orthography and Elementary Sounds. Lansing, MI: Pattengill, 1888. (Many editions).

Patterson, Calvin. Patterson's Common School Speller. NY: Sheldon & Company, 1874. 160p. (different eds.)

Patton, David. Progressive Word Mastery. NY: Merrill, 1943-1944. 140p.

Penny, William. The Only Sure Guide to the English Tongue: or, New Pronouncing Spelling Book. Worcestor, MA: Isiah Thomas, [1805]. 180p.

Peter Parley's Spelling Book. Louisville: Morton & Griswold, 1850. 168p.

Reed, Abner. The First Step to Learning; or, Little Children's Spelling and Reading Book... East Windsor, CN: 1800. 60p.

Reed, Alonzo. Word Lessons for Intermediate and Grammar Grades. NY: C.E. Merril Co., 1909. 192p.

Rhodes, Asa. The New Instructor: Being the Second Part of the American Spelling-book... Stanford, NY: 1904. 238p.

Sanders, Charles W.. Sanders' Spelling Book. NY: Ivison & Phinney, [1845]. 168p. (different eds.)

Sanders, Charles W.. Sanders' Union Speller. NY: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., 1871. 178p. (different eds.)

Shreve, Joseph. The Speller's Guide, a Spelling Book on New Plan. Buffaloe, VA: Jackson & Harvey, 1824. 167p.

Spelling and Using Words. Morristown, NJ: Silver Burdett, 1957. 7 vols

The Spelling-book: a Companion to the Readers. Toronto: James Campbell & Son, 1868. 222p.

Strong, Nathaniel. England's Perfect School-master, or, Directions for Exact Spelling, Reading and Writing. Boston, MA: S. Kneeland, [1720's]. 128p.

Walters, Rea G.. One Hundred Lessons in Spelling. Baltimore, MD: H.M. Rowe, 1914. 115p.

Watson, J. Madison. Watson's Complete Speller: Oral and Written. NY: A.S. Barnes, 1878. 162p.

Webster, Noah. The American Spelling Book. Brattleborough, VT: John Holbrook, 1816. 168p. (different eds.)

Webster, Noah. The Elementary Spelling Book. Portland: Sanborn, Sherbourne & Co., 1841. 168p. (different eds.)


Beveridge, John H. English for Use. Philadelphia, PA: John C. Winston Co., 1926. n.p.

Bingham, Caleb. The Young Lady's Accidence: or, A Short and Easy Introduction to English Grammar. 12 the ed. Boston, MA: 1801. 60 p.

Blair, Hugh. An Abridgement of Lectures on Rhetoric. Carlisle, 1808. 312 p. (Different Editions)

Brown, Gold. The Institutes of English Grammar, Methodically Arranged...Designed for the use of Schools, Academies, and Private Learners. NY: 1850.

Bullions, Peter. Progressive Exercises in Analysis and Parsing. 14 ed. NY: Pratt, Oakley & Co., 1860. 120 p.

The Child's Grammar, Designed to Enable Ladies Who May Not Have Attended to the Subject Themselves to Instruct Their Children. London: John Marshall, [1800]. 77 p.

The Child's Grammar, or, English Grammar Illustrated. Cadiz, OH: H. Anderson, 1830. 12 p.

Clark, Stephen W. First Lessons in English Grammar. NY: S. Barnes & Co., 1868. 156 p.

Diebel, J. H. A New Method With English Grammar. West Unity, OH: 1896. 80 p.

Dilworth, Thomas. A New Guide to the English Tongue: in Five Parts. 154 p. [several editions].

Dunton, Larkin. A Graded Course in English. Language Lessons for Grammar Grades. Boston, MA: Thompson Brown Co., 1911. 244 p.

Emerson, Henry. Modern English. NY: Macmillan, 1906. 2 vols.

Greene, Samuel S. A Treatise on the Structure of the English Language; or, the Analysis and Classification of Sentences and Their Component Parts... Philadelphia, PA: Cowperthwait, Desilver & Butler, 1854. 258 p.

Harvey, Thomas W. A Practical Grammar of the English Language: For the use of Schools of Every Grade. Cincinnati, OH: Wilson, Hinkle, & Co., 1868. 264 p.

Howe, Samuel L. The Philotaxian Grammar, Being a Concise and Lucid Guide to a Knowledge of the English Language...Designed for School and Private Learners. Lancaster, OH: Wright and Moeller, 1838. 176 p.

Hull, Joseph H. English Grammar, by Lectures...Intended as a Textbook for Students. 7th ed. Maysville, KY: 1833. 144 p.

Hyde, Mary. Two-Book Course in English. Boston, MA: D.C. Heath,1903. 2 vols.

Inductive Grammar, Designed for Beginners. Windsor, VT: S. Ide, 1829. 54 p.

Johnson, Roy I. Our Language. Boston, MA: Ginn, Johnson, 1942. 6 vols.

Kennedy, John. What Words Say: A Practical Analysis of Words in Use in Elementary Schools. Part One. NY: Kennedy, 1888. 176 p.

Kirkham, Samuel. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures....Designed for the Use of Private Learners and Schools 2nd ed. Harrisburg: John S. Wiestling, 1824. 144 p.

Lockwood, Sara. Lessons in English: Adapted to the Study of American Classics. Boston, MA: Ginn. & Co., 1888. 403 p.

Lowth, Robert. A Short Introduction to English Grammar. London: 1780. 99 p.

McElligott, James N. The Young Analyzer: Being an Easy Outline of the Course of Instruction in the English Language. NY: Ivison & Phinney, 1857. 54 p.

McFadden, Effie B. Grammar and Composition. Chicago, IL: Rand, MCNally, 1915. 348 p.

Metcalf, Robert C. English Grammar for Common Schools. NY: American Book Co., 1894. 288 p.

Murray, Lindley. English Grammar: Adapted to the Different Classes of Learners. London: Longman & Rees, 1804. 336 p.

Potter, Milton C. Oral and Written English. Book One-Two. Boston, MA: Ginn & Co., 1917. 2 vols.

