Biographical Papers A-G

Biographical Papers Letter A

Captain Charles Claus Allers

(card #1)


Charles Claus Allers, married, 88-5-9 [1], died Oct. 31, 1936 [of] myocardial degeneration; [born] Germ,; [2] parents unknown.


Captain Charles Claus Allers

(card #2)


Moved to Beaver in 1903

Married Maria Victoria Curtis (born Canada), 1858 (from newspaper clipping on her 73rd birthday in 1931).

"Mrs. Allers was 1/2 Indian" (Maria) This must be 1/4 Indian from her appearance. Ethel confirms that this is true and her sister Lillian showed also Indian blood and was very dark. According to Maria, "There was a Curtis family. He was an Indian & his sister was Mrs. Aller's mother."

There is a death record for a month old baby, cause premature birth:

Died Aug. 22, '09, parents Herman Allers & Minnie H. Mielke B This must be Gus's sister.

Death records:

Charles Claus Allers, married, age 88-5-9, died Oct. 31 '36, in St. J. Twp [3] of myocardial degeneration. Born Germany; parents unknown, but [also] born Germany.


Herman Allers


Herman Allers, 0-1-1, died Aug. 22 '09; [cause] premature birth. Parents Herman Allers & Minnie Mielke.


Lenore Allers Belfy

Born 1891 - married Edwin Belfy, 1893-1975


Edwin Belfy

Musette La Froniere [4]

Chester Belfy


M. M. Aldrich

A Mormon - his dock was at Troy.

He was Justice of the Peace in 1851.

He is listed in the 1850 census - see census card.


Captain Gilman Appleby

1810-1867 or '68

Married Julia [?], 1820 -

He was the 3 rd Lightkeeper at the Head:

"Capt. Appleby of Buffaloe, N.Y. took Mr. Patrick Looney's place as keeper of the light at the head where he was assisted by his nephew Frank Blakeslee."

- C. of Sea, p. 187

(He was followed by Tip Miller.)

1860 census:

Gilbert Apelby 50 lightkeeper born N.Y.

Julia Apelby 40 ----------------- born N.Y.

Antwin__ Conergan 30 laborer born Canada

From "The Great Lakes Reader" - Havighurst:

"In the 1830s, after years in the schooner trade, Capt. Gilman Appleby of Connaught [5] became master of the steamer North American, carrying travelers and immigrants from Buffalo to western Lake Erie. In the 1840s he took command of the Indiana, with a brass band on deck and an iron Indian astride her smokestack."

The Nov. 11 storm of 1835 - "The steamship North America was driven on the beach at Erie. She was commanded by Capt. G. Appleby...The North America prior to going ashore had let go her anchors & attempted to ride out the gale at Erie, but the wind increasing in its fury soon parted her cables, while the passengers & crew gave themselves up for lost, but it was suggested to scuttle the boat to prevent her jumping over the pier & thus the boat was saved. P. 307 [6]

An inquiry from Virginia H. Jordon, MD, Grand Blanc, Mich., 1981:

"Our Gilbert would have been 53 in 1851. He lived to be 94."

May ? 1861 - Gilman Appleby bought from David Lobdell Lot 1 Sec 20-37-10.

May 23, 1863 - Gilman Appleby bought from U.S. Lot 5 Sec 21-37-10.

- these [2 lots] are adjoining & are between Cable's Bay & Iron Ore Bay

Sept. ? 1867 - Gilman Appleby sold to John Demming Lot 1 Sec 20-37-10.

Sept. ? 1867 - Julia Appleby sold to John Demming Lot 5 Sec 21-37-10.

Sept. ? 1868 - Julia Appleby sold to Frank Blakeslee Lot 1 Sec 20

Nov. 1868 - Julia Appleby sold to Frank Blakeslee Lot 5 Sec 21

- this looks as if the deal with Demming didn't go through & the widowed Julia then sold the property to the nephew


William Atkinson

Wife Milantha (Martlia?)

1860 census:

William Atkinson, 24, laborer, born N.Y.

Milantha Atkinson, 22, born N.Y.

William */22 [7] born N.Y.


1 Likely 88 years, 5 months, 9 days.

2 Likely an abbreviation for Germany.

St. James Township, Charlevoix County; one of the three counties that made up Beaver Island in the nineteenth century. The others were Peaine and Gallilee (Gallilee has ceased to be used as a geographic designation). St. James Township was named for James Jessie Strang, the Mormon leader.

4 The last name is spelled LaFreniere elsewhere in the manuscript.

5 For Connaught, Ireland, see entry below for Mike Burke; this would seem to conflict with the birthplace Captain Gilman gave in the 1860 census.

6 The second paragraph is probably an additional quote from the " Great Lakes Reader," but the author does not make this clear.

7 Indecipherable numeral, possibly 5. Babies under the age of one year were often designated by the number of months out of twelve (i. e., "5/12" for five months), but the "22" is unclear here.


Biographical Papers Letter B

Joseph Bailly

(Joseph Aubert de Gaspe Bailly de Messein)

Born 1774 at Quebec (prominent French family)

Went to Mackinac "at an early age"

First wife - daughter of an Indian chief - children. Separated by mutual consent - date not clear.

Second wife - Marie LeFevre - born 1873 - Father French merchant, mother Ottawa. She had married Ottawa medicine man delaVagne - bought her freedom from him. Daughter Agatha married Edward Biddle in 1819.

By 1800 his trading operations were on Grand, Muskegon, Kalamazoo, & St. Joseph rivers.

In this area he was associated with John Kinzie ( In____ Massacre 1812) [1] By 1805 extended to Kankakee River.

1810 - met second wife.

1812 - he was British Citizen until after the war.

1816 - law passed to trade with Indians, must be Am. citz.

1822 - moved to Calumet region, the only settlers in the region until 1833.

Made a translation of the entire New Testament in Potowatomi. Had library of 300 volumes - mostly French & English classics.

1835 - died

1866 - widow died at Calumet house.


Father Frederic Baraga


Born June 29, 1797

1830 - landed N.Y.

1831 - 1833 Arbre Croche [2]

1832 - first Mass on the Island.

May 11, 1832 - baptized 22 Indians on B.I. [3] He was on the Island in 1859, for he baptized three babies - Manus Bonner.

This is when he must have baptized the 3 children:

Frank McCauley, born '58

Ellen O'Donnell, born '58

Manus Bonner, born '59

1832 - published prayer book & catechism in Ottawa

1833 - 1835 - Grand River

1835 - 1843 - La Pointe

1843 - 1853 - L'Anse

1843-1855 - prepared dictionary (1852) of grammar of Chippewa à 1849

1853-1868 - Diocese of Marquette

Nov. 1, 1853 - consecrated Bishop in ___. [4]

Oct. 6, 1857 - "ordained Rev. Patrick Bernard Murray," p. 289 V

1857 - on Beaver; Father Murray stationed here (in letter dated Sept.).

1860 - Bishop Baraga established a permanent parish & assigned Rev. Patrick Murray

1863 - he wrote Leopoldine [5] Soc. that I've had 15 priests "we suffer from the want of priests."

1866 - Father Murray left for Alpena. Father Peter Gallagher came.

Jan 19, 1868 - died in Marquette (age 71).

"Holy Cross Parish" says Bishop Baraga's last visit was in the summer of 1864 but Lawrence notes that Hannah Big Owen "sewed a button on his shirt on his last visit in 1866." She had come from Ireland to the Island that same year.

John Black Bonner brought Bishop Baraga on his last trip to the Island in the " Rutland." Pat does not give a date.

The census of 1850 shows, on Mackinac Is.- "Ignas Mrak 40 R C Priest, Austria;" he is living alone. Was he a Leopoldine?

Also - in s[e]parate homes, alone-"Francis Perez (?) R. C. Munster, Austria.

(Leopoldine Foundation: established by the Emperor Francis I & named for his dead daughter, who had been Empress of Brazil.)

Prayer Book in both Ottawa & Chippewa [6]

"Sermon Book" - abstracts from Old and New Testaments

"Life of Jesus Christ"

"Eternal Truths"

also- in German- "The History, Character, Life & Manner of the North American Indian" (translated into French)

His letters to the Leopoldine Society were widely published in a number of languages & attracted many to the mission field. From his native Slovenia alone came more than 20.

During night attack on his cabin at Grand River he vowed to abstain from alcoholic drink for the rest of his life.

July 29, 1853 - Upper Pen. Made Vicariate Apostolic. Upper part of Lower Pen. added Baraga consecrated its Bishop in the Metropolitan Church of Cincinnati of feast of All Saints 1853 - he went immediately to Europe to raise money & came back with some priests and clerics & reach Sault St. Marie (the seat of the vicariage) late in August 1854.

Jan. 9, 1857 Vicariate raised to a diocese - Baraga 1st resident. "In his anxiety for the welfare of the diocese he ordained some who were not fully prepared" - from the "Apostle to the Chippewas," by Joseph Gregorick, p. 86. [7]

"He lamented "the past saddens me, the present torments me, the future haunts me,'" Ibid., p. 86 from Baraga's Journal

Oct. 27, 1866 - seat of diocese moved to Marquette; Baraga got there in May.

"Often he would say 'I am essentially an Indian Missionary.'" Ibid., p. 95.

Oct. 7, 1866 - Baltimore for Second Plenary Council. Oct. 10th had a stroke. "Spoke with difficulty & only able to walk a few paces in his room. Ibid., p. 97

Jan. 19, 1868 (Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus) he died - Buried in the Cathedral at Marquette. "At his death, a well established diocese, more than 20 priests & a number of churches." Ibid., p. 100

1832 - 1st visit May 11; baptized 22. Returned at the end of May - baptized 6 more. In the fall returned - baptized 15.

1833 - spring - baptized 3 (in May)

Finally gains consent of pagans to build church in woods away from village.

Summer - made last visit before leaving Arbre Croche; most Indians gone to Canada for gifts. Had not completed church because of hatred of pagans. Advised Christiana to move to Arbre Croche & in report of his missions-B.I.: 55 Christians.


Father Frederic Baraga

(card #2)

First parish 1824-1828, St. Martin

"The great zeal of Father B met with the disapproval of his colleagues." His "envious colleagues accused him to his Bishop who removed him from St. Martin and sent him to Medli____________" [8]

Medli________, 1828-1830

"One of his first cares was to procure a beautiful set of Stations of the Cross"

Leopoldine society formed 1829 - he told his Bishop of his desire to go to the Indians & applied to the society. On Nov. 4 1829 wrote his sister his application had been granted.

"The Parish priest had long entertained a great dislike to F. Baraga on account of the latter's great popularity." "Father Frederic" he said, "you have wanted to make yourself important by getting things for our churches. All are not yet paid for. Who is to pay for these when you are gone?" F. Baraga gave him his cloak to pay the debts. The priest hastily withdrew because the people were highly incensed. He did not take the cloak. The debts were paid by his sister & donations from pious people.

He was the first candidate of the Leo. Soc. for the Indian mission.

Baptized by Baraga in 1859: Nora McCauley (Dan's); Joe Burke; Manus Bonner.

In Baraga two parishes, St. Martin's & M______. He soon had trouble with his superiors. The official policy of the Bishop was tainted with Jansenism, [9] a heresy, which B. combated among the parishioners with success. His admiring biographer claims this success aroused intense jealousy among the other local priests. He was removed from St. Martin in disgrace. In M______, the pattern was repeated. Then see his experience at Grand River.

Where he worked alone far from his superiors, as in the Indian mission field, he was loved, almost adored, by those to whom he ministered & who were in no position to question his authority. Again, as Bishop, when he was the superior & he was geographically far from higher authority, his success was great; but whenever he was in the position having to work with co-equals he got into controversy & trouble.

Note the fact that Lyman Beecher's tract A Plea for the West [10] appeared in Cincinnati in 1835. See p. 22 in Am. to which they came . [11]

(decide where to put paragraphs pp5 22-24)

In his missionary works he placed emphasis on pictures & other church articles for the adornment of the churches founded (Sta. of the Cross for B.I.)

In Feb. 1835 Father Andrew Viszoszky replaced him at Grand River (he had run afoul of the Indian Agent & Baptist Missionary there). He spent the rest of the winter in a French mission near Detroit (white, not Indian).

La Pointe - arrived July 27th 1835. Left Detroit 8th of June. Went by steamer to Mack. Is. Went by trading vessel from the Soo [12] to La Pointe (18 days, probably a sail boat - he called it a "Trading Vessel").


Thomas Bedford

Married (June 8th, 1853) Joan (or Ruth Ann) Millar; she was in Charl [13] by 1884 (see notes from newspaper)

Sister of Tip Millar [14]



Edwin - who was assistant keeper at the Head with Tip Millar - there in 1874 ("B.I Girls")

Harrison - married Minnie Cooper who was lost on the "Champlain" [15]

Was it Edwin or a brother that I knew as owner of the "Fountain City House"? It was Harrison. Thomas is the one who shot Strang. [16]

In the land records:

Dec. 14, '64 by tax deed - Auditor General to Thomas Bedford, Lot 5 Sec 15 T37 R10.

June 2, '64 - this same lot Thomas Bedford to Joseph Evans. This is the Lake Genesareth, Cable's Bay area.

He and David Brown were partners in a fishing business. Bedford & Mrs. Brown were caught in adultery by Brown who horse whipped him. He encouraged Mrs. Bedford to refuse to wear the prescribed [Mormon] dress. - K. of St. J., p. 167 & 68


1865 - a land transfer from Ruth Ann Bedford to Luke Lambert in S3, T38-R10

1864 - Thomas Bedford sold Lot #5 Sec 15 T37 R10 to Joseph D. Evans (on Cable Bay).

Feb. ? 1865 - Ruth Ann Bedford to Luke Lambert, NW 4NE 4 Sec 3-38-10. This was classified as

swampland in 1854. This is not the first record I have of it since so I don't know how Mrs. Bedford got it. It is where Salty's house is on the Kgs. [17] Hwy.


1860 Census:

Thos. Bedford 45 farmer born England

Ruth A. Bedford 25 ---------- born Canada

Edwin 5 ---------- born Mich.

Julia 4 ------------ born Mich.

Harrison 2 ----------- born Mich.

Helen Dumphry

(Humphry?) 22 domestic born Ire [18]

John Boyle 23 laborer born Ire.

Nathan Spenser 37 laborer born N.Y.

Harrison [above, was] named for Ruth's brother Harrison Muller. Harrison married. His wife Minnie Cooper was lost in the "Champlain" disaster. He & she kept the Fountain City House.

Mrs. House:

Tom was wanted in Texas, probably for cattle rustling. One relative told Mrs. House that he did not want to know about this - "The more you dig into a manure pile, the more it stinks." Julia Ann was probably a second wife (note 20 yrs. difference in age & see card on Miller family). He is in the '60 census, but not in the '70 & '80, where Ruth Ann is the head of the house. In '80 she is still on B.I. & listed as a widow.

Family tradition says Tom deserted the family & went to Chicago, later returning to Michigan where he was with the Field family.

She had moved to Charlevoix by July, 1884 (see notes from Charlevoix newspaper).

Mueller Bedford Campbell Family Tree


_____ Belfy

Married Alice Johnson



Edna Mae (McCann)

Stones: [19]

Merrill W. Belfy Coast Guard Art. WW II


Wife and mother Alice,



Bennet [Family]

"A great effort was made to produce the impression that these Bennetts were substantial farmers, & respectable & liberal minded men. Nothing could be further from the truth. They were escaped felons from Ireland, who kept beyond the bounds of civilization to avoid the extradition laws. They had been some time in Mackinac, where they were noted for thieving propensities & the place becoming too warm for them, had taken up their abode at B.I. Thomas took an Indian wife, & lived with her until the expense of supporting the children was more than the value of her work, when he turned her off late in the fall, to provide for herself. On her way to her father's at the Traverse she was overtaken by a storm & perished with all her children. [20]

Ibid., p. 61, "there were upwards of 70 fishermen within 3/4 of a mile."


Thomas Bennett

Brother of Sam. This is the one who was killed. When they first came to B.I. they boarded with the Whitneys on Luneys Point. Then they built a house on Luney's Pt. They put in crops and fished. One Mormon map corroborates this.

Thomas was married. They moved to the gentile settlement at Cable's Bay. Shortly after that, Mrs. Thos. Bennett and their 3 children were lost on their way to Cross Village.

After Thomas was killed, the Mormons put the body in Bennett's own boat along with all the fish the brothers had and taking Sam with them, took them to the harbor where Dr. McCulloch dressed the wound in Sam's hand and performed an autopsy. The time was the spring of 1851. For an account of the killing see K. of St. James, p. 126, & Child of Sea, p. 93. [21]

See card on Sale of Land, for Strang's claim as to how they got their land.


Sam Bennett

Brother of Thomas who was killed. He was wounded in the hand at the same time. (See Thomas Bennett ['s card] for details.) He married a Miss Sullivan from Detroit.


Anthony Benyon(?)

In the 1860 census is a listing so illegible I couldn't make it out but it looked more like the above than anything else:

Anthony Benyon (?) 22 laborer born in France

Clamos (?) Benyon 21 (female) born in France

Chas. Benyon 17 born in France

Patrick Boyle 29 born in Ire.


Clarence B. Bissell

Clarence B. Bissell - [born] Connecticut; cook, laborer (second registration)

Cooked in lumber camps & on sailing vessels. Once stopped at B.I. in a storm; he liked the looks and sent for Rosie Stevens. Wrote and told the Bennetts about B.I. (Rosie was Geo. Stevens sister).


Married Rose Stevens - N.Y.


Vernon, Nov. 14, 1896 (birth record)

Charles Henry, Nov. 14, 1896

Vernon & Charles Henry - are they the same? Twins?


He liked the chance to fish and buy land cheap. "My Uncle Clarence and Aunt Rose ended up in Charlevoix in their '90s". (Albert Stevens)

In 1915 Mr. Bissell came to the apartment we were in at Paddy Mary Ellen's and tried to sell their place to Dad.


They were still at the Point when Viola & Johnny Quinlan were married, probably 1924 or '25.


William Black

1820 -

Wife, Anna, 1822 -


1860 census:

Wm. Black 40 farmer & fisherman born Scotland

Anna Black 38 born Scotland

Wm. Black 15 born Scotland

Jane Black 10 born Scotland

Henry Black 5 born Canada

Albert Black 3 born Canada

Bill Black 1 born Mich.


Capt. Boardman



"In 1847 Capt. Boardman, a thrifty farmer living near Napierville, Ill., purchased of the U.S. Gov. a small tract of land at the mouth of the river (Traverse City) & furnished means to his son, Horace Boardman, to build a saw mill. The latter, with 2 or 3 men in his employ, arrived at the river in the early part of June of that year, & immediately commenced the construction of a dwelling. . .

On the 20th of June, a week or more after Mr. Boardman's arrival, the "Lady of the Lake," owned by him and sailed by Michael Gay, one of his employees, arrived at the mouth of the river with supplies."

The boat was old (therefore bought cheaply) & rotten & unsafe in a storm.

"It had been Mr. Boardman's intention to throw a dam across the Boardman River, at some point not far below the lake & build a saw mill on that stream . . . After a more thorough exploration however he modified his plan . . . He built on Mill Creek with the intention of building a larger & more permanent structure on the Boardman. The smaller mill would make planks & timbers for the larger. About the 1 st of October (1847) the mill was running. In 1851 Boardman sold the property to Hannah Lay [22] & Co. - the sawmill, the other cheap buildings & about 200A [23] of land (on which Traverse City grew) for $4,500.

(His. Grand Trav. Region, [24] p. 55-56)


Daniel J. Bonner

Stone - Daniel J. Bonner 1872-1944

This is the right age to be the Dan listed as son of Black Bonner.


John Bonner /Boner


Born in Donegal May 3, 1817 (stone) - 1887. On the same stone is "Catherine, his beloved wife May 10, 1819 Dec 15, 1886. His wife's sister was married to Shamus Gallagher of the Black Hills. Shamus & Shawn were married to Gillespie sisters.


John Bonner - Boner- I have a note- he came thru Penn.?


Bridget Boyle

Dennis Bonner

"Big John"- first Pat told me he lived on the Sloptown Rd. across from Mooney's; but later he said it was the Darkytown Rd. Pat also said he spelled his name Boner - it is Boner on the stone. Maria gives his house as #83 which is on the Darkytown Rd.

Johnny Green gives "Bonner" as living at "French's Bay when there was a settlement at Green's Bay. Is this the one or is it Neil Bonner?

Maria said his wife's name was Hannah- everyone says Rose's sister Hannah was Hannah Veag- and that she was a sister of Rose, the wife of Condy Gallagher. She also said he lived on the Darkytown Rd. (Could there be 3 John Bonners?) Yes

  • Pat's father - wife Sophia
  • The one who lived on the Sloptown Rd. - wife Catherine
  • One who lived on the Darkytown Rd. - wife Hannah or Mary Gillespie

There were 3 of them. The Darkytown Rd. one was "Big John." What the Sloptown Rd. ones nickname was I don't know


Pat -

Boner, Big John lived across from the Mooney house on Darkytown Rd in a house that had first been occupied by Shamy Gallagher who later moved to the Black Hills.

Pat says his wife was Mary Gillespie but this must be wrong - the tombstone says Catherine, & Mary wasn't born until 1860. His wife being a sister of Shamus Gallagher's wife sounds reasonable because of living in the same house (at different times).


His heirs are listed in the land records of 1889 as Bridget Boyle & Dennis Bonner.

In May 1877 he bought SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 Sec 33 T 39 R 10 from Charles O'Donnell (Charlie


In 1889 his heirs sold it to Bernard McCafferty.

Catherine (Gillespie sister of Old John & the wives of Shamus & Shawn Gallagher?)


John Boner

May 3, 1817-1887


P. 51

Married Catherine, May 10, 1819-Dec. 5, 1886


Bridget, 1860, [born] Penn. - married Dan Boyle, 1853 ( Penn.)

Dennis Bonner, 1855 [born] Penn. - never married

Mary, [born] Penn. - married a John Reed

Harry Mills, 1866 (adopted), [born] Penn.

John - Married Cicely Gall. [25] (?) - his wife later married Ostenburg

Anna - Red John daughter who married a Kane(?)

Catherine, born in Penn. & married Patrick Gall., son of Shamy


Bridget is in the 1880 census, married to Daniel Boyle & they are living with his people in Peaine Twp [26] (see Hugh Boyles card).


"Big John" who lived on the Darkytown Rd. across from Mooney's in a house that is now gone but was first lived in by Shamy Gallagher before Shamy moved to the Black Hills. He bought the land SW 4SW 4 Sec 33-39-10 on May 10, 1877 from Charles O'Donnell. Apr. 29, 1889 his heirs, Bridget Boyle & Dennis Bonner, sold the Bernard McCafferty. For lot on Green's Bay filed for by a John Bonner, see card of John H..


Bonner Family

Big John Bonner, 1817-1887 - married Catherine Gillespie, 1817-1887 [27]

Son - Dennis, 1855 - never married

Dau[ghter] - Mary, born Penn. - married John Reed and had a son Peter in 1878

Dau[ghter] - Bridget, born Penn. - married Dan Boyle born 1853 in Penn.

Son - John, born Ire. - married Celia Gall, Ire. and had son Patric in 1867, daughter

Maggie in 1872 and daughter Annie in 1874. Celia is the daughter of Pat, born 1810 and Margaret, born 1816.

Dau[ghter] - Anna, born Ire. - married Michael Kane, born Ire., 1839-1907 and had a daughter

Mary, 1875 and a son Robert. [28] Michael's parents are Thomas and Mary Kane. [See Kane family tree]

Dau[ghter] - Catherine, born Penn. - married Patrick Gallagher, son of Shamy


Captain John B. "Black" Bonner

(card #1)

Census 1815; on stone, 1821-1894

Married, Ap. 28, 1856, Sophia Harkins, 1838-1912; born Milltown. [29]


Manus, born '59

John W. - lost on boat in Chi. R. [30] '61

Tom (baptized by Father Murray)

Pat (the baby)

James - went to Wisconsin

Dan, 1872-1944

Mary - married Lanty [McCafferty] & [later] Harry Hardwick

Maggie Ann - died 1883, age 15 (stone)

Peter - died 1883, age 9 (scarlet fever)


John B. Bonner. Born in Rutland [IslandCounty Donegal], Ireland, Aug. 15, 1821. Died at St. James, Sept. 26, 1894 (stone), age 73 years. He is mentioned 6 times in the Dormer Day Book. [31] 1833 (when he was 12) he ran away from home & became a sailor. When he was in N.Y. he heard about the great fishing on the Great Lakes. He went to Mackinac Island & from there he and John O'Donnell fished in the summer. In the winter they went to Savannah & fished. (There is still a "Bonner's Landing" there.)

1855 - in the fall he went back to N.Y. & married Sophia.

1856 - He was fishing on Gull Island ( Lawrence says it was Whiskey Is.) with his bride when an Indian came and in great excitement said "Big Man shot." [32] He immediately came to Beaver Is. Harbor and stayed. He bought a house where the Parish Hall now stands and also the lots where the hotel is. This log house was later moved to the farm and used as an outbuilding - it is still there.

P. 28, 28A, 29, 30, 51, 52, 61-67, 87, 122, 130


1857 - He bought 80A where Pat now lives for $200.00 from James and Nancy Farrell - it was all forest (Pat). (He was a flayer, that is thresher, by trade.) (Was he a Mormon?)


June 9, 1857 - James Farrell to John Bonner N 1/2 of NE 1/4 (court house record).

Pat says he bought Sec 6 for the fishing rights for pound net fishing. This must be a mistake, the only sec 6 is inland between Millar's Marsh & Green's Lake. He must mean Sec 7.

The old house, still standing, was built from logs prepared by the Mormons and which they found lying on the ground up the road near town.


Farm - They raised wheat, oats, and rye, and one year even tried flax. The wheat they took either to Traverse City or to Elk Rapids to the mills where they exchanged 4 sacks of wheat for 1 sack of flour. They shipped out cattle, hogs, and a few horses as a money crop. These animals ran in the woods - there were no fences except around cultivated fields.


Boats (See under "Boats")

" Rutland" his first boat. He brought Bishop Baraga on his last trip to B.I. in 1864. "Sophia Bonner" built 1874.

Fishing - The attraction of B.I. was that when they fished out of Mackinac Is. they found the best fishing here. The Irish had been in and out of the Island before the Mormons but few permanent settlers.


Captain John B. "Black" Bonner

(card #2)

Northern Michigan, 1905

Son of Mannus Bonner of Rutland.

1847 came to America - landing in N.Y. City where he engaged in the fishing industry. Spent winters in Georgia - "Bonner's Landing".

Returned to Ireland as a sailor. Left ship & purchased a large amount of twine in Londonderry & manufactured nets. For nine seasons he fished off Savannah and visited the Great Lakes. Eventually changed his headquarters to Mackinac where he fished.


