Beaver Island Census Records - G Page 5

Graham, Thomas
1910 Census
Age Yrs. M B FB MB Occ.
Graham, Thomas 34 2 Mich. Scot. Mich. Physician
Graham, Tillis 33 2 Ohio Ohio Ohio

Granger, Julius
(Obviously a son of Lyman)
1860 Census
Age Occ. [B?]
Granger, Julius 37 Fisherman N.Y.
Granger, Ann 33 N.Y.
Granger, Lyman 7 Mich.
Granger, Henry M. 5 Mich.
Granger, Julius N. 2 Mich.
Granger, George A. 8/12 Mich.
Baker, Anna 8 Mich.
Left, Joseph 25 Laborer Ger.
Cull, Dennis 30 Laborer Ire.
"Julius Granger, Justice of the Peace, was born May 15, 1824 in Ontario Co., N.Y. and came west to Michigan in 1836. He first lived in St. Clair and then went with his father, who was appointed to keep of Boy Blue Lighthouse, to Mackinac Island. There he lived 12 years and was elected sheriff of the Co. He also held office of collector and treasurer of the Co. In 1870 he went to Fort Gratiot.
In June 1856, at the time of Strang's assassination, he was keeping the Grove House on Mackinac.

Granger, Lyman
1860 Census Beaver Island
Age Occ. B
Granger, Lyman 57 (68?) Boarding N.Y.
Granger, Ashva (?) 52 (64?) H. Keeper Mich.
Granger, Anna E. 21 Mich.
Froat (?), Anthony 19 Cooper N.Y.
Granger, Julius 37 Fisherman N.Y.
Granger, Ann 33 N.Y.
Granger, Lyman 7 Mich.
Granger, Henry M. 5 Mich.
Granger, Julius N. 2 Mich.
Granger, George A. 8/12 Mich.
Baker, Anna 8 Mich.
Left, Joseph 25 Laborer Ger.
Cull, Dennis 30 Laborer Ire.
This might be two households, but as Lyman says he is a boarding house keeper and Left and Cull came farther down the line. I expect they were all living together.
It is two households - Mrs. Williams in Children of the Sea tells of [venting] the Lyman daughters at the lighthouse (Harbor).
1850 Census
Age B Occ. R. Est.
Granger, Lyman 54 N.Y. Lighthouse Keeper $500
Granger, Achsah(?) Female 54 N.Y.
Granger, Ann 22 N.Y.
Granger, Ann E. 11
Bellair, Alfred 2 Mich.
It looks as if Lyman is Julius's father. In 1851 the sheriff on Mackinac was "Sheriff Granger". He was still sheriff in 1856 when he freed the assassins of Strang. This must have been Julius.

1850 Census (Mackinac)
Age Born Occ. R.Est.
Granger, Henry 23 N.Y. Rooming house
Granger, Mary 22 Mich.
Granger, Fanny 2 Mich.
(One household)
Granger, Lyman 58 N.Y. Lighthouse Keeper $500
Granger, Achsah (?) 54 N.Y.
Granger, Julius 24 N.Y. (None listed) $400
Granger, Ann 22 N.Y.
Granger, Ann E. 11 N.Y.
(One household)
Granger, Jehadiah 32 N.Y. Lumber $600
Granger, Mary 30 N.Y.
Granger, Robert 8 Mich.
Granger, Collius 6 Mich.
Granger, Edward 4 Mich.
Granger, Eleanor 2 Mich.
1860 Census
Age Born Occ.
Granger, Lyman 57 N.Y. Boarding House
Granger, Ashva (?) 52 N.Y.
Granger, Anna E. 21 Mich.
Froat, Anthony 19 N.Y. Cooper
Granger, Julius 37 N.Y. Fisherman
Granger, Ann 33 N.Y. Fisherman
Granger, Lyman 7 Mich
Granger, Henry M. 5 Mich.
Granger, Julius 2 Mich.
Granger, George A. 8/12 Mich
Baker, Anna 8 Mich.
Left, Joseph 25 Ger. Laborer
Cull, Dennis 30 Ire. Laborer

Granger, Henry
(Is this a brother of Julius and son Lyman?)
1850 Census Mackinac
Age Born Occ.
Granger, Henry 23 N.Y. Rooming House
Granger, Mary 22 Mich.
Granger, Fanny 2 Mich.
Gernsey, Julia 20 N.Y.
Boss, Corman 17 Holl. "Not any"
In '56 Julius was "keeping the Grove House at Mackinac", see his card
Henry was the Sheriff according to Strang in "Auc. And Mod. Michilimackinac."