Raymond, Charles. A Book of English for Understanding, Expressing, and Appreciating Thought Boston, MA: Ginn, [1936] 558 p.

Reed, Alonzo. Higher Lessons in English...A Course of Practical Lessons Carefully Graded, and Adapted to Every Day Use in the Schoolroom. NY: Clark & Maynard, 1880. 282 p.

Reed, Alonzo. Introductory Language Work: A Series of Exercises in English to Precede the Study of Technical Grammar. NY: C.E. Merrill, 1912. 280 p.

Riddlesbarger, Ada. Easy English Exercises. Yonkers-on-Hudson, NY: World Book Co., 1956. 310 p.

Robbins, Carolyn M. Essential Studies in English. Chicago, IL: Row, Peterson & Co., 1907. 2 vols.

Shaw, John. A Methodical English Grammar...Illustrated by a Variety of Examples and Exercises. For the Use of Schools. 4th ed. London: 1793. 259 p.

Smith, John. The Mystery of Rhetorick Unveil'd. London: George Eversden, 1683. 244 p.

Swinton, William. New Language Lessons: An Elementary Grammar and Composition. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1884. 192 p. (Several Editions)

Tower, David B. Tower's Common School Grammar: With Models of Claused, Phrased, and Verbal Analysis and Parsing. Columbus, OH: Riley, 1860. 243 p.

Town, Salem. An Analysis of the Derivative Words in the English Language. 21st ed. NY: R.C. Root, 1846. 164 p.

Walker, John. Cobb's Abridgment of J. Walker's Critical Pronouncing Dictionary and Expositior of the English Language. Buffalo, NY: 1841.

Walker, John. Walker's Critical Pronuncing Dictionary and Exposition of the English Language.Canandaigua, NY: J.D. Bemis, 1824. 416 p.

Weld, Allen H. Weld's New English Grammar. Boston, MA: Sanborn, Carter, Bazin, 1849. 234 p.

Wells, William H. A Grammar of the English Language for the Use of Schools. NY: Ivison, Phinney & Co., 1861. 220p.

Wilbur, Josiah. The Grammatical Key. Bellows Falls, MA: 1821. 100 p.

Woodbridge, William. A Key to the English Language. Middleton: T. & J.B. Dunning, 1801. 346 p.


Alden, Abner. The Speaker. Boston, MA: 1810. 296 p.

Bingham, Caleb. The American Perceptor. Boston, MA: Manning & Loring, 1799. 288 p. (Different editions)

Bingham, Caleb. The Columbian Orator. Boston, MA: 1797. 285 p. (Different editions)

Dime Dialogues. NY: Beadle and Adams, 1887.

Enfield, William. The Speaker. London: W. Wilson, 1808. 346 p.

Fowle, William. Exhibition Dialogues. Boston, MA: Caleb Bingham & Co., 1817. 228 p.

Heaton, Nathaniel. Easy School Dialogues. Wrentham, MA: 1802. 155 p.

Little Pieces for Little Speakers. Boston, MA: Lee & Shepard, [1878]. 240 p.

Mason, John. An Essay on Elocution, or, Pronunciation. London: M. Cooper, 1748. 39 p.

Northend, Charles. Entertaining Dialogues. NY: A.S. Barnes & Co., 1866. 312 p.

Northrop, Henry D. The Peerless Reciter, or, Popular Program. Chicago, IL: J.H. Moore & Co., 1894. 516 p.

Randall Diehl, Anna. Reading and Elocution. NY: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., 1872. 430 p.

Scott, William. Lessons in Elocution. Leicester: Hori Brown, 1815. 407 p.

Scott, William. Lessons in Elocution, or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse. Montelier, VT: Walton, 1818. 383p.

Shurter, Edwin. Oral English and Public Speaking. NY: Row, Peterson, 1927. 289 p.

Smart, B.H. The Practice of Elocution. London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1855. 288 p.

Stearns, Charles. Dramatic Dialogues for the Use of Schools. Leominster, MA: John Prentiss &Co., 1798. 540 p.

Walker, John. Elements of Elocution. London: T. Cadell, 1820. 354 p.

Williams, Henry L. Webster's Reciter. NY: R.M. DeWitt, [1870]. 192 p.


Allison, Burgiss. The American Standard of Orthography and Pronunciation... Burlington, NJ: John S. Meehan, 1815. 392 p.

The British Grammar: or, An Essay, in four parts, Towards Speaking and Writing the English Language Grammatically.... Boston, MA: 1784.

Brooks, Stratton. Composition-Rhetoric. NY: American Book Co., 1905. 442 p.

Hardie, James. The Epistolary Guide, Containing Models of Juvenile Letters... NY: S. Marks, 1817. 287 p.

Hitchcock, Alfred. Composition and Rhetoric. NY: H. Holt, [1917]. 575 p.

The Illustrated Composition Book. NY: A.R. Phippen, [1854] 32 p.

Keeler, Harriet. Studies in English Composition. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, [1891] 210 p.

Language for Daily Use. NY: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1964. Vol. 4

Lockwood, Sara. Composition and Rhetoric for Higher Schools. Boston, MA: Ginn & Co., 1901. 470 p.

Milns, William. The Well-Bred Scholar. NY: Literary Printing Office, 1797. 284 p.

Parker, Richard G. Progressive Exercises in English Composition. Boston, MA: R.S. Davis, 1839. 107 p.

Rankin, John. Two Copy Books with Samples of Penmanship. 1845, 1849.

Social Sciences

Civics/ Government




Civics/ Government

Baldwin, James. The Story of Liberty. NY: American Book Co., 1919. 240 p.

Edson, A.W. Achievement. Chicago, IL: Sanborn, 1933. 385 p.

Fryer, Jane. Community Interest and Public Spirit. Philadelphia, PA: John C. Winston, 1919. 282 p.

Fryer, Jane. Our Home and Personal Duty. Philadephia, PA: John C. Winston, 1918. 235 p.