  • Married Sophia Harkins

1856 On Gull Island with his wife - joined expedition of about 20 men to drive Mormons


1856 Settled on the North part of French Bay. Aug. 10th moved his wife to a double log cabin formerly owned by Mormons.

1856-1859- fished and handled tan bark & lumber which he shipped to Chicago and Milwaukee in the "Sophia Bonner" - a schooner built at this time under his direction. For 21 years he sailed the vessel, in the meantime building another vessel for the coastwise trade.

1857 - spring - secured the present Bonner farm & moved there in 1858.

1894 - died


Captain John B. "Black" Bonner

(card #3)

Lawrence says that Johnny "the Rat" & Black Bonner were here before the Mormons. (They fished together in the east too) & that Bonner was the first to come back for good, landing at Bonner's Bluff, hence the name. (This does not jibe with Pat who says he landed in the harbor). Lawrence insists they were not on Gull Island, but on Whiskey; that the fall fishing was good on Gull & the spring & summer on Whiskey & Squaw.

He bought the N 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Sec 8- T38 R10 in 1857 from Farrell. He neglected to pay taxes & in 1880 got it from the Aud. Gen. At this time he got S 1/2 from the Aud. Gen, giving him the whole quarter section. He also seems to have owned the NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 because in 1860 he sold it to Roy Peckham. (This later was got by Philip Connolly, his stepfather-in-law for taxes in 1868.)

Pat says he ran away from home to go to sea when he was 12 (1833 or '4). His mother was away from home at the time helping at the birth of one of the Roddy cousins (this could have been Andy Roddy for his birth date is 1834).

He knew Bowery in N.Y.

Death rec.:

Sept. 24, '94 John B. Bonner, married, age 73-1-12 in Peaine Twp, heart disease; farmer,

born Ire.

[See original manuscript] for possible family tree.


June 9, 1857 James Farrell to John Bonner N 2 NE 4 Sec 8-38-10

June 23, 1857 W. S. to John Bonner NE 4NW 4 Sec 8 38-10 40A $50

Oct. 4, 1858 W. S. to John Bonner Frl. Sec 6-38-10 1.6 A.

Nov. 8, 1860 he sold to Ray Peckham NE 4NW 4 Sec 8-38-10. (In 1868 his stepfather-in-law got this by tax deed.)

When Black Bonner had to take an exam to be ship's capt., they asked him if he knew all the reefs in a certain area. "No," he said, "all I know is where the deep water is." (Pat)

Pat's mother was at a quilting bee, also attended by the two McNutt sisters (see "Child of the Sea") who were to have married Strang in the spring after he was killed. They lived near Barney's Lake. Someone asked them why they, two sisters, wanted to marry the same man. "We thought it would be nice because we didn't want to be separated."


1860 census:

John Bonner 45 fisherman born Ire.

Sophia Bonner 37 born Ire.

John Bonner 1 born Mich.

Patrick Conlon (Conley?) 21 laborer born Ire.

Could this be one of the other John Bonners? The dates are wrong & Manus was the oldest son. No, this is Black John. The date here 1815 checks much closer with Big John's date, 1817, but Big John's wife's name was Catherine.


Death records:

Sophia Bonner, widow, age 73-3-20 died Feb. 20, '12 in Peanie Twp. of paralysis. Born Ire.; parents Thomas Harkins & Maga Carr.

Daniel Joseph Bonner, single, age 71-11-3 died Apr. 1, '44 in Peanie Twp. of apoplexy. Born St. J.; farmer; parents John Bonner & Sophia Harkins.


" Northern Mich"

Donegal - Rutland - "ancestral seat of the subject antecedents for several generations." "After sailing nearly every water of the eastern continent & visiting many countries, came to America in 1847, landing in N.Y. City where he soon engaged in the fishing industry." "He joined the expedition made up of about 20 men for the purpose of driving the Mormons from B.I. . . . The captain selected for his place of residence a beautiful site on the northern part of French Bay. On Aug. 10, 1856 he moved his wife to the new home, a double log cabin which a family of Mormons had formerly occupied, and immediately thereafter resumed fishing, assisted by 2 hired men. . . In the spring of 1857 Mr. Bonner secured a tract of land 5 mi. SW of St. James where he built a dock & from this place the shipping business was chiefly conducted. While he was thus engaged his good wife managed the farm nearby. . .on which she has lived continuously since (evidently they lived at French Bay first. The farm was bought by Farrell Aug. 16, 1856 & by Bonner from him June 9, 1857. (They probably did not get the house until 1858) "while making Mackinac & Gull Island his headquarters, Mr. Bonner traveled quite extensively in the south & spent several winters in Savannah returning to the lake region in the spring for the purpose of engaging in fishing." "In the early days he held the office of town & county treasurer. In politics he was a Democrat & in religion a Roman Catholic & to him as much as to any one man is due the founding of the Holy Cross Church at St. James. He was also instrumental in inducing a number of substantial families to locate on the Island.


John H. Bonner


Bonner Rd.

Wife, Mary, 1835-1869 - would this be the one married to Mary Gillespie? (If so, it must be Big John's sister.) Given by Pat Bon. Maria says his wife's name was Hannah - a sister of Rose Condy, therefore a Rodgers.

This is the 3rd John Bonner, the one who lived on the Slopt. [33] Rd. In Nov. ? 1864 there is a land transfer in Sec 3, T28 R10 (this is on the Slopt. Rd) to John H. Bonner from Archibald Newton. In May 1871 he sold this land to Cornelius Gallagher W 1/2 of NW 1/4 S. 3.

In Sept. 1906 he was dead because of the Charl. records say "John Bonner deceased" made over the above land to Condy Gall. (son of Cornelius, evidently clearing the title). But in Nov. of that year, 1906, "Conely C. Gall. made it over to Thomas Bonner.

A "John Bonner" filed (pencil notations) land office for the Lot 1 Sec 36-38-11 on Nov. 19, 1860. This is the center of Green's Bay, probably where the road goes down. I don't know whether it was this John or Big John. This John, because he is in the 1860 census & Big John is not until the 1880 census.

1860 census:

John Boner 28 fisherman Born Ire.

Mary Boner 25 Born Ire.

This is the right age for this John Boner & Mary Gillespie is the right age to be Red John's sister). When her son Patrick was baptized her maiden name was O'Donnell

(chr rec.) [34]

John H. Bonner- ? 1832-1906; wife Mary, 1835-1869


John W. Bonner

1869 (or '70)

Son of Black Bonner

He and Dan Green were drowned in the Chicago River on the steamer "Caroline". His picture is in the museum. Maria says they fell off the boat - drunk. Was in business with Mannus (see Mannus card).


Manus Bonner

[Born] July 5, 1859

P. 87, 161

Baptized by Bishop Baraga in 1859.

Married Annie Kelly, daughter of Patrick & Mary McCarty. Son of John E. (Black) [Bonner] and Sophia Harkins. He Built the Beaver Hotel (now the King Strang). He married a daughter of Patrick Kilty. (The parish records show this as Patrick Kelty.) Was this the Kilty girl Ann, baptized April 6, 1863? (yes) Mannus & Annie married in Chicago.

North. Mich.:

Owner of the schooner "Rouse Simmons" (or "Shannon").

1879 at the age of twenty, succeeded his father as master of the schooner Sophia Bonner.

1893 he and his brother John W. purchased a larger boat which they sailed jointly for 5 years.

1898 disposed [35] of his interest in the above and bought the " Peoria".

1901 " Peoria" wrecked in Bailey's Harbor with a total loss of the vessel & cargo.

1903 opened the "Beaver Hotel", July 1903, cost $10,000.

1904 Became associated with the B.I. Lumber Co. & in the same year purchased the "Rouse

Simmons" (or Shannon) which he rebuilt in Sturgis Bay & used in connection with the B.I.

Lumber Co. After several trips he turned it over to his Brother John W. as master.

After 1904 devoted his time to the hotel.

He was a prohibitionist.

Pat told Nonie that Mannus sold the "Sophia Bonner" & its cargo & didn't give the parents a cent but kept all the money. After that he stayed away from the Island 11 years, only coming back after his father died. He had been drinking heavily but went on the wagon & never took another drink. This was because Annie said she wouldn't marry him unless he stopped drinking.

He an Anna Kilty were married in Chicago. She was the daughter of Patrick Kilty & Mary McCarthy. [36]

Lawrence "Any woman who lived with Mannus Bonner all those years had the disposition of a saint."


Neil Bonner


P. 52


He lived at the Bluff, in the opening near Daniel's house (Pat). He is listed twice in the Dormer Day Book & the account was guaranteed by C. R. Wright & Son. In the Day Bk. it is spelled Boner.

Is it this Bonner that Johnny Green gave as living at French's Bay when there was a settlement at Green's Bay? No it was John H. (in land records).

Pat thinks it must have been Neil who lived at Green's Bay. He came from a different part of Ireland, but Pat doesn't know just where.


1870 Census:

Neil Bonar 30 Ire. laborer

Grace Bonar 30 Ire. h. keeper

Neil Bonar 6

The age of the child means he didn't leave Ireland until 1874 or later.

In 1880 Neil is dead & Grace is married to Thomas Robillard with Neil living with them as a stepson. In 1870 census he is between Old Billy & Mike Mahal Rua.


Pat Bonner

From Ivan Walton - "Folksinging [on Beaver Island]."

"Unassuming, diminutive, sailor, farmer, Island fiddler, Pat Bonnar [sic] has not only supplied the music for Island dances for the last several decades on his "Stradivarius" violin - a faded label on the insides proves it - but he also composed and sang at least one song, "The Clifton's Crew." He is no doubt a better fiddler than poet, but he sang and dictated more than a dozen old songs."


Sophia Harkins Bonner

Born in Donegal to daughter of Thomas & Maga Harkins.

1847 - Came to America. Her father died soon after the arrival. Lived in N.Y. City until her marriage in the summer, Apr. 28 of 1856.

She was with Bonner of Gull Island when Strang was shot - Jun. 1856.

Pat - the Roddys & Bonners (both from Rutland) were cousins. (Just how this relationship worked I do don't know.)

The logs for the Bonner house were not found there but down the Fox Lake Rd. somewhere below the airport.

When Pat was 6 mo. old there was a Scarlet Fever epidemic on the Island. His sister, age 16, & his brother, age 9, died.

Maria- "People thought the Roddys & the Bonners were so much; if you were friends of theirs, it was something." Then she went on to tell what a drunkard Mrs. Bonner was. This explains the notation in Protar's diary - "May 4, 1893 - Mrs. B Liquor"; "Sept 30, Liquor";

1894, Feb. 20 - "Extra racket; Feb. 29 - "Will not do anything"; Mar. 2 - "Search all over"; Mar. 30 - "Thief"; Mar. 31 - "Mrs. Bonner arrested"; April 4 - "Trial Commenced"; Apr 7 - "Big thorough search, all over."


Thomas Bonner


[Born] Mich.

Fisherman (so listed in birth records)

P. 125

Wife Ellen Gallagher, 1864-1952 - [born] Mich.; daughter of Cornelius [assume daughter of Thomas and Ellen:]

Grace Elizabeth, Ap. 16, '01 (record)


Mother Ella, 1864-1952 Father Thomas, 1861-1936

This must be Grace's father & mother. He was at the lighthouse at the Head - Dominic's assistant.

Ellen Gallagher must have been a daughter of Cornelius Salty as "Grace Bonner & Manus Salty are cousins"

Myrtle was lived in this home after her grandparents died.

In 1906 he bought from Condy Gallagher W 1/2 of NW 1/4 S3 T38 R10.

In 1910 he bought from Manes Gallagher NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of S2 T38 R10.

Death records:

Thomas Bonner, married, age 74-7-17 died in St. J. Twp on May 31, '36 of coronary thrombosis; born Mich., retired; parents John Bonner & Sophia Harkins, both born Ire.


Bower or Bowers

Praiseworthy Bower is on Fitzpatrick's list of Mormons (made '50, Jun.). However, Apr. 8, 1851 Strang in N. Islander, says he has offered to join a band to burn the houses of Mormons.

Nicholas Bower - The Traverse Region., p. 49, in 1854 Judge of Probate of Grand Traverse Co..

Census 1850:

Nicholas Bower age 40 born Canada occ. merchant

Relief Bower 34 born Canada

George A. 5 born Ill.

Martha R. H. 2 born Ill. [37]

It was on his boat that he & Mr. & Mrs. Whitney & others went back to the Island in June, 1857 to see how things were. It was this trip that made the Whitneys decide to move back. They sailed from Bower's Harbor near Traverse City.

On page 56, His of the Grand Traverse Region, the "Bowers" are mentioned as "living in the vicinity of Old Mission, a family of Mormons who it is understood had in some way incurred the displeasure of Strang & his associates, & had consequently been compelled to leave the Island." It was at their house Henrietta Baxter, a fugitive from the Mormons, was married.


1 Indecipherable, possibly Indian

2 From the French L'Arbre Croche (The Crooked Tree), an Ottawa settlement along the Lake Michigan shore.

3 Beaver Island, Michigan.

4 Indecipherable letters, likely Am as an abbreviation for America

5 The Leopoldine Society. Established at Vienna for the purpose of aiding Catholic missions in America.

6 The following are likely a list of Baraga's publications

7 Fr. Baraga was known as the "Apostle to the Ottawas and Chippewas."

8 Could be Medlilna or Medlika. Likely a reference to a Catholic Parish.

9 From theologian Cornelius Jansen. Free will is nonexistent and only some of mankind will be saved through the death of Jesus Christ.

10 An anti-Catholic tract, published by Truman & Smith in 1835. Beecher was one of the most prominent Protestant clergymen of the nineteenth century.

11 This is probably a reference to a source, but is not clearly capitalized.

12 A colloquialism for Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.

13 Abbreviation for Charlevoix.

14 In other entries this name his spelled Miller, and sometimes Muller.

15 Information is crossed out in the original.

16 A reference to "King" James Jessie Strang who settled a colony of Mormons on the island in the late 1840s and crowned himself King. He was assassinated in June 1856 by disgruntled followers and most of the remaining Mormon settlers were driven from the Island soon after.


18 Abbreviation for Ireland.

19 Cemetery headstones.

20 A subsequent reference indicates this quotation is from a book possibly titled Strang in America and in Mackinac

21 A Child of the Sea and Life Among the Mormons, by Elizabeth Whitney Williams (1905).

22 Could also be Loy.

23 A is the abbreviation for acre.

24A History of the Grand Traverse Region, by Morgan Lewis Leach (1884).

25 In another entries this name is listed as Celia Gall.

26 One of the three original townships of Beaver Island; the other two were St. James and Gallilee. ( Gallilee Township is no longer in existence.) In later entries it is often abbreviated to Pea..

27 Birth & death dates are different than above.

28 A question mark follows this entry and at a later chart there is no name Robert entered.

29 The words census 1823 appear here, probably an alternate birth date.

30 From a reference in a later entry this is an abbreviation for Chicago River.

31 A ledger or account book kept by James Dormer, 1876-77 (see his entry).

32 This is in reference to the assassination of King James Jessie Strang (June 1856).

33 An abbreviation for Sloptown Road.

34 This may be abbreviation for church record.

35 Likely misspelling of disposed.

36 Spelled above as McCarty.

37 This 1850 census information has been crossed out with an x.


Biographical Papers Letter C

Alva Cable

The Uncle

Whiskey Point

He was located at the point. He had a dock & a house. He bought fish and shipped them out & sold supplies. He was there when the Mormons came. He came from Fairport, Ohio. About 1849 he sold out to Peter McKinley and went to Charlevoix because of the Mormons. There he had a store and a cooper shop, employing several people. He was at the Battle of Pine River, July 14, 1853. After the Battle, Alva Cable & the Wrights went to Little Traverse (now Harbor Springs). He came with his boat and took Mr. C. R. Wright from Cable's Bay to Charlevoix because of the Mormons. Notes p. 16 (Child of the Sea).

The woman who is a Dormer says that her father bought out Cable - others say it was Wright & sons he bought out.

Modern note in An. & M. Mack. [1] Cable had come to B.I. from Attica, N.Y. and with him came a nephew, James F. Cable. (this is probably right & Mrs. W. Wrong- the _____ [2] knew James F's grandson).

Land office:

July 30, 1848 - Lot 2 Sec 26-39-10 38.60A $38.60 claimed under the Preemption Act

Smith (missionary) said "Cable of Fox Island, he is supposed to have gone there for fear of Mormons. (after Pine River?)

Mrs. Williams says McKinley bought him out around 1848. However he had not bought his land until July 30, 1848 & the patent is dated in Charlevoix Feb. 1, 1849, but it is McKinley listed in 1860 census.

History of Gr. Traverse Region, p. 81, lists him as being in Little Traverse in the fall of 1851 (he is called Albert).


James F. Cable

1821 -

Cables Bay. He was a nephew of Alva Cable and came from New York State in the spring of '50 ( perhaps- date _____ [3] from Child of the Sea), and settled at the Head, 3 mi. north of the Lighthouse. There he put up a dock, a house, and a store. He got our cordwood for the steamers, sold provisions and supplies to the fishermen, bought fish and shipped them out. He left, because of the Mormons, in 1852. After the Exodus of 1856 he returned and carried on his business for several years, later going to Mackinac where he bought the Astor House. He & his wife were from New York State - they had a son Claude who was about 2 in 1850 (Ch. of Sea, p. 73.)

In 1867 James Cable bought the E1/2 of SW1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 22 T38 R10 from Wm. Brown. (I wonder why? This is small and an odd piece of ground to buy.)

Pat Bonner says he was a Mormon, but he must be wrong.

Modern note in A. & M. Mack:

James F. Cable moved to Mackinac Island & purchased the McLeod House which under the name of Astor House was for decades one of the Island's most famous hotel[s]. His grandson, James F. Cable II, still lives on Mackinac & is the owner of the Lakeview Hotel. (This was written in 1959.)

Nov 1, 1869 he homesteaded SE1/4 Sec 10 T37 R10. (North of Lake Genesareth).

Feb. 1868 he sold land in this section to Verrillo Taylor (North of Lake Genesareth).

June 1863 he bought SW1/4 Sec 11 T37 R10 from Andrew Trombly (this adjoins the above.)

Feb 1865 he sold it to Verrillo Taylor.

1866, by tax deed he got Lot 2 Sec 14, T37 R10. In 1868 he sold it to Verrillo Taylor.

1851 he sold lots 3 & 5 Sec 15 T37 R10 to Pleny Smith. In 1852 he sold the same lot to Ludlow

& Oren Hill (Mormons). In 1868 he sold lot 3 to Verrillo Taylor.

For all James' land transactions, see the land sheet on him.

Land office:

Feb 6, 1874- Claude C. Cable Hd. SE 4 Sec 4-37-10. 160A. $10. On Sep 20 1183 Edward W. Sparrow paid U.S. $200 for this land. (On W. Rd. S. of Miller's Marsh)

The 1860 census lists:

James H. Cabel 39 merchant born N.Y.

Harriet Cabel 35 born N.Y.

Claud Cabel 11 born Mich

Maud Cabel 6 born Ill.

Eddie Cabel 10/12 [4] born Mich.

The census lists as living in their home:

James Gibson 28 laborer born Canada

John Kelly 18 laborer born Ire.

Mary O'Donald 23 domestic born Ire.

Samuel Martyn 35 domestic born Mich.


James Cable

(card #2)

In 1852 Henrietta Baxter was living at Trav. City in the home of the Austins. She was the daughter of a "Mormon lady who was a widow. Mrs. Baxter had joined her fortunes to the Mormons of B.I.. Henrietta wanted to get away. [5] She was employed in the family of James Cable. She took passage on a vessel that came in. It landed her at Old Mission. Near were the Bowers who took her in & from there she got to Trav. City and Austins.

In 1850 she was listed by the census with her family on B.I. age 17, born in Canada. Her mother was " Delano" Baxter, age 47, born in Vermont, she can't read or write. The other children in the household are: Samuel, age 19, born Can; Cornelius, age 15, born Mich..

A letter from Cable's grandson, B. C. Morse, Jr. of Columbus, Ohio says, "my mother was born on B.I. in the town of Gallilee. That was in 1865, not long before my grandfather moved to Mackinac Island. My grandfather, grandmother, & uncle C. C. Cable left Cable['s] Bay in the middle of the night in a Mackinaw sail boat & were picked up by the schooner or brig Montezuma & 3 days later arrived in Chicago." (This must have been when they left in 1852)

Lakeview Hotel (Mackinac): $2.50-$3.00 a night - built in 1858 by Reuben Carpenter. In 1880 purchased by C. C. Cable who with his son operated it for many years.

( Mackinac Island in Pictures, p. 52)

John Jacob Astor House - first operated as the McLeod House in the early 1860s. McLeod sold it in 1870 (to James Cable?). Sold to City in 1930 for $8,000.

Diary of Richard Hulbert (a nearby) merchant, Dec. 9, 1890 -

"Miss Effie Cable, daughter of James F. Cable, landlord and owner of the John Jacob Astor House, asked me if you were taken sick in your store would you come to the Astor house to stay or remain in the store? I made no reply. A few days since I was attack[ed] by a severe bowel complaint which I believe was the result of some food eaten at the table of the Astor House, probably boiled oatmeal."



1860 census lists Eley Campbell living in a household consisting of:

Anthony Swiney 35 fisherman born Ire.

John Coylet 40 laborer born England

Eley Campell 24 fisherman born Scotland

The Traverse Region (1884):

1858 Orrin Campbell came to Pine River from B.I. (also Alanson G. Aldrich)


Orson (or Austin) Campbell

This was a Mormon family who stayed on. They lived in the present Schmidt house, which is a Mormon house (present house new). One of their daughters, Mary, married Hardwick. She died young, probably in childbirth, and is buried in the field between Schmidts and the priest's house. She was a friend of Mrs. Williams. They rode horseback over the Island together. She was " 2 years older than Mrs. Williams," so was born in 1842. According to Mrs. Early, they moved to Charlevoix around 1884. According to "The Traverse Region" this family was one that Dr. McCulloch said not to drive out at the time of the Exodus. Strang lists him in Mar. 18, 1852 issue of his paper as living imprisoned along with the other Mormons in the last year. He was still here Nov. 12, 1872, because he bought land on Whiskey Point on that date from Dormer, Jas. Cable, & Allen. (or was this son Orrin? See below)

The land office shows that the SE 4 NE 4 Sec 34-39-10 was bought July 17, 1856 by Adam G. MacDougell, 40A for $50. This is the present Schmidt land where the Campbell family lived and stayed on. Mary Campbell Hardwick is buried here. Did MacDougell sell it to the Schmidts?

The Ben Campbell, capt. of the "Flora" mentioned in the "Beaver Island Girls," Maria thinks is one of the Mormon family.

"Mr. Campbell" in B.I. Girls was fishing for perch (different than Ben).

Land Office:

Pencil -

Dec. 10, 1860 - Alex Campbell filed for Lots 1 & 2, Sec 19-37-10. Iron Ore Bay. (This land not taken up until 1883.)

Smith Campbell is listed by Tip Millar as one of 8 in crew of Life S. S. [6] season 1882.

1860 census:

Orson Campbell 45 farmer born Mich.

Emily Campbell 37 (9?) born Mich.

Orson Campbell 19 born Mich.

Mary Campbell 17 born Mich.

Ezra Campbell 15 born Mich.

Emily Campbell 13 born Mich.

Benjamin Campbell 7 born Mich.

Tanson [7] Campbell 4 born Mich.

Smuth 3 born Mich.

Also in the same census:

Orsin Campbell 22 laborer born Mich.

Bahama Campbell 25 born Mich.

Oswald Campbell 4 born Mich.

Anna Campbell 3 born Mich.

Adlade 1/12 born Mich.

Mary is also listed in this census as the wife of Henry Hardwick, but age 19. Perhaps the families listed all their children, including those married and living in their own homes.


Patrick Carmody

1822 (1820 [per] 1850 census)

By 1862

Married, '62, Mary McDonough, 1837 - (Big Mary - sister of Vesty, see her card)

Marriage record Sept. 15, 1862:

Patrick Carmody, 40, Mary McDonough 26

He drowned off Sand Bay with Dan Martin brothers Eddie & ?. They set pound nets off the shore, using only a small boat to tend them coming in, the boat overturned and the men drowned in sight of their families on shore.

Big Mary married Morris Gallagher -1852, in 1870 (Big Phil's half-brother)


A girl raised by a family in Petosky (small & dainty)

Nellie - married Pat Roddy - she was big like her mother; in 1880 census [listed as] a

domestic in the house of Smith Campbell, age 14

Johnny Carmody 1867 - In 1880 census age 13, living as a laborer in the home of

Luke Lambert

Land office:

July 16, 1863 - Patrick Carmody Hd. SE 4 Sec 26-38-10. Can. June 10, 1876. This lies

back of the beach below Hanagan's Rd.

Nov. 1, 1876 - Mary Carmody Hd. this can. Jan. 29, 1883. (It was finally Hd. by Rose

O'Donnell - July 26, 1890. F.C. Sept. 25, 1877.)

He is listed in the 1850 census as living at Cable's Bay in the home of Daniel & Mary McCarty.

There was a Nellie Carmody who married Pat Roddy. They had no children. (Was this Pat's sister?) No, his child.


Edward Chidester

One of the 12 apostles & one of the publishers of "Northern Islander." [8] He was the canvasser who took the votes to Newago.

Dennis Chidester was Postmaster Feb. 24, 1852 - June 27, 1856

Edward Chidester was Postmaster June 27, 1856.

Next one was Bradner Curran, Aug. 1856

Did Dennis leave after assassination [9], leaving Edward in charge? Then Edward left later in the summer.



P. 77

According to Lillian, Donald Cole's wife, the Coles came from Switzerland. There was an old trunk in the Barney O'Donnell house with E. Cole 1851 lettered on it. Probably a Mormon. There were Mormons, Galen B., George, John, Lucinda, Sarah.

There was a Mormon, Gallen [10] B. Cole, who bought an acre of land from Erri James Moore in the fall of '48. In1850 he sold it to another Mormon, Samuel Shaw. Cole later moved his family to the Mormon colony at Pine River.

The 1880 census lists a William Cole, age 23, laborer, born N.Y., as were his father and mother. He was living in a boarding house. This is the one Nonie says came with Slocum & McGee & started a lumber mill.

The Mormon, Galen B. Cole was chairman of the Board of Supervisors in 1855. (See His. of G. Traverse Co., p. 98.)


Gallen B. Cole


W[ife] Lucinda

K of St. J. says he was Supervisor Cole & as such visited Pine River to make assessment for purposes of taxation, p. 154 note (some accounts say this Supervisor was George Preston).

The "Traverse City Region" says he moved from S. Fox Island to join Geo. Preston at Pine River in spring, 1854.


Charles Connaghan

P. 132

There is a Connaghan in house #7 (according to Maria who was no relation to the Sand Bay Connaghans.) House #7 is opposite the cemetery.

The 1860 census lists a Charles Connaghan, age 70, with his wife, Madge, 60, living in Peaine Twp. With them lives Charles Gallagher, 13, a grandson.


