Beaver Island Census Records - O

1900 Census Peaine Township Sloptown Rd
Age M/S Yrs M B FB MB Yr Yrs
Emg. U.S.
McCauley, Owen Head 60 M 30 Ire. Ire. Ire. 1866 33
McCauley, James S 15 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
(There is no birth record for a James. It could be Connell, born May 22, '87)
McCauley, Peter S 15 S Mich. Ire. Ire. (Died 1940)
McCauley, Dominick S 13 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Occ. Mo Unemp R W E House
McCauley, Owen Farmer 0 y y y Owns F
McCauley, James Farm Laborer 4 y y y
McCauley, Peter Farm Laborer 4 y y y
McCauley, Dominick Farm Laborer 4 y y y

1910 Census Peaine Township
Age Yrs M B FB MB Emg. Occ.
McCauley, Owen Head 70 DV Ire. Ire. Ire. 1860 Farmer
McCauley, Peter S 18 S Mich. Ire. Ire. Farmer at home

1900 Census Peaine Township
Age M/S Yrs M Mother of B FB MB
McCauley, Owen Head 31 M 0 Mich. Ire. Ire.
McCauley, Mary Wife 28 M 0 0-0 Mich. Ire. Ire.
Occ. R W E House
McCauley, Owen Asst. Lighthouse Keeper y y y Rent H
McCauley, Mary y y y

1910 Census Peaine Township
Age Yrs M B FB MB Emg. Occ.
McCauley, Owen Head 41 11 Mich. Ire. Ire. U.S. Lighthouse Keep
McCauley, Mary Wife 38 11 Ire. Ire. Ire. 1881
McCauley, Clementine D 8 S Mich. Mich. Ire.
McCauley, Alexander S 6 S Mich. Mich. Ire.
McCauley, Mary Mother 80 WD Mich. Mich. Ire.

He was light keeper on Squaw

1900 Census
Age M/S B FB MB Occ.
McCauley, Owen Head 27 S Mich. Ire. Ire. Fisherman
Gallagher, Patrick Boarder 32 S Mich. Ire. Ire. Fisherman
Mo Unemp R W E House
McCauley, Owen 5 y y y Rent House

Gallagher, Patrick 5 y y y

O'Brien, Edward
1860 Census
Age B Occ.
O'Brien, Edward 45 Can. Carpenter
O'Brien, Rosalie 41 Can.
O'Brien, Matilda 20 Can.
(Married Mar.5, '67 what looks like an Indian name and can't make out - see church card under O'Brien)
O'Brien, Mary A. 23 N.Y.
(Married Joe Smith)
O'Brien, Angelina 15 N.Y.
(Married Patrick Harlsims)
O'Brien, Edward 17 N.Y.
O'Brien, Peter 18 N.Y.
O'Brien, George 11 N.Y.
O'Brien, John 5 N.Y.
(Married Adaline Brown)
Smith, Joseph 23 Mich. Laborer
Conochain (?), Eugene 21 Can. Cooper

1870 Census
Age B Occ. Per. Prop.
O'Brien, Edward 48 Can. Cooper $150
O'Brien, Jane 47 Can. H. Keeper
O'Brien, Edward 25 Can. Laborer
O'Brien, Peter 22 Can. Laborer
O'Brien, George 20 Can. Laborer
O'Brien, James 18 Can.

These births in Canada must be wrong. In later census the children consistently give their birth place as N.Y.

1880 Census St. James Township
Age Occ. B FB MB
O'Brien, Edward 70 Cooper Can. Can. Can. Can't R or W
O'Brien, Rose 59 K. House Can. Can. Can. Can't W

O'Brien, John
(This is Wilfred's father, son of Edward)
1880 Census Hog Island
Age Occ. B FB MB
O'Brien, John Head 25 Cooper N.Y. Can. Can.
O'Brien, Adaline Wife 22 K. House Can. Can. Can.
O'Brien, Agnes D 8/12 Mich. N.Y. Can.
(Belle married Jack Gibson-could this be Agnes, above Br is Bella, the Alice daughter of Peter? See his card)
Florence Born '82
Charles Born '89 (Wilfred?)
Brown, Jeanie S-in-law 11 Mich. Can. Can. Can't W

Death Record
Adeline O'Brien, married, age 79-10-14, died in St. James Township of "senility [?]" on July 2, '37. Born Canada, parents Charles Brown and Julia Bush.