Fryer, Jane. Our Town and Civic Duty. Philadelphia, PA: John C. Winston, [1920] 259 p.

Pattingill, Henry. The Civil Government of Michigan. Lansing, MI: Henry R. Pattingill, 1887. Many editions.

Pratt, Luther. An Exposition of the Constitution of the United States. Albany, NY: Common School Depository, 1836. 60 p.


Morison, N. H. Questions in Geography, Adapted Chiefly to Mitchell's Atlas. Baltimore, MD: John W. Woods, 1845. 31 p.

Morse, Jedidiah. Geography Made Easy. Boston, MA: Thomas & Andrews, 1811. 362 p.

Olney, Jesse. A Practical System of Modern Geography. NY: Robinson, Pratt, 1840. 288 p.

Wood, T.F. The Illustrated Poetical Geography... Vernon, NY: 1869. 90 p.


Bass, Florence. Stories of Pioneer Life, for Young Readers. Boston, MA: D.C. Heath & Co., 1900. 136 p.

Blake, John L. The Historical Reader, Designed for the Use of Schools and Families. Concord, NH: Horatio Hill & Co., 1828. 372 p.

Bonner, John. A Child's History of the United States. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1866. 3 vols.

Diebel, J. H. A New Method with U.S. History, and Civics. West Unity, OH: The Author, 1897. 96 p.

Girard, Mme. M. D. Historie des Etats-Unis, Suivie de l'Historie de la Louisianna. Nouvelle- Orleans: E Antoine, 1881. 38 p.

Hall, Salma. History of the United States, from their First Settlement as Colonies, to the Close of Mr. Tyler's Administration, in 1845. Cooperstown, NY: H & E Phinney, 1847. 326 p.

History of the United States, From their First Settlement as Colonies, to the Close of the War with Great Britian in 1815. Cooperstown, NY: H & E Phinney, 1836. 298 p.

Johnson, Richard. The History of North America... Lansingburgh: Silvester Tiffany, 1795. 159 p.

Mace, William. A Primary History: Stories of Heroism. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally, 1909. 396 p

Mace, William. A School History of the United States. Chicago, IL: Rand, McNally, 1922. 492 p

McLaughlin, Andrew. A History of the American Nation. NY: D. Appleton, 1909. 594 p.

McLaughlin, Andrew. A History of the United States for Schools. NY: D. Appleton, [1911] 430 p.

Pierson, Helen W. History of the United States in Words of One Syllable. NY: G. Routledge, [1889]. 195 p.

Pollard, Josephine. The History of the United States; Told in One Syllable Words. NY: McLaughlin Bros., [1884]. 136p.

Pratt-Chadwick, Mara. American History Stories. Boston, MA: Educational Publishing Co., 1888-1891. 4 vols.

Quankenbos, G.P. Elementary History of the United States. NY: D. Appleton, 1873. 230 p.

Quakenbos, G.P. Illustrated School History of the United States and the Adjacent Parts of America. NY: D. Appleton, 1865.

Rugg, Harold. A History of American Government and Culture. Boston, MA: Ginn & Co., 1931. 635 p.

Scott, David B. A School History of the United States: From the Discovery of America to the Year 1870. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1873. 425 p.

Scott, David B. A Smaller School History of the United States: From the Discovery of America to the Year 1872. NY: Harper and Brothers, 1872. 235 p.

Steele, Joel D. A Brief History of the United States. NY: American Book Co., 1885. 364 p.

Swinton, William. First Lessons in our Country's History. NY: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., 1872. 202 p.

Terry, Arthur G. History Stories of Other Lands. Chicago, IL: Row, Peterson, 1915. 6 vols.

Thalheimer, M.E. An Eclectic History of the United States. Cincinnati, OH: Van Antwerp, Bragg, & Co., 1881. 353 p.

West, Ruth. The Story of Our Country. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 1943. 598 p.

Willard, Emma H. Abridged History of the United States: or, Republic of America. NY: A.S. Barnes, 1843. 336 p.

Willard, Emma H. History of the United States: or, Republic of America. NY: White, Gallagher, & White, 1831. 424 p.

Williams, Samuel. A History of the American Revolution. New Haven, CT: W. Stoner, 1831. 204 p.

Wilson, Marcius. Primary American History: For Primary Schools. NY: Ivison, Blakesman, Taylor & Co., 1871. 1

64 p.

Wilson, Marcius. Juvenile American History for Primary Schools. NY: M.H. Newman, 1847. 160 p.


Clark, Clarence C. Michigan and Wexford County. 14 p. mineographed.

Hall, E. Lorene. Hi! I'm Michigan. Hillsdale, MI: Hillsdale Educational Publishers, 1976. 64 p.

Kachaturoff, Grace. Michigan! Salt Lake City, UT: Peregrine Smith Books, 1987. 298 p.

McConnell, David B. Forging the Peninsulas: Michigan is Made. Hillsdale, MI: Hillsdale Educational Publishers, 1989. 410 p.

Marsh, Carole. My First Book About Michigan: Why Wait to Learn About Our Great State? Atlanta, GA: Gallopade Publishing Group, 1995. 36 p.

Michigan, My Michigan. Grand Rapids, MI: Board of Education, 1949. 191 p.

Mitchell, John. Michigan: An Illustrated History for Children. Suttons Bay, MI: Suttons Bay Publications, 1987. 45 p.

Stapler, Harry. Pioneers of Forest and City. Lansing, MI: Michigan Historical Commission, 1985. 227 p.

Stein, R. Conrad. America the Beautiful. Michigan. Chicago, IL: Childrens Press, 1987. 144 p

Wills, Charles. A Historical Album of Michigan. Brookfield,CN: Millbrook Press, 1996. 64 p.




Botany/Natural History




Science and Natural Philosophy


Adams, Daniel. Arithmetic. Keene, NH: John Prentiss, 1827. 264 p.

The American Tutor's Assistant Revised: or, A Compendious System of Practical Arithmetic.... Philadelphia, PA: Joseph Crukshank, 1813. 180 p.

