
America Septentrionalis a Comino d’Anville in Galliis edita nume in Anglia Colonies in Interiorem Virginiam Deductis nec non Fluvii Ohio curfu aucta notis geographic et historicis illustrata. Noriberge, 1756.

The Great Lakes and the Indian nations surrounding them are included on the map.

Bellin, Jacques Nicholas. Carte de la Louisiane et des Pays Voisins. Paris, 1755.

The Great Lakes and Indian tribes and villages in the area are included.

Bellin, Jacques Nicholas. Carte des Lacs du Canada. Dressee sur les Manuscrits du Depost des Cartes, Plans et Journaux de la Marine et sur le Journal du R P de Charlevoix. Paris, 1744.

Great Lakes area with Indian villages marked.

Bellin, Jacques Nicholas. Old Maps of the New World Featuring Maps Produced Between 1738 and 1758. Cleveland, OH: Block, 1959.

Reproduction of ten maps by Bellin.

Bellin, Jacques Nicholas. Partie Occidentale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada. 1755.

A copy of this map which includes the Great Lakes and Indian villages.

Bowen, Emanuel. An Accurate Map of North America Describing and Distinguishing the British, Spanish and French Dominions on this Great Continent; According to the Definitive Treaty Concluded at Paris 10 February 1763.

Includes text of treaty. Great Lakes and Indian nations are noted on the map.

Bowen, Emanuel. A New Accurate Map of Louisiana, with part of Florida and Canada, and the Adjacent Countries Drawn from Surveys, Assisted by the Most Approved English and French Maps and Charts. London, 1752.

Great Lakes are drawn and Native villages are noted.

Bowen, T. A Correct Map of the United States of North America Including the British and Spanish Territories Carefully Laid Down Agreeable to the Treaty of 1784. 1810.

Shows which tribes inhabited each area of the country.

Buell, Abel. A New and Correct Map of the United States of North America Laid Down From the Latest Observations and Best Authorities Agreeable to the Peace of 1783. New Haven, CN: 1963.

Copy of this map in four parts. The Great Lakes and Indian groups are marked.

Burr, David H. Michigan. NY, 1831.

From Burr’s New Universal Atlas. Denotes treaty lines and some Indian villages.

Carte de la Nouvelle France, ou fe voit le cours de Grandes Rivieres de S. Laurence & de Mississipi Aujour d’hui S Louis, du Nouveau Jersey, de la Nouvelle Yourck, de la Nouv. Angliterre, de L’Acadie, du Canada, des Esquimaux, des Hurons, des Iroquois, de Ilinois etc et la Grande Ile de Terre Neurei Dresfee fur les Memoirs les plus Nouveaux recueelis pour l’establissment de la Compagne Francoise Occident. 1719.

Shows Great Lakes and the tribes in the area.

Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France et les Decouvertes qui y ont ete faites. Paris, 1703.

Shows the Great Lakes with the Indian tribes and their territories noted.

Cary, John. A New Map of Part of the United States of North America, Exhibiting the Western Territory, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, etc. Also, the Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Ontario and Erie; with Upper and Lower Canada, etc. 1805.

Indicates Indian tribes in the Great Lakes area.

Cary, John. A New Map of Upper and Lower Canada. London, 1807.

Great Lakes and the territory of Indian tribes is indicated on this map.

Colton, J. H. Colton’s Tourist Map of the Great Lakes Shewing the States of Michigan and Wisconsin with Canada West and Parts of Adjoining States, Railroads, etc. NY: Colton, 1862.

Shows Indian reserves.

Coulson, E. H. Indian Reservations in the United States, 1948. Washington, DC: Office of Indian Affairs, 1948.

Cowell, Geraldine L. The Indian’s Michigan. 1960.

Illustrated, colored map showing trails, garden beds, copper, dunes, mountains, camps, villages, fruit orchards, gathering rice, swamps and Falls.

D’Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguigon. Amerique Septentrionale, Publiee sous les auspices de Monseigneur le Duc D’Orleans. Paris, 1746.

Shows the Great Lakes and the tribes in the area.

D’Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon. Canada Louisiane et Terres Angloises. Paris, 1755.

Indicates Great Lakes and the territory of various Indian tribes.