1900 Census St. James Township
Age M/S Yrs M Mother of B FB MB
O'Brien, John Head 45 M 21 N.Y. Can. Can.
O'Brien, Adaline Wife 42 M 21 Can. Can. N.Y.
O'Brien, Agnes D 20 S Mich. N.Y. Can.
O'Brien, Florence D 18 S Mich. N.Y. Can.
O'Brien, Charles S 11 S Mich. N.Y. Can.
Occ. Mo. Unemp. R W E House
O'Brien, John Fisher 4 y y y Owns H
O'Brien, Adaline y y y
O'Brien, Agnes Dressmaker 0 y y y
O'Brien, Florence y y y
O'Brien, Charles School y y y

1910 Census St. James Township
Age Yrs M B FB MB Em. Occ.
O'Brien, John 54 31 N.Y. Can. Can. Gill Net
O'Brien, Adaline 51 31 Can. Can. Can.
O'Brien, Wilfred 21 Mich. N.Y. Can. Fisherman

1910 Census
Age B FB MB Occ.
O'Brien, John Head 54 N.Y. Can. Can. Gill Net
O'Brien, Adeline Wife 51 Can. Can. Can.
O'Brien, Wilfred S 21 Mich. N.Y. Can. Fisherman

O'Donnell, Anthony
Died January 9, 1912, Anthony O'Donnell, age 96 of general debility (church)
Died January 10, 1912, Anthony O'Donnell, widower, age 96-5-26 of general debility, born Ireland, farmer, parents Hugh O'Donnell and Bridget Green (Charlevoix).

O'Donnell, Francis
1870 Census
Age Born Occ.
O'Donnell, Francis 37 Ire. Fisherman Can't R or W
Recorded as living in household of John Martin, also reported in house of his mother Suzie

1880 Census Galilee Township
Age B FB MB Occ.
O'Donnell, Frank Head 54 Ire. Ire. Ire. Laborer Can't R or W
O'Donnell, Grace Wife 44 Ire. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper Can't R or W
(This is Edward Martin's widow)
Martin, Catherine Step D 14 Mich. Ire. Ire. At Home
Martin, Daniel Step S 13 Mich. Ire. Ire. Laborer
Martin, Edward Step S 11 Mich. Ire. Ire. Laborer
(Age 12 of 1870 Census is right)
Martin, John Stem S 11 Mich. Ire. Ire. School
O'Donnell, Michael S 8 Mich. Ire. Ire. (April 19, '72)
O'Donnell, Mary D 4 Mich. Ire. Ire.
O'Donnell, Hannah D 6 Mich. Ire. Ire. (Birth record March 6, '74)

There is also a Francis O'Donnell, age 40, living in the house of Susan O'Donnell, age 60. It is this one, Suzie's son who married Grace.

In 1900 he is living in home of his Bernard
Probably he was recorded twice, with John Martin for whom he was working and also by his mother

O'Donnell, Daniel
(I have no card for him, can't place him, "Lably"? Yes)
1870 Census Peaine Township
Age Born Occ.
O'Donnell, Daniel 40 Ire. Laborer
O'Donnell, Mary 35 Ire. H. Keeper Can't R or W
O'Donnell, Ann 2 Mich.
O'Donnell, Francis 9/12 Mich.