Hugh Connaghan


B.I. 1858? (with Pete McCauley?)

House #23 - his store was here. He also owned the house #27, but Gill had a mill & store at this place.

P. 127, 132, 139, 144

He was a fisherman in Aranmore. He had a brother Charles & a sister Mary in Ire. Married (Sept. 18, 1878) Bridget O'Donnell, 1852 - [born] Aranmore. Bridget was 1st married to Daniel Donald McConnell (see his card); after Hugh's death she married

Lawrence Vesty.


Mary, Sept. 22, 1879 (Mrs. Vesty Vesty)

Hugh, 1882-1956 - married Catherine Malloy

Ellen ("Nellie"), Nov. 22, 1884 - married Rosh___ [11] ([Engineer?] on train)

Anna, 1887 - Ed ___ [12]

Tessie, 1890 - Matt Melville

Mabel, 1893 ( Mrs. Mike Cull)

The parish record:

Sept. 18, 1878 - Hugh Connaghan, Ireland, 43 - Bridget O'Donnell, 25

He came over in 1844 (this is a mistake; it must have been 1854 when he was 19 instead of 9) with Pete McCauley. He was a storekeeper at Sand Bay and a fisherman. He is mentioned 18 times in the Dormer Day Book. He fished pound nets in Sand Bay and lumbered in the winter, He got out ties and cedar posts. Hugh was going to sail on the Vernon to buy stock for his store on Sand Bay. He went to the dock to get aboard when "something stopped him."

Land record:

Lot 1 Sec 14 T38 R10 was passed from Hugh to Bridget Connaghan June 18, 1888. This is where his store was.

In 1870 he bought SW1/4 & SE1/4 of NE1/4 Sec 15 T38 R10 from Anthony O'Donnell (on Kgs. Hwy. just N. of Anthony & Sophia's house).

In 1888 he made over to Bridget Connaghan NW1/4 of NW1/4 Sec 23 T38 R10.

In 1860 he was living in house of Michael & Bridget Boyle along with James McCann. [13]

In 1870 he was living in a house with John Sullivan.

By 1880 he is married to Bridget & has a 8/12 daughter Mary (Mrs. Vesty Vesty)

Death Record:

Hugh Connaghan, died Nov. 8, '94, age 60, married, Gallilee Twp., [of] heart disease; farmer, born Ire.; father and mother not given.

Mabel Cull says the family at one time owned all the land from Mike Boyle's Beach to Vesty's. They let it go back for taxes except for the farm and its beach just above the Vestys. Then the farm was sold for a song. "Now people are paying 5 & 6 thousand dollars for lots there."

Ann McGladrey, a cousin of Cornelius Gallagher's wife, lived in the house and raised the children.


Hugh H. Connaghan

Hugh H. Connaghan, 1882-1956, married 1909 [to] Catherine Malloy, 1891 - (Maria's sister).



Lillian - married Donald Cole


Hugh H., 1882-1956 Catherine L., 1891-

Marie Connaghan,

wife of V. D.Backus



Owen Connaghan

He is not in any census.

[Born] Ire.

Married Elizabeth McCauley, [born] Ire.


Bridget, July 24, 1878 -

O'Donnell Family Tree

Notes p 4, 65, 91

John Connolly

Mentioned by Tip Millar as one of crew of 8 for Life S. S. season of 1882.


Phillip Connolly

P. 67

Phillip Connolly, 1815 -

House #88

Wife, Imogene (or Ann), 1810 -

This was Pat Bonner's step-grandfather and he lived in Protar's house - in fact, Protar bought from him. (Was he Black Bonner's step-father or Sophia Harkins' step-father?) Probably Sophia Harkins - her father died soon after getting to N.Y. City. Yes, this is right.

Land record:

U.S. to Philip Connolly - Pat. Jan. 1, '62 SW1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 5 T38 R10. (Next is Protar April 20, '93).

U.S. to Philip Connolly - Pat. Feb. 7, '71 N1/2 of NE1/4 & SE1/4 of SW1/4 Sec 5 T39 R10.

In 1868 he got by tax deed the NE1/4 of the NW1/4 of Sec 8 (across the road from Protar's house.)

Land office:

July 17, 1861- bought SW 4 SE 4 Sec 5-38-10 40A. $10 from U.S. (There is a pencil notation that C. O. O'Donnell filed for this in 1859.)

July 28, 1863- Hd. SE 4 SW 4 & N 2 SE 4 Sec 5-38-10 120 A $10. F. C. Oct. 6, 1870.

Nov. 21, 1868- Aud Gen to Philip Connolly tax deed NE 4 NW 4 Sec 8-38-10 (next to Bonner).

(This had belonged to Frederick Stone, sold by him to Peckham- 1861.)

1860 census:

Phillip Conley 45 farmer born Ire.

Imogen Conely 50 born Ire.

John Conley 6 born N.Y.

Mary Conley 4 born N.Y.

Pat says that after Black John & Sophia got their house built, she wrote to N. York for her mother & step-father to come. When they came, the[y] built them the house across the road from Black John's (Protar's), so it was not a Mormon house.

Charles Carpenter carved either the rail or the altar of church. [14]


Henry C. Cooper

" Northern Michigan":

Henry C. Cooper, born June 12, 1858 on B.I., son of above. Lived in Charlevoix, married Hattie Boak of Charlevoix in 1882.

The Minnie Cooper who married Wm. Harrison Bedford must have been his child & in that way the Fountain City House fell to the Bedfords.


Richard Cooper

The Traverse Region

Born in England in 1832 - came as an infant with parents to Rochester N.Y.; died in Charlevoix, 1897.

Wife Marietta Geer, born in 1838 in Mich. - living on B.I. as a child of 12 in 1850.

1848 he was a steward on a propeller and during a trip up the lake was obliged to stop for a time at B.I. He made up his mind to engage in fishing, and after finishing the trip, returned to B.I. for that purpose. He stayed 3 or 4 years and in 1853 went to Little Traverse. In 1867 he went to Charlevoix to keep the boarding house of A. Fox & Co., (the original Fountain City House). Two years later he bought it - was 1st sheriff of the county. For a number of years he was probate judge.

The Traverse Region, p. 145: "In the fall of 1853 Richard Cooper, now a citizen of Charlevoix (1884) arrived here (Harbor Springs) on the trading schooner Eliza Caroline, & opened a store for Capt. Kirtland. He had previously been engaged in fishing on the B.I.s. but had returned to his home in Genesee Co., N.Y." . . . That fall marked the arrival of Charles R. Wright, Albert (Alva) Cable, and James Moore" (Erri James Moore?)

He is listed in the 1850 census as living on B.I. age 19, born in Ire., a fisherman.

His of the G. Traverse Region, p. 80, says he came from Genesee Co., N.Y. to Beaver Island in 1848 to fish. In the fall of 1850 he returned home. In spring 1851 he came back on the schooner Eliza Caroline, owned & commanded by Capt. Kirtland. "Touching at Pine River, the Caroline landed several fishermen & a quantity of salt. Stopping next at Old Mission & then Northport, she sailed for Gull Island where Mr. Cooper remained during the summer, buying fish for Kirtland. In the fall he removed to Little Traverse where he opened a store for Kirtland, in whose employ he still remains (1883).

Fountain City House completed summer of 1872. Started as a shanty boarding house in 1865. In 1867 Richard Cooper bought and enlarged it - enlarged in 1877 & again in 1879.

From the Charlevoix Sentinel (reprinted in a Courier supplement):

"This house ( Fountain City) originally commencing in 1867 was simply the boarding house for men in the employ of A. Fox & Co. & consisted of the west wing of the house which was then only one story and a half high. The growing popularity as a summer resort forced Mr. Cooper into enlarging his accommodation & the large 3 story upright was erected in 1877. Again last year the house was found to be insufficient in size to meet the requirements & a large 2 story addition was built into the rear of the upright. The house has a large number of rooms, occupies a sightly position, & is during the summer months crowded to overflowing. Mr. Cooper, the landlord, has an enviable reputation among tourists and sportsmen."

Evidently the Minnie Cooper I knew as Mrs. Bedford was "Mr. Cooper's" (Richard['s]) daughter & this is the way it got into the hands of Wm. Harrison Bedford.


Jeremiah (Jerry) Corbett

[a.k.a. Jerry Corbell]


From Cork

For death record, see John's card.

He built house #80, log home on the Darky Town Rd. He was a bachelor. I also have him as Jerry Corbell. I have his death May 4, 1904, age 50.

In 1870 he bought from Charles R. Steele the NW1/4 of SW1/4 Sec 33 T39 R10. It must have gone back for taxes because it was included in a tax deed Bowery bought of N1/2 SW1/4 .

In 1884 he got by tax deed the NW1/4 of NE1/4 Sec 33 T39 R10.

In 1881 Neil Gallagher deed[ed] him the SW1/4 of NE1/4 Sec 33. Thus in 1884 he owned both sides of the Darky T. Rd. next to Dan Boyle. He must have sold the SW1/4 soon because in 1885 Hugh Boyle owned it & sold it to Owen Boyle.


John Corbett


1813 - (before '96, [his wife] died a widow)

Married Annabel (Ann, Fanny), 1815-1896


Jeremiah, 1855-1904 - [born] Canada - this is "Jerry"

Death records:

Fanny Corbett, widow, age 86-7-20 died in Pea. Twp July 4, 1896 of old age. Born Ire.; housewife; parents unknown.

Jerry Corbett, single, age 50, died in Peaine Twp on May 4, '04, cause unknown. Born Canada; farmer; parents: f[ather] John Corbett, mother unknown; res. St. James.


John (James?) Corlette

Headlands of Ohio (near Fairport)

John Corlette established a business at Cable's dock after the Exodus. He was father-in-law to Andrew Trombly. After several years he moved to Cheboygan, Mich. (Child of the Sea, p. 187).

Mrs. Williams says he was there in 1852. He married Jennie Crane in 1852. (No, that was James Corlette.) Both were from Headlands (near Fairport) Ohio.

1860 Census:

Anthony Swiney 35 fisherman born Ire.

John Coylet 40 laborer born England

Eley Campbell 24 fisherman born Scotland

1850 Census:

John J. Colet 30 fisherman Ohio

Benjamin Winchell 20 fisherman Ohio

James Colet 25 fisherman Ohio

Thomas Neal 17 fisherman Ohio

John Papeneau 18 fisherman Canada

Mrs. Williams calls him James - Land office: John. He is different from Jerry (Jeremiah) Corbett from Cork. There are 2, James & John; it was James married Jennie Crane.

Maria said Dan Campbell married a Corlette & she thought they were both Mormon families.

1880 Census:

Corlett, Maynard 22 fisherman born Ohio f. born Wales m. born Ohio

Corlett, Nellie 18 (wife) keeping house born Mich. f. born Can m. born N.Y. (Budwine)

Vincent, Henry 23 boarder laborer born Mich. f. born Mich m. born Can can't R. or W.


Bridget and Helen (or Ellen ) Correy

(card #1)

Bridget Correy Burns McCauley, 1831-1898 (Mrs. Dan G. McC.)

Helen (or Ellen) Correy McDonough, 1832-1916 (Mrs. Sylvester McD.)

Sisters, born in Co. Clare

P. 103

They were in Canada first and Ellen married Vesty there. The two oldest children were born there. In 1862 Patrick was baptized on B.I., so they must have been here by that time.

Bridget was first married to a Mr. Burns and she came to B.I. a widow with 3 children (one of whom was Nonie's mother). According to Maria G., her sister was already here & after she came to B.I. she married Dan McCauley who was a widower with one child. According to Nonie, his oldest daughter was christened on B.I. in 1859 (this must be "Nora McCauley who, according to Lawrence, was baptized on the same day with Joe Burke & Mannus Bonner in 1859). There is a discrepancy here. If "Mrs. Burns" was already married to Dan McCauley & had a child in '59, she could not have followed her sister here who had a daughter, Anna, in Canada in 1859. It is possible that "Nora" could have been a child by the first wife, the wife soon died and when the widowed "Mrs. Burns" came to join her sister, she then met Dan, & the Bridget, baptized Feb. 4, 1863 was their first child.

I now think both sisters married in Canada - the two families came together in '59, Ellen with a new baby and Bridget with a baby born after they got to B.I. -Wrong. Nonie says Bridget came & worked in a boarding house in Sand Bay, where she met Dan.


Bridget Correy

(card #2)

She was a sister of Vesty's wife Helen. Her first husband was named Burns & Nonie's mother was the child by his first marriage. There were two other children. I do not know whether she came to B.I. a widow with her sister & met Dan McCauley, a widower (whose wife died in Ireland) here or not. The Vestys married and two children in Canada but were here prior to 1862 (baptism record 1862) so it may be that they met in Canada. (See Dan McCauley).

July 13, 1880, Mary Burns married Mark Slocum - is this Nonie's mother or her aunt?


Bridget Correy

(card #3)

[Ed.'s note: this "card" is actually a piece of folded notebook paper with notes on it re: more

than one individual. It is filed at the end of the "McDonough" section.

Bridget was married by 1854 & in Canada by 1855 when her oldest son was born. Her last child by Burns was born in Canada in 1857. She was married to Dan McCauley & on B.I. by 1859 when Hannal was born. If they were married in '58 Dan was 42, Bridget 28.

Nonie says they were married on B.I. when she came to see her sister.


Owen & Celia Corrigan

Land office:

Jan. 13, 1857 - Lot 2 Sec 11-37-10, bought, 59.73A $74.68.

(West of Kilty's & fronting on McCauley's Bay).

Nov. ? 1865 - Celia Corrigan, Lot 1 Sec 11-37-10 12A

There is an 1850 census record in Mackinac:

E. Corrigan, 35, [born] Ire., fisherman, living in a house of 8 males


Mark Cross

Capt. of the Emerald Isle, 1955. Also Capt. of the North Shore for the Beaver Island Transit Co.

"His father was a lake captain nearly his entire life, starting his career in sail."

- Grand Rapids Herald Magazine, Sunday June 26, 1955


Bridget Cull

Bridget Cull - married to Paddy Mor Gallagher - her parents were Edward & Bridget Cull.

Cull Family Tree


Dennis Cull

In the 1880 census Dennis Cull is 49, his wife Mary, 24, & they have 4 children, the oldest, Peter, age 5. This means they were married about 1874. If she came when she was 12 or 14, her census age is right. She came in 1868 or 70 - probably 70 - after the census was taken. (See Daniel O'Donnell's census card.)



There was a Curtis who was a cooper, mentioned in B.I. Girls. Maria says there was a Curtis, probably no the one in the poem. He was an Indian and his sister was Mrs. Aller's mother.

David S. Curtis bought land on Little Sand Bay July 22, 1856. Jan. 6, '57 he assigned it to P. & J. McKinley.


1 James Jesse Strang, Ancient and Modern Michilimackinac (1854).

2 Indecipherable. Could be doctor

3 Indecipherable. Could be deleted

4 This is ten twelfths

5 There are no closing quotation marks

6 A short form for Life Saving Station.

7 This name could be Lanson.

8 Beaver Island's Mormon newspaper, published 1850-1856 and edited by James Jessie Strang. Later referred to by the author as "Northern Island.".

9 "King" James Strang was assassinated by disgruntled followers in 1856; this is likely a reference to that event.

10 Note the two spelling of Galen, Gallen

11 Indecipherable two letters

12 Indecipherable name; possible Dantos

13 An arrow points to the name Bridget with these words; Perhaps spelling is Hugh Golicher but age is right. It cannot be determined what is meant here.

14 It is not clear why this name, Carpenter is on the Connolly card. Or was this "Charles" a carpenter by trade?

15 The man married to Mary Gallagher is Lably O'Donnell.



Biographical Papers Letter D


Biographical Papers Letter D

John Day

Maria's version - He came here with money and staked the fishermen. He built the big house between Lawrence Malloy's and the Sendenburgs that burned one winter. He had a small store on the Lake front there. He died in the old wooden chair that was for so long in the Butcher Shop. This was because he had dropsy & the Days (thought they had fine furniture) had no chair large enough for him so Anthony Malloy loaned them that chair. After his death, he is buried at the Point near Henry Clifton; his wife and two children (a boy and a girl) left the island.

Johnny Green's version - Day came here form Green Bay, Wisc., where he had been mayor of the town. He outfitted the fisherman and lost money - "went broke." The grave at the Point is that of his son who was drowned. His wife and daughter took him back to Green Bay for burial.

He first appears in the Dormer Day Book on Monday, April 23, 1877 and from there on he is a heavy customer for fishermen's supplies, appearing 80 times.

I have a note that in 1876 he rented the Dormer property but this can't be right as the Dormer Day Book is for 1876 and 1877 & Dormer was still the owner with Henry Clifton as manager. Mrs. Williams says "about the 1876" Dormer sold out.

They were Protestants.

Notes p. 13



The store of the N. W. Trading Co. was kept by a man named Dickson. He married a school teacher brought by the Mormons. He co-operated with the Mormons. Could he be the John S. Dixon in " Kingdom of St. J." mentioned p. 149-49 & p. 159 as having been in controversy with Mormons? He located at Pine River.

Robert Dickson "of the Indian Dept." was sent in Oct. of 1813, along with 26 members of the Michigan Fencibles, [1] to take presents to the Indians at La Bage ( Green Bay) from the post on Mackinac Island. They spent a harsh winter in the area. Food was scarce . . . and Dickson had to authorize the seizure of the necessary supplies from civilians who would not sell to his majesty's soldiers, and he also found it necessary to discourage desertion by ordering that parties of Indians be sent to bring back any deserters 'dead or alive.'" Brian Lee Dunnigan, "The Michigan Fencibles," Michigan History, winter '73, pp. 284-285.


William Divers

On Aug. 22, 1856 he came in and bought land on the Trail Rd. on Kgs. Hwy. north of the lights, all with MBLWs. He made a quick turnover & sold it all out the same month to Charles Turrill.


Patrick Donahue


(estate settled 1884)

Married Bridget Kilty, 1840 -

Children (heirs):

Margaret, 1862 - ; [born] B.I.





July 16, 1863 he homesteaded W1/2 of NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 11, T37 R10, 200A $10. F.C. Pat. Nov. 1, 1869. In 1884 it was made over by his heirs to Bridget Hyer (a daughter?). This land is right back of Tuney's.

Nov. 1, 1869 U.S. to Patrick Donohue; Pat. Hd. SW1/4 Sec 2-T37-R10 (this is N. of above land & just back of James Martin's Beach property[)]. The 1st Dept. Int. Rec. shows this going to Boardman & Sweet in 1873. But Jan. 4, 1889, Maggie, Mary, & Sarah Donohue made it over to Sarah Hyer.

1860 census lists:

Patrick Donohue 28 fisherman born Ire.

Bridget Donohue 20 born Ire.

Catherine Donohue 1 born Mich


James & Allen Dormer

P. 147

James and Allen Dormer of Buffalo bought out the business of C. R. Wright and Son at the Point. They built a large store and warehouse and improved the dock at the point. I do not have the date of purchase.

The Dormer Day Book begins Oct. 29, 1876 and runs to Jan. 12, 1877. Then there is a gap. It begins again April 23, 1877 and runs to Aug. 12, 1877, when Henry Clifton died.

Maria's and Nonie's version - They were a rich family and owned all the land at the Point. When a girl was married, Dormer gave her a lot to build a house on. They left the Island and went back to Buffalo. When Dormer retired he rented his business to Day. James McCann worked in the store.

According to the daughter, he bought his business from Cable.

1883 he got possession, through Harrison Muller, sheriff, of SW1/4 of NE1/4 & Lot 3, Sec 1 T37 R11. Dan Boyle had owned this & I presume that Dormer foreclosed a mortgage.

"Child of the Sea" - Mrs. Williams gives "about 1876" as when he rented to Day. It must have been a little later as the Dormer Day Book is into 1877.

He is first recorded in the census of 1880 as living as a boarder in the house in St. James of Joseph Left. He gives his occupation as "wholesale fish" and is 46 years old, born in Canada. His father born in Ire., his mother in England. Dormer born 1834 in Canada (father Irish, mother English). Lived in Buffalo, N.Y..

Bought form Cable in 1862-this is from the letter; records show the date was '66. Rented to Day around 1877 when he retired.

McCann bought from Dormer, let property go for taxes & Dormer bought it back. (Was this 1900 when he moved to present location?) Dormer then sold to Booth Fisheries.

Notes p. 13, 14.

From letter sent Mr. Roy by Dormer's daughter:

Mr. Dorhmer [2] bought property in 1862 from Cable who had large holdings on the Island and also on Mackinac. Owned ? in fishing business.

? dock for

cooperage place & packing house

Had large store & commissary.

? school in ? house that burned. Brought teacher from Buffalo & held school in summer had friend from Chicago and brought family on____[3] Dormer.

They had boat races and picnics. There were many cottage[s]. People used cottages after Mr. Dorhmer died. John McCann bought property form Dohrmer? go for taxes and Mr. Dorhmer bought it back.

Gallagher & Martins McCauley

Dr. Protar was not such a saint. ? (sailor, color, child?) ?(held or helped) by Roddy and another Capt.

Barney (Bowery) Gallagher, father of James & Willie John collected rents to keep from squatters, sometimes just a quarter a month. Brought Gallagher to Island. Mr. Dorhmer roomed with Mrs. Williams. Mr. Dorhmer used to doctor his people. Bye medicine for the people who worked for him.

Mr. Dorhmer died in 1909. Sold to Booth Fisheries.

The above is a transcription of a letter written by Dormer's daughter for the Roys. The parts with a ? I couldn't make out. Also from the same source, "Dormer bought from Cable between 60 & 62. Dormer dock 200 feet. His the largest cooperage station on the Great Lakes. Also a loading post(?) for his old Dormer store building.


William Duclon

He succeeded Tip Millar as keeper of the Head Light. After 8 years he transferred to Eagle Bluff lighthouse.


Daniel Dunlevy


Emigrated 1851, [to] U.S. 1852, [to] B.I.1859, according to James in 1900 census.

Capt. Daniel Donlevy, born in Ireland, 1805-1899? (death record 1809)

Married Hannah O'Donnell, 1805-1875, 1815 census says


Mary, 1838 - ; born Ire. - married John Gillespie

James, 1846 (census says 1842) - ; born Ire. - married Sarah O'Malley

Francis, 1845 - ; born Ire. - married Biddy Dominic

John, 1834, ? (Mrs. Cafferty)

Land office:

Pencil -

Sept. 15, 1859 - Samuel (Daniel) Dunlevy filed for E 2NE 4 Sec 9-38-10. Hd. in 1863

by Mr. John Dunlevy

Death record:

Daniel Dunlevy, widower, age 90, died in Pea. Twp., of old age on Nov. 10, '99. Born Ire.;

shoemaker; parents James Dunlevy & Mary Gall.

I don't know where I got the date 1851 for coming to U.S. or 1846 for Jim's birth date (probably " Northern Mich). Yes.

According to Rachel, Daniel was keeper of the light in Donegal Bay in Ireland. This must mean that when the N. Mich says James was "born in Donegal" it means the town of Donegal. Rachel says he was not "Capt.", but the N. Mich. definitely says he owned and operated a vessel. Rachel says when he came across (on the same boat as Mooney) Jim "was in dresses" & Francis (Sam) a baby. This would hook up with "'51 or possibly '52", as they kept boys "in dresses" until 5 or there abouts. Rachel may have the wrong information about " Donegal Bay" & he probably was keeper of the light at Rutland or wherever the light was there for she definitely said he was from Aranmore. Rachel says his trip across took 6 weeks & that he went first to Toronto. There was a boat on Aranmore.

1860 Census:

Dan Dunlevy 45 shoemaker born Ire.

Hannah 45 born Ire.

John 22 born Ire.

Mary 20 born Ire.

James 18 born Ire.

Frank 15 born Ire.

Another entry:

John Dunlevy 23 shoemaker born Ire.

James 18 shoemaker born Ire.

Grandma Aranmore

John - born town of Donegal

Gallagher Family Tree

Notes p.12, 73, 86


Francis (Sam) Dunlevy


[Born] "Europe" - Ireland [per] Am. His Soc.


Married Bridget ("Biddy"), 1855-1931 - [born] Europe

Children (a large family):

Rachel, 1894-96

Francis T., May 3, 1899 (birth record); Francis T.'s birth record gives " Europe" as

parents' birthplace.

Hannah, 1876-1937 - married Frank Left

Helen - married Francis McCafferty, son of widow McCafferty

"Kilty Gall. (the '03[-year-old] one) was at her granddaughters, the Biddie Sams") - whose child was Biddie? Dominic's. [4]



mother Bridget, 1924; father Francis 1931; no birth dates

On the same lot is a stone:

John Dunley, 1888-1962 (this must be a son of above)

Mil[waukee] [Journal]., Jan. 10, 1932:

". . . Francis (Sam Dunlevy is 96 & the 1st of the old settlers. He came to the Beavers in 1859 shortly after things quieted down following Strang's reign.)

In 1883 he bought SW1/4 of NW1/4 Sec 10 T38 R10 from William Gallagher.


James "Yankee Jim" Dunlevy

1846-1931 or '32

Born in Donegal

1852 emigrated [to] U.S. according to James in 1900 census

[To] B.I., 1859

Married Sarah ("Big Sal") O'Malley, 1849-1917 (born on Mackinac Is.)

There is a stone for Big Sal but none for Jim: Mother Sarah, 1849-1917

This is the storekeeper I knew. He was the brother of John Dunlevy. He was called "Yankee Jim" because he was such a fancy dresser. "Tip" Millar had a couplet about him: "Want to see a man, dressed up all nice and trim? Just come to Beaver Island and look at Yankee Jim."

He is mentioned 2 times in the Dormer Book. Also there are 35 entries for "Boyle and Dunlevy who leased a dock and who had a quarrel with C. R. Wright and son about the dock. [5]

He and John were cobblers & had the only shop in St. James. In 1871 they dissolved partnership. James then went in to general merchandising in competition with C. R. Wright & Sons & John Day. He continued for 7 years - until 1878 - with Hugh Boyle as a partner. In 1877 the ships began to burn coal - Dunlevy & Boyle had 10,000 cords on hand - almost a total loss. (This must be when they had the quarrel over the docks). He then went to work for Day when they dissolved the partnership in 1879. In 1888 he went to Chicago for fourteen years. In 1900 he returned to B.I. & set up the store I remember.

" Northern Michigan"-

Born in Ireland, Co. Donegal 1846. Father Capt. Daniel Donley; born in Ire. - owned & sailed a lake schooner.

Came to America in 1851 [6]

Met Black John in Cleveland who told him of B.I.

1859 moved to B.I. where Daniel took a piece of farm land where he lived until he died at 94.

James & John in partnership as cobblers until 1871 when the partnership dissolved. James went into "general merchandising" with Hugh Boyle as partner (only store at that time C.R. Wright & Son & John Day.)

During panic of 1873, Dunlevy & Boyle lost $15,000 but survived & continued business until 1878.