Arithmetical Tables for the Use of Schools. NY: S. Wood, 1813. 25 p.

Barnard, Frederick. A Treatise on Arithmetic. Hartford, CN: Packard & Butler, 1830. 288 p.

Bellows, Charles. Arithmetic, Its What, How and Why: A Manual for the use of Teachers. Yspsilanti, MI: Michigan State Normal School, 1888. 178 p.

Blake, John. The Private Instructor, and Young Gentleman's Pocket Companion... Trenton, NJ: D. Fenton, 1815. 244p.

Brooks, Edward. The Normal Union Arithmetic. Philadelphia, PA: Sower, Potts & Co., 1877. 424 p. [Different editions]

Brueckner, Leo J. The Triangle Arithmetics. Philadelphia, PA: John C. Winston, 1928. Vol.3

Burritt, Elijah H. Logarithmick Arithmetick....Williamsburg, MA: Ephrain Whitman, 1818. 196 p.

California. State Board of Education. Primary Number Lessons. Sacramento, CA: State Printing Office,1887. 149 p.

Cobb, Lyman. Cobb's Arithmetical Rules and Tables: Designed for the Use of Small Children in Families and Schools. Sandy Hill, NY: Griffen & Mabbett, 1835. 35 p.

Cobb, Lyman. Cobb's Explanatory Arithmetick. Zanesville, OH: Lippitt, 1832. 2 vols.

Cocker, Edward. Cocker's Arithmetick. London: 1705. 215 p.

Cooledge, George F. Cooledge's United States Table Book, or Primary Arithmetaic. NY: G.F. Cooledge, [1843]. 47 p.

Daboll, Nathan. Schoolmaster's Assistant...Being a Plain Practical System of Arithmetic. NY: C. Starr, 1824. 240 p.

Davies, Charles. Intellectual Arithmetic. NY: A. S. Barnes, 1862. 178 p.

Davies, Charles. Primary Arithmetic. NY: A.S. Barnes, 1883. 107 p.

Davies, Charles. School Arithmetic. NY: A.S. Barnes, 1867. 336 p.

Diebel, J.H. Arithmetic by Analysis, a New Method. West Unity, OH: 1891. 100 p.

Dilworth, Thomas. The Schoolmater's Assistant: Being a Compendium of Arithmetic....London: Henry Kent, 1744. 168p.

Dubbs, Eugene. Dubb's Complete Mental Arithmetic. NY: American Book Co., 1893. 220 p.

Duncan, Ernest. Mathematics. Boston, MA: Houghton, Mifflin, 1978. 8 vols.

The Elements of Arithmetic, Oral and Written: Designed for Pupils in the Third and Fourth Grades of City Schools. NY: Ivison,Blakeman, Taylor, 1877. 208 p.

Emerson, Frederick. The North American Arithmetic. Part First. Phildadelphia, PA: Hogart & Thompson, 1838. 48 p.

Fenwick, George. Fenwick's Arithmetical Essay. Alexandria, VA: Cotton & Stewart, 1810. 257 p

Fowle, William. The Child's Arithmetic. Boston, MA: Thomas Wells, 1827. 102 p.

French, J.H. Second Book in Arithmetic. NY: American Book Co., 1890. 380 p.

Goodrich, Samuel G. The Youth's Arithmetic. Hartford, CN: Lincoln & Stone, 1819. 216 p.

Greenleaf, Benjamin. Introduction to the National Arithmetic, or the Inductive System.Columbus, OH: J. H. Riley, 1860. 324 p.

Hamilton, Samuel. School Arithmetic for Grammar Grades. NY: American Book Co., 1909. 371 p.

Halloran, L. Boutcher. Tables of Weights and Measures, Versified for the Amusement and Instruction of Youth. London: Davidson, 1819. 43 p.

Hart, Walter W. Junior High School Mathematics. Boston, MA: Heath, 1921-1923. 3 vols.

Lacroix, Silvestre F. An Elementary Treatise on Arithmetic. Cambridge: Hilliard and Metcalf, 1825. 144 p.

Lander, S. Our Own Primary Arithmetic. Greensboro, NC: Sterling, Campbell and Allbright, 1863. 130 p.

The Lulu Multiplier. NY: Samuel Raynor, n.d. 31 p.

Macurdy, D. The Eagle: or, National Arithmetic.... Baltimore, MD: 1826. 208 p.

Milne, William. Progressive Arithmetic. NY: American Book Company, 1906. 3 vols.

Milns, William. The American Accountant.... NY: J.S. Mott, 1797. 320 p.

Moore, John H. Practical Business Arithmetic. Boston, MA: Ginn, 1906. 449 p.

Myers, George W. Myers Arithmetic. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1908. 3 vols.

Olney, Edward. A Practical Arithmetic for Intermediate, Grammar, and Common Schools. NY: Sheldon, 1879. 390 p.

Ostrander, Tobias. The Elements of Numbers, or Easy Instructor....Canandaigua: Morse and Harvey, 1834. 182 p.

Parke, F.D. Parke's One Rule Arithmetic, and New Calculator. Aurora, IL: Bangs & Knickerbocker, 1866. 32 p.

Parke's One Rule Arithmetic and New Calculator. Aurora, IL: Bangs & Knickerbocker, 1866. 32 p.

Pike, Nicolas. A New and Complete System of Arithmetic.... Newbury-Port, MA: J. Mycall, 1788. 512 p.

Ray, Joseph. Primary Lessons and Tables in Arithmetic: For Young Learners. Cincinnati, OH: Sargent, Wilson & Hinkle, 1857. 80 p.

Ray, Joseph. Ray's Arithmetic: Part First. Cincinnati, OH: W.B. Smith, [1844] 48 p.

Ray, Joseph. Three Thousand Test Examples in Arithmetic. Cincinnati, OH: Van Antwerp, Bragg, & Co., 1862. 134 p.

Ray, Joseph. Ray's Eclectic Arithmetic on the Inductive and Analytic Methods of Instruction. Cincinnati, OH: Truman and Smith, 1839. 239 p.