1880 Census Peaine Township
Age B FB MB Occ.
O'Donnell, Daniel Head 50 Ire. Ire. Ire. Farmer Can't R or W
O'Donnell, Mary Wife 44 Ire. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper Can't R or W
O'Donnell, Ann D 12 Mich. Ire. Ire. School Can't W
O'Donnell, Frank S 10 Mich. Ire. Ire. School Can't W
O'Donnell, Lizzie D 8 Mich. Ire. Ire. Can't R or W
O'Donnell, John S 6 Mich. Ire. Ire. Can't R or W
(Birth record August 22, '74, died '99)
O'Donnell, Ellen D 16 Ire. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper Can't R or W
(One of the children left behind, by this census Mary was married to Dennis Cull, age 24, she too was left behind)

Death Record
Daniel O'Donnell, married, age 77-6-12, died in Peaine Township on February 12, '1906 of heart failure, born Ireland, farmer, parents Daniel and Ellen O'Donnell, residents of St. James Township
John O'Donnell, single, age 25-7-0 died in Peaine Township of heart disease on February 26, '99, born St. James, farmer, parents Dan and Mary O'Donnell

These people are the right age to be Lably and his wife Mary. They are 1st recorded in 1870. If the story about sending for the children left behind is right, and Mary, who married Dennis Cull was 14 when she came, the children could have reached Beaver in 1870 after the census was taken. Note Ellen, age 16, born Ireland. This explains the 1870 Census for these people were old to have children 2 and 9/12. They evidently came between '64, Ellen's birth date and '68', Anna's birth date.

O'Donnell, Farigal (?)
1880 Census Peaine Township
Age B FB MB Occ.
O'Donnell, Farigal (?) Head 50 Ire. Ire. Ire. Laborer Can't R or W
(In Pennsylvania until '77)
O'Donnell, Mary Wife 31 Ire. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper (Maiden name-Boyle)
O'Donnell, Daniel S 11 Penn. Ire. Ire. School Can't R or W
O'Donnell, Edward S 9 Penn. Ire. Ire.
O'Donnell, Mary D 6 Penn. Ire. Ire.
O'Donnell, Catherine D 4 Penn. Ire. Ire.
O'Donnel, Peter S 2/12 Mich. Ire. Ire.
Boyle, Bridget M-in-law 65 Ire. Ire. Ire.

See card in church record

1900 Census Peaine Township Slop Town
Age M/S Yrs M B FB MB Yr Yrs
Emg. U.S.
O'Donnell, Daniel Head 71 M 44 Ire. Ire. Ire. 1867 32
O'Donnell, Mary Wife 65 M 44 Ire. Ire. Ire. 1867 32
O'Donnell, Frank s 30 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Occ. R W E House
O'Donnell, Daniel Farmer n n y Owns F
O'Donnell, Mary n n y
O'Donnell, Frank Woodsman y n y

Died August 1, 1920, Mary O'Donnell, widow, age 85, of old age, born Ireland, parents Mike O'Donnell and Bridget McCauley (Charlevoix)
Died August 1, 1920, Mary O'Donnell of old age (church)
Died February 12, '06, Daniel O'Donnell, age 77-7-6, born Ireland, of old age
Daniel O'Donnell, February 12, '06, married, age 77-6-12, of heart failure, born Ireland, parents Daniel and Ellen O'Donnell

O'Donnell, Charles
(Charles Strack)
1860 Census
Age Born
O'Donald, ? (Charles) 32 Ire.
O'Donald, Grace 32 Ire.
(Maiden name-Gillespie (in parish birth record of child Grace, she is the right age to be Old John's sister)
O'Donald, Charles 2 Can.
O'Donald, Mary 2/12 Mich.
Gillespie, Nancy 73 Ire.
(She died January 7, '67, age 80, born Arranmore (church record), this is the only Gillespie listed in 1860 Census)

1870 Census Peaine Township
Age Born Occ. P.Prop R.Est.
O'Donnell, Charles 40 Ire. Farmer $175 $250
O'Donnell, Grace 36 Ire. H. Keeper
O'Donnell, Charles 12 Can. Can't W
O'Donnell, Mary 9 Mich.
O'Donnell, Ann 7 Mich.
O'Donnell, Grace 5 Mich.
(Baptized 1863, so must have been 7. Are she and Ann the same? Ann is not in baptismal records or in 1880 census)
O'Donnell, Catherine 3 Mich. (Baptized '68)