Green, Daniel R.
(Red Dan)
1870 Census Galilee Township
Age Born Occ. P.Prop
Green, Daniel 28 Ire. Fisherman $175 Can't W
Green, Bridget 25 Ire. H. Keeper Can't W
(Bridget Green, sister of White Dan)
Green, Mary 2 Mich.
Green, Bridget 1 Mich.
(Did the last two entries die?)
1880 Census Peaine Township
Age B FB MB Occ.
Green, Daniel 40 Ire. Ire. Ire. Farmer Can't W
Green, Bridget Wife 36 Ire. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper Can't R or W
Green, Michael S 12 Mich. Ire. Ire. Laborer Can't R or W
(Died July 16, '96 in Charlevoix of consumption)
Green, Sarah D 10 Mich. Ire. Ire. Can't W
Green, Grace D 8 Mich. Ire. Ire. Can't W
Green, John S 6 Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Daniel S 4 Mich. Ire. Ire.
(Birth record March 2, '76)
Green, Mary D 2 Mich. Ire. Ire.
(Birth record August 15, '78)
Green, Ellen D 2/12 Mich. Ire. Ire. (Died in 1906 of consumption)
Mapes, David Boarder 58 N.Y. Mass. Conn. Laborer
Death Records
Michael Green, single, age 26, died in Charlevoix of consumption on July 26, '96, born Michigan, farmer, parents Daniel and Bridget Green
Ellen Green, single, age 25-8-22, died in Peaine Township on January 8, 1906 of consumption, born Michigan, parents Daniel Green and Bridget Green
Dan R. Green, married, age 76, died June 25, '15 in Peaine Township of old age, farmer, born Ireland, parents unknown
Bridget Green, widow, age 76, died in Peaine Township on October 8, '20 of influenza, born Ireland, parents John Green, mother unknown
1900 Census Peaine Township
Age M/S Yrs M Mother of B FB MB Yr Emg.
Green, Daniel Head 58 M 29 Ire. Ire. Ire. 1863
Green, Bridget Wife 47 M 29 12-12 Ire. Ire. Ire. 1851
Green, Anthony S 22 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Daniel S 20 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Peter S 19 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Francis S 16 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Mary D 16 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Ellen D 12 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, William S 10 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Joseph S 8 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Rose D 6 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Yrs Occ. R W E House
Green, Daniel 36 Farmer y n y Owns F.
Green, Bridget 48 n n y
Green, Anthony Farm Laborer y y y
Green, Daniel Farm Laborer y y y
Green, Peter Farm Laborer y y y
Green, Francis Farm Laborer y y y
Green, Mary School y y y
Green, Ellen School y y y
Green, William School
Green, Joseph
Green, Rose
1910 Census Peaine Township
Age Yrs M B FB MB Emg. Occ.
Green, Daniel Head 71 48 Ire. Ire. Ire. 1864 Farmer
Green, Bridget Wife 67 48 Ire. Ire. Ire. 1868
Green, Daniel S 32 S Mich. Ire. Ire. Farm Laborer
Green, Edward S 23 S Mich. Ire. Ire. Farm Laborer

(White Dan)
1910 Census
Age Yrs M B FB MB Emg. Occ.
Green, Bridget Head 57 WD Ire. Ire. Ire. 1853 Farmer
Green, Daniel S 31 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Peter S 29 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Francis S 27 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, William S 19 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Rose D 16 S Mich. Ire. Ire.