Record, Robert. Record's Arithmetic...London: Miles Fletcher, 1648. 630 p.

Robinson, Horatio. The Progressive Higher Arithmetic for Schools, Academies, and Mercantile Colleges. NY: Ivison, Phinney & Co., 1860. 432 p.

Robinson, Horatio. The Progressive Primary Arithmetic. NY: Ivison, Phinney & Co., 1864. 80 p.

Robinson, Horatio. Robinson's Progressive Practical Arithmetic... NY: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., 1874. 372 p.

Robinson, Horatio. Robinson's Progressive Table Book. For Young Children. NY: Ivison, Phinney & Co., 1862. 72 p.

Robinson, Horatio. The Rudiments of Written Arithmetic. NY: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., 1861. 224 p.

Ruter, Martin. The Juvenile Arithmetick and Scholar's Guide. Cincinnati, OH: N & G Guilford, 1831. 179 p.

Second Book in Arithmetic. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1882. 380 p.

Starkweather, Samuel. A New and Familiar System of Arithmetic: For the Use of Schools.Otsego, NY: H & E Phinney, 1810. 107 p.

Sterry, Consider. The American Youth: Being a New and Complete Course of Introductory Mathematics.Providence: Bennett Wheeler, 1790. 387 p.

Sterry, Consider. A Complete Exercise Book in Arithmetic. Norwich, CN: John Sterry, 1795. 120 p.

Stevens, Beriah. A New and Concise System of Arithmetick....Saratoga Springs, NY: G. M. Davison, 1822. 433 p.

Stockton, Joseph. The Western Calculator. Pittsburgh, PA: Johnston & Stockton, 1832. 203 p.

Stoddard, John F. The American Intellectual Arithmetic. NY: Sheldon & Co., 1866. 176 p. [different editions]

Stoddard, John F. Juvenile Mental Arithmetic. NY: Sheldon & Co., 1865. 71 p.

Stone, John C. Mathematics for Everyday Use; A Course in General Mathematics. Chicago, IL: B.H. Sanborn, 1935. 532 p.

Swarthout, M. French. Sheldon's Graded Examples in Arithmetic. NY: Sheldon & Co., 1883- 1884. 2 vols.

Talbott, John. The Western Practical Arithmetic. Cincinnati, OH: E. Morgan & Co., 1845. 240 p.

Thomson, James B. Higher Arithmetic. NY: Ivison & Phinney, 1847. 422 p.

Thomson, James. Mental Arithmetic, or, First Lessons in Numbers for Children. NY: Ivison, Phinney, 1846. 120 p.

Underhill, D.C. Tables of Arithmetic Made Easy. NY: M. Day, 1828. 23 p.

Walsh, John. New Primary Arithmetic. Boston, MA: D.C. Heath, 1909. 211 p.

Walsh, John. A Primary Arithmetic. Boston, MA: D.C.Heath, 1895. 198 p.

Walsh, Michael. A New System of Mercantile Arithmetick. Pittsburgh, PA: Cramer, Spear & Eichbaum, 1812. 249 p.

Wentworth, George. Essentials of Arithmetic. Boston, MA: Ginn & Co., 1915. 282 p.

Wentworth, G.A. A Grammar School Arithmetic. Boston, MA: Ginn & Co., 1892. 188 p.

White, Emerson. A New Complete Arithmetic: Uniting Oral and Written Exercises. NY: American Book Co., 1883. 362p.

White, E.E. A Primary Arithmetic: Uniting Oral and Written Exercises in a Natural System of Instruction. Cincinnati, OH: Van Antwerp, Bragg, & Co., 1868. 144 p.

White, J. M. An Oral Arithmetic. NY: American Book, 1897. 176 p.


Burritt, Elijah. The Geography of the Heavens and Class Book of Astromony. NY: Huntington and Savage, 1933. 305p.

Fellowes, Francis. Astronomy for Beginners With a Map and Twenty-Seven Engravings. NY: F.J. Huntington, 1836. 96p.

Botany/Natural History

Andrews, Eliza F. Botany All Year Round: A Practical Text-Book for Schools. NY: American Book Co., 1903. 302 p.

Gray, Asa. Botany for Young People and Common Schools. NY: American Book Co., 1858. 233 p.

Gray, Asa. First Lessons in Botany. NY: Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman & Co., 1868. 236 p.

Hooker, Joseph D. Botany. NY: American Book Co., [1882]. 129 p.

Illustrated Book of Natural History in Four Parts. Philadephia, PA: Lutheran Board of Publications, [1858]. 34 p.

Mavor, William F. Catechism of Botany, or, An Easy Introduction to the Vegetable Kingdom.NY: Samuel Wood & Sons, 1817. 70 p.


Comstock, J. L. Elements of Chemistry...Designed for the use of Schools and Academies.Hartford: Robinson, 1831. 356 p.

Freeman, Ira M. All About the Wonders of Chemistry. NY: Random House, 1954. 148 p.

Meilleur, Jean B. Cours Abrege de lecons de Chymie. Montreal: Minerve, 1833. 144 p.


Hitchcock, Edward. Elementary Geology. NY: M.H. Newman, 1842. 352 p.


Bonnycastle, John. An Introduction to Algebra. NY: W.E. Dean, 1834. 316 p.

Hawkes, Herbert. First Course in Algebra. Boston, MA: Ginn & Co., 1910. 334 p.

Holbrook, Josiah. Easy Lessons in Geometry: Intended for Infant and Primary Schools.... Boston, MA: Peirce and Williams, 1828. 36 p.

Milne, William J. Grammar School Algebra: A Course for Grammar Schools and Beginners in Public and Private Schools. NY: American Book Co., 1899. 154 p.

Olney, Edward. A Treatise on Special or Elementary Geometry. NY: Sheldon, 1872. 239 p.

Smith, David. Walks and Talks in Numberland. Boston, MA: Ginn & Co., [1929] 182 p.

Wells, Webster. Algebra for Secondary Schools. Boston, MA: Heath & Co., 1906. 462 p.