1880 Census Peaine Township
Age B FB MB Occ.
O'Donnell, Charles Head 52 Ire. Ire. Ire. Farmer Can't R or W
O'Donnell, Grace Wife 50 Ire. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper Can't R or W
O'Donnell, Grace D 16 Mich. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper/School Can't W
O'Donnell, Catherine D 14 Mich. Ire. Ire. School Can't W
O'Donnell, John S 11 Mich. Ire. Ire. School Can't W (Johnny Og)
McKinnon, Charles S-in-law 29 Can. Scot. Scot. Laborer
McKinnon, Mary D 20 Mich. Ire. Ire. At Home

Death Records
Charles O'Donnell, married, died February 5, '95, age 67-5-18 in Peaine Township of Bright's disease, born Ireland, parents unknown
Grace O'Donnell, widow, died July 20, '95, age 68 in Peaine Township of paralysis, housekeeper, parents unknown, born Ireland

O'Donnell, John
1880 Census
Age B FB MB Occ.
O'Donnell, John Head 24 Ire. Ire. Ire. Retail Grocer
O'Donnell, Bridget Wife 22 Can. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper
O'Donnell, Hannah D 5 Mich. Ire. Can.
O'Donnell, Nellie D 1 Mich. Ire. Can.
Malloy, Hannah 13 Mich. Ire. Ire. Servant
(Daughter of Dan Malloy? He and his wife both died in 1877)

This is the right age of John O'Donnell to be the son of the widow who married "Salty" O'Donnell

1900 Census Peaine Township
Age M/S Yrs M Mother of B FB MB Yr
O'Donnell, Michael Head 58 M 14 Ire. Ire. Ire. 1851
O'Donnell, Nancy Wife 52 M 14 2-2 Ire. Ire. Ire. 1884
O'Donnell, Anthony S 12 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
Yrs Occ. R W E House
O'Donnell, Michael 48 Farmer y y y Owns F
O'Donnell, Nancy 16 n n n
O'Donnell, Anthony School y y y

1910 Census Peaine Township
Age Yrs M B FB MB Emg. Occ.
O'Donnell, Michael Head 68 24 Ire. Ire. Ire. Illegible "none"
O'Donnell, Mary Wife 65 24 Ire. Ire. Ire. Illegible Brake man RR
O'Donnell, Anthony S 22 S Mich. Ire. Ire.

Evidently married Nangog in 1886. It looks as if Nangog cause with the '84 party.
Logical-her 1st husband was "Mrs. Honey's Uncle" which shows a close connection with the Don Father family

Died May 19, 1910, Michael O'Donnell, age 67, chronic Bright's disease (church)
Died May 19, 1910, Michael O'Donnell, age 67, Bright's disease, born Ireland, farmer, parents Anthony O'Donnell, Nora Gallagher, (Charlevoix)

Darky Mike and Nangog

O'Donnell, Michael
(Darkey Mike)
1860 Census
Lists him as 19, born Ireland, laborer, living in household with William Buckum, Scotland, age 60, farmer, and Hugh and Patrick Boyle, age 30 & 33, laborers, Ireland

1870 Census
Age Born Occ.
O'Donnell, Michael 28 Ire. Fisherman
Listed in household of John Dunlevy

This looks like Darky Mike after his 1st wife left him and before he married Nangog, see his card, his 1st marriage is in Parish records as in 1863

There is also a Michael O'Donnell living in th4e same house as Susan O'Donnell, age 50 and Dan age 25. She is Anthony's (Sophia) mother. Is he therefore a brother of Anthony? This is her son M. O'Donnell

I have assigned this death record to him
Michael O'Donnell, married, age 67, died on May 19, '1910 of Bright's disease in St. James Township, born Ireland, farmer, parents Anthony O'Donnell and Nora Gallagher

O'Donnell, M.F.
(Brother of Anthony)
1880 Census
Age B FB MB Occ.
O'Donnell, M.F. Head 32 Ire. Ire. Ire. Laborer
O'Donnell, Margaret Wife 28 N.Y. Ire. Ire. H. keeper
(Daughter of Robert Gibson)
O'Donnell, Robert S 8 Mich. Ire. N.Y. School
(Birth record November 4, '71-Beaver Island Harbor)
O'Donnell, Francis S 6 Mich. Ire. N.Y. School Can't R or W
O'Donnell, Julia D 2 Mich. Ire. N.Y.
(Birth record September 2, '77)
O'Donnell, William (Birth record August 16, '75, Chandler Township)
O'Donnell, Charles S 5/12 Mich. Ire. N.Y.