Green, Fredrich
(Different then Irish Greens)
1880 Census Peaine Township
Age B FB MB Occ.
Green, Fredrich Head 42 ME ME ME Carpenter
Green, Mary Wife 43 Scot. Scot. Scot. H. Keeper
1900 Census Peaine Township Kings H.
Age M/S Yrs M Mother of B FB MB Yr
Green, Daniel Head 61 M 30 Ire. Ire. Ire. 1865
Green, Bridget Wife 57 M 30 10-8 Ire. Ire. Ire. 1867
Green, John R. S 26 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Daniel S 23 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Nellie D 20 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Elizabeth D 17 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Annie D 15 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Edward S 13 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Yrs Occ. Mo Unemp. R W E House
Green, Daniel 34 Farmer 0 y y y Owns f
Green, Bridget 32 n n y
Green, John R. Farm Laborer y y y
Green, Daniel Farm Laborer y y y
Green, Nellie y y y
Green, Elizabeth y y y
Green, Annie y y y
Green, Edward y y y
There was a John Green that died in Traverse City Asylum of consumption in 1908. In the church records but no date, (or I failed to get) and no age
(Red Dan)
1900 Census St. James Township
Age M/S Yrs M Mother of B FB MB
Green, John Head 29 M 1 Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Elizabeth Wife 26 M 1 1-? Mich. Ire. Ire.
Occ. Mo Unemp. R W E House
Green, John Fisherman 0 y y y Owns F + H
Green, Elizabeth
1910 Census St. James Township
Age Yrs M B FB MB
Green, John W. Head 39 11 Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Elizabeth Wife 36 11 Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Elizabeth E. D 9 S Mich. Mich. Mich.
Green, Andrew S 8 S Mich. Mich. Mich.
Green, Mary D 6 S Mich. Mich. Mich.
Green, Catherine D 4 S Mich. Mich. Mich.
Green, Lillie D 2 S Mich. Mich. Mich.
Johnny Green and Lizzie Roddy

Green, Daniel
(White Dan)
1880 Census
Age B FB MB Occ.
Green, Daniel Head 37 Ire. Ire. Ire. Farmer
Green, Bridget Wife 28 Ire. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper
(Maiden name-O'Donnell, daughter of Anthony and Sophia)
Green, John S 9 Mich. Ire. Ire. (Married Suzy Roddy)
Green, Sophia D 7 Mich. Ire. Ire.
Green, Sarah D 5 Mich. Ire. Ire.
(Birth record August 27, '74, married Dan McCauley, sister of 1st Dan)
Green, Anthony S 3 Mich. Ire. Ire.
(Birth record August 30, '76)
Green, Daniel S 1 Mich. Ire. Ire.
(Birth record August 5, '98)
1970 Census
Age Born Occ. P.Prop
Green, Daniel 25 Ire. Fisherman $150 Can't W
Green, Bridget 19 Ire. H. Keeper Can't R or W
(Daughter of Anthony and Sophia O'Donnell)

Green, John
(Lizzie grandfather, her mother's father)
1880 Census
Age B FB MB Occ.
Green, John Head 76 Ire. Ire. Ire. Farmer Can't R or W
Green, Grace Wife 45 Ire. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper Can't R or W
(Maiden name Rodgers, according to Lizzie)
This must be wrong, see church record 1864, it is Neil Green whose wife is Grace Rodgers
Green, Mary D 19 Ire. Ire. Ire. At Home Can't R or W
Green, Hannah D 17 Ire. Ire. Ire. At Home Can't R or W
Died Shane Green, born Arrinonore, age 66, August 26, 1880

Green, Neal
(White Dan's Uncle?)
1880 Census Peaine Township Green's Lake
Age B FB MB Occ.
Green, Neal Head 65 Ire. Ire. Ire. Laborer Can't W
Green, Gracie Wife 55 Ire. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper Can't R or W
Green, Hugh S 15 Mich. Ire. Ire. Laborer Can't R or W
Green, Charles S 13 Mich. Ire. Ire. Laborer Can't R or W
Green, Neal S 12 Mich. Ire. Ire. Laborer Can't R or W
Green, Philip S 10 Mich. Ire. Ire. Can't R or W
Green, Julia D 6 Mich. Ire. Ire. Can't R or W
(Birth record June 19, '74, mother "Grace Rodgers")
Could there be two Neal's? One the uncle and one the cousin? IN that case this would have been John's younger brother
Where is John Green, age 3, in 1864?
Probably out working, he would be 19. He is probably the one that married Mike Mahal Rua's daughter Bridger, lost on Vernon.
This must be the Green's Lake one for his is remembered as Grace Rodgers.
In Church record of '64, if Hugh was born on BI, was here in '61
The one at Green's Lake because his wife is remembers as Grace Rodgers.