Wells, Webster. Progressive Plane Geometry. Boston, MA: D.C. Heath, [1935]. 390 p.

Wentworth, G.A. The First Steps in Algebra. Boston, MA: Ginn & Co., 1894. 184 p.

Science and Natural Philosophy

Beauchamp, Wilbur. Basic Studies in Science. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1944-1945. 3 vols.

Beauchamp, Wilbur. Science Stories. Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1933. 1 vol.

Bert, Paul. Primer of Scientific Knowledge. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1888. 186 p.

Buckley, Arabella. A Short History of Natural Science and the Progress of Discovery... NY: D. Appleton, 1902. 509 p.

Carpenter, Harry A. Adventures in Science with Bob and Don. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1940. 138 p.

Carpenter, Harry A. Our Environment, How We Adapt Ourselves to it. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1937. 481 p.

Elements of Natural Philosophy... Philadelphia, PA: James P. Parke, 1807. 235 p.

Frasier, George W. Through the Year: The How and Why Science Books. Chicago, IL: Singer, 1937. 160 p.

Frasier, George W. Winter Comes and Goes; The How and Why Science Books. Syracuse, NY: The L.W. Singer Co., 1938. 224 p.

Grund, Francis J. Elements of Natural Philosophy, with Practical Exercises, for the use of Schools. Boston, MA: Carter and Hendee, 1832. 278 p.

Holtz, Grace. Elementary Science. NY: Mentzer, Bush & Co., 1930. Book 3

Hooker, Worthington. The Child's Book of Nature. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1857. 3 vols.

Johnson, Frank G. Aid to Teachers and Students in Natural Philosophy. NY: A. Ranney, 1856. 60 p.

Monteith, James. Easy Lessons in Popular Science. NY: A.S. Barnes, 1879. 258 p.

Parker, Richard G. Parker's Conversation. Juvenile Philosophy...Designed to Teach Young Children to Think. NY: A.S. Barnes, 1850. 150 p.

Parker, Richard G. A School Compendium of Natural and Experimental Philosophy...With a Description of the Steam and Locomotive Engines. NY: A.S. Barnes, 1848. 404 p.

Philosophy in Sport Made Science in Earnest...By the Aid of the Popular Toys and Sports of Youth. Philadelphia,PA: Lea and Blanchard, 1847. 432 p.

Sports and Amusements for the Juvenile Philosopher: A Present for the Young. Middleton: E. Hunt & Co., 1836. 183p.

Swift, Mary. First Lessons in Natural Philosophy for Children. Hartford, CN: Belknap and Hamersely, 1844. 107 p.

Telescope, Tom. The Newtonian System of Philosophy. Philadelphia, PA: J. Johnson, 1803. 137 p.





Books about Textbooks

Books about Teaching

Books about Schools


Andress, James M. Safe and Healthy Living. Boston, MA: Ginn, 1949. 8 vols

Blaisdell, Albert. Our Bodies and How We Live: An Elementary Text-Book of Physiology and Hygiene for Use in Schools. Boston, MA: Ginn & Company, 1904. 352 p.

Diebel, J. H. A New Method with Physiology. West Unity, OH: [1895]. 64 p.

Farnsworth, Vesta J. The House We Live In; or, The Making of the Body. Oakland, CA: Pacific Press, [1900]. 218 p.

The Gulick Hygiene Series. Boston, MA: Ginn, 1906 - . 5 Vols.

Jewett, Frances C. The Body and Its Defenses. Boston, MA: Ginn & Company, 1910. 344 p.

Kellogg, John Harvey. First Book in Physiology and Hygiene. NY: Harpers & Brothers, 1888. 167 p.

Mavor, William F. The Catechism of Health. NY: Samuel Wood & Sons, 1819. 68 p.

O'Shea, Michael V. The Body in Health. NY: Macmillan, 1915. 324 p.

O'Shea, Michael V. ...Making the Most of Life. NY: Macmillan, 1915. 298 p.

Ritchie, John W. Human Physiology: An Elementary Textbook.... Yonkers-on-Hudson, NY: World Book Co., 1916. 370p.

Smith, William T. Physiology Primer...A Textbook for Primary Classes. NY: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor, 1885. 146 p.

Steele, Joel D. Fourteen Weeks in Human Physiology. NY: A.S. Barnes, 1872. 238 p.

Steele, Joel D. Hygienic Physiology. NY: American Book Co., 1901. 401 p.

Taylor, Jane. Physiology for Children. NY: Saxton & Miles, 1846. 91 p.

Taylor, Jane. ...Wouldst Know Thyself! Or, The Outline of Human Physiology. NY: G. F. Cooledge, [1858]. 64 p.

Walker, Jerome. Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1900. 490 p.


Bacon, Mary S. Pictures Every Child Should Know. NY: Grosset & Dunlap, 1908. 387 p.

Michigan. Department of Public Instruction. Drawing in the Rural Schools of Michigan. Lansing, MI: 1909. 16 p.


Donohoe, Kitty. Bunyan and Banjoes: Michigan Songs & Stories. St. Johns, MI: Kidfolk Press, 1987. 35 p.

Fitz, Asa. The Primary School Song Book. Boston, MA: Phillips & Sampson, 1848. 31 p.

Giddings, Thaddeus. Introductory Music. Boston, MA: Ginn, 1923. 176 p.

The Golden Wreath: A Choice Collection ...Upon the Pestalozzian System. NY: W. Wood, [1857]. 240 p.

Mason, Lowell. The Juvenile Singing School. Boston, MA: J.H. Wilkins, 1840. 128 p.

Mason, Luther W. First Music Reader. Boston, MA: Ginn & Heath, 1877. 90 p.

Mason, Luther W. Second Music Reader...for the use of Schools and Families. Boston, MA: Ginn Brothers, 1872. 96p.

Parsons, Flora. Calisthenic Songs Illustrated...for the Use of both Public and Private Schools. NY: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., [1869]. 68 p.

Ripley, Frederic. Music Reader. NY: American Book Co., 1895. 5 vols.