Michael F. O'Donnell was married to Hannah Gallagher first but she died in 1868, age 24, this must be a second wife.

In 1860 he was living with his mother Susan and brother Dan.

In 1870 he was living with his mother, his 1st wife died in '68

This is Margaret Gibson

At Julia's birth list himself as "school teacher"

O'Donnell, Owen
1880 Census Peaine Township
Age B FB MB Occ.
O'Donnell, Owen Head 31 Ire. Ire. Ire. Farmer
(Son of widowed Mrs. Anthony O'Donnell who married Salty O'Donnell-the age is right)
O'Donnell, Julia Wife 26 N.Y. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper
(Maiden name-Malloy, daughter of Dan and Fanny
O'Donnell, Anthony S 3 Mich. Ire. N.Y.
O'Donnell, Daniel (Birth record February 25, '78, father "sailor"
O'Donnell, Hannah D 1 Mich. Ire. N.Y.
(Birth record June 13, '79, father "school master"

He was Sheriff of Manitou County and son Anthony was nicknamed "The Deputy", Tony O'Don's notes

O'Donnell, Patrick
1880 Census Peaine Township
Age B FB MB Occ.
O'Donnell, Patrick Head 42 Ire. Ire. Ire. Farmer Can't R or W
O'Donnell, Margaret Wife 42 Ire. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper Can't R or W
O'Donnell, James S 4 Mich. Ire. Ire.
(Birth record "John" Patrick and Margaret Boyle, this must be the one and a mistake in name either in Census or birth record)
Boyle, Rose Step D 16 Mich. Ire. Ire. At Home
Boyle, John Step S 14 Mich. Ire. Ire. School
Boyle, Catherine Step D 11 Mich. Ire. Ire. School

Married November 4, 1874
Moved to Chicago sometime after 1880

O'Donnell, Susan
("Shingie" mother of Anthony who married Sophia)
1860 Census
Age Born Occ.
O'Donald, Susan 50 Ire. Widow
O'Donald, Dan 25 Ire. Laborer (Married Grace Gallagher)
O'Donald, Michael 15 Ire.
(Married Hannah, taught school, 2nd wife Margaret)

Susan O'Donald, age 50, widow, born Ireland, is also listed as living in the same household with William Gallagher, age 24, cooper, born Ireland, Cicly Boyle, age 30, born Ireland, Maurice Boyle, age 25, fisherman, born Ireland, John Boyle, age 17 and Bridget Boyle, age 15

1870 Census Peaine Township
Age Born Occ.
O'Donnell, Susan 60 Ire. H. Keeper
O'Donnell, Francis 40 Ire. Laborer
(Did he marry Grace Martin, Edward's widow? Yes.)
O'Donnell, Michael 23 Ire. Clerk in Store

In 1880 living with son Anthony, age 81

O'Donnell, James
("Shamus Colum")
1870 Census Peaine Township
Age Born Occ. P.Prop R.Est.
O'Donnell, James 50 Ire. Farmer $25 $300
O'Donnell, Catherine 45 Ire. H. Keeper Can't W
(Maiden name-Gallagher)
O'Donnell, Mary 10 Mich. Can't R or W
O'Donnell, Francis 7 Mich. (Baptized in '62)
O' Donnell, Patrick 5 Mich. (Baptized in '65)
O'Donnell, Bridget 3 Mich. (Birth record May 19, '67)
O'Donnell, John 1 Mich. (Baptized '69)