Also, they dealt in fish and that market was "demoralized. They dissolved the partnership and Donlevy continued some time with Day.

In 1888 moved to Chicago and engaged in operation of a large grocery store. "Fairly successful" but health failed and secured position in a city office.

In 1900 returned to B.I. & started store; soon built store on harbor front owned jointly with his brother John. Stock at present (1905) $5,000, cash business, no credit.

When his brother John was County Clerk of Manitou County, he was County Treasurer for 10 years & Probate Judge 7 years.

Married Sarah O'Malley in Chicago (while he still lived on B.I.).

Big Sall and Paddy Rua danced the Highland Fling together (see Dance card.)

Mrs. Williams mentions Sarah O'Malley as an Island school teacher, p. 201

Big Sal "always lead the Polka" (Rachel).

According to Rachel, Yankee Jim and Bedford who killed Strang both courted Big Sal & Dunlevy won out. This can't be so, it must have been another Bedford, probably his son because Thomas Bedford was married when Strang was killed in '56 at which time Sal was 7 years old. Could it have been Edwin Bedford who was at the Head Light as an assistant to his uncle Lightkeeper "Tip" Miller?

Big Sal as the daughter of William O'Mally & Maria Dirkin. (Rachel).

The 1900 census shows James, Sarah, & Rachel boarders in the home of Julia Gibson.


John Dunlevy


[To B.I.] 1859

House #59

Married Ann Rogers, 1848-1930


Jack - married Eva Gibson

He was a cobbler and he had a shop beside his brother's store, the present Beachcomber. He is mentioned 3 times in the Dormer Book. (See James Dunlevy for quarrel with C. R.Wright & son.)

Aug. 18, 1862, John Dunlevy & Bridget appear as witnesses at the wedding of James O'Donnel 22, & Bridget O'Donnell, 25. Again in 1866 they appear at the marriage of Francis Gallagher, 48, and Grace Rogers, 45. He was in partnership as a cobbler with James until 1871. Then he continued on alone until 1897 when he moved to Chicago.

Land office:

In 1869 he patented the E1/2 of the NE1/4 of the E1/2 of the SE1/4 of Sec 9, T38 R10 from the U.S.. This was Hd. July 8, 1863 with F.C. Sept. 24, 1868. It is the Dunlevy farm on Slopt. Rd..

He was mentioned a cobbler in "B.I. Girls", 1874.

Rachel says he was the treasurer of the county for many years when it was Manitou Co. She also says he drank like a fish. " Northern Mich" says he was county clerk 24 years (not treasurer).

His obituary says:

Born in Ireland "78 years ago" (no date on the obituary), came to Toronto an emigrant as a young man & lived there until 1858 when he came to B.I. Well educate[d]. He continually filled the offices of county clerk and register of deeds for 24 years when Manitou was the Beavers, Fox, & Manitou Island. A shoemaker by trade. "The writer well remembers the primitive 'office' of Mr. Dunlevy. In one corner was his shoemaker's bench, where the proprietor was usually found diligently at work. Opposite was a counter, from which Jack issued official documents, & on the hill beyond was the court house, a log house, where the clerk sat at the right of Judge Ramsdell during circuit court sessions. The ancient records of the defunct county show that the county clerk was "onto his job."

Mr. & Mrs. Dunlevy were the parents of 5 sons & 4 daughters (one deceased). All the children went to Chicago "where all by sheer merit worked themselves into good position, two of the daughters being trained as nurses. About seventeen years ago Mr. & Mrs. Dunlevy followed their children to Chicago. (1898?)

June 15, '71 he was living at B.I. Harbor as recorded in the birth of son James Henry. He was here for the 1860 census.

Protar, July 16, 1912 - "Jack Dunlevy, Chicago" died. (If 78, see above, he was born 1834.) His grandson recalls a family conversation that John was from the town of Donegal (this fits in with Rachel that Daniel was a lightkeeper at Donegal and she was "from the island" {Aranmore}).


1 Michigan Fencibles was a military unit formed at Fort Mackinac in the summer of 1813.

2 Note the two spellings of the name: Dormer, Dohrmer.

3 Indecipherable letters.

4 An arrow connects this sentence to Bridget ("Biddie") Dunlevy, above.

5 There are no closed quotation marks in this entry

6 In other places the date is noted as 1852


Biographical Papers Letter E

Hugh Early

1812 -

[Born] Ire.

Married Bridget O'Donnell, 1832, [born] Ire.


Anne 1855 born Canada - married James F. Gall.

John 1857 born Canada

Ellen 1860 born Canada

Hugh 1863 born Canada

Francis 1864 born Mich.

Mary 1866 born Mich.

Grace 1869 born Mich.

Michael 1881 born Mich.

Land records show he was single in 1882 and married in 1885. In 1882 Hugh Early bought from Lester VanAlstyne, the E1/2 of W1/2 of SE1/4 of Sec 4, T 38 R10. In 1888 he sold it to Philipine Gallagher. [1]

John, who married Margaret, could have been the son of Hugh by an earlier marriage, or a nephew. They probably would not have used the name John again. The older John was born in Ireland.


John "Shawn" Early

P. 42

House #11

John Early, 1840 census: [born] Ireland, married in Ireland [to] Margaret 1834-1910. 1840 [per] census and death record. Her maiden name was Sharkey in the birth rec. of son Patrick. Son, Paddy Early, 1874-1950 (birth record: March 17, '73).


Margaret, wife of John Early. Born in Runafasta [2] Co. Donegal, Aug. 15, 1831. Died at St. James, Apr. 5, 1910.

Their property originally belonged to Joe Warner, a German. He was a soldier. His wife was going to another town when she met some soldiers on the road. She put out her hand to Joe, he shook it, and so they met. They had no children and when Joe died she asked the Earlys to move in with her. She willed them the place. Joe Warner filed in Feb. '58.

There is a big barn on the place, partly standing. When the church was being built (this must have been when it was enlarged under Father Zugelder) mass was said in the barn.

In the Early house is a picture of Margaret. She is spinning on a flax wheel - a very strong force.

Died - Margaret Shartsey, [3] married, 70, died in P. Twp Apr. 6, 1910. Bladder trouble. Parents John Shartsey & Mary O'Donnell.


Patrick "Paddy" Early


P. 102

Married Nov. 2, 1919 [to] Mary Gallagher, 1880-1977

He married the daughter of Don Father Gallagher. She took care of their mother, so she lived in their home. She was one of the women who went to bed. "She shrank up." According to Roland, these old women (sometimes only age 50) went to bed. They were dressed and cared for. They thought "they went back to the fairies." Mrs. Early says this is not so. See under Don Father Gallagher. Mrs. Early seems to have very vivid recollections of Father Zugelder and little to say about Father Gallagher (except that her father bought his property from him.) This is in spite of the fact that she was 18 when he died. She was married by Father Jewel which means she must have been at least 33. Did she marry a widower? She told me about the photographer. (See card "Pictures.")


Patrick Early, 1874-1950

6 yrs - stroke [4]


1 From other entries it can be determined that this is Philip C. Gallagher, 1852-1910.

2 The editor could not locate a so named city in County Donegal.

3 Name is spelled Sharkey above.

4 It is not clear what this refers to.

Biographical Papers Letter F

David Faris

Pvet. Capt. Sloans Co. Ohio Militia, War of 1812.

Land office:

July 23, 1856 MBLW act of '55 - Lot 1 Sec 22-37-10 and Lot 6, Sec 15. Charlevoix shows the date Sept. 1859, which must be the patent date.


James Farrell

This is the man Black Bonner bought his farm of. He paid $200 for 80A. Farrell was a flayer and came to the island thinking he would have work threshing wheat, but he found it a wilderness and no work, so he sold to Bonner and left. Pat doesn't think he was a Mormon, but it was June 9, 1857 when he deeded the land to Bonner. It was June 1856 when the Exodus took place; he must have come in right after the Mormons if he was not one himself. He did.

Land office:

Aug. 16, 1856 - James Farrell & John Hale bought N 2NE 4 Sec 8-38-10, 80A. $100.

June 9, 1857 - James Farrell sold to John Bonner N 2NE 4 Sec 8-38-10 ($200 according to Pat).


Samuel C. Field

Ten days after the assassination (Strang still on B.I.) the " Michigan" returned with McCulloch, Wentworth, & Bedford & others on board. They undertook to "arrest" the Mormons in sight, firing on Samuel C. Field & threatening to take the Prophet dead or alive. - K. of St. J., p. 173


George E. Fisher

Land office:

July 22, 1856 - W frl of NW frl Sec 3-38-10 bought, 97.57A $99.46. (on Slopt. Rd across from Roddys').

Oct ? 1858 - Timothy Smith, Deputy Sheriff, made this over to Archibald P. Newton.


Richard Fitzsimmons

P. 25

1830 (1822, 1950 census [1] )

His first wife was Margaret, 1822 (1824 [in] census) - 1877. There is a stone for her (fallen).

Richard Fitzsimmons and wife Margaret are listed in the 1850 census of Michilimackinac Co., probably on Mackinac Island.

The parish record shows his second marriage on May 19, 1885:

Richard Fitzsimmons, 55 - Mary O'Donnell, 65

This Mary O'Donnell was Pete McCauley's mother who was born in Aranmore. This was her third marriage. They did not live together long. Fitzsimmons seemed to like them older. His first wife was 8 years older and his second 10.

There is a Mike Fitzsimmons mentioned 8 times in the Dormer book. He seems to have bought a house of Dormer. Mike is mentioned by Tip Miller as one of crew of 8 for season 1882 Life S. S.. Michael Fitzsimmons is recorded in the 1880 census as living as a boarder in the home, in St. James, of Paul LaBlanc. He is 30, a sailor, born in Mich., father and mother both born in Ire..


Jack (John) Floyd

(3 cards)


(Jacop in birth records)

His death is noted as Aug. 11, 1914 in Protar's diary.

P. 75, 86, 87, 117, 145

Married Mary Palmer, 1847-1935, on May 26, 1874 - born Mackinac Isl. (from Charles' birth record)


Johnnie, 1878-1921

Edward, 1890-1915

George, 1880-1947

Anna, 1883-1925

Frank, 1874-1936 (death record - 1869-1938)

Charles, 1875 - (birth rec. - b[orn] on Foxes)

Joseph, 1887-1958 - married Flora McCafferty

Frederick, 1896 -

Kitty - married Herbert McCauley

Mary - married Barney Martin



[for] Mother Mary, [Father] John, Johnnie, Edward [and] in another part of the cemetery: George, Anna, Frank, [and] Joseph.

John Floyd was born in Boston, 1842 (military record shows 1840). He enlisted in the Union Army from Indiana where he was raised. He had one sister. He came to Michigan from Milwaukee.

Floyd was big man and very strong. He wielded a 4-pound ax and could chop more wood in a day than anyone else. (The cordwood sold was chopped not sawed.) He served in the Civil War. He would talk particularly about the Battle of the Wilderness. The Floyds came from Fox Island and were married there.

Floyd's description on Military records: eyes, gray; hair, black; complexion, dark; height, 5'11".

[He] couldn't read or write.

Mrs. Floyd had three sisters they can recall:

Sarah, who married a Miller (any relation to "Tip"?)

Julia, who married a Widerman

Augusta, who married a McCrea[r?]

When Old Lady Floyd said she remembered seeing Strang as a child she must have been in on boats with her family. (She was a Palmer.) They didn't live here until after the Mormons left.

Elizabeth Floyd LaFreniere says that Ann Looney was old Lady Floyd's aunt - that her mother was a Williams.

Mrs. Floyd evidently was not proud of the Williams family. She always emphasized the Scotch side of her ancestry. "My mother was a Yankee from New York State" was all she would say. She always insisted there was no Indian blood in the family. This makes it plausible that there was Indian in the Williams family and that she knew it.

There was a Mrs. McKinley Maria knew in Escanaba who "was a sister of Mrs. Palmer and looked very Indian." She did not know whether or not this was related to the McKinley of pre-Mormon Beaver. Elizabeth knows nothing of this.

Mrs. Floyd's uncle, Paddy Williams, was the one that lived in Strang's house. The Williams & Palmer families lived "back of King's Place." This looks as if they had moved into some of the empty house[s] of the Mormon town of Troy.

There is a Frederick Floyd, born Nov. 15, 1896 to John Floyd, born Massachusetts, and Mary Palmer, born Michigan. [John] is listed as a "fisherman." Mary would have been 49 when he was born.

Mary Floyd had some schooling on Mackinac.

The marriage record in Maria's application for widow's pension, dated Aug. 26, 1914. Date:

May 26, 1874; Place, Northport, Mich; Official, Geo. N. Smith, minister of the gospel. She is listed as "Maria Williams, maiden name Palmer." The birth places are given as Boston and Mackinaw, Mich. The place of residence of both, Fox Island, Mich.. He gives his age as 28, she as 22. The witnesses were Arvilla A. Smith, Northport, and Henry Longfield, Fox Island.

Information on the Floyd application for a pension, June 4, 1898. The list of children on Maria's application for widow's pension Aug. 26, 1914 is substantially the same:

John, Jr. Apr. 9, 1875

Edward Sept. 25, 1877

Mary Feb. 10, 1879

Anna Apr. 7, 1882

Lizzie Mar. 10, 1884

Joseph June 13, 1886

Agnes June 7, 1887

Kitty May 30, 1890

James Feb. 22, 1892

Frederick Sept. 15, 1896

He signed the May 1, 1911 Declaration for pension to come under the Act of Feb. 6, 1907, with an X attested by James H. Gallagher and Margaret Gallagher "who have been acquainted with the applicant 20 years and 40 years respectively."

Death records:

John Floyd, married, age 72-4-5 died in St. J on Aug. 11, '14 of heart failure due to age. Born Mass.; drayman; father Edward Floyd, mother unknown.

Mary Floyd, widow, age 87, died Mar. 26, '35 in St. J., of influenza. Born Mich.; parents Edward Palmer, born Scotland; mother, Annie, place of birth unknown.

Death records:

Frank Floyd - single, age 69, fisherman, died in St. J. Nov. 13, '38 of Coronary Thrombosis. Born Fox Island; parents John Floyd and Mary Palmer.

Anna Floyd - single, age 42-2-12, died St. James, Jan. 12, '25 of influenza. Born Mich.; was housewife; parents John Floyd and Mary Palmer.

Protar - "Johnny Floyd died Aug. 27, 1921.


Oscar Frederick

Census: 1880 Trout Isl.

Frederick Oscar, 30, fisherman, born Sweden, mother Swe., father, Swe.

Dominic Gallagher, 19, laborer, born Ire. Father, Ire., mother, Ire. Can't W.

As far as ages go, this must be the son of Patric and Bridget Gall. Recorded as 8 in 1870 census.


1 This must be 1850 census.


Biographical Papers Letter G

Gallagher [Multiple Individuals]

(card #1)

According to Pat Bonner, there was a Gallagher here when the Mormons were here & his name was Mike.

P [1] There is a baptism record, Dec. 2, 1862 of - Anthony Gallagher - father Dan Gallagher, mother Bridget Sweeny. Is this " Big Gallagher" or "Don Father"? à no, he didn't get her until 1884

No, his name was James Peter & he didn't come until 1871.

P July 16, 1863 - Hannah Gallagher was baptized, father - Dominick Gall., mother Mary Greene. [2] The only Dominic I have is of the Aranmore family that came 1866.

P Nov. 3, 1863 - twin girls, Ann & Hannah Gallagher were baptized - father James Gallagher ( à Shamus), mother Mary Gillespie.


Family of Kitty Gallagher

From Aranmore


B.I. 1866
This family came together, a mother and three sons in 1866.


Kitty, 1802-1905:




1) Owen (Big Owen) 1843 (about) (1847, stone)- 1941 daughter Melody (Mel) 1879-


John "Old John" Gillespie


(card #2)


From a letter of Jewel's to Clink. It differs slightly at the end from what I got out of the book Jewel loaned me.

Annie Gillespie, 1858


1 Mary Gillespie, 1860 Harlem's mother


Hannah Gillespie ? Hannah Tight - census = 1867


Nellie Gillespie, 1871 - Gallagher


Bridget Gillespie, 1875 - married Dannie Gallagher


3 Jennie Gillespie, 1864 - Connolly


Daniel Gillespie, 1869 - Tight


Frank Gillespie, 1869 - My father [95]


2 James Gillespie, 1862 - Priest - census = 1865


Grace Gillespie ? married Will Carr


Owen Gillespie, 1879 - Ownie


Lizzie Gillespie, 1885 - Carl Marine


John Gillespie (oldest son) ? Buckshot census = 1863

Order in 1880 Census


John 17


James 15


Hannah 13


Daniel 11


Frank 9


------------------------- [96]
Grace 7 - 73


Bridget 4- 75


Ellen 3 - 77


Own 11/12 -79


[Order in] 1870 Census


Ann 14


Mary 12


John 10


James 8


Hannah 6


Daniel 4


F_____ [97] 2


Notes from letters of Charles Francis O'Donnell to Tony O'Donnell -


"Old John Gillespie (Godfather of my informant) was married to a Dunlevy, John


Gillespie gave his godson his first pair of boots, red leather tops, & copper toes, & never





Owen Gillespie

Owen Gillespie, 1879- Mich, Laborer, son of Old John.


Wife, Mary Ginjras, Mich, (also spelled Jengress)


James John, Sept 30, '04


Daniel Merle. '10


Death records:


Daniel Merle Gillespie, 0-10-6, died in St. J. Twp, [98] "accidental drowning," born Mich, parents Owen Gillespie and Mary Jengrass.



Owen Gillespie Family Tree



2) Neil (Big Neil)


3) Dominic (Big Dominic)


Sons: Peter, 1869-1958, married the daughter of Nangog who came with


her mother to B.I.


Dominic, 1867-1954 (this is the one I knew)






Elizabeth, married Jim McCauley, 1864


Mary, married Conn McCauley




Two of these sisters married brothers, Conn & Jim McCauley


James McCauley married Elizabeth Gallagher, 1864


Owen McCauley married Catherine McCauley in 1867, daughter of Paddy Grey


This is all very confusing. The 1864 marriage above was before the family is supposed to have gotten to B.I. in 1866--Big Owen is very definite about "Hannah Big Owen" came in 1866 (see Bishop Baraga). This date in "An Irish Colony". Could this 1866 date be hers and Owen came earlier?


Elizabeth - was born 1838, mother's age as given on the tombstone: 36


Owen - was born 1846 (about), mother's age as given on the tombstone: 44


Catherine - was born 1849. Mother's age as given on the tombstone: 47


This is possible, but she seems pretty old when she had her family - also she would have been 63 when she came.
There was a:


Bridget Gallagher, born 1838 who married Phillip Malloy in 1864


Ellen Gallagher, Born 1839 who married John Boyle in 1866


There is a baptism record, July 16, 1863 of Hannah Gallagher , [parents] Dominic Gall and Mary Greene. This adds to the confusion. The most reasonable explanation seems to be that the children came first and the mother followed in 1866.
Neil Big Owen says that Neil and Dominic came to the Island first; she doesn't know the exact date. They came through Canada. Big Owen came later in 1866 and brought his mother with him. They came directly to B.I. (she was wrong about Neil - in 1900 (census) he says he came in 1870, so he must have been the last to come.) This clears up the confusion; Neil and Dominic came through Canada. The McCauley's came through New York. Conn McCauley and Mary had a child baptized B.I. Feb. 1863. James McCauley and Elizabeth Gall. were married B.I. 1864. This means that the marriage took place B.I. and they all got here by 1862. Then in 1866 Kitty came with Big Owen and Frank and Ann McCauley came with John and Hannah. Hannah was 20 at this time and Big Owen 19. Just when they were married I do not know but the earliest birth record I have for a child is 1879 (Mel). Probably the families knew each other in Aranmore.
When Kitty was an old woman, she would climb up on her daughter's lap where she lived, to be taken care of like a child. Which daughter I don't know. (Mary Turner) Lawrence remembered he as living with Conn's wife in the house Jewel Gillespie now lives in.

Manus Gallagher

House #67; I also have him for house #91


A cousin of Cornelius


Married Elizabeth ?




Bridget, 1857-1925; born Ire. - married Frank McCauley, Conn's son


[Death record:]


Bridget McCauley, married, age 68, died on May ? '25 in Peanine Twp of heart 


Blockage; born Ire; parents Mannis [47] Gallagher & Elizabeth Gallagher.
In 1982 Manes Gallagher bought from the Matthew Burchard estate the NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 Sec 3 T38
R10. In 1900 he sold to Thomas Bonner.

Melody "Mel Big Owen" Gallagher



She taught school in 1898; the children attending were:


Frank Gallagher, 1883, age 15


Dan Malloy, 1886, age 12


Mike McCafferty, 1885, age 13


Dan Donlevy, 1884, age 14


Margaret Donlevy, 1886, age 12


Joe Donlevy, 1890, age 8


Mel came home in 1930 to care for her parents. Mel said, "I made a trip to Chicago with some friends. I looked for a job and had had enough of people who couldn't read and write telling me how to teach school." When Mel was a child she nearly died of the measles. Her mother thought she was dead but she wouldn't give up. She rubbed Mel's arms and legs. Mel revived. In later years her mother would say, "I guess it was God's will, I saved you then that you were to care for me now." She spoke of the great kindness of Johnny McCann and his many errands of Mercy with his boat, and how it has been forgotten and is never spoken of. Also Gus Mielke, "I've decided that going to be mean so that people will remember me."


Mike R. "Mike Mahal Rua" Gallagher



[see also] Tyrone Gallaghers


B.I. between - 1864 (birth of Michael in Can.) [and] 1865 (bought land)


P. 54, 116


House #93


Cousin of Big Gallagher's, brother [of] Old Billie


Married Susan Mooney, 1828-1908 à sister of Mary Malloy, Pat's wife; a sister of Buffaloe


Malloy's mother, Mary. They were cousins of the other Mooneys.




William (Big Willie), 1868-1945 - stone


3 daughters lost on the Vernon in 1887






He homesteaded his land in 1865. [48]

Land office:


Aug. 4, 1865, Hd. SE 4 Sec 10-38-10, 160A, $10, F.C. July 16, 1872. This is his farm.

When they came to Beaver in 1865, Mike's brother Old Billie was here & so was Susan's sister Mary Malloy & her brother Jim & cousins Owen & Barney Mooney.
Lawrence is very positive that Susan was a sister of Big Gallagher's. Were they then 1st cousins? Are both stories true?
[second listing of Mike & Susan's children]:


Bridget Green, born 1861 in Can.


Mary French, born 1862 in Can.


Catherine, born 1863 in Can.


Michal, born 1864 in Can.


Willie, born 1868 in Mich.


Hannah, born 1871 in Mich. 


Big Willie was baptized Aug. 23, 1868.
They [Mike and Susan] must have met in Canada before 1861 because Mike was from Tyrone & Susan from Aranmore. Gravestones say the two oldest were born in Ireland. How come? probably right.
Gravestones - Gallagher


Mother - Susan, 1828-1908


Father - Michael, 1821-1897


The stone in the lot for Charles M. French, 1889-1894 - is a grandson


Death records:


Michael Gall., married, age 65-7-5, died Pea. Twp of inflamation of the lungs, Dec. 5, '96; parents unknown.


Michael R. Gall., married, age 76-4-7, died Pea. Twp on Dec. 2, '96, cause unknown; born Ire., farmer, parents Daniel Gall & Bridget Rodgers.



Morris Gallagher



Kelly Begs


Married Mary McDonough (Big Mary) - she was married to Patrick Carmody who drowned off


Big Sand Bay. This must be a second marriage.


He was a half-brother of Maria's grandmother Boyle, Catherine Gallagher.
Big Phil also came from Kelly Begs - could there be a connection? yes half brothers
[see original manuscript for Gallagher/Cull family tree diagram]

Neil "Big Neil" Gallagher

1852 -


(This is too young for Big Neil. Did he have a son Neil?)


P. 58, 88, 137




Neil Gallagher lived where Briggs lived. He had a grocery store and dock (later Mike Cull's dock). Buried in Escanaba. There is a Neil Gallagher 4 times in the Dormer Book and he bought a house. This is the "Big Neil" who owned the boat "Joe" (see under boats). "He was a mean man." For his sharp transactions with the Martin Brothers see the cards of John and Grace, widow of either Edward or Dan Martin. In 1880 Neil Gallagher ( I don't know whether Big Neil or Neily Dominic, son of Big Dominic) deeded the SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec 33 T39 R10 to Patrick Boyle. A year later, 1881, he deeded the same land to Jeremiah Corbett. (Must be Big Neil; Neily Dom. wasn't born until 1875.) I think he married Mary O'Donnell (my notes are confused), daughter of Barney O'Donnell (Barney's Lake), and that they had a large family-Maggie, Catherine, Mabel, Gertrude, Ann, Grace, Jim (a capt.), Ben (a capt.), Joseph. It was Ben Big Neil that married her; [49] she was Barney's daughter. The 1880 census records him as married and his mother living with him. Not Big Neil.
Jimmy Big Neil's daughter was raised by the Manus Bonners. She is now Mrs. Thomas Foley in St. Louis.

Neil "Neily Dominic" Gallagher



P. 138


Son of Big Dominic, "The meanest captain on the Great Lakes." Died when he fell off his ship. The belief is that he was pushed off by one of the crew he abused. Or was this "Big Neil"?


Land office:


Mar. 4, 1899, Lot 3 Sec 36-38-10, 66.15 A. $5. Can. Dec 8, 1906, 7 yrs.. On Martin's Bluff. 


This is probably Neily Dominic. He is the one that ripped open Maria's uncle with a knife and Protar saved him. It was Tom Malloy and took place in 1902.


Protar: "Neily Dominic" died Jan. 6, 1914.

Owen "Big Owen" Gallagher

1843 (about) - 1940




B.I. 1866 (shown in 1900 census which says Hannah came one year later, 1867); stone [says]


1847 - if [he] came to B.I. age 19 in '66, '47 is right.


P. 97, 102


Married to "Hannah Big Owen", about 1843 (1846?) - 1941; her maiden name was McCauley.


She was a sister of Conn, Paddy Baca, etc.




"Mel Big Owen," 1879 -


Jimmy, 1873-1913




Frank, 1880-1952 (stayed with parents)




Willie, 1887-1914 (death rec. William O.)