Russell, B.A. ed. The Robin Red Breast; A new Collection of Popular Music... NY: Ivison & Phinney, 1855. 199p.

School Song Knapsack: A Collection of Songs for Common Schools. Lansing, MI: H.R. Pattingill, 1899. [many editions]

Senior Laurel Songs for High Schools. Boston, MA: C.C. Birchard & Co., [1926]. 316 p.

The Songs of Father Goose: for the Kindergarden, the Nursery and the Home. Chicago, IL: G.M. Hill, 1900.

Thorn, Alice G. Music for Young Children. NY: C. Scribner's, 1929. 158 p.

Books about Textbooks

Belok, Michael. Forming the American Mind; Early Schoolbooks and Their Compilers, 1783- 1837. Agra: Satish Book Enterprises, 1973. 248 p.

Carpenter, Charles. History of American Schoolbooks. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1963. 322p.

Craig, Asa H. The Question Book: A General Review of Common School Studies. Caldwell's Prairie, WI: 1878. 282.

Elson, Ruth M. Guardians of Tradition, American School Books of the Nineteenth Century. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1964. 424 p.

Folnsbee, Beulah. A Little History of the Horn-Book. Boston, MA: Horn Book Inc., 1922. 57 p.

Ford, Paul. The New England Primer: A History of its Origin and Development. NY: Dodd, Mead, 1897. 354 p.

From Hornbook to Storybook: American Reading Instruction, 1607-1935. St. Louis, MO: Hofstra University Library, 1980. 44 p.

Johnston, Clifton. Old Time Schools and Schoolbooks. NY: Macmillan & Co., 1904. 381 p.

Littlefield, George E. Early Schools and School-Books of New England. Boston, MA: Club of Odd Volumes, 1904. 2 vols.

Lowe, A.T. The Columbian Class Book. Worcester, MA: Dorr & Howland, 1825. 354 p.

Michigan. The School Laws of Michigan, with Notes and Forms; To which are added courses of Study for Common and Graded Schools, and a List of Recommended Textbooks, etc. Lansing, MI: J.A. Kerr, 1864. 247 p. [Several editions].

Minnick, Harvey. William Holmes McGuffy and His Readers. NY: American Book Co., 1936. 203 p.

Nietz, John A. Old Textbooks: Spelling, Grammar, Reading Arithmetic... As Taught in the Common Schools from Colonial Days to 1900. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1961. 364 p.

Vail, Henry H. A History of McGuffey Readers. Cleveland, OH: 1910. 70 p.

Westerhoff, John H. McGuffy and his Readers: Piety, Morality, and Education in Nineteenth Century America. Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 1978. 206 p.

Books about Teaching

Burton, Warren. The District School as it was./ by one who went to it. Boston, MA: Carter Herdee, 1833. 156 p.

Butler, Leslie A. The Michigan Schoolmasters' Club, A Story of the First Seven Decades, 1886- 1957. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, 1958. 246 p.

Coolidge, Ruth E. Pioneering in Education. n.p. Jackson, MI: [1930?] 100 p.

Cooper, Carl. Alleghany: A Country School: My First School. Kalamazoo, MI: Ihling Brothers, 1925. 107 p.

Educators of Michigan: A Choice Collection of Biographical Sketches. Detroit, MI: Wilton- Smith, 1894. 228 p.

Hall, Samuel. Lectures in School-Keeping. Boston, MA: Richardson, Lord and Holbrook, 1829. 135 p.

Hall, Samuel. Lectures to Female Teachers on School-Keeping. Boston, MA: Richardson, Lord & Holbrook, 1832. 179p.

Harris, Wilbur S. Let the Candles be Lighted, or Country-School Days. Mt. Pleaasant, MI: W. Harris, 1980. 135 p.

Holbrook, Alfred. Reminscences of the Happy Life of a Teacher. Cincinnati, OH: Elm Street Printing Co., 1885. 362 p.

Hubbard, Jeremiah. A Teacher's Ups and Downs from 1858 to 1879. Richmond, IN: Palladium Steam Printing House, 1879. 216 p.

Kabatek, Anna B. Island Schoolmarm: Memories of the One-Room Schools of St. Marys River. Menominee, MI: A.B. Kabatek, 1996. 60 p.

Kennedy, Millard F. Schoolmaster of Yesterday; A Three Generation Story, 1820-1919. NY: Whittlesey House, 1940. 359 p.

Livengood, Willliam. Our Heritage. American Book Company, [1947].

Lowe, Esther J. S. Some Experiences of My Life. n.p., [1975]. 50 p.

MacConnell, James. Dr. Mac, Planner for Schools: Memoirs of my First 80 Years. Palo Alto, CA: Johnson/Dole, 1988.

Michigan. Department of Public Instruction. Educational Institutions. Lansing, MI: 1917. 118 p.

Michigan. Department of Public Instruction. Report. Have: 1836-1965.

Michigan. Department of Public Instruction. Teaching Boys and Girls in Michigan: A Handbook for the Teachers in the Elementary School. Lansing, MI: 1943.

Michigan. Department of Public Instrauction. The Teaching of Reading. Lansing, MI: 1916. 45 p.

Michigan. Department of Public Instruction. Word Study and Spelling. County Normal School Classes. Lansing, MI: 1917. 30 p.

Michigan. State Board of Education. Biennial Report. Have: 1890-1918.

Michigan. State Board of Education. Minutes of the State Board of Education. Have: 1927- 1972.

Michigan. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Historical Sketches of Education in Michigan.Lansing, MI: W.S. George & Co., 1881. 157 p.

Milner, Florence. The Story of an Ordinary Woman: The Extraordinary Life of Florence Cushman Milner. Ann Arbor, MI: Historical Society of Michigan, 1989. 135 p.

Nowlin, Clifford. My First Ninety Years; A Schoolmaster's Story of His Life and Times. Kansas City, MO: 1955.