D’Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguigon. Partie Occidentale dui Canada et Septentrionale de la Louisiane avec une partie de la Pensilvanie. 1775.

Great Lakes area is notes as well as the Indian nations inhabiting the region.

Delisle, Guillaume. Carte de la’ Louisane et du Cours du Mississipi. Paris, 1718.

Indian nations of the Great Lakes area are noted.

Delisle, Guillaume. Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France et des Decouvertes qui y ont ete faites. Amsterdam, 1733.

Great Lakes are included with Indian nations noted.

Delisle, Guillaume. Carte du Canada qui comprend la Partie Septentrionale les Etats Unis d’Amerique. Paris, 1783.

Great Lakes and Indian nations included.

Dustin, Fred. Plot Plan Showing Indian Mounds in Saginaw.

Shows location of Suag-E-Nah, Harlan I. Smith, Ash-A-Tah-Ne and Chippewa mounds.

Dustin, Fred. Rust Park Entrance, Showing Indian Mound.

Hand drawn map.

Evans, Lewis. A General Map of the Middle British Colonies, in America; viz Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pensilvania, New-Jersey, New-York, Connecticut and Rhode Island: of Aquanishuonigy, the Country of the Confederate Indians; Comprehending Aquanishuonigy Proper, Their Place of Residence, Ohio and Tiiuxsoxruntle, their Deer-Hunting Countries, Couxsaxrage and Skaniadarade; Their Beaver-huning Countries; of the Lakes Erie, Ontario and Champlain, and of Part of New France: Wherein is also Shewn the Ancient and Present Seats of the Indian Nations. London, 1755.

Fargo, William. Jackson County, Michigan Map Showing Indian Trails. Compiled by William Fargo 1926-1929.

Farmer, John. An Improved Map of the Territory of Michigan. Detroit. Have: 1829, 1831, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1839, 1840, 1844, 1854, 1856, 1873.

Denotes Indian villages, Indian trails, and boundaries of Indian reservations.

Farmer, John. Map of the Surveyed Part of the Territory of Michigan. Detroit. Have: 1825, 1826, 1837, 1848, 1854, 1857.

Indicates Indian villages and reserves.

Farmer, John. Map of the Territories of Michigan and Ouisconsin. Detroit, 1836.

Indian villages and Indian territories are noted.

Farmer, Silas. Farmer’s Railroad and Township Map of Michigan and Chart of the Lakes. Detroit. Have: 1862, 1864, 1866, 1871, 1872, 1873.

Includes Indian reserves.

Forts and Settlements in America A.D. 1763.

Shows Great Lakes and Indian tribes.

Guffefeld, F.L. Charte uber die XIII Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-America. Freyheit, 1784.

Great Lakes included with Indian tribes marked.

Homanno. Ampliffinae Regionis Mississippi sue Provincae Ludovicina a R.P. Ludovico Hennepin Francisc Miff in America Septentrionali Anno 1687. Norinibergae, 1687.

Indicates Native American groups.

Ingenieur. Theatre de la Guerre en Amerique. Paris, 1777.

Indicates Great Lakes and Indian groups in the area.

Kensett, Thomas. To the Officers of the Army and the Citizens of the United States this Map of Upper and Lower Canada and the United States Contiqious. 1812.

Great Lakes with Indian tribes indicated.

Kitchin, Thomas. A New and Accurate Map of the British Dominions in America, According to the Treaty of 1763; Divided into the Several Provinces and Jurisdictions. London, 1763.

Great Lakes and Indian nations are included on this map.

A Map of the American Lakes and Adjoining Country, the Present Seat of War Between Great Britain and the United States. Done, in part, from a Sketch of the Late Major General Sr. Isaac Brock. London, 1813.

Indicated Indian territories and shows where the war is taking place.

A Map of the Country of the Five Nations, Belonging to the Province of New York; and of the Lakes Near Which the Nations of Far Indians Live, with Part of Canada. 1747.

Shows Mcihilimackinac. Note at bottom of the Map: “N.B. The Tuscaroras are now reckon’d a sixth Nation, & the Necariages of Misilamackinac were received to be the seventh Nation at Albany, May 30th, 1763; at their own desire, 80 men of that Nation being present besides women and children. The chief trade with the far Indians is at the Onondagues rivers mouth where they must all pass to go towards Canada.”