Came to the Island in 1866. He said that there were 52 Irish families on the Island, including 14 named Gallagher.
Clementine - "Big Owen and his wife lived to be 92."
Lawrence lists "Owen Gallagher, 1872-1959. He was the last of that family. He was married to Sarah Gibson in 1905." This is not Big Owen's son. This family of Kitty seems to be the only one that uses the name Owen but this could also be the one of Big Neil or Big Dominic. (See [above] for children given me by Mrs. Early. There is no Owen.)
Lizzie Gall. says "Red Dan came with Big Owen." Red Dan's mother and Big Owen's father were 1st cousins.
" Northern Michigan"
"A native of Co. Donegal, on the rugged coast of which he spent his childhood and youth, less early becoming experienced in things pertaining to the sea. While a mere lad he passed much of his time boating and fishing. When a youth of 19 he came to the U.S. about the year 1866, when made his way to Beaver Island where he spent some time fishing and later shipped as a sailor on a vessel engaged in the lake trade in which capacity he continued until appointed keeper of St. James lifesaving station in 1887. So deeply is he interested in his work that he seldom asks for leave of absence, having been off-duty but four times in 16 years of service, and then only for brief periods. Physically, he is strong, active, and vigorous."
"Northern Michigan" p. 601:
In charge of Life Saving Station in the Harbor from 1887 (he followed Tip Miller). He saved the crew of the " Queen City" which ran aground on Hog Island. It lay there 12-15 hours with the crew clinging to the rigging.
Came to the U.S when 19. In 1866 came to Beaver Island where he fished. Later he shipped as a sailor on a vessel in the lake trade. This he continued until appointed keeper of the St. James life saving station.
Stone (all on same stone):


Frank, 1880-1952


Father, 1847-1941


Mother Hannah, 1846-194_


Owen, 1847-Nov. 16, 1941, Bosn. U.S. Coast Guard S.P. Am. War [50]
Similar stones:


James O., son of Owen and Hannah, born B.I., died Chicago, 1913


Willie O., son of Owen and H., born B.I., 1887


Death records:


Hannah Gall. age 93-9-12, born Ireland, died May 26, '40. Disease, "none." Parents Frank McCauley and Anna Gall..


Owen Gall., age 94-5-9, died Nov 16, '41 of myocardial degeneration. Born Ireland; retired Coast Guard. Parents James and Catherine Gall..


William O. Gallagher, single, died Aug. 15, '14, age 26, of consumption. Born Michigan, farmer; parents Owen Gallagher and Hannah McCauley.


Protar: "Willie Big Owen" died Aug. 22, 1914
Kitty-James -Napper Tandy- 1st cousins-mother


Big Owen- 2nd cousins - Red Dan Green

"Paddy Mor" Gallagher



P. 61 


House #20 


Brother of Shamus & Shawn 


Married Bridget Cull? If this is right, she must be a sister of Dennis. 




Dominic Paddy Mor, 1862-1907 


House #16 (House of tuberculosis) 


Did he marry Bridget Gillespie in 1868? no        


There is a stone:        


Catherine, wife of Patrick Gallagher (son of Shamus), born in Penn., 1858, died St. James,
1887 - she was Big Bonner's daughter.         


Maria says this is Paddy Mor's wife - no  


White Dan Green bought the Greene farm from Paddy Mor. They just exchanged money & the deed, without registering it. 


Death records: 


Dominick P. Gallagher, widower, age 46, died in St. J. Twp on Mar. 24, 1907, of Pulmonary
Tuberculosis; born Mich., laborer; parents Patrick Gallagher & Bridget Cull.

"Paddy Rua" Gallagher



P. 101 


His was born on Aranmore but was not related to any other Gallaghers on the Island.


1845 census, 1840 marriage record 


Did he marry Bridget Gillespie in 1868? no  


Married Bridget Boyle (daughter of Tom H. Boyle & Mary {Pete McCauley's mother} - 1857 census).




Hugh "The Red Devil", 1885-1953


Mary (married a Burke) - Tom


Thomas R., 1878-1938 stone  


Thomas, 1878 census [51] 


Bridget, 1880 census 


Son Paddy Rue, who married Mrs. Briggs   




Maria M. Hugh


1889-19- 1885-1953 


The way he got the name of the "Red Devil." Hugh & 2 of the Green boys (brother of Johnny Green) came in to town for a party (they lived on nearby farms in Greentown). There was going to be another party the next night so they didn't go home but stayed over in town. Father Paddy Rua was mad because Hugh wasn't doing his work on the farm - he came in town after him & asked "Begorra, did you see that Red Devil of mine?" The name stuck.
One day Maria was walking down the street with their son Durward & they met Father Jewel who said, "So this is the Little Devil."
He & Big Sal Dunlevy danced the Highland Fling together (see card on dance).

Patrick Gallagher

1847 -
Married, Aug. 26, 1868, Bridget Gillespie
There is a Patrick T. Gallagher who acquired lots 3 & 4 on Bonner's Bluff, Sec 5 T38 R10, from the U.S. in 1883. Could this be the Patrick Gallagher who married Bridget Gillespie? It seems probable because it is not too far from the Gillespie property. This Bridget is not Old John's daughter. The daughter was born in 1875 & married Dan Martin. This must be a sister of Old John.

Patrick Gallagher

There was a very early Patrick on the Island because in Aug. 1859 he bought lot #2 next lot to the Lighthouse (Sec 20, T37 R10) from Frank C. Stevens (Charlevoix).
Land office: 


Pencil -


April 10 (? Probably '58 or '63), Lot 4, Sec 19-37-10 ( Iron Ore Bay). This was Hd.


along with other land ___  [52]) 1874 by Henry Wright, can. 1881. Bought 1883 by Edward Sparrow. 
This is probably the Patrick in the 1860 census -


Patrick Golicher 50 laborer born Ire.


Mary Golicher 50 ---------- born Ire.


Edward Murloy 60 ---------- born Ire.


Edward Murloy 8 ----------- born Canada 



Patrick/Paddy "Grey" Gallagher

1820 -


By 1860 (probably by 1858) 


Rutland [53] family


[This family] not related to any other Gallaghers on the Island


Wife Ellen, 1826-




Bernard, "Barney" - 1840-1884; born on Rutland - married Mary Ellen Roddy, 1843-1903




Andy Mary Ellen, 1878-1939


son, Johnny Andy 


Paddy Mary Ellen, 1871-1942 ("Paddy Rat" because he was a "troublesome child;"
couldn't read or write but went to school at the Point.) 


Catherine (called Jennie), born Ireland 1849; married Owen McCauley (one of 5 brothers),




Mayme, married to Jenkins


Hannah, married Joe Roddy


Katie, married  


There is a 1860 census entry I am very much inclined to think is Paddy Grey:


Patrick Guller [54] 40 - no occupation given - born Ire.


Ellen Guller 34 --------------- born Ire.


Barney Guller 17 ------------- born Penn. [55] 


Catherine Guller 7 ------------ born N.Y.


John Guller 3 ----------------- born Mich. 


Mary Guller 2 ---------------- born Mich.


Ellen Guller 4/11 ------------- born Mich. 

Death records: 


Patrick E. Gallagher, married, age 70-6-10, died Jan. 8, '42 in St. J., of coronary thrombosis. Born St. J.; fisherman, parents Barney Gallagher & Mary Ellen Roddy.

Patrick/Paddy "Grey" Gallagher 


(card #2)


Patrick (Grey) first shows up in the 1860 census. He is 40, his wife Ellen 34. Barney was 17, born in Ireland and the next child Catherine was 7* (she later married Owen McCauley), who was born in Penn. Does the 10 year gap mean that Patrick came first, worked in the mines & then went back for his wife, or sent for her[?]. The next child John was born in N.Y.; the next 2, Mary (2) & Ellen (4/12) were born in Mich.  

This probably means that Grey & Ellen went to N.Y. & there, in the Irish colony heard about Beaver I.
There is no Patrick Gallagher in the 1870 or '80 census that fits. Did the census taker miss them? or had they died [?]
By 1870 Barney is recorded in his own household 


By 1870 Catherine is married to Own McCauley & says she was born in Ire., in 1880, she


says it was N.Y. *In 1870 she says she is 20, in 1880 - 23. The 20 looks more reasonable than the 7 above as she has a 3 year old son. [56] 


" [57] This family was in Penn. in 1853 where both Barney & Paddy Grey worked in the mines; in 1857 they were in N.Y. & in 1858 on B.I. Roland says "Paddy Grey was the father of Frank Floyd." This would have placed him on the foxes in 1868, or Mary Palmer on B.I. that year.

Father Peter Gallagher


Tyrone [Gallaghers]


6/24/1835 (Tyrone, [ CountyIreland]) - 11/13/1898 (B.I.)


P. 27, 33, 65, 82, 107, 133, 147 

He was born in Menabarigar, Co. Tyrone & came to Philadelphia with his parents & a brother in June 1852 (age - 17). The trip over was from June 24 to Aug. 4.
He went to school at Old St. Joseph's (Jesuit) in Philadelphia & from there went to Ottawa College, Ottawa, Canada. Ordained by Bishop Baraga of Marquette, July 29, 1866 (age 31) and came immediately to B.I. as priest, landing Aug. 9, 1866. He died on B.I. Nov. 13, 1898 & is buried in St. Dennis Cemetery, Oakmount, Upper Darby, Penn.
Sister Lorraine says that he enjoyed dancing & always danced when there was an opportunity (square dancing I presume).
In 1890 he bought NE1/4 of Sec 21 T37 R10 (at head) from John Sawlin.
Roland says he had "12 apostles" (the pillars of the church on which he depended I presume), two of them were Jolin & Owen Gallagher McCauley Gallagher. The 12 apostles sat in a pew behind(?) the altar. Another was "Puddenon"(?) Gallagher & he was the one that burned Old Man McCann's cooper shop at the point. It was after this that McCann looked after Dormer's store when he was gone & Father Gallagher said from the pulpit "Don't trade with that Mackinac Jew McCann, trade with this fine man Day."
Mabel Cull & Nonie. Nonie said Father Gallagher always told people to hold on to their land. When I repeated this to Mabel she said yes. Father also said there would be buggies without horses & things flying in the air" [58] and that no matter how things looked now, land would be valuable. "I don't know where he got his information, but that is what he said." She went on to talk highly of his kindness & care for the Islanders.
Father Gallagher owned Nels' store, house, & dock. (Nonie)
[see original manuscript for family tree diagram for Father Gallagher]

Father Peter Gallagher


(card #2)


Priests like him 

The attachment of Irish congregations to a pastor or priest quickened their loyalty to him against the bishop, as in Ireland. The bishop transferred Rev. John Brady, Jr. from a Conn. Town. The parishioners nailed a notice across the entrance to the church: "Let no man take this down till the Bishop gives a reason for removing Mr. Brady from his beloved congregation. Let no man dare."...
The congregation of Chicopee, Mass., attack[ed] Rev. James Strain, described as "of hasty temperament & utterly without tact" on the altar & ripped the vestments from his back.


To the G. Floor - G. Patton p. 355 [59]

Peter Dominic Gallagher


2nd gen.


p. 132


Son of "Big Dominic"


He and his brother Neily Dominic "meanest 2 captains on the Gt. Lakes."
Married Nora (Nangog's daughter), 1879-1954




Monica A., 1902-1929


Mary I., 1900-1920


Cecilia, 1906-1933


Dominic Roland, Mar. 21, 1903 (Charlevoix records. "Peter Gallagher, Mich, farmer, wife name not given, Ireland.)        



Philip C. "Philipine" Gallagher [60]




(His stone says born in Ireland Aug. 4, 1852, died St. James, Dec. 19, 1910)




About 1869


A nephew of Big Owen


Married Mary Gillespie, 1858-1910 (daughter of John Gill.) In 1880 she was working as a


servant in the home of George Sweet.


Children (15; 7 deceased, 1905):


Charles/Charlie (Harlam), 1882-1974 - married Catherine Malloy, 1890-1939










Dominic - married Mary Gillespie, sister of Kit


Daniel, July 12, 1899




Stillborn, July 4, 1894 

"Northern Michigan": 


Born on Aranmore Island, Co. Donegal, Aug. 1852. Big Owen sent for him and paid his passage; when he came he worked for island fishermen for 4 years and then for another 4 as a sailor on the "Henry A. Smith." Capt. I. N. Gallagher of B.I. (is this Big Neil?) yes, his uncle. Then did pond-net fishing on Sand Bay where he took up homestead. In 1882 he purchased 40 acres of his present farm (written 1905), in 1886 added another 40A and in 1890 90A more. In 1905 "he has been successfully engaged in farming for 22 years." His farm was next to John Gillespie's (his father -in-law).
Death records: 


Phillip C. Gallagher married, age 58, died in Peaine Township on December 19, 1910 of consumption; born Ireland, parents Charles Gallagher and Bridget Gallagher; farmer.  

"Northern Michigan". 


"Attained a fair education, in his native land and shortly after attaining his majority in 1874 he emigrated to the United States coming directly to Beaver Island in June of that year. In his native land he had been reared on a farm, and also followed fishing. He came to the US through the inducement of his uncle captain Owen Gallagher." Worked for four years for others fishing then four years as a sailor on the schooner. " Henry A. Smith." Capt. I. N. Gallagher, then of Beaver Island. (is this Big Neil?) (yes, his uncle) Then worked for John Day in fishing, after which he spent nine years pond net fishing on Sand Bay where he took up a homestead. In 1882 he purchased 40 acres of his present farm (written 1905); in 1886 added another 40 acres and in 1890, 90 acres more. In 1905 "he has been successfully engaged in farming for 22 years." Is now (1905), serving his seventh term as township clerk, having also served three years as Township supervisor. At one time, he served as a sheriff of Manitou. County which at that time included the Manitou to islands and the Fox Island, Beaver Island Gull Island and others, 15 in all.  

His farm was next to John Gillespie's (his father-in-law)
Maria says he was supervisor etc. of Peanine Township. "a smart up-and-coming man."
Stone[s] near Philip C.: 




Bridget, 1825-1889, born in Ireland (his mother)


Neil, 1869-1891, age 21 y. (his brother)  


Land office:


July 26, 1877 Philip Gallagher Hd. Lots 2 and 3 Sec 25-38-10 and Lot 1 Sec 36, 140A $10.


Fd 1883. James D. McKinley had filed (pencil) for this Sept. 9, 1861. This must be the Hd. referred to in the Northern Mich article; it is just S. of B. Sand Bay. 

In 1880 he was listed as living as a boarder in the home of Neil Gallagher, are 28, sailor. Mary was 19 and living in the home of George Sweet as a servant (born in Mich.). In 1870 she was living at home, age 12, born in Can..
Death records: 


Mary Gillespie Gallagher, died in Peaine Twp. on Dec. 10, 1910 of heart disease, married, born Mich., parents Gillespie and Mary Dunlevy; I failed to get the age but she was 52.
In 1884 a Philip Gallagher homesteaded Lots 2 and 3 Sec 25-38-10 and lot 1 Sec 26 T38 R10. I don't know if it was Big Phil or Philipine. (Philipine - this is at the south end of B. Sand bay.)
The land records show his purchase of E1/2 of W1/2 of SE1/4 of Sec 4, T38, R10 from Hugh Early in 1888.
In 1896 he bought W1/2 of the NW1/4 & W1/2 of SW1/4 of Sec 21 T38 R10 from Condy C. Gallagher (the nephew).
[See original manuscript for family tree of Philip C. "Philipine" Gallagher.]

Shamus "Shamy" (possibly James) Gallagher


1815 (census)


[see also James Gallagher]


By 1863 In 1860 census


P. 55, 96, 115, 125


Brother of Shawn


House #46


Married Mary Gillespie






Ann [61] 

He lived at the Black Hills across from Condy. According to Pat B. he is the one that named the " Darky Town Rd." because it was so dark walking to or from town to his house. Pat says it was called this before Darky Mike lived there.
His wife was a sister of the wife of "Big John" Bonner.
Pat says he first lived in a house, later occupied by Big John Boner, on the Darky Town Rd. across from Mooney's. It was then he named it Darky Town.
Maria says his wife was a Gillespie (she is thinking of James). [If there were 2 - Shawn & Shamus - then Shamus' wife was a Gillespie & Shawn's the sister of Big John's wife.] [62]
I think they are the same. Pat said - " Shawn (Hamey) married a Bonner, one of the Big Johns, I think." Maria - "Shamus Gall. married a Gillespie." Pat - "Boner, the one with one N (this is Big John) lived on the DkyT Rd. in a house that had been occupied by Shamey Gall. who later moved to Black Hills." "Boner's wife was Mary Gillespie." The "Shawn (Hamey)" & the "Shamus (Shamy)" are very close.
I certainly have to check into this - for one thing get the land record across from Condy's at the Black Hills. Here is a possible solution that would leave Shamus & Shawn 2 different people:
[seeoriginal manuscript for prospective Shawn/Shamus Gallagher family relationship diagram]
Could it be that "Shamy" is James? That would make the Mary Gillespie who was married to James Gallagher & had the baptism of Ann & Hannah Nov. 3, 1863. Shawn is John.
1860 census:


James Golicher 40 laborer born Ire.


Mary Golicher 38 born Ire.


John Golicher 4 born Ire.


Eugene Golicher 11(?) born Ire.


Mary Golicher 5 born Canerday


Patrick Golicher 3 born Canada


Grace Golicher 2 born Canada


Bridget Golicher 2/12 born Canada


Bridget Golicher 80 born Ire.

[A bracket connects all of the above names from the 1860 census] - This is not the one that married Mary Gillespie & whose twins are in the parish baptismal record. See census card. 


Shawn (John? "Hamey") Gallagher

[see also James Gallagher]


P. 115


Brother of Shamus


(Shawn = John -Yeats)


Married sister of Old John Gillespie.


A nephew of Old John Gillespie. 


Two of his brothers were drowned.


[Can this be the same a Shamus ("Shamy")?] [63] - no


This information comes from Pat Bonner.

On March 19 '78 "Shane" Gallagher is the father of Bridget, mother "Gracey Boyle" (born

In 1877 Shawn Gallagher bought the E 1/2 of the W 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of Sec 9-T38-R10 from James


O'Donnell. O'Donell had bought it in 1870 from John Gillespie.

[see original manuscript for family tree diagrams for Shawn Gallagher]

Shamus (James) and Shawn (John) Gallagher

This information is from Catherine Gallagher McMillen, granddaughter of Shamus & reared in his home.


Shamus (James) & Shawn (John) were brothers & there were two other brothers that drowned. (Shamus two sons John & Owen were drowned when the "Lookout" was lost*[)]. [64]


Shamus married Mary Gillespie, sister of Old John, & Shawn married another sister. Shamus & Mary were married in Iceland.


The family came through Canada, probably Toronto.


Of the Shamus children, Mary married Morris Boyle, Grace married Tip Miller's son George H. Miller, & Bridget died. Mrs. McMillen's father was Patrick & he married


Catherine Bonner, daughter of Big John. She was born in Penn. & at one time was a school teacher on the Island (although the 1880 census says she couldn't read & write). There were three children, John, Catherine, & Mannie. John born 1880, Catherine 1882. When Catherine was 5 her mother died & Patrick went to Escanaba. The children were raised by the grandparents Shamus & Mary.


Mrs. McMillen remembers her grandparents with great affection. It was a happy childhood, with almost no contact with the rest of the world. The grandparents went to town & to church but the children were left at home. When visitors came they were sent out of doors to play. They lived in a frame house on the west side of the road & she remembers the big two story log house across the road as standing empty. [She came to live with Shamus in 1887, the year of the loss of the Vernon. After Big Rosie was lost Condy deserted the family so her memory of the empty house ties in.] [65]


She said, "The Shawns were related to the Dunlevys." - How? Old John's wife was Mary Dunlevy.


She & Maria said "Paddy Mor" was a brother of Shawn & Shamus.


At Shamus they talked about the famine [66] & the stories were so scary that Catherine Gallagher McMillen was afraid to go up to bed.
*Either Catherine McMillen was confused or I was.

Tyrone [67] Gallaghers

B.I. 1857


P. 27, 58, 67, 92, 116, 126


There were three Gallagher brothers came together and Dan Malloy of Aranmore came with them. As Dan came in 1857 these must have too. I also have a note - he came "shortly after 1856." [68]



William ("Old Billy") - came with first party; house #5; son - "Big Willie"


Dan James Peter (Big Gallagher) - came later, 1871; house #92; married


Bridget Sweeny Malloy - Dan Malloy's mother's name was Sweeny


His sons:


Dan (Tight)




William (Bowery) - born in New York - married a daughter of William




James (James Bowery)


Willie John [69]


Cousin of William ("Old Billy"):


Mike Mahal Rua [70] - came with first party; house #93 no; married Susan Mooney

[see original manuscript for Tyrone Gallagher family tree diagram]
According to Pat only one "Old Billy" brother in law to Big Gall.


Roland say Bridget was married to Willie, a brother of Big Gall.


Death records show Mike & Wm. to have the same parents, while Big Gallaghers are different.

William "Old Billy" Gallagher

[see also] Tyrone Gallaghers




House #5


William Gallagher is mentioned 11 times in the Dormer Bk.

Wife Susan (she was a midwife[)] à is this right? A Susan was married to Michael - gravestone. No à see Mike Mahal Rua's card.


Son -


William Gallagher ("Big Willie") ("Big Willie" lived on the King's Highway in the next house beyond "Tights'" house. He & Tight were 1 st cousins. This is house #93 - Mike Mahal Rua's house.)

Old Bill lived in the house where Stanley Floyd now lives - he had a saloon there. Old Bill was first married to a sister of Fannie O'Donnell (Dan Malloy's wife). They were married in Ireland & she died in New York when their baby was born. The baby died too. When Dan & Fanny came to the Island he came too. This must have been in 1857. His second wife was Bridget (Bridgebilly?). The 1857 date hooks up with his crossing the ice when Shoemaker's father was lost (see Hannah Veag's card).

Roland says Willie Gallagher's wife was Bridget (Bridgie) & he was a brother of Big Gall. Maria was at his wake as a child - taken by her Boyle grandparents. It was in the house where Stanley Floyd is now. Some one's chair squeaked. "Lie still in that bed, Billy!" said his wife. (He was laid out on the bed.) It happened again. "I told you to lie quiet - now be still Billy!"

See land records; Sec 10, T38, R10 - he bought land here & got involved with Father Peter Gallagher & Bowery.

Land office:


Pencil -


Feb. 22, 1858 - William Gallagher filed for Lot 3 Sec 19-37-1 (on Iron Ore Bay)


May 7, 1858 - William Gallagher filed for NW 4 SE 4 & Lot 2 Sec 20-37-10 (just E of
Lighthouse). (Frank Stevens got this Aug. 15, '59 & sold it the same month to Patrick Gall.)


Mar. 22, 1862 - he filed for NW 4 NW 4 Sec 10-38-10; "settled Feb. 24? (probably '63 or
'64). (On June 2, 1862 L. E. Gallagher filed for the same land). It must have been settled for William because ---
Ink -


Aug. 4, 1865 - Wm Gallagher Hd. W 2 NW 4, & SE 4 NW 4 Sec 10-38-10, 120A, $10,


F.C. Sept. 16, 1870. This is opposite James Peter (Big) Gallagher's house. This Aug. 4 is the same day that Mike Mahal Rua filed for his quarter section across the rd. James Peter didn't get his land until 1878 when he bought the swampland across from William & N of Mike Mahal Rua from the State of Mich.


This land is that on which Bowery foreclosed a mortgage, Aug. 31, 1878 and which Father Gall bought from Bowery & sold back to Wm, Mar. 31, 1883. 

William Gallagher

[same as above? HC unsure]


The 1860 census lists a Wm. in a bachelor establishment. This could be the widowed Wm. that came with Dan Malloy. 


Here is listing:


William Galigar 35 - fisherman - born [in] Ire.


Wm. (the second Wm.'s last name is blank) [71] 24 - laborer - born [in] Ire.


Neal O'Donald 7 ---------- born [in] Scotland

This census later lists a Wm. Galigar, 24, a cooper, born in Ire. as living thus [72] -


Wm. Galigar 24 cooper - born [in] Ire.


Cicly Boyle 30 ------ born [in] Ire.


Maurice Boyle 25 fisherman - born [in] Ire.


John Boyle 17 ------ born [in] Ire.


Bridget Boyle 15 ----- born [in] Ire.


Susan O'Donald 50 widow - born [in] Ire.

Both of these are unusual households.


William D. "Big Willie" Gallagher

1868-1945 - stone


He lived on the K. Hy. [73] in the house beyond "Tights." These two houses were first the 1st cousins. Big Gall. & Mike Mahal Rua & then the 2nd cousins Tight & Big Willie.

Nonie says - "Big Willie was a fine man." She also says he prayed every night to be taken quickly. He was eating breakfast one morning, looked out the window & saw a neighbor taking an animal across the field. He went out to help & when he picked up the rope he fell dead. Three of his sisters were lost on the " Vernon."

Protar's diary - "Tissa [Protar's mare] [74] & Big Willie's red stallion."

Death records:


William David Gallagher, single, age 77-6-18, died in Peaine Twp Sept. 10, '45, of apoplexy. Born St. J.. Farmer; parents Michael Gallagher & Susan Mooney, both born Ire.



William "Billy" Gallagher



House #5


P. 50, 80, 91, 125


He was a brother-in-law to Bill Gallagher (?) & brother of Michael Mahal Rua & this cousin of


Big Gallaghers.


I still haven't got straight on the difference, if any, between "Billy" & "Old Bill"


[assume married] BridgeBilly - 1817-1899(?) - she had no family on B.I. (Roland)


He was the marriage broker. He made the match between Darky Mike O'Donnell and Nangog. Also the Mooney-McCafferty match. At the time Hannal [75] McCafferty was working for Sophia Bonner. Old Billy came & got her & took her home where he had Mooney waiting (he was 16 years the older). Also the Hugh Connaghan match.
In 1870 his father, Daniel, age 90, was living with him.
Death records:


William Gall., married, age 80-0-7, died in Pea. Twp Jan. 8, '99. Born Ire., farmer, parents Daniel Gall. & Bridget Rogers.
There is a death records for Bridget Gall., married, age 82, who died in Pea. Twp, Oct. 28, '99, of a paralytic stroke; born Ire., housewife. Parents Daniel Gall. & Bridget Rogers - something is wrong in the record.
Daniel was William's father - he was living with "his son," according to census records in 1870.

William J. "Bowery" Gallagher

1856 ( N.Y. City) - 1930


Northern Michigan 1905




P. 51, 120, 137, 147


Married Margaret T. Boyle 1861 (sister of William Boyle the Post Master & daughter of






Sarah - died at 18 - 1880-1898 (stone); this must be the one that died of TB the day Mrs.


Vesty Vesty [76] was married. The news of her death came at the wedding dance.


James H., 1883-1956 (stone)


Eddie, 1884-1951


Ida Belle (Girlie?)


William J. - Willie John?






Joseph Earle


Margaret Irene - married ____ [77] McCann; died Mar. 3, 1925


Susanna Veronica, Mar. 8, 1901 record - married a Left

Spent his childhood & early youth in N.Y. City. Educated in its public schools & at 14 began to work as an errand boy on Wall St. until he came with his parents to B.I. when he was 16 (1871). In 1881 began business on his own. Pat says Black Bonner nicknamed him Bowery. They had known each other in N.Y.

I have a note that he first came in '68 and that he was the 1st one to come & that he went back & got his father & his brother Tight (he would have been 12 in '68). His first census record is 1880 when he & his wife & 2 mo. old daughter were living with his father-in-law Whiskey Boyle.
For very complicated land transactions by Bowery see land records of Sec 10 T38 R10.
1895 Wm. J. Gall. sold SE 1/4 Sec 7 T37 R10 to W. W. Boyle (the "Billy" I knew).