Page, David P. Theory and Practice of Teaching; or, The Motives and Methods of Good School- Keeping. NY: A.S. Barnes, 1885. 422 p. ,p> The Schoolmaster: A Monthly Journal Devoted to the Entire School Interests of Michigan. Have: September 1906-March 1909.

Tales from the Teacher's Desk. Stanton, MI: Montcalm Association of Retired School Personnel, 1987. 125 p.

Tales from the Teacher's Desk: A Historical Viewpoint. Stanton, MI: Montcalm Association of Retired School Personnel, 1987. 204 p.

Tennis, Rose H. The School that Was: A Schoolmarm's Tale. Fowlerville, MI: Wilderness Adventure Books, 1990. 80p.

Webster, Emma L. An Autobiography of a One-Room School Teacher: Scotch Settlement School of Henry Ford's Greenfield Village. Dearborn, MI: 1978. 195 p.

Welch, W.M. How To Organize, Classify and Teach a Country School. Chicago, IL: Welch, 1886. 106 p.

Books about Schools

Barnard, Henry. School Architecture, or, Contributions to the Improvement of Schoolhouses in the United States... 6th ed. Cincinnati, OH: H.W. Deerby, 1854. 464 p.

Bourns, Marjorie J. Common School to Consolidation: A History of Huron Valley Schools, 1832- 1946. N.P., 197-. 60p.
Canton's Country Schools. Canton, MI: Canton Historical Society, 1993. 445 p.
Carlson, Oscar. It Happened at Rockwood: A History of the Gibraltar School District. Rockwood, MI: Gibrator School District Board of Education, 1980. 63 p.


Carver, Richard W. Marshall Public Schools: The First 150 Years, 1837-1987. n.p. [1988] 283 p
Dain, Floyd R. Education in the Wilderness. Lansing, MI: Michigan Historical Commission, 1968. 345 p.
Disbrow, Donald W. Schools for an Urban Society. Lansing, MI: Michigan Historical Commission, 1968. 337 p.
Echoes of Yesteryears: Shiawassee County Schools...1837-1987. n.p. Shiawassee County Historical Society, 1988. 3 vols.
Eldred, Marie. School History of Edmore District Number 2. Edmore, MI: 1962. 28 p.
Essential Rural School Equipment: Its Selection and Use. Lansing, MI: Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1941. 23p.
Fields, Harriett, editor. The Little Red School Foundation of Lenawee Education. n.p., Lenawee County Intermediate School District, 1976. 143 p.
Fuller, Wayne E. The Old Country School: The Story of Rural Education in the Middle West.Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1982. 302 p.
History of Concord Schools, 1835-1990. Concord, MI: Concord Alumni Association Book Committee, 1991. 372 p.
History of Floyd School [Lee Township, Midland County, Michigan.] 1878-1953. n.p. 1953. 32 p
Hockenberry, John C. Rural School in the United States. California, PA: 1908. 124 p.
Hoyt, Charles O. John D. Pierce, Founder of the Michigan School System: A Study of Education in the Northwest. Ypsilanti, MI: Scharf Tag, Lobel & Bay Co., 1905. 162 p.


Jennings, Ruby. For More Than 100 Years. n.p., 1966. 11 p. (Lansing Township Community School History).


Marquette, Michigan Public Schools. Our Children and Our Elementary Schools. Marquette, MI: 1950. 32 p.
Michigan. Department of Public Instruction. Michigan Today: Its Human and Physical Resources as They Effect Education. Lansing, MI: 1937.
Negaunee Public Schools. Official Souvenir Program. Diamond Jubilee, 1879-1954. 60 p.
Otwell, George N. ...Rural Schoolhouses, Building Plans, Requirements, Suggestions... Lansing, MI: T.E. Johnson, 1923. 90 p.
Passic, Frank. A History of the Albion Public Schools. Albion, MI: Albion Public Schools, 1991. 261 p.
Putnam, Daniel. The Development of Primary and Secondary Public Education in Michigan: A Historical Sketch. Ann Arbor, MI: G. Wahr, 1904. 273 p.
Riegle, John. Day Before Yesterday: An Autobiography and History of Michigan Schools. Minneapolis, MN: Denison, 1971. 363 p.


Rural Schools of Wexford County: A Guide. Wexford, MI: Wexford County Historical Society, 1981. 48 p.
"...Schools and the Means of Education Shall Forever be Encouraged." A History of Education in the Old Northwest, 1787-1880. Athens, OH: Ohio University Libraries, 1987. 132 p.


Sherman, Ruth E. 112 Years of Adrian Public School History...1828-1940. Adrian, MI: Finch Printing, 1940. 89 p.
Sinclair, Upton. The Goslings, A Study of the American Schools. Pasadena, CA: Upton Sinclair, 1924. 545 p.
Small, Herbert. Early New England Schools. Boston, MA: Ginn & Co., 1914. 401 p.
Smith, Hazel. The Last Century of the Country School: The End of an Era in Education. Mt. Pleasant, MI: 1965. 39 p.


Smith, William. Historical Sketches of Education in Michigan. Lansing, MI: W.S. George & Co., 1881. 157 p.
Squire, Fred C. A Study of the Condition of the Rural Schools of Midland County and the Possiblity of Making Larger Units of Administration. MA Thesis, University of Michigan, 1938. 121 p.
Starring, Charles R. & James O. Knauss. The Michigan Search for Educational Standards. Lansing, MI: Michigan Historical Commission, 1969. 225 p.
Tappan, Harvey. School Law and a History and Description of the Educational System of Michigan. Port Huron, MI: Sherman Co., 1889. 155 p.
Taylor, John O. The District School. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1834. 336 p.
Theobald, Paul G. Call School: A History of Rural Education in the Midwest to 1918. PhD Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1990. 328 p.
Thrum, Fred. Rural School Organization in Michigan. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, 1933.
Van Dyke, Joe. A History of Knox School [Tobacco Township, Gladwin County, Michigan].Alma, MI: 1970. 52 p.


Van Horn, Frederick. Our District School: A History of Fletcher School, District no. 3, Gaines Township, Genesee County, Michigan. Flint, MI: 1974. 76 p


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