1880 Census Peaine Township
Age B FB MB Occ.
O'Donnell, James Head 43 Ire. Ire. Ire. Farmer
O'Donnell, Catherine Wife 50 Ire. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper Can't R or W
O'Donnell, Mary D 18 Mich. Ire. Ire. Can't W
O'Donnell, Frank S 18 Mich. Ire. Ire. Laborer Can't W
(Baptism record)
O'Donnell, Patrick S 15 Mich. Ire. Ire. Laborer Can't W
O'Donnell, Bridget D 13 Mich. Ire. Ire. School Can't R or W
O'Donnell, Ellen D 8 Mich. Ire. Ire. School Can't R or W
(Baptized '71)
O'Donnell, Catherine D 6 Mich. Ire. ire. Can't R or W
(Birth record September 5, '73, Peaine Township, mother is Catherine Gallagher)

O'Donnell, Anthony
1870 Census
Age Born Occ. R.Est.
O'Donnell, Anthony 35 Ire. Farmer $200 (All of the entry)

December 30, '71, died Anthony O'Donnell, age 35, single, died of consumption, born Ireland, parents Frank and Kate O'Donnell

O'Donnell, Anthony
(This is not "Salty". It is the one on the Kings Highway where daughter married Pat Vesty)
1860 Census
Age Born Occ.
O'Donnell, Anthony 30 Ire. Fisherman
O'Donnell, Sophia 27 Ire.
O'Donnell, Bridget 8 Can. (Arranmore-family bible, age 9)
O'Donnell, Daniel 8 Can. (Age 4 in family bible)
O'Donnell, John 7/12 Mich. (Age 6 in family bible)

Emigration date 1851 (Sophia gave in 1900)

Second record same Census
Age Born Occ.
O'Donnell, Anthony 30 Ire. Fisherman
O'Donnell, Sophia 30 Ire.
O'Donnell, Biddy 11 Ire.
(Married White Dan, age 9 according to family bible)
O'Donnell, Deme 5 Can. (Toronto, age 4 according to family bible)
O'Donnell, Ellen 2 Mich.
(Married Pat Vesty, baptized by Father Baraga, age 3 according to family bible)
O'Donnell, Peter 8/12 Mich.
(Died 1912, married Mamie Maloney, age 1 according to family bible)

1870 Census
Age Born Occ. R.Est.
O'Donnell, Anthony 43 Ire. $200
This is a single entry

O'Donnell, Anthony 43 Ire. Fisherman Can't R or W
O'Donnell, Sophia 40 Ire. H. Keeper Can't R or W
O'Donnell, Daniel 14 Can.
(Toronto, married a Norwegian girl in Manistee, the one who took for 30 years)
O'Donnell, Ellen 12 Mich. (Never married)
O'Donnell, Peter 8 Mich. (Age 10?)
O'Donnell, Anthony 3 Mich.
O'Donnell, Joseph 1 Mich.

1880 Census
Age B FB MB Occ.
O'Donnell, Anthony Head 50 Ire. Ire. Ire. Fisherman
(Died March 31, '93 of apoplexy)
O'Donnell, Ellen Wife 50 Ire. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper Can't R or W
(Note change of name- a mistake of census taker?)
O'Donnell, Ellen D 22 Mich. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper
O'Donnell, Peter S 21 Mich. Ire. Ire. Laborer
O'Donnell, Anthony S 15 Mich. Ire. Ire. Laborer
O'Donnell, Joseph S 10 Mich. Ire. Ire. Laborer
(Died January 23, '26, married Annie (Paddy Rua) Gallagher)
O'Donnell, Charles S 6 Mich. Ire. Ire.
(Birth record March 10, '74-mother Sophia, unmarried)
O'Donnell, Susan M 81 Ire. Ire. Ire. Can't R or W
Kelly, Bridget Niece 15 Mich. Ire. Ire.
(Is this the daughter of John and Mary Kelly in the church roll of '64? That would make Mary an O'Donnell, sister of either Anthony of Sophia. The John Kelly's are not in the Census. A Mary Kelly died in 1866. Did the family move away before 1870 Census?)