1885 Bowery transferred NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec 33 T39 R10 to Wm. Gebron - it looks as if this


were to clear a title.


Aug. 31, 1878 - James Kennelly, Sheriff, to Wm. J. Gall., Sheriff deed. Foreclosure W 2 & SE 4


of NW 4 Sec 10-38-10 (this was a foreclosure on his uncle, Wm. Gall.).


Nov. 15, 1878 - Wm. J. Gall. to Rev. Peter Gallagher - the above


(Mar. 31, 1883, Rev. Peter sold it back to the Wm. [_] whom the foreclosure took place.[)]

Death records:


Sarah Gall., single, age 17-10-17, died Feb. 8, '98 of "heart disease;" parents Wm. J. &


"Meggis" Gall.


Elinore Agnes Gall., single, 21-3-19, died Sept. 9, '27 of pulmonary tuberculosis; born


Mich., parents William J. Gall. & Margaret T. Boyle.



James, 1883-1956


Katherine L., 1887-1956

In one lot:


William J., 1856-1930


Margaret, 1861-1940


Mae G.[?] Schebrat, 1891-1952 (is this the Mary [above, under "Children"]?)


Eleanor A., 1906-1927 

Wiley Franklin Gatliff

P. 92


This information is from the birth records.


Wis. laborer; born Ill.


Married Ann McCauley - [born] Mich. ( Conn's daughter)




Mary Agatha, Sept. 8, 1897 - record - died Oct. 30, '14 from "acute rheumatism"


Tom - lives here now


Ruth (married Smith in Charlevoix)


Death record:


Mary Gatliff, single, age 17-1-22, died in St. J. Twp on Oct. 30, '14 of "valvular lesions


of the heart caused by acute rheumatism." Parents Wiley Franklin Gatliff & Ann



[see original manuscript for family tree diagram of Wiley Gatliff & Ann McCauley]

Louis Gebo

1837 -


(This is Mrs. Williams' brother) who was at the Battle of Pine River.

1840 census:


Louis Gebo (Michillimackinac Co.) - father of above - 1st wife Mrs. Whitney


Males under 5 - 2


Males 30-40 - 1


Females 30-40 - 1

1860 census:


Lewis Gebo 23 fisherman born Mich.


Abigail Gebo 22 ----------- born Mich.


Wilson H. Gebo 12 ----------- born Mich.


Ma__rna [78] Gebo 8 ----------- born Mich.


Grant Thosum(?) 22 laborer born Ohio


__sand [79] Thosum 20 laborer born Ohio [80]

Death records:


Louis Geboo, died June 17, '87, married, drowned in Lake Mich. off Str. [81] Vernon.



Amanda Geer

Gentile? [82]


This family (no father recorded by census) was living in the Cable['s] Bay area. The household is listed between that of William Hill (definitely gentile - mentioned by Mrs. Williams) and Samuel Bonnet on Fitzpatrick list as Mormon. I think Bonnett was probably the beginning of the St. James Mormon listing.

Census 1850:


Amanda Geer 32 F. born N.Y.


Myron Geer 15 M. born N.Y. - fisherman - married Felanda? Bailey


Marietta Geer 12 F. born Mich. - married Richard Cooper (see his card)


Edmond Geer 5 M. born Mich.


Caroline Geer 3 F. born Mich.

In the 1850 census on Mackinac was this household:


Jolin Gear 29 M. [born] Germany woodchopper


Ann Gear 29 F. [born] Germany ------------


David Gear 5/12 M. [born] N.Y. ------------


Martin Myer 31 M. [born] Germ. woodchopper


Ralph Huntington 50 M. [born] N.Y. woodchopper



Gibson [Family]

I'm going to copy Pat Bonner's letter to Mrs. House word for word about the Gibsons & sort it out later.


"Well now about the Gibsons James Gibson & Ida Gibson their mothers maiden name was Miller Elizabeth Miller & their father was William Gibson. Elizabeth their mother was my 1st cousin... We got a picture of old Mrs. Gibson here on a tintype I remember her well, that is William Gibson's mother. She had another son Jimmie & 2 daughters at home then Ida & Annie they kept roomers & boarders in my time...well now in the old Gibson family they had another daughter called Sara Jane Gibson. She was married to a Mike O'Donnell but I don't remember her as they moved off the Island shortly after they were married. I remember to see Mike O'Donnell once they had a son who was a priest."

Pat is wrong - both church & census records show James & Ida to be children of Robert & Julia.

The Wm., Jimmie, & Ida (Mary in '80 census, Ida in 1900), Annie (Julia A. in '80), and Sarah Jane are all children of Julia & Robert Gibson. The James & Ida he first speaks of were the children of Wm. & Eliz. Miller. "Old Mrs. Gibson" is Robert's widow Julia - the boarders are the Gibson House.

James Gibson

(card #1)




P. 147


Brother of Robert?

He is mentioned in the 1860 census as living in James H. Cabel's _____ [83] - this must have been a broth. of Robt. 


James Gibson, 28, laborer, born Canada.


He must be the "Jock," brother of Robert Gibson.

James Y. Gibson

[Shares a card with James Gibson, above]




Son of Robert


(He has a card) à He was P.M. [84] Dec. 6, 1881 - Apr. 2, 1903 when he was followed by Ida Gibson ( à was this his wife?) who held the post until July 3, 1903 when Mike McCann was appointed. This is the son of Robt. Gibson who married Mamie McCann - see his card.

[See original manuscript for family tree diagram for James, Jock, and Robert Gibson.]

James Gibson

(card #2)


In the 1860 census he is listed in the James Cabel household. James Gibson, age 28, laborer. He is the right age to be Robert, the hotel keeper's brother (Robert was 30).

He must be the father of (did he marry Tip Miller's daughter?)


Sadie - who married Owen Big Dominick


Jock - who married Belle O'Brien & father of Willie Gibson in Charlevoix

There is some story about the father dying - the mother getting pregnant & having to leave the Island & the children being raised in 1st one family & then another. See notes. [85]



James G. Gibson

(2nd Gen.)




Married Jan. 7, 1890, Mary (Mamie) McCann, 1867-1919


Children (4 Gibson girls):


Mary Catherine, Aug. 11, 1897 - record




Sister Lorraine



In the birth record of Mary Catherine he is listed as "Postmaster" & he & Mary both born in Mich.

He was Postmaster Dec. 6, 1881 - Apr. 2, 1903. He was followed by "Ida" Gibson who must be Mary. Mike McCann was appointed P.M. July 3, 1903.

[The author inserts a line from "'Ida' Gibson," above, to] This is his sister. Then in 3 mo. later Mike was appointed. The family (Margarite ) says Mike was appointed so his sister, James' widow Mamie, could do the work & get the money.

Mamie's obituary -


Born Sept. 19, 1867 on Mackinac Is.; 1885 moved with her parents to St. James.

Robert Gibson



Spring of 1858 - C. of the Sea says they came in the spring of 1858 - bought the Mormon print shop & converted it into a hotel.

There is a stone for him - Robert Gibson, 1829-1876.

Wife - Julia Scully (sister of Tip Millar)




Anna - ?
James, 1859-1903 Robt., 1865-83

He and his wife both came from New York City, according to "Child of the Sea" (also according to Am. Irish His. Soc.); he was here before the Mormons, left and came back. In the spring of 1857 he was keeping a hotel in the Mormon Print Shop. He had summer guests - resorters - not fishermen.

[If Julia was a sister of "Tip" & Mrs. Bedford, she was undoubtedly a Mormon too. If he was here before the Mormons, he probably met Julia, a Mormon girl, on the Island, taking her away when he left.] Wrong, they had 2 children in N.Y.

Lawrence says a Sarah Gibson married Owen Gallagher in 1905.


_________ brother [86]


There were two Gibson families - brother "Jock" Gibson (Tom) - brother


"Willie" Gibson [87]


Willie Gibson still lives in Charlevoix.
In my notes on the Miller family - I say Julia was "married to a brother of the Gibson who ran the Gibson House." Could she have been married to "Jock"? Child of the Sea says Julia was wife of Robert.
Sister Lorraine says that her grandmother's name was Julia Scully.
It must have been "Jock" who married Tip Miller's sister.
Mrs. Williams __st [88] Sarah J. & Annie Gibson as teaching school.
Stone - Gibson


Mother - Julia, 1831-1908


Father - Robert, 1829-1876


Robert, 1865-1883

Stones - Gibson


Mary James


  • 1859-1903
(Mamie McCann)
Aug. ? 1864 there is a land transfer in S. 3, T38 R10 from the Auditor Gen. to Robert Gibson.


Dec. ? 1869 he sold it to Owen & John McCauley E 1/2 S. 3, T38 R10.


In 1896 Mrs. R. A. Gibson bought the SE 1/4 Sec 7 T38 R10 from Billy Boyle (the Postmaster).


This must have been Julia.

[See original manuscript for Gibson family tree diagram.]



Robert Gibson

(card #2)


1860 census:


Robert Gibson 30 fisherman born Ire.


Julia Gibson 29 -------------- born Ire.


Margaret Gibson 8 ------------ born N.Y. - married Mike F. O'Donnell, bro. of Anthony & Sophia


Wm. Gibson 4 --------------- born N.Y. - married Eliz. Miller (Tip's daughter[)]


James Gibson 11/12 --------- born N.Y. - married Mamie McCann


Michael Haskins (Harkins?) 20 cooper [born] Ire.


Fredrick H. Wright 21 cooper [born] Germany

Sept. 2, 1909 - Protar, "Mrs. Gibson died."

Obituary of Mamie McCann Gibson -


Mrs. Mary Gibson died Oct. 19th after an illness of short duration. Mary McCann was the daughter of James McCann & his late wife Margaret & was born on Mackinac Island Sept. 19, 1867. In 1885 she moved with her parents to St. James. She married James Gibson Jan. 7, 1890; he died in 1903.


She is survived by her father, brothers John & Michael, & four daughters - Eva, Sister Lorraine (Dominican Order of Sisterhood), Julia, & Mary.



William Gibson

(2nd Gen.)




P. 89


What relation to other Gibsons? Son of Robt.


Married Roseann Boyle (Whisky's daughter), 1857 à someone told me she was Bowery's sister


but I think she must have been his sister-in-law.










[Author has enclosed children's names in a bracket, w/ the notation] Marguaritte's schoolmates "Their mother was Bowery's sister." It must have been sister to Bowery's wife.
This is the one that drowned & his widow was sent away by Bowery because she [was] pregnant. Bowery was her brother-in-law; she was sister of his wife.
He is mentioned 3 times in the Dormer Day Book.
He is listed by Harrison Miller as one of the volunteer crew of 8 for the Life S. S. season 1882.
In 1878 William (Whiskey) Boyle sold W 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec 33 T3R [89] R10 to a William Gibson (probably when his daughter married Wm.). In 1883 he sold it to Henry Hartweg.
[see original manuscript for Gibson family tree diagram]

William J. Gilden

1882-Jan. 29, 1913


B.I. 1893 or 4


House #70


N.S. 1882


This is the family of Rae Gilden's husband.


Married Rae McCauley, 1870-1943 (Anna) à Stone: Hannah Rae Gilden, 1870-1943; on the


same lot: Mother - Ann, 1877-1941


No children


1900 census:


Gilden, Nels 48 [born] Swe. carpenter read & write


Gilden, Martha W. 42 [born] Swe.


Gilden, William 15 [born] Min. farm laborer


Gilden, Christina 13 [born] Min. school


Gilden, Arthur 11 [born] Min.


Gilden, Ruben 8 [born] Min.


Gilden, Mary 6 [born] Mich.


Gilden, Andrew 3 [born] Mich.


Gilden, David 1 [born] Mich.


Nelson Gilden - Sweden - farmer




C Gilden - Sweden




Andrew Gilden, Oct. 7, 1896


Who is this? William's brother?


Wilce Gilden - [born] Europe - carpenter




Ingoside Gilden - [born] Europe


Peter _. [90] - Jan. 15, '99 (record)


Death records:


Nov. 22, '03, Mary Gilden, 9-9-1, died of diphtheria; born Mich., parents Nelson & Anna


Gilden; living in St. James.


William Geldin, married, age 31, died in Peaine Twp on Jan. 2, '13 of typhoid fever; born


Minnesota, marine engineer; parents Niles Geldin, mother unknown (Martha).



Anthony Gill

1834 -


By 1859


P. 103


Wife Catherine, 1836 -


There was a Gill that had a mill & store at house #27, but Hugh Connehan owned the property.


Johnny Green - "owned the 1st big mill here - married a Gibson girl" of the hotel family.


Pat Bonner says "John Gill was Shawn Gallagher's uncle."


1860 census:


Anthony Gill 26 fisherman born Ire.


Catherine Gill 24 ---------- born Ire.


John Maguire 72 laborer born Canada


Land office:


Pencil -


Feb. 10, 1859 - A. Gill filed for Lot 4 (60.2 A), Sec 24-37-11, at Cheyenne Pt., probably


in lighthouse preserve.


? 1860 - C. Gill SW 4 Sec 23-38-10 (this became part of Vesty's property)


Ink -


July 8, 1863 - Anthony Gill Hd. Lots 1 & 2 & NW 4NW 4 Sec 23-38-10, 150A $10 F.C.


Sept. 24, 1868 (Charlevoix shows "Anthony Gallagher" but the Land Office says Gill


and Gill coincides where Maria says Gill's Mill was). This is where the Sister's


cottage is.



Daniel Gillespie

(2nd Gen.)


Daniel Gillespie- (son of Old John), 1869-1940, married June 23, 1891, [to] Grace O'Donnell.


Death records:


Daniel Gillespie, married, age 72-1-21, died Mar 15, '40 in Peanie Twp of myocardial degeneration. Born St. James, laborer, parents John Gillespie and Mary Donlevy, both born Ireland.



Francis G. Gillespie

(2nd Gen.)


Francis G. Gillespie, 1868-19-, (this must be "Kit")


Mary Ann Boyle, 1879-1955






John Cliffort, Jan 3, 1900- record.


Patrick Vernon, July, 1901- record. Patrick died May 22, '02 age 10 months, 11




Death Records:


Patrick Gillespie, age 0-10-11 died in Pea Twp, May 22, '02 of croup. Born Mich, res.
St. James, parents Francis Gillespie and Mary Boyle.


Stone: Daniel Gillespie, 1868-1940



James Gillespie

James, (son of Old John), 1864-


Mil. [91] Jr. Jan 10, 1932


"Another of the island's best known characters is James Gillespie, 68, known as "Priest," that being a nickname he acquired as a child when he amused himself christening all the dolls he could get his hands on. Priest keeps house all by himself, setting aside one day for washing, one for ironing, and one for baking, as any good housekeeper should, and tends considerable acreage single handedly through the summer season. Many say his bread is the finest to be had anywhere."



John "Old John" Gillespie



1830-1910 (death rec)


This is Jewells' grandfather


House #57




Mary Dunlevy (daughter of Capt Daniel 1838-1910, sister of Yankee Jim etc...[)]


Children [92]


Francis (Kit) 1868-19 - married MaryAnn Bogle 1879-1955


1 Annie 1858


2 Mary - 1860 - married John Boner (one n) (I also have that she married Phillipine


Gall) [93]


? Hannah (between 64 & 69?) - married Dan Gallagher (T___ I think) - yes


8 Nellie 1877 Gallagher (which one?)


7 Bridget 1875 - married Dan J. Martin


6 Grace 1872 - Jennie - M. Connolly


5 Daniel 1869 - (stone 1868-1940) Married Grace O'Donnell


3 Jonn 1863 (he disappeared. He went to Escanaba & was never heard of again.)


baptism record.


4 Jimmie 1864 -


9 Owen 1879

In 1882 he bought W 1/2 of W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of Sec 4, T38 R10 from Lester Van Alstyne.


In 18? He sold it to Fannie Brubacker.


In 1869 he patented from U.S. the W 1/2 of the NE 1/4 & the W 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of Sec 9 T38 R10. (The land in Sec 4 was right across the road.) This was a strip right next to his brother-in-law John Dunlevy & they took the land at the same time. The next year, 1870, he sold the eastern half of this strip to James O'Donnell.

Land office:


July 8, 1863 - W 2NE 4 & W 2SE 4 Sec 9-38-10 [_]d. 160A$10 f.c. Sept. 24, 1868 [____] Nov.


1, 1869, Slopt. Rd. at west turn.

Death records:


John Gillespie, married, age 80, died in Peaine Twp. of cancer on Apr. 22 '10. Born Ire. Farmer, parents Own Gillespie & Anna Gallagher.


Mary Dunlevy (Gillespie), widow, age 72, died Peaine Twp. on July 10, '10 of paralysis.


Born Ire. Parents Daniel Dunlevy & Hannah O'Donnell.


Daniel Gillespie, married, age 72-1-21, died in Peaine Twp. of myocardial degeneration


on Mar. 15, '40. Born St. J. [94] Laborer, parents John Gillespie & Mary Dunlevy,


both born Ire.

There were Gillespie women here early that were not children of Old John & must have been his sisters. A Grace Gill was married to Charlie Strach O'Donnell & had a child, Grace, born Sept. 7, 1863. Mary Gillespie & James Gallagher had twins, Ann & Hannah, born Nov. 3, 1863. Could this be "Shamus"[?]


In their home lived Nancy Gillespie - probably the mother-in-law, Anna Gallagher listed in death record of Old John, above.


Gallagher Family Tree (5)

P Aug. 26, 1868 - Patrick Gallagher, 21, laborer, married Bridget Gillespie, 20, Ire. Is this "Paddy Rua" or "Paddy Mor" or still another Patrick?

Lawrence lists an Owen Gallagher, 1872-1954, saying "he was the last of that family, he was married to Sarah Gibson in 1905."

Gallagher [Multiple Individuals]

(card #2)

Am. Irish His. Soc. Article

1928 or 1932

Big Owen. "In 1866 there were 14 Gallagher families. They all came from Canada the year the Mormons left... All the Gallaghers that came from Canada, except one family, had come from Aranmore."


Paddy Grey

Aranmore - ?

New York

Tyrone Gallagher

Paddy Grey

Rutland & Penn.

Cornelius & Condy

Burton Port & Penn.

Hannah Veag

Donegal & New York

Big Phil

Kelly Begs & ?


Gallagher [Multiple Individuals]

(card #3)


According to Big Owen ("Irish Colony") the Gallaghers that came from Canada were all from Aranmore except one family. This family must have been the Tyrone Gallaghers. à wrong - they came through N.Y. & Penn.

"In 1856 when I came here there were 14 Gallagher families on the Island. They all came here from Canada the year the Mormons left. Later some, like myself, came from Aranmore Island."

The families:

Tyrone Gall. - 3 families

Paddy Grey & Barney - 1 familie

Big Phil


James Gall.

Cornelius [3]



Don Father





Andrew "Andy Mary Ellen" Gallagher

1878-1939 (stone)

Married Lizzie Green (Red Dan's daughter), 1881 (about)


Mary m. McDonald

John m. Lillian[4] Green

Margarite m. Smith

Elizabeth m. Charles Wilmot

Emerald m. Shirley[5]

There are many of his records in the Library of Congress. These recordings were made in Andy's net house, where all the paraphanalia was set up & the Islanders came & made the recordings.

Lizzie talked about going to Christmas mass which was at 5 a.m. She & Andy would get up at 4, put the youngest in bed with the oldest girl telling her to stay in bed until they got back. The girl was completely trustworthy & when they got back the tree & presents were undisturbed. Lizzie & Andy walked the 3 miles out to the church (across the harbor on the ice if it was frozen) in the cold, carrying a lantern. They never missed. Her face as she talked showed this to be a most happy memory.

She talked about people being kinder in the "old days." When anyone would put up a new barn or house, everyone pitched in and helped.

For her telling about going to school - see "School" card.

The house they lived in was Mary Ellen's house. They enlarged it, putting on the 2nd story. __ Tilley [6] did the work & they lived there all through it. "A mess."

From information Clink Gallagher had -

"He was in fishing business with Robt. Gibson & the 2nd McCann Jr. they broke up partnership & Andy had a new boat built named the Elizabeth G. He enjoyed singing & with his daughter Mary at the piano to sing Danny Boy & a lot more."


Bernard "Barney" Gallagher

Rutland [Gallaghers] [7]

[see also Grey, Benjamin Eugene]


Born at Rutland

Married in 1866 [to] Mary Ellen Roddy, 1841-1903 (see her card under Roddy)


Andy Mary Ellen

Paddy Mary Ellen

He died 141/2 years after the marriage and the children were called "Mary Ellens" because they were brought up by their mother. The father ran off with two women.

This marriage is in the Parrish records, Nov. 28, 1866:

Bernard Gallagher, Ireland, fisherman, age 26 and Mary Ellen Roddy, Ireland, age 25 h

There is a discrepancy in dates - if Mary Ellen was born in '43 she was 23, not 25, when she was married in '66. I think the marriage date more likely to be right.

He and Mary Ellen have the same stone in the cemetery:

Bernard Gallagher Mary E. Roddy

born in Rutland, Ire. his wife

Mar. 17, 1840 born Rutland, Ire.

died at St. James May 5, 1843

Mar. 1, 1881 died at St. James

July 28, 1903

Barney Gallagher mentioned 3 times in the Dormer Bk.

He was "gay." He had an affair with a woman here & when they (she & her husband) left the Island he left with them. He came back. Paddy was born. He left again with another woman (M.). She smoked a pipe.

Barney worked in the mines in Pennsylvania before coming to B.I.

Barney was the man in the boat with Old Man McCann when the boat rolled over (see James McCann's card).

In 1892 Mary Ellen bought from the Matthew Burchard estate the NW1/4 of SE1/4 S3 T38 R10.

In 1903 she made this over to Patrick E. Gallagher.

Land office:

Apr. 27, 1864 Hd. N 2NW 4 Sec 26-38-10 & N 2NE 4 Sec 27 - 160A $10 can. Jan. 28, 1874.

This was later Hd. by Hugh Boyle, Feb. 10, 1874, F.C., Aug. 31, 1881. It was their home on Hanagars Rd. - Tom Boyle Hanagar was his son.

[see original manuscript for Paddy "Grey" family tree diagram]


Bernard "Barney" Gallagher and Ellen Gallagher

(card #2)

His age in the marriage record & on his stone are consistent - that he was born in 1840. However he was consistent in the census reports as having been born in 1843. I am going to take the stone.

Mary Ellen's stone says she was born in 1843, the marriage record in 1841. The census records say: 1870 - '45 & 1880 - '46. I will take the stone.

If the stone is right, & they came to the Island in 1858 he was 18 when they came. He could well have worked in the mines of Penn. along with his father.

They were married in 1866 but had no children until 1868.

In 1870 they were living together but by 1880 Barney is listed in Gallilee Twp. living alone while Mary Ellen is in Peaine Twp with the 7 children, no husband in the household but she is not recorded as a widow. The next year, 1881 he died, age 41.


Brian "Brian Don Mor" Gallagher

1822 -

B.I. '59 or'60 thru Canada

P. 2

House #39

Bryan Gall. is Leatherhead ( Lawrence)

[see also John "Leatherhead" Gallagher]

He married a sister of Gracie Malloy Martin.

Wife, Catherine Malloy, 1837 -

He farmed at the Head at the Phiffer Place where Maria & I walked to.

He had a brother Danny Don Mor Gallagher, house #50

Baptism - Sept. 20, 1863 [8] Edward Gallagher

Children: Bert Gallagher - Catherine Malloy

Cornelius - 1857 ( Canada) i

Mary - 1859 Maria says this is Brian but if Brian was

Edward - 1863 married to a sister of Gracie Martin's this

Hannah - Nov. 27, '72 (birth rec) must be wrong as this wife is Catherine Malloy. (Right - the Gracie Martin was

Edward's wife & was Grace Malloy.)

Daniel Gallagher bought land in 1878 from Hugh Boyle (I don't know which one), the W1/2 of the NW1/4 of Sec 9-T38 R10. This is where the house is that Maria says is "Don Mor" Gallagher's. He must have been the father and Brian & Danny his sons.

Land office:

June 10, 1865 Bryan Gallagher Hd. SE 4 Sec 3-37-10 160A, can. Jan. 2, 1974. This is the 2nd ____ [9] above Lake Genesareth - in 1873 it went to Boardman & Sweet.

1860 census lists -

Bryan Galger 38 fisherman born Ire.

Catherine Galger 23 ---------- born Ire.

Cornelius Galger 3 ----------- born Canada

Mary Galger 11/12 ----------- born Canada

Cornelius 60 laborer born Ire. - this is probably Bryan's father

The census taker lists him along with Vesty, Patrick Kelley, John Sullivan, etc. which means he lived down at the south east side.

Nackerman says "Mrs. Leatherhead" would make butter, put it in a crocke, put the croke in a bag over her shoulder & walk to St. James from her home at the head. She would trade the butter for whatever groceries she could get for it, put them in the sack over her shoulder & walk home. Her last stop along the way was his grandfather's, Pete McCauley where she had a cup of tea.

Notes, p. 7.


Dan Peter "Don Father" Gallagher


Came from an Island close to Aranmore - Miskragh(?), Inniscara, see below.

Inniskeera (a topographical ____ [10] of Ire., 1839)

P. 62, 97

House #14

Wife - Mary - according to Am. Ir. Hist. Soc. Article she was born in Inniscara 1832 or 1848.


Dan Gallagher Doney, 1861-1955; house #19

Mary 1880 (married Paddy Early)

Hugh 1871-1951, unmarried (stone)

?Mary (married Lably O'Donnell) - this can't be right

Patrick - died young - 1866-1888


Peter - went to Wisconsin

Rose 1874; 1900 census - married to James McCann, whom I can't figure out. No relation to Mayo McCanns.

Annie - living with Rose, 1900

A cousin of Cornelius Gall., and therefore a 1st cousin once removed to "Salty" and he and the 5 McCauley brothers were 1st cousins.

He bought his property at #14 from Father Gallagher. He came to America 3 times. First he went to Penn. & worked in the mines but he didn't like it. His cousin Cornelius had worked in the mines there but had come to B.I. in 1865. Don Father was a fisherman in Ireland. It was 1884 when he finally brought his family over and they came to B.I. because they had relatives here. (Cornelius came in 1865 - Conn McCauley who was here in 1863, etc). Daughter Mary was 4 years old at the time. She definitely states "Paddy Baca" McCauley was of the party "but this must have been when Paddy returned from a visit home to Ireland. [11] She also says "Danny Barney O'Donnell's wife and her family came in the party." Lawrence say this was the last of the migration for many years. Mary says Don Father & his family came from a small Island near Aranmore which she called "Minisbragh" as near as I could get it. This must be "Inis" - there is an "Inisfree" between Aranmore & Burtonport.

In the Early house there is a picture of Don Father and his wife. He looks a lot like Teddy Roosevelt.