Michigan. Baldwin and Cradock under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 1833.

Indicates treaty lines and Indian villages.

Michigan Indian Place Names, the Little Traverse Bay Region.

Place names in the Native language are shown on the map with a key to the English name and the meaning of the Native name.

Michigan. State Highway Department. General Highway Map. 1840.

There is a map for each county with ‘General Cultural Features’ which includes Indian Reservation.

Moll, Hermann. A New Map of the North Parts of America Claimed by France under the Names of Louisana, Mississipi, Canada and New France with Adjoining Territories of England and Spain. London, 1720.

Shows the Great Lakes area and the known Indian tribes in the area.

A New and Correct Map of North America in which the Places of the Principal Engagements of the Present War are Accurately Inserted. London: Richardson and Urquhart, 1780.

Great Lakes and Indian tribes are included.

North America at the Time of the Revolution; A Collection of Eighteenth Century Maps with Introductory Notes by Louis De Vorsey, Jr. Kent: Harry Margary, 1974.

Map reproductions from the time of the American Revolution.

North America from the French of Mr. D’Anville Improved with the Back Settlements of Virginia and Course of Ohio Illustrated, with Geographical and Historical Remarks. London, 1755.

Great Lakes and Indian territories included.


A Plan of the Straits of St. Mary, and Michilimackinac, to Show the Situation and Importance of the Two Westernmost Settlements of Canada and the Fur Trade. London, 1761.

This map of Michilimackinac shows Lake Superior with note “worshipped as a divinity by the Indians.” Above the Mission St. Mary is marked “Hunting Ground of the Adiranahs or Algonquins.” The map also notes Indian tribes are inhabiting the Isles au Castor and Manitoulin. This map was published in London Magazine, February 1761 and the one page article accompanying the map is included.

Popple, Henry. A Map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish Spanish Settlements Adjacent Thereto. London, 1733.

Indicates the Great Lakes. Sauteurs and Hurons are noted.


Popple, Henry. A Map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish Settlements Adjacent Thereto. Kent: Henry Margary, 1972.

Reproduction of this map with introductory remarks by William P. Cumming and Helen Wallis.

Rentschiler, F. How the United States Came Into Possession of Northwest Territory. Works Project Administration of Ohio, Federal Art Project, 1937.

Map showing the major events leading to the United States possession of of the Northwest Territory.

Vaugondy, Robert de. Carte des Pays Commus Fous le Nom de Canada, Dans Laquelle Font Distinguers les Possessions Francoises and Angle. Paris, 1753.

Includes the Great Lakes and indicates the territories of the Indians.

Vaugondy, Robert de. Partie de L’Amerique Septent qui Comprend La Nouvelle France ou le Canada. Paris, 1755.

Includes a supplemental map of the Great Lakes area with the Indian territories marked.

Samson, S. Amerique Septentrionelle Divisee en ses Principales Parties, ou Sort Distinques le ons des Autres Les Estats Suivant Qu’ils Appartiennent presentemet aux Francois, Castillans, Anglis, Suedois, Danois, Hollandois. Paris, 1674.

Show Native American groups and their territories.


Schoolcraft, Henry R. Map of the Northwestern Territories of the United States Shewing the Track Pursued by the Expedition under Gov. Cass in 1820. Albany, NY: 1821.

Also show the ​Indian areas they explored.

Sketch of the Claims to Land on the River St. Marys at Pauwayteeg, July 6, 1823.​

Includes Indian burial and encamping ground.

A Tour from Fort Cumberland North Westward Round Part of the Lakes Erie, Huron and Michigan Including Parts of the Rivers St. Joseph, the Wabash, and Miamis, with a Sketch of the Road from Thence by the Lower Shawnee Town to Fort Pitt. 1762.

Shows Indian villages. Also has a chart “Number of Indian Warriors” for each tribe.


United States. Department of the Interior.​ United States Showing Routes of Principal Explorers and Early Roads and Highways. Baltimore, MD: Lord Baltimore Press, 1908.

The explorers routes are noted in different colored inks.