Died December 8, 1880, Susan O'Donnell, age 85 of old age, born Ireland, parents Anthony and Bridget Sweeny
Anthony "chine" and Joe were lost on the Clifton in September 1924, Joe age 54 and Anthony age 59

Death Records
Sophia O'Donnell, widow, age 74, died in Peaine Township of paralysis on July 2, '1902, born Ireland, housewife, parents Mike O'Donnell and Bridget Gallagher
Anthony O'Donnell, married, age 66-5-6, died March 31, '93 of apoplexy, farmer, parents Michael O'Donnell and mother not given
Joseph A. O'Donnell, married, age 56-11-17 died in Peaine Township, January 23, '26 of "Tabes Dorsolis", parents Anthony and Sophia, farmer

O'Donnell, Barney
(Barney's Lake)
1870 Census Peaine Township
Age Born Occ. P.Prop R.Est.
O'Donnell, Barney 40 Ire. Farmer $175 $300 Can't W
O'Donnell, Margaret 31 Ire. H. Keeper (Maiden name-Curran)
O'Donnell, Mary 15 Can. (Married Neil Gallagher, in 1880 Census with him)
O'Donnell, John 13 Can. (Married Big Emma, daughter of Big Biddie)
O'Donnell, Frank 11 Can. Can't W
(In 1880 recorded on Whiskey in household of James McCann, died 1935)
O'Donnell, Daniel 10 Mich. (Married Bille Dougherty)
O'Donnell, Patrick 7 Mich. (Died November 7, '95, typhoid fever)
O'Donnell, Anthony 6 Mich. (Batchelor)
O'Donnell, Anna 4 Mich.
O'Donnell, Margaret 8/12 Mich.

1880 Census Peaine Township
Age B FB MB Occ.
O'Donnell, Bernard Head 50 Ire. Ire. Ire. Farmer Can't R or W
O'Donnell, Margaret Wife 41 Can. Ire. Ire. H. Keeper
O'Donnell, Daniel S 18 Mich. Ire. Can. Farm Laborer
O'Donnell, Anthony S 16 Mich. Ire. Can. School
O'Donnell, Anna D 14 Mich. Ire. Can. School
O'Donnell, Margaret D 10 Mich. Ire. Can. School Can't W
O'Donnell, James S 8 Mich. Ire. Can. School Can't W
O'Donnell, Thomas (Birth record November 14, '73, did he die?)
O'Donnell, Elizabeth D 4 Mich. Ire. Can.
(Birth record December 15, '75)
O'Donnell, Jane D 2 Mich. Ire. Can.

Death Records
Patrick B. O'Donnell, single, age 32-9-11, died in Peaine Township of typhoid fever on November 7, '95, born Michigan, parents Bernard and May O'Donnell, laborer
Bernard O'Donnell, widower, died in St. James Township on June 22, '06, cause not given, born Ireland, farmer, parents Anthony O'Donnell and Hannah Gallagher ( I failed to get age)
Bernard O'Donnell, age 76, born Ireland, died of paralytic stroke on June 19, 1906 (church)
Frank B. O'Donnell, single, age 76-7-7 died December 25, '35 in Peaine Township of "servility patrol obstructions", born Canada, farmer, parents Bernard O'Donnell and Margaret Kerns

1900 Census Peaine Township
Age M/S B FB MB Yr Yrs Occ.
Emg. U.S.
O'Donnell, Bernard Head 72 WD Ire. Ire. Ire. 1860 40 Farmer
O'Donnell, Frank S 42 S Can. Ire. Ire. 1860 40 Woodsman
O'Donnell, James S 28 S Mich. Ire. Ire. Farm Laborer
O'Donnell, Catherine D 16 S Mich. Ire. Ire.
O'Donnell, Frank B 76 S Ire. Ire. Ire. 1852 47 Sailor
Mo Unemp R W E House
O'Donnell, Bernard 0 n n n Owns F
O'Donnell, Frank 4 y y y (Never married)
O'Donnell, James 0 y y y
O'Donnell, Catherine y y y

O'Donnell, Frank 4 y y y (Born 1824)