Roland says that this Mary Gallagher is one of the women who went to bed & that she shrank up so small, her daughter took her in her arms & fed her like a baby. Her daughter says she had a stroke and was in bed 6 years. I asked if any of the women "went to bed" as I had heard. She said she never heard of such a thing; but I thought she had a peculiar expression on her face.

Stanley Floyd says she went to bed.

I have a note (from Lawrence, I think) that Doney was the first of the family to come over & that he worked in the mines of Penn. Perhaps he mixed him up w/ his father.

Death records:

Daniel Peter Gallagher, married , 85-9-5. Died in Peaine Twp on May 18, '20 of cancer.

Farmer, born Ire., parents Peter Gallagher & Catherine McCauley.


Charles Gallagher


P. 27 [12]

Wife, Mary Boyle 1863 -

(sister of Bowery's wife)

Daughter of William Boyle & sister of the "Billy" I knew.

Sister of Susan Sendenburg

(He married on the same day as Darky Mike & Nangog)

His stone says -

Charles Gallagher, son of Cornelius & Grace Gallagher, husband of Mary. Born Mockjunk, Pa., Feb. 1, 1855; died Oct. 29, 1887, age 36 years.

[W]as drowned on the " Vernon" and Molly [13] later married Ed Pratt.


Condy Gallagher

P. 144, 146, 147, 148

Condy, [14] 1847 (the uncle) brother of Cornelius

Married, probably around '68 or '69, Rose, 1847-1887 ("Big Rose") she was lost on the

" Vernon". Sister of Hannah Veag (M___) [but see below]. [15] Her maiden name of Rodgers as given in the birth records.

Children - birth dates [from] census [of] 1880 [unless otherwise noted] [16]

Neil 1878

John 1870

Phil 1873

x Cornelius 1886 - rumor has it he was hung in Florida. He is not listed in the 1880 census - wasn't born [yet] - he is listed 1900 - with Salty. Mame 1865

Lila 1880 - Isabel in census

x Rose 1883 (1900 census) - married a Mooney

Either Condy or Rose was a sister of Hannah Veag.

There was also a nephew Cundy - son of Cornelius.

He [17] acquired his land in Sec 21 T38 R10 in 1878 from James & Michael O'Brine.

In 1895 he made it over to Jessie Gallagher (she was his nephew Condy's wife).

Sept. 16, 1878 bought from the O'Brines W 2NW 4, & NW 4SW 4, Sec 21-38-10. This is where he lived at the Black Hills - where the house of the sheep was.

When his wife was lost on the Vernon he abandoned his children. Cornelius took some & so did Salty & his wife Nora. When their father left them their ages were -

John 17

Philip 14

Mary (Mame) 12

Neil 10

Isabel (Lila) 7

Rose 5

Cornelius 2 [18]


Condy C. Gallagher

" N. Mich."

P. 99, 147

1865 [19]

Son of Cornelius

Married Jessie McDonald, 1878 -

Born in 1861 in Mauch Chunk, Penn. [20] and brought to the Island at the age of 4. When a "mere lad" accompanied his father fishing. He also assisted in clearing and cultivating the farm. Since 1890 "has been in business for himself." In the birth record of Ann he is "Condy C." and he is listed as a "saloon keeper."

[later] This is the saloon keeper.


Lizzie (died in childhood)

Ann - 1896 birth record

Cornelius - 1898


John L

Jessie [21] - in death records age 1 yr., 1 mo., 3 days. Cause "unknown," Dec. 28, '94 (mother is called "Daisy").

In 1902 he bought from Cornelius the W1/2 of NW1/4 S. 3 T38 R10.

In 1906 he sold it to Thomas Bonner.

In 1895 his Uncle Condy made his land over in Sec 21 T38 R10 to Condy C's wife Jessie.

In 1896 C. C. Gallagher got by tax deed & then 3 weeks later sold it to Philipine Gallagher.

Death records:

Chas. Donald Gall, age 11 mo., died Sept. 21, '08 of "cholera infantum," parents Condy & Jessie.


Cornelius Gallagher

(2 cards)


House #63

[Born] Burton Port [Co. Donegal]

America 1851

B.I. 1864

Brother of Condy, the uncle [22]

Married to Grace A. McGladrey, 1825-1910 - born Burton Port


John "Salty", 1856-1914 - born in Penn.

Elizabeth - born in Penn.

Condy C., 1861 - born Penn. - married Jessie McDonald, had a saloon, died in Chicago

Cornelius - died in Cheboygan; he was a bartender in his brother Condy's saloon.

Charles, 1855-1887 - drowned on the " Vernon", born Penn.

Ellen, 1864 - married Tom Bonner, 1902

There is a stone for Grace A., wife of Cornelius Gallagher, born Burton Port, Co. Donegal, Ireland, May 5, 1825. Died at St. James, June 12, 1910.


Father Cornelius Gallagher, 1829-1916

"Neily Condy" went to Alaska and is now in his eighties - Roland. Sheriff of Juneau.

Cornelius worked in the mines in Penn. Charles' stone says he was born at Mockjunk [23] Penn, 1855, so he must have been there at that time. On Feb 5, '72 Cornelius Gallagher patented all of NE1/4 of Sec 4 T38 R10.

Myrtle Douglas['s] mother died when she was a few days old and the baby and the mother's body were brought on the ice. Myrtle lived in the grandparent's home until the grandmother died, after which she lived in her Aunt Ellie's home. Tom Bonner & his wife & Grace.

"North. Mich.":

Lived in Mauch Chunk, Penn. They came to B.I. to settle when Condy was 4 years old - 1866. "Place on which they settled is situated 21/2 miles S. of St. James and consists of 200 acres of arable land, one hundred of which has been cleared and is under a high state of cultivation."

He also fished. He lived on Round Lake.

In 1871 he bought from John H. Bonner the W1/2 of the NW1/4 of Sec 3 T38 R10

In 1902 he sold it to Condy Gallagher.

1872 he homesteaded all of the NE1/4 of Sec 4 T38 R10.

In 1882 he bought from David Preston the SW1/4 of the NE1/4 Sec 3 -38-10

In 1884 John "Salty" Gallagher took it by tax deed. This must have been a friendly transaction, an easy way for Salty to get the land. It is still the Salty house here. I understand just this summer (1965) Minnie Salty sold to Allen.

Land office:

Nov. 5, 1864 - he Hd. NE 4 Sec 3-38-10, 158 A. $10. F.C Aug. 17, 1871. Pat Feb. 15, 1872.

There was a pencil notation that Frank Gallagher had filed for this. "Settled Feb 24, 1862." This land is N and E of Barney O'Donnell's. The land he bought in 1871 from John H. Bonner, W 2NW 4 Sec 3, adjoins this land.

Death records:

Cornelius Gallagher, married, age 88, died Mar. 18, '16 in Peaine Twp. of old age. BornIreland; farmer; parents Charles Gallagher - mother unknown.

Grace McGladrey (Gallagher), married, died in Peaine Twp, June 12, 1910 of old age. Age 85, born Ireland; parents Charles Gladrey and Ann Rogers.

[See manuscript collection for family tree of Cornelius Gallagher.]


Dan C. "Danny Don Mor" Gallagher

1830 -

Married Bridget Sweeny, 1836-[1867?] (died in childbirth with last child)

Grace, 1857 - ; born Canada - never married

Dan (Piper), 1858 - ; born Mich. - married Mary Ann Gallagher, daughter of Big Dominic

Condy (called " Conn"), 1871 1861 - ; born Mich.

Anthony, 1873 1863 (parish rec. Dec. 2, '62) - ; born Mich.

Mary Ann, 1877 1867 - ; born Mich.

In 1880 his father Condy, age 80, was living with him & his wife was dead. Grace, age 23, was keeping house.


Dan "Danny Don Mor" Gallagher

(card #2)

1830 -

[to] B.I. through Canada, 1856

Wife Bridget Sweeny, 1836 -


Anthony, 1862 - B.I.

Grace, 1857 - Can.

Dan, 1858 - Mich. à the right age to be "Piper" who married Mary Ann, daughter of Big

Dominic. Piper's father was Danny Don Mor right

Is this the one who homesteaded the land just south of Protar's?

The 1860 census lists -

Dan Galhue - 30 - laborer, born Ire. (hard to read) [24]

Bridget Galhue - 24; born Ire.

Grace Galhue - 3; born Canada

Dan Galhue - 2; born Mich.

Same house - also -

Dan O'Donald - 24 - laborer; born Ire.

Michael O'Donald - 12; born Ire.

Mary O'Donald - 24; born Ire.

Mil[waukee] Jour[nal], Jan. 10, 1932:

"Brine (Brian) the original of whom was a brother of Dunmore (Don Mor) Gallagher, & the 'Pipers' who got that name from the remark of a young man, not then able to foresee the time he would have children of his own, that he was going to be a piper when he grew up." Capt. Connelly (the ____ [25] of the reporter) explained "The Pipers are headed by Dan, a son of Dan Dunmore (Don Mor)."


Daniel C. "Piper" Gallagher

_ar_ [26] Turner thinks son of Danny Don Mor

(see Dan Don Mor)

Piper's Corner

There is a birth record for Grace Monica, May 21, 1896. Father Daniel C. Gall., born in Michigan, & Mary Gall, born in Mich. He is listed as "farmer."

Married Mary Ann - daughter of Big Dominic


Grace Monica - 1896 - she is recorded twice - the 1st as above - the 2nd Daniel G. &

Mary Ann

Margaretta Catherine - Feb. 17, 1901 (record)

Daniel T. Gallagher - N. Y. farmer (Tight) This is from Charlevoix birth records. This

Married Hannah H., Mich. one must be Tight for he was born in N.Y.

Children: & using the name James Peter certainly

James Peter, July 15, '97 indicates the Tyrone Gallaghers.

Dan F. Gallagher Birth record - Dan Anthony, May 7, 1900.

Married Hannah Gillespie Father Dan F. Gallagher - Mich. - farmer,

Children: Mother Hannah Gillespie - Mich.

Dan Anthony, May 7, 1900 [27]

Daniel S. Gallagher - Canada - farmer

Married Mary Ann Gallagher - Canada


Margaret Kittie - Jan. 16, 1901 - record à Is this the Daniel C. above? Margaret

Kittie & Margaretta Catherine certainly looks like the same person.

Stone in cemetery (same stone):

Patrick, son of Dan & Mary Gall., 1868-1889

Anna, daughter of Dan & Mary Gall., 1882-1900

Probably Daniel C. [and] Daniel S. in the birth records are the same as this in the cemetery. A child-bearing span from 1868 - 1900 is long, but not impossible.

Baptism - Dec. 2, 1862 - Anthony Gall. - father Dan Gall. - mother Bridget Sweeny


Dominic "Big Dominic" Gallagher

(2 cards)


[To B.I.] before 1863 (baptism date of Hannah)

By 1858, when he filed for land

House #103

P. 128, 135-36

Born at Green's Bay

Married Mary Green, 1830-1902 (a sister of Neal Green of Green's Lake)


Hannah, 1863; baptism in July 1863

Margaret, 1865-1956 ( Lawrence's date)

Peter, stone: 1870-1958; married Nangog's daughter Nora, 1879-1954

Dominic, 1867-1954 - the one I knew

Owen, 1872-1959, married Sarah "Sadie" Gibson in 1905, drowned. His birth is in co. rec. Aug. 5, 1872; father, fisherman. Sadie Gibson, his wife

Neily Dominic "Meanest Captain on the lake." - Maria; married Mamie Salty

Bridget, married Sam Dunlevy (Biddy Sams)

Catherine, married John Malloy, son of Dan - 1858

The night Maggie Dominic was born (in 1864), when they were still living at Green's Bay, Mary walked to town for a religious service; she didn't get back - the baby was born in St. James.

Notes of corres. between Tony O'D. and Charles Francis O'D. - "old Dominic was married to Mary Green, White Dan's aunt. She also had 3 brothers - Neal, Peter, and John.

Owen married Sadie Gibson - daughter of William Gibson and sister of Jack. These two children were left on B.I. when their mother left the island after an unauthorized pregnancy after her husband had been drowned.

Johnny Green gives Dominic Gallagher as one of the 12 families living at Green's bay. This Mary Green is one of the women who went to bed. According to Roland she was in bed 18 years when a pig fell in the well and she got up to get it out. There was also something about the house catching on fire. But I'll have to ask Roland about this. See card of Dominic (2) for his singing.

There is a stone:

Mother Mary, father Dominick, but no dates.

Beside it is a smaller stone:

Mary Gallagher, 1830-1902.

There were three fiddlers in this family and "the mother was a great one to dance a jig."

Land office:

Pencil -

Apr. 10, 1858 - he filed for SE 4NE 4 Sec 9-37-10 (N. of Lake Gen.). This land had been put under the Swampland Act, Jan. 5, 1854. [28]

Oct. 1, 1860, he filed for lots 1, 2, and 3 Sec 36-38-11 (Green's Bay). (These were Hd. Jan. 28, 1863 by "Connel McCauley" but can. Sept. 3, 1877.

Ink -

Feb. 10, 1874 - Hd. E 2SE 4 and E 4NE 4 Sec 22-38-10. F. D. Aug. 27, 1881. On Hanagan's Island.

Death records:

Mary Green, married, age 72, died in Pea. Twp, July 6, '02 of influenza. Born Ire.; housewife; parents Hugh Green and Bridget Gall. Oddly, this is "Mary Green" not "Mary Gallagher."


Dominic Gallagher

(2nd Gen.)


Born at Green's Bay

Married Kathleen Roddy (Pidgie), 1880-1937


Baby Mary (died)


This is the one I knew. From Ivan Walton "Folksinging on B.I.", "Tall, stately, white-haired, tenor voiced, and genial, Dominick Gallagher, a retired lighthouse keeper, who himself recorded a score or more of songs, paid high tribute to his Ireland-born father, who he said, sang old songs at parties all over the island. Almost until the day he died. 'With a few drinks, he'd sing all night.' He seemed to be the one who brought a great share of the current Irish songs to the Island."

Bid Sendenburgh says there were pictures of the Roddy family in their home, but after Pidgie died he put them out in the shed. He was light keeper at the Head. Tom Bonner his assistant.

Mel spoke of how good Dominic was to her father and mother in their old age. He would come to visit often and sing the old songs for her father and bring a sack of candy, to her mother. Sometimes it seemed Provident. The old folks would be particularly blue, and his visits cheered them immensely.


Dominick Gallagher

Whose son?

Married Mary Mooney, Ireland [29]


Stillbirth, Nov. 8, 1894 -

Owen, Mar. 31, '97 -

This is from Charlevoix birth records. In 1894 he is listed as a fisherman; 1887, fisherman. The first time her birthplace is Ireland, the second, Mich. The continuation of the name Dominick and a son Owen make it look like a second generation of Kitty Gallagher's family.

Dominick Gallagher, [born] Mich, farmer, married Rosie O'Donnell, [born] Mich.


James Dominick, Dec. 1, 1901


Daniel "Doney" Gallagher


P. 46, 64, 101

[Born] Penn.

Married a daughter of Nangog's cousin - I also have this as a niece of Nangog's 1st husband -

"Mrs. Doney Gall.'s uncle was Nangog's 1st husband" (I don't know where I got this).


Hubert, 1915-1938

Peter - Mary Early lives with him - she has made the property over to them

There is a stone for him [Doney] & for his son Hubert.

He went back to Ireland to get his bride who, Maria tells me, was a daughter of Nangog's cousin. All stories agree that he told a lot of lies about his importance and wealth and that the bride came here believing them.

Marguerite - When she got to the Island they landed at Whiskey Pt. where the McCann store was. Mrs. McCann befriended her & felt sorry for her (still believing her husband) because she knew the bride was going out in the country to "a little log cabin. She was always a sad woman because her husband lied to her." When they got to Charlevoix she asked why he didn't send for one of his ships. He said they were supposed to meet them with one of his many boats & he would give them hell for not doing so.

Stanley Floyd says in his old age he said he was rich & went to bed. Stanley was there with other young fellows & he had been drinking. He told Doney to get up like a man & fight. Doney jumped out of bed & squared off & the children said "I__ [30] the first time Pa's been out of bed in 7 years."

Lizzie Gallagher (Lizzie Andey) says he was much older than his wife - she "felt sorry for her with that old man."

I have a note (from Lawrence I think) that Doney was the first to come over - before the rest of the family - & had worked in the mines of Penn..

Lawrence said Doney knew his grandfather Malloy in N.Y. This is impossible because Doney wasn't born until '61 & Dan Malloy was on Beaver in '57. It might have been Don Father that knew Malloy. (p 101)

Daniel T. "Tight" Gallagher

1858-1926 - New York death rec.


P. 51


Married Hannah H. Gillespie, 1867-1934; [born] Mich.; daughter of Old John




James Peter, July 15, '97


Dan Anthony, May 7, 1900

He was called Tight because he was a "Tidy dresser," a "tidy little man."

The name of his wife & child comes from the Charlevoix birth rec.:


With James Peter -


Daniel T. - N.Y. - farmer


Hannah H. - Mich.


With Dan Anthony -


Dan T. [31] - Mich. - farmer


Hannah Gillespie - Mich. 


One time Father Pascal (who was very strict & wanted everyone to sign the pledge) as he came in to Tight's heard the children playing in the barn. When he went in he said to Hannah - "The children are swearing in the barn." Said Hannah - "I just don't understand it. I don't swear & my husband don't swear but those God-dammed children swear all the time."


Death records:


Daniel T. Gallagher, married, age 68-1-28, died in Peaine Twp, May 31, '26, of "myocardial degeneration." Born N.Y.; parents James Gallagher & Bridget Gallagher.

Hannah Gallagher, widowed, age 67-7-7, died in Peaine Twp on July 16, '34, of apoplexy. Born Mich.; parents John Gillespie & Mary Donlevy.



Edward B. Gallagher




Married Nora, 1887-1917



Nora, wife of Edward B. Gallagher, 1887-1917


Edward B. Gallagher, 1884-1951


Is this Bowery's son[?] Yes



Emmet "Emmet Salty" Gallagher


(3rd Gen.)


Burton Post.


He was captain of the ore ship " Clifton" that went down off Saginaw Bay in 1924. (See card under "Boats," & poems in notebook)



Francis Gallagher




[To B.I.] before 1866


House #51


He was married to an Early ( - Maria)


Marriage - 1866:


Francis Gallagher, 48 - Grace Rodgers, 45


John Dunlevy & Mrs. Dunlevy [probably witnesses]

This looks like a second marriage for both - was Grace Rodgers originally Grace Early? On the other hand, in the same year Philip Rodgers, 53, married a Bridget Quinn, so this looks like a brother & sister. It could be a brother & sister-in-law. This seems the more likely with the Grace Rodgers, age 15, who married Patrick O'Malley, 29, in 1868 being the first Grace's daughter by her 1st marriage.

1860 census:


Frank Golichar 45 farmer born Ire.


Mary Golichar 45 --------- born Ire.


Peter Golichar 13 --------- born Ire.


James Golichar 7 --------- born Canada


Dominic Golichar 7 ------- born Canada


Ellen Golichar 3 ---------- born Canada

Later on the same census shows:


Francie Galigher 48 farmer born Ire.


Mary Galigher 44 ---------- born Ire.


Paddy Galigher 18 --------- born Ire.


James Galigher 13 -------- born Ire.
Dominic Galigher 4 -------- born Canada


Ellen Galigher 3 ---------- born Canada


These obviously represent the same family.


The 1870 census shows his wife as Grace so between 1860 & '66 Mary died & he married Grace Rodgers in '66.


In 1859 Francis Gallagher bought land from James Bailey in S. 3-T38-R10; this is right next to the Roddy farm. In 1876 Ralph Smith got it by tax deed & in 1877 Francis Gallagher bought it again from Bailey. In 1890 he sold the land to Hugh E. Boyle ("Red Hughie"). 


Land office:


Pencil -


Feb. 12-26, 1859 - F. Gallagher D.S. 408 W 2SW 4 Sec 3-38-10.


Ink -
July 8, 1863 - SW 4SW 4 Sec 3-38-10.


Charlevoix -
Nov.? 1859 - James Bailey sold Francis Gallagher NW 4SW 4 Sec 3-38-10.


[the author has enclosed these three transactions in a bracket with the notation:] Just west of Roddys Joseph S. Adams had filed (pencil) for it Nov. 18, 1857.
Death record:


Francis Gall., widower, died in Peaine Twp Feb. 24, [32] age 76, cause unknown; farmer, born Ire., father & mother not ____. [33]

His son James (see census) has a death record:


James J. Gall., married, age 44-6-12, died Oct. 12, '95 of Typhoid fever; a farmer in Pea.
Twp.; born in Ire.

Hannah "Hannah Veag" Gallagher

[To B.I.] by 1856


P. 32,50, 122, 133, 138, 144, 146


[Born] 1830 ( 1836 in 1st and 2nd census record); in 1880 [census], 1830 as in stone. 1832 in death record.


Her stone says:


Hannah Gallagher, wife of Thomas Boyle, born in Co. Donegal, Ireland June 9, 1830. Died April 7, 1896, age 66 yrs., 12 days. Married John Gallager in N. York. Son John Gallagher ("Shoemaker"), 1857. 2nd married Hughie "Humish" Boyle, 1822-1924. Son Tom Boyle Hannagan, 1863.

"Shoemaker" was her son by her 1st marriage. Her second husband was Hugh Boyle (Hugh Humish) from Aranmore. The census shows a sister Anna born in 1855. I don't know what became of her. One place I have it that she was a sister of his wife Rose: I think the latter is correct.

"Shoemaker was born in 1857, one of the first three children born on the Island of Irish parents, and he was born posthumously so either she came here a widow, with her sister Rose, or her husband died soon after they came.


Pat Bonner -


Hannah Veag came over on a ship on which Black Bonner was a sailor. She was just a girl


(1844 or '45?). When they were coming to the harbor she was getting ready to land & shining up her Irish brogues. She got one shined & put it on the rail while she worked on the other. The boat lurched & the shoe fell in the water. She had a terrible temper & she threw the second shoe after the first. John lived in N.Y. and he went home and got a pair of shoes & took them to her. She married in N. Y. a John Gallagher. One day, years later, on B.I. John Bonner went to the harbor when a boat was coming in. Off the boat stepped Hannah Veag. She knew him instantly. "Johnny", she said to her husband, "this is the man that gave me the shoes."


Johnny was going across the ice to Cross Village with "Old Billy" Gallagher & some other men. They said the separated on the ice and he went a different way. Anyway he was never seen again. Shoemaker always hated Old Billy - he thought maybe he killed him, or a least didn't try hard enough to save him when he fell through the ice. This must have been 1857 if Shoemaker was born posthumously.


This must have been only a few years after they came, for by 1863 she was married to Hughie Humish & Tom Boyle Hannagan was born. It must have been right after they came if Shoemaker was born posthumously.


I have a note from Maria that she was sister of Condy's wife Rose.


The 1860 census lists:


Hannah Goleter (?) 24 widow, born Ire


Anna Goleter 5 born N.Y.


John Goleter 2 born Mich


Note discrepancies in birth dates for Hannag Veag in stone & census. Her mother was Ann Rodgers.



Hugh Gallagher

1837 - 


He is in the 1860 census & the death records as of Feb. 18, 1898. In the latter he is "single." Maria spoke of a Hugh a Big P__ll's brother. [34] The death record lists his parents the same as Big P___'s. _____ [35] Hannah McCauley Apr. 30, '70 - he age 38, she 25.
This is Big Phil's brother.


The 1860 census lists a Hugh Golecher as living in the home of Michael Boyle & wife Bridget:


Hugh Golecher 23, laborer, born Ire..


In 1864 he was living with his mother Bridget. He died, single, in 1898.


Death records:


Hugh Gallagher, single, age 66-2-7, died of heart disease in Pea. Twp, Feb. 18, '98; born Ire.,
laborer. Parents Hugh & Bridget Gallagher living in Ireland.


[see original manuscript for Boyle/Cull/Gallagher family tree diagram]



James Gallagher


1830 -
In 1860 census


Is this Shamy? I think so. Yes


Married Mary Gillespie








--[both] baptized Nov. 3, 1863


In 1873 a James Gallagher bought the W 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Sec 4, T38 R10 (this is S of Barney's Lake Rd.) from Roy Peckham. In 1875 his mortgage was forclosed, giving Emerson Stafford possession. In Feb. 1883 Lester Van Alstyne owned the land & sold it to James Gallagher.


In Mar. 1873 he bought from Roy Peckham the SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Sec 5 (this land adjoins the above).



James Gallagher

[same as James P. "Big" Gallagher?-see below]




[assume married] Bridget Boyle, Ire.


Patrick Gall., birth rec. July 1, '74; father "farmer," Peaine Twp.



James E. Gallagher


Married Susy Corly




James C. Gallagher, 1866-1902; born Mich..


Death records:


James C. Gall., single, age 16-6-11, died in Pea. Twp., Dec. 17, '02, cause rolling saw logs.


Born Mich., farmer, parents James E. Gall. & Susy Corly.

James F. Gallagher


1851 - before 1903 (she died a widow [assume Ann, see below])


Married Ann C. Early, 1855-1903; parents Hugh Early & Bridget O'Donnell


Death records:


Ann C Gallagher, age 48-3-6, widow, died March 18, 1903 in Pea. Twp of heart failure. Born


[in] Canada. H. keeper, parents, Hugh Early & Bridget O'Donnell.



James Peter "Big" Gallagher


(card #1)


" Northern Michigan"


1818-1896 (death rec)


James P. & Bridget Gallagher were Bowery's father & mother, natives respectively of Tyrone & Donegal [Counties, Ireland]. James left Ireland when 19 years old, 1837, going to Scotland & from there came to the U.S. & settled in New Y. City, "where he reared a family & worked at the trade of blacksmithing. In August 1871 he moved to B.I. & settled on a farm 3 miles from St. James where he taught school for 24 years & served the people of Peaine Township as Justice of the Peace. He died at 78 in 1897" (really 1896).

If he left Ireland in __ 19 he left __ 1838 for Scotland. [36]
He was 52 when he reached the Island; his wife 44.
He got his land, S 2 of NE 1/4 Sec 10, T38, R10, by pat. from the State of Michigan, Aug. 14, 1878. It is to James Gallagher which confirms the "James Peter" instead of the "Dan" I was first given.
Death records:
James Gall., married, age 80-2-10, died Nov. 10, '96, in Peaine Twp of paralysis. Born in Ire., a farmer, parents unknown.
--must be some other James
James P. Gall., married, age 78-8-9, died Oct. 2, '96, in Pea. Twp, of heart trouble. Born Ire., farmer, parents Patrick Gallagher & Sarah Heins.