Green, Owen
1880 Census Peaine Township
Age B FB MB Occ.
Green, Owen Head 40 Ire. Ire. Ire. Farmer Can't R or W
Green, Mary Wife 40 Ire. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper Can't R or W
(Called Bridget in church record of Hugh's baptism)
See Peter below-------
Green, Grace D 17 Ire. Ire. Ire. At Home Can't R or W
Green, Bridget D 15 Ire. Ire. Ire. At Home Can't R or W
Green, Michael S 13 Ire. Ire. Ire. Laborer Can't R or W
Green, Mary D 10 Ire. Ire. Ire. Can't R or W
Green, Hannah D 8 Ire. Ire. Ire. Can't R or W
Green, Hugh S 6 Ire. Ire. Ire. Can't R or W
Green, Nellie D 3 Ire. Ire. Ire.
There is a church death record Peter Green, born Co. Donegal, age 18, died April 27, '1880
(This fits here, he must have died before the census take came in '80)
There is a birth record for a Hugh Green, son of Owen and "Bridget Boyle" both born Ireland, December 2, '73, this is also in the church baptismal record, note different name of Bridget.

Gregg, Henry M.
(Greig? Brother of James M?)
1850 Census
Age Born Occ.
Gregg, Henry M. 33 N.Y. Farmer
Gregg, Amanda 25 N.Y.
Gregg, Sarah J. 4 Ohio
Gregg, William J. 3 Ohio
Gregg, George W. 1 Mich.

Gregg, James M.
1850 Census
Age Born Occ.
Gregg, James M. 42 N.Y. Lumber
Gregg, Ellen 43 N.H.
Gregg, Charles 18 N.Y. Fisherman
Gregg, Ellen E. 16 Penn.
Gregg, James M. 10 Penn.
Gregg, Henry A. 7 Penn.
Gregg, Richard L. 3 Penn.
Gregg, Jonathon 79 N.H. "None"
Gregg, Slyvia 77 R.I.
(Last two entries are father and mother)
This must be the "James M. Greig", Judge in 1851 and who drafted the '52 map. As Judge he issue the warrant for the arrest of Hay and O'Donnell for beating Samuel Graham that eventually resulted in the death of Tom Bennett

Green, Neil
(White Dan's Uncle, Mary Green's (Big Dominick's wife) brother)
1870 Census Galilee Township
Age Born Occ. P.Prop
Green, Neil 50 Ire. Farmer $225 Can't W
(Brother of Maggie?)
Green, Mary 35 Ire. H. Keeper Can't W
Green, Daniel 9 Mich.
Green, Bridget 5 Mich.
Green, James 2 Mich.
Green, Peter 35 Ire. Fisherman Can't R or W
(Brother of Green Lake "Boggy". Died September 3, '01, according to death record he would have 39 at this time)
Gallagher, Patrick 22 Ire. Fisherman Can't R or W
Death Records
Peter Green, single, age 70, died in St. James Township, September 3, 1901 of cancer of the stomach, born Ireland, farmer, parents Hugh Green and Bridget Gallagher

Griffin, Marshall
1910 Census
Age Yrs M B FB MB Occ.
Griffin, Marshall Head 33 11 Mich. Can. Mich. Labor Mill
Griffin, Cecilia Wife 27 11 Mich. Can. Can.
Griffin, Marshall S 9 S Mich. Mich. Mich.
Griffin, Guy S 6 S Mich. Mich. Mich.
Griffin, Anna D 4 S Mich. Mich. Mich.
Griffin, Rosalie D 2 S Mich. Mich. Mich.
Griffin, Jerome D 4/12 S Mich. Mich. Mich.

Grismon, Frank
1910 Census
Age Yrs M B FB MB Emg. Occ.
Grismon, Frank Head 52 30 Can. Can. Can. 1883 Blacksmith Mill
Grismon, Amanda Wife 48 30 Can. Can. Can. 1883 Labor Mill
Grismon, Edward S 17 S Mich. Can. Can.
Grismon, Lillian D 12 S Mich. Can. Can.
Grismon, Leona D 10 S Mich. Can. Can.
Grismon,William S 8 S Mich. Can. Can.

Grill, John
1910 Census
Age Yrs M B FB MB Emg. Occ.
Grill, John Head 38 0 Aus. Aus. Aus 1891 Fireman R.R.
Grill, Margaret Wife 26 0 Mich. Ire. Ire.

Grubb, Ira
1910 Census
Age Yrs M B FB MB Occ.
Grubb, Ira Head 32 3 Mich. USA USA Barber
Grubb, Emma Wife 20 3 Mich. Mich. Mich.
Grubb, Vivian D 1 S Mich. Mich. Mich.
Evans, John F-in-law 66 22 Mich. USA USA Laborer/Odd Jobs
Evans, James B-in-law 17 S Mich. Mich. Mich. Laborer/Odd Jobs
Evans, Ina M-in-law 46 22 Mich. USA US