James Peter "Big" Gallagher

(card #2)
[see also] Tyrone Gallaghers
House #92 - the original house; this is the house I know as "Tight's house"
He was a Justice of the Peace and as such he married Darky Mike & Nangog. For this he was cursed by Father Gallagher. There is a stone for James P. Gallagher, 1819-1897.
There is a baptism record - Dec. 2, 1862 - Anthony Gallagher
Daniel Gallagher & Bridget Sweeney à is this Big Gall. or "Don Father"?
Dan [Malloy]'s mother's name was Sweeny; could Dan & Bridget have been 1st cousins? No
Maria says that Big Gall. & Bridget were married in N.Y. - this is probably right, as he was 19 when he left Ire.
[see original manuscript for James Peter "Big" Gallagher family tree diagram]
Land office:
Aug. 14, 1878 - James Gallagher bought from the state of Michigan (swampland) S 2NE 4 Sec
10. This is where Tight's house is (the original house & is N of Mike Mahal Rua's).

"Jimmy the Jew" Gallagher

P. 62, 123,135
A brother of Philipine and all of Shoemaker's wife. He had a store, first the lower part of the house where Jewel now lives and then in Nel's old store. He had his own sailing vessels, one after the other. Maria - "an up and coming smart man." Lawrence - he was one of those who went back to Aranmore and sang the praise of Beaver Island. Died of consumption. He went back to Ireland around 1910, and he stayed a week at the house of Patrick Gallagher, on Innisfree. He was full of tales about Beaver Island (see page 183).
Jimmy the Jew married Bridget Gallagher (Big Phil's daughter).
Protar - "Jimmy the Jew" died Jan. 6, 1914.
Gat Bridget (Neddy McCauley's daughter) "in trouble"

Joe "Joe the Priest" Gallagher

(he was not a priest)
P. 33, 133
He stayed with Father Gallagher many years; he was the son of Michael Gallagher, & a nephew of Father Gallagher. - Lawrence
I understand that he acted as a business agent for Father Gall. He lived in the house next to Nels' store where Nels lived.
Lizzie says called "Joe the Church."
He was Father Gallagher's cousin. - Lizzie

John C. "Salty" Gallagher



P. 51, 63, 79, 113, 127, 135, 140


House #68


Married Nora McCauley (daughter of Dan McCauley), 1859-1941
He was the son of Cornelius and was born in Penn. He was called "Salty" because he sailed so much on the Lakes. (not on the salt water) [T]here is a birth record for Grace Ellen in Charlevoix, father John born Penn & mother Nora - Mich. He is listed "sailor."
Roland says, "Nora McCauley was Salty's wife." I am not absolutely sure but I think this is the one of the two Salties and that this is the "Nora McCauley [37] that was baptized by Bishop Baraga along with Joe Burke & Manus Bonner in 1859. He is mentioned in Protar's Diary, Nov. 5, 1923, "Salty & Nora to Grand Rapids."
Pat Bonner says he was not born in Penn. but was a child on the ship when they came over. That he was called Salty because he kept imitating the sailors & so he was "an old salt."
In the census of 1870 he is listed as born in Mich. In 1880 as born in Penn. The Penn. is __ght [38] - his older brother Charles was born in Penn. as it says Penn. on his gravestone.
For how he got his land, see Cornelius['s] card.
He was a bartender in his brother Condy's saloon. "He never did a hard day's work in his life - he always found the easy jobs." (___) [39]
His gravestone:


Mother Nora, 1859-1941


Father John C, 1856-1944


on the same stone - Ida Gallagher, 1902-1914

Daughter - "Mamie Salty", 1882-[no death date indicated] - married Neily Dominic


Charlie, 1888-1891 (gravestone)


Elizabeth [no birth date indicated] -1894 (gravestone)


Donald C., 1907-1908 (gravestone)


Grace Ellen, Oct. 7, 1897 (record)


Peter K., Dec. 17, 1899 (wrote poem)


Emmet - capt. of " Clifton"


Ida, 1902-1914 (stone)


The birth record for Peter is most confusing -


1st - Peter K, father John C. Gall. - Penn, mother - Moria [40] Gall. - Mich. Sailor, Dec. 17, 1899


2nd - Peter Gall. - father John C. - Mich.; mother Nora McCauley, Mich.- farmer - Jan. 6, 1900


Mamie Salty taught [at] the Little Red School & walked both ways, sometimes in high snow while there was a team of horses in the barn & 3 brothers to drive her. (Maria)



John "Leatherhead" Gallagher


1825 -


Mich. by 1858


Lawrence says Leatherhead is Bryan Gall. - Maria says wrong. Lizzie says Leatherhead was John.


House #42


P. 69, 92


He came from Ireland and was a cousin of Bryan Dan Mor & so Bryan's brother Danny Don Mor.


Wife Ellen, 1826 - 


Children: [41]






Julia (Kline)


Sarah (Doran)


Ned, 1852 - [born] Ire.


Mary, 1855 - [born] Ire.


John, 1858 - [born] Mich.

In 1870 he homesteaded NE 1/4 of Sec 20 T37 R10 (this is the section that the lighthouse at the Head is in).

In 1888 his heirs sold it to Edward Lasley.

Land office:


Feb. 23, 1858 - John Gallagher & Edward Martin paid $38.25 for lot 3, Sec 24-37-11 but it was


suspended because of reservation for lighthouse, 7/27/58.


Sept. 24, 1861 (pencil) - John Gallasher (Gallagher) filed for E 2SW 4 Sec 33-39-10 (this is land


Charles {Charlie Strach} Hd. July 8, 1863 with F.C. in 1868).


July13, 1863 - NE 4 Sec 20-37-10 Hd. 160A $10 - Lighthouse section


June 1, 1870 - John Gall. Hd. SE 4 Sec 21-38-10 Can. Aug. 26, 1883 - 7 yrs. I don't know


whether this is Leatherhead or not. Shoemaker was too young but there may have been


another John Gall. It is in the center of the Island, on no road.


1860 census lists:


John Galiger 35 laborer born Ire.


Ellen Galiger 34 --------- born Ire.


Ned Galiger 8 --------- born Ire.


Mary Galiger 5 --------- born Ire.


John Galiger 2 --------- born Mich.

He is listed right next to Bryan on the census record so this is undoubtedly Brian's cousin.

His was a big wake "500 people"(?) & the house was small. Pat says, "as I understood it, they put a chicken coop under the coffin & in some way it moved - the people rushed out of the house. He says a typical macabre trick. 

John "Shoemaker" Gallagher

1857- (stone: 1856-1928)
Married Catherine Gallagher, 1857-1928 (stone) - sister of Jimmy the Jew and of Philipine
Gallagher (she was illiterate).
Could he have had a 1st wife and Catherine the 2nd? There is a defaced stone that says:
wife of John Gallagher, 1852-1882. This woman was 28 when she died and Catherine 25.
He fished and farmed at the head and had a saw mill near his place the place I know as "Shoemaker's" was his second home. His first house, number 32, second number 35. He had a mill at number 35 too. His wife couldn't read or write. In his hatred of Bill Gallagher, see Hannah Veag's card.
In 1884, he had a lot under the Homestead act, N 1/2 of NE 1/4 , Sec 26 and Lot 1 Sec 25 T38 R10. This land is just east of that homesteaded at the same time, by his stepfather, Hugh T[.] __le. [42] This is where his first house was. In 1886, lot bought at Lot #1 Section 12, T 38 R10 from the John Sullivan estate. This is where the second house and mill were. In 1895 this title went to John Kittie Gallagher. In July 1906, from the Auditor General to Maggie E. Mosher and in July, 1907 from Maggie Mosher back to John Gallagher.
Land office:
Apr. 8, 1878 - Hd. Lot and NW 4NE 4 Sec 26 and Lot 1 Sec 25-38-10. 117.85A F.D. July 30, 1883. Where Hanagan's Rd. runs into S. Bay Rd. and included sight [43] of Sweet's Mill. He would have been 21 at this time. Later he moved to what I know as Shoemakers. This land was Hd. 1865 by John Boyle, can. '74, by Owen Boyle, 1874, can. '78.
Death records:
John S. Gallagher, married, age 72-4-27, died on July 28, '28 in Peaine Twp, of "injuries resulting from falling off a wagon." Farmer, born Ire, parents Hannah and John Gallagher.
Notes, p. 7.

Kitty Gallagher





Her stone says: Catherine Gallagher, born in Donegal, Ireland, died February 17, 1905, age 103. She came to Beaver Island in 1866 with Big Owen. She was a housekeeper for Father Gallagher, Mel [44] says this was not so. (It was a young Kitty Gall. - see census)

Sand Bay Dominic.


Once Kitty was at her granddaughter's the Biddie Sams on the Slopt. Rd. when she started to walk to visit her son Big Dominick. She got lost, but no one knew it, the Biddie Sams thinking she was at Dominics & vice versa. She was in the woods 4 or 5 days when Mannus Bonner found her. He was out looking for the cows. She was sitting on the beach on a big rock at McFadden's point. (Pat Bonner) (Biddie of the Biddie Sams was Big Dominicks daughter.)
Lawrence remembers her living with her daughter ( Conn's widow) in upstairs of the house where Jewel now lives.
From Marie Salty - "Their mother, (Dominic et. al) Catherine McCauley (?), whom we kids all knew as Granny Sand Bay" lived across "Fairy Hill" from Salty's with her daughter Mary who was married to Conn McCauley. She was a sweet old lady and lived to be 104."
She is recorded in the 1880 census as living in the home of her son Neil, age 75.
Her husband was James Napper Tandy Gallagher. Her granddaughter Clementine wrote the Deacon that when the baby was born - "Miss McCauley's grandfather's name was James Napper Tandy Gallagher. When he was born on Aranmore, priests in Aranmore were in hiding. His father was concerned about having the baby baptized but there was no priest available. From the window of the island cabin one morning, the father saw a French vessel at anchor close by. Thinking that there might be a priest on board, he placed the baby in a basket and asked a 16 year old island girl to accompany him on (in) a currach [45] out to the ship. The crew received him in a friendly way, admitted him on board to the presence of a priest and a young man, who he took to be a French officer. The priest proceeded with the baptismal ceremony, requesting the young man to act as godfather. The young man was "Napper Tandy." [46]

Clementine: Kitty came to Beaver when she was 84 and died at 104.

Gallagher Family Tree (2)

John "Old John" Gillespie


(card #2)


From a letter of Jewel's to Clink. It differs slightly at the end from what I got out of the book Jewel loaned me.

Annie Gillespie, 1858


1 Mary Gillespie, 1860 Harlem's mother


Hannah Gillespie ? Hannah Tight - census = 1867


Nellie Gillespie, 1871 - Gallagher


Bridget Gillespie, 1875 - married Dannie Gallagher


3 Jennie Gillespie, 1864 - Connolly


Daniel Gillespie, 1869 - Tight


Frank Gillespie, 1869 - My father [95]


2 James Gillespie, 1862 - Priest - census = 1865


Grace Gillespie ? married Will Carr


Owen Gillespie, 1879 - Ownie


Lizzie Gillespie, 1885 - Carl Marine


John Gillespie (oldest son) ? Buckshot census = 1863

Order in 1880 Census


John 17


James 15


Hannah 13


Daniel 11


Frank 9


------------------------- [96]
Grace 7 - 73


Bridget 4- 75


Ellen 3 - 77


Own 11/12 -79


[Order in] 1870 Census


Ann 14


Mary 12


John 10


James 8


Hannah 6


Daniel 4


F_____ [97] 2


Notes from letters of Charles Francis O'Donnell to Tony O'Donnell -


"Old John Gillespie (Godfather of my informant) was married to a Dunlevy, John


Gillespie gave his godson his first pair of boots, red leather tops, & copper toes, & never





Owen Gillespie

Owen Gillespie, 1879- Mich, Laborer, son of Old John.


Wife, Mary Ginjras, Mich, (also spelled Jengress)


James John, Sept 30, '04


Daniel Merle. '10


Death records:


Daniel Merle Gillespie, 0-10-6, died in St. J. Twp, [98] "accidental drowning," born Mich, parents Owen Gillespie and Mary Jengrass.



Owen Gillespie Family Tree

Gallagher Family Tree (4)

James Gordon

1855 -


Son of John & Ann


Church record of marriage & ba[p]tism


M[arried] - May 2, 1878


Mary Ann Brown, 1856 -




Ann Gordon, 1879


Malcolm Gordon, 1880


John Gordon, 1882


James Henry Gordon, 1884


Louis Gordon, 1887


Rose Gordon, 1890


Mary Frances Gordon, 1892


Charles Gordon, 1894


Robert Gordon, 1896

John Gordon

John Gordon & Anna Gordon (Co. Clare [ Ireland])


? James - br. Canada, 1855; married Mary A ?


? Charles - br. B.I., 1865; married Margaret ?

There is another John Gordon with a wife Mary - see census. It is possible he could have been a son of this man by a 1 st wife but is too old to have been a son of Anna.

Arrived the spring of 1862. Had hear of the Island through the Dunlevy family when both lived in Toronto. The Donlevys had moved to the Island & wrote suggesting the Gordons come. They took a boat from Buffalo & brought three cows with them. "It must have been really primitive as his mother told him she didn't even have a broom. Said she cried for 3 days & then decided there was no advantage in that so made up her mind to enjoy what they had instead of the things they couldn't get. She soon adjusted & loved it."


- from letter from Carl Gordon, a grandson

"Have an old tax bill dated Sept. 27, 1862 from Manitou Co. Treasurer's office made out to John Gordon for property for 1861. The Dept. treasurer was J. L. Bailey & the Co. Clerk was Joseph Beaudoin." 


  • from letter of Carl Gordon to Andy (Clink) Gallagher
The Ann Gordon who was Hewy Hardwick's second wife was a "half sister of the Gordons." (Maria)

John Gordon

(card #2)




Married Anna, 1826-1896





"Old Hardwick's second wife was a half-sister of the Gordons." Pat calls her Ann Geeren & Maria, Ann Gordon.

A stone -


John Gordon


Born May 1, 1804


Died May 1, 1881


Anna, his wife


Born Sept. 16, 1826


Died May 25, 1896

There is a birth record for Charley Gordon, Nov. 3, 1894. Father James Gordon, born in Michigan; mother Mary Gordon, also [born in] Michigan. He lists himself as fisherman. This James must be a son of the John above.


Same couple, James H. Gordon & Mary Ann Brown had a son Robert, Ap. 19, 1897. This time the father is listed as born in Canada.

Same parents - Julia Margaret, [born] Jan. 21, '01. Both father & mother listed born in Canada.


Samuel Graham



By May 1851 he had succeeded Geo. J. Adams in Strang's Council as virtual Prime Minister.

Forward the end of May '51, he went to Whiskey Pt. to have an interview with Sheriff Granger of Mackinac. Granger was the man who went to the Island with a posse of "30 intoxicated Indians & 8 or 10 drunken Irishmen" (Mormon account). This was when he was assaulted by Richard O'Donnell & James Hay & seriously injured. K. of St. J., p. 126.



Thomas Graham [99]

Death record:


Thomas Graham, married, age 34-7-5, died Jan. 16, '11 in St. J. Twp from diabetes. Born


Mich.; physician; parents James Graham & Mary Harmon, res. Grand Rapids.

This is Mrs. O'Br___'s [100] 1st husband.

Protar records this death.

Lyman Granger

1803 -


Father of Julius


Wife - Ashva(?); [101] 1808 -

Mrs. Whitney has him as 1st keeper of the Harbor Light. She says he had previously kept the light at Bois Blanc. A Sheriff Granger figures in K. of St. J. as the sheriff of Mackinac County in a raid on Strang & his followers at Hog Island, p. 125. Also as the sheriff there at the time of the assassination, p. 172. Is this the same man?

Sheriff Granger led the "mob" on July 3rd which caused the Exodus - K. of St. J., p. 173.

("Sheriff Granger was evidently Julius - son of Lyman; see his card.) [102]


Strang speaks of a Henry Granger, "an Anti-Mormon candidate for Sheriff, elected by means of fraudulent votes." An. & Mod. Mac., p. 51.

1860 census:


Lyman Granger 57 boarding house born N.Y.


Ashva(?) Granger 52 -------------- born N.Y.


Anna E. Granger 21 --------------- born Mich.


Anthony Froat(?) 19 cooper born N.Y.

Anthony Green

(2nd Gen.)




This is White Dan's son, brother of Johnny. There is a stone for him.


Married, Oct. 6, 1920, Mary Boyle, 1897 - (daughter of "Red Hughie")






Rose (married Connaghan) - country store

Protar's diary: Mary Red Hughie and Anthony Green married Oct. 6, 1920.

Frederick I. Green

1838 -


Born Maine


Different from the Irish Greens


Married Mary, 1837 - born Scotland

He bought the W 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Sec 9 T38 R10 in 1875 from John F. Stuart. This is opposite the airport. The 1880 census shows a Frederick Green, age 42, wife Mary, age 43. He was born in Maine and she in Scotland. There are no children listed.

Jim, or John Green

Son of John, brother White Dan. This information is from Lawrence. A Bill Green lived ______ Big Willies; his mother was a daughter of Mike Mahal's and was lost on the Vernon. The father was a Green, Lawrence thinks, named John, who was a brother of White Dan's. This hooks up with the son of John Green's second marriage that Lizzie couldn't remember the name of. After the mother was lost on the Vernon, the father went to Chicago and disappeared.

John (or Jim) Green married Bridget Gallagher - 1887 ( a daughter of Mike Mahal Rua).

Bill Green about 1882. [103]

" Northern Mich"


Has been a fisherman and farmer on the Island since 1865"


1865-1880 - fisherman


1880 - took up farming on a tract of land 4 mi. South of St. James, 120 acres.

White Dan bought the Greene farm from Paddy Mor Gallagher and just passed over the money and took the deed, not having it registered. Bought it in 1880. " Northern Michigan" says he was a fisherman until 1880 when he bought the farm.

Death records:


Elizabeth Greene, married, age 63-6-23 died May 20, '37 in Peanie Twp., of apoplexy. Born Mich.; parents Andrew Roddy and Catherine McBride.

Sept. 15, 1909 - Protar: "Black Dan Green died."

Johnny W. Green

December 1871-1964


Born at Greens Bay. When he was five, they moved to big Sand Bay - 1876. From Ivan


Married Lizzie Roddy




Lillian, Apr. 22, '01 - birth record - Eliza, Eren




Erin, 1900-1921




Mary Catherine Green - died age to the days of pneumonia, born December 10, 1899


Peter, 1919-1929 - died [of] tubercular meningitis

[From] Walton's "Folksinging on Beaver Island":


"And how can one describe Johnny Green! Sailor, lumberjack, farmer and singer par excellence. His father, several uncles and grandfather were all good singers. In his middle '70s, when I last saw him, his former rich baritone voice had become badly cracked, and his health and memory had deteriorated, probably as a result of the unusually rugged life he had lived, but he dictated and recorded several score of songs and fragments. In answer to a question of how many songs he knew, he replied in an entirely off hand manner "Probably about a hundred." Recordings made by him and mention of titles, lines, and subject of others that came from him continually, and a list of the titles of his songs compiled by his daughter over several months gave pretty good evidence that he knew or had known many more than twice that number. He knew practically all the songs recorded or dictated by others on the island, and he recognized a good share of a long list of others mentioned to him. He stated somewhat apologetically, in answer to a question about how he learned his songs, that he frequently had to hear a song twice and sometimes three times before he could sing it himself.

"N. Mich":


1892 - began fishing. In winter -- lumbering and contracting. Was a fisherman for 13 years,


conducting all his operations independently of others. Active Democrat. Been delegate of Democratic Party conventions.

Protar - "Erin Green" died February 12, 1921, age 21 years.

Death records:


Mary Catherine Green, died, aged three days, in Pea. Township on December 13, 1899, of pneumonia; born St. James; parents John Green and Lizzie Roddy.


Aaron Green, single, aged 18-10-12, died in Pea. Township on February 12, 1921, of tuberculosis. Parents John Green and Elizabeth Roddy.


Peter Green, single, age 16-3-5, died August 11, 1924 in Pea. Township of tubercular meningitis; born Michigan; parents John W. Green and Elizabeth Roddy.

Neal Green

P. 119


White Dan's uncle


Married Grace Rodgers, 1825


[Children] - all born in Mich.:


Hugh, 1865


Charles, 1867


Neal, 1868


Philip, 1870


Julia, 1874


This is a very late family, but this is what the census says.

Neil Green

P. 119




1820 census - house #45


White Dan's cousin. [104]


No relation to White Dan and Red Dan. This is what Mrs. Andy Mary Ellen said. But Johnny Green said that Neil Green was White Dan's uncle but came over later than he did. He owned and lived at Green's lake.

Land office:


Sept. 8, 1865. Hd. SE 4 Sec 32-38-10, 160 A. $10 Can. Jan. 2, 1894. (This is Green's lake and was not taken up until Hd. in 1900 by Louis Gingros.)

Married Mary, 1835 (census)


Children (1870 census):


Daniel, 1861, born Mich.


Bridget, 1865, born Mich.


James, 1868, born Mich.




Peter Green, 1835-1901, [born] Ire., fisherman, brother "Boggy"


Patric Gallagher, 1858, [born] Ire., fisherman


According to the ages and birth places of the children, he came by 1861. The 1880 census shows another Neal Green, 65, wife Grace, 55, with a completely different set of children. The one with the brother "Bogy" (Peter) was the one at Green's Lake.

Neal and Peter were brothers of Mary, Big Dominick's wife.

Once Lizzie said Neal Green was her mother's uncle, and once her cousin. There seem to be 2 Neals, could one have been an Uncle and one a cousin? The oldest of the two was 10 years younger than John, Bridget's father. The other one was 5 years younger than the 1 st, 15 years younger than John, and 22 years older than Red Dan.

Death records:


Peter Green, single, age 70, died in St. James Twp. on Sep. 3, '01 of cancer of the stomach.


Born Ire., farmer, parents Hugh Green & Bridget Gallagher.


Gallagher Family Tree (3)

Owen Green

1840 - (census)




B.I. 1865


Brother of Dan (Red) Green and 1 st cousin of White Dan Green. All three were shipwrights in


Ireland and came together.


Married Mary Boyle, 1840 (census) (where I got this I don't know)


Children (census 1880):


Grace, 1863, born Ire.


Bridget, 1865, born Ire.


Michael, 1867, born Ire.


Mary, 1870, born Ire.


Hannah, 1872, born Mich.


Hugh, 1874, born Mich.


Nellie, 1877, born Mich.


Lizzie first told me he was a bachelor (she must have been thinking of Peter) and came over with Red Dan and White Dan. In 1965 she told me that he was Red Dan's Brother and that after Red Dan got here he sent for Owen and his family. (This seems right. If Red Dan came with Big Owen that was '66. If birth places of children in census are right, Owen didn't come until about '72. They were married in Ireland and 4 children born there. Married about 1860, came over about '72. In birth record of Hugh, Dec. 2, 1873, the wife's name is "Bridget Boyle." The census calls her Mary.



Daniel "Red Dan" Green

1838 (census figures show either 1840 or '42)-1915


B. I. 1866 (if he came with Big Owen). Shows in 1870 census 1st time.


P. 73, 128


He well is a cousin of White Dan, and he and his wife were both from Aranmore and were married in Ireland. Came with all one, his brother, and White Dan, his cousin. All three shipwrights in Ireland. He was a fisherman in Ireland. Dan and his brother fished from Green's Bay, where they first settled. Bridget was a sister of White Dan. In 1965 Lizzie told me that Red Dan didn't come with White Dan, but with Big Owen Gallagher and his family (this would have been in 1866), who was a cousin of his mother's.


Married Bridget Green, 1843-1919 (census shows either 1844 or '45; death records, 1844-1920)


Children (1880 census):


Michael, 10 - died July 26, 1896, consumption


Sarah, 10


Grace, 8


John, 6


Daniel, 4


Mary, 2


Ellen, 2/12 - died Jan. 8, 1906, consumption








There is a stone:


Father Daniel, 1838-1915


Mother Bridget, 1843-1919

Mrs. Red Dan, (who was a wailer) talk[ed] of how much better it was here than in Ireland. She never wanted to go back. Everything there must be as the landlord wanted it. They were severely punished for their flags - flat stones - in the fireplace, made of oatmeal. The rest of the diet was mostly fish, potatoes, and corn meal mush. (I wonder about this last.) They would not speak Gaelic in the home as many did.

When they moved from Green's Bay up to the arm Bridget was very lonesome, she missed the water terribly.

Lizzie - my mother and her sister, Sarah came over alone together. Their mother had died when they were small. Bridget just barely remembered her deaths, and how red her mother's face was at the death bed scene. The stepmother was mean, so as soon as they could they left for America. They both married after they came to the Island. Sarah married a cousin of Gebbo/John Boyle. He died, leaving her with three children. She left for Chicago and became a cook at a hotel. She was illiterate and could not read a recipe. But she had a real flair and was a wonderful cook, her cream puffs took first prize at the Colombian exposition. Bridget married Red Dan. The girls probably came over to be with their brother, White Dan, and this must have been after 1866 if he came with Big Owen. Lawrence says "the two Greens worked on the railroad that was building west Sault." They went when there was no fishing, because the waters were temporarily fished out by the pond nets.

Land office:


October 17, 1877 - Daniel Green Hd. SW 4 Sec 15-38-10, 160A. $10. F.C. Sept. 4, 1884. (Bridget Gall. had Hd. this June 10, 1865 can. Jan. 28, 1874). I assign this to Red Dan, because its location checks with Lizzie's description of walking to school, while it does not check with Johnny Green's story of buying a farm just back of their beach property on big Sand Bay. Maria says it well is Red Dan.

Mary O'Don.'s notes:


Owen and Red Dan Greene's father drowned piloting a ship into a harbor in Ireland, where they lived. Owen and Red Dan came ashore on to orders, but their father and a man named Boyle were lost. This Boyle was a first cousin of Mike Boyle of Mike Boyle's beach.

Death records:


Michael Green, single, age 26, died in Charlevoix on July 26, 1896, of consumption. Born in Michigan; farmer; parents, Daniel Green and Bridget Green.


Ellen Greene, single, aged 25-8-22, died in Pea.township on January 8, 1906, of consumption. Born Michigan; parents Danielle and Bridget Green; residence, St. James.


Dan R. Green, married, age 76, died January 25, 1915 in P. Township, of old age. Farmer; born in Ireland, parents unknown.


Bridget Green, widow, age 76, died on October 8, 1920 in Pea. Twp, of influenza; born Ireland. Parents John Green, mother unknown.



Daniel "White Dan" Green

1841-1909 (1843 or '45 in census)




B.I. 1865


House #94


P. 61


Married Bridget O'Donnell, 1851-1929. (Her uncle, John O'D. was here in Mormon times. She


was born in Ireland. "Johnny the Rat" daughter of Anthony and Sophia.)




Johnny Green, 1870-1964; born at Green's Bay - married Lizzie Roddy


Daniel, 1871-1910 (lost in Chicago River)


Anthony, 1876-195?


Mary, 1885-1904


Joseph, 1893-1905 (retarded) [105]


Rose, 1894 (birth record)

Children (1880 census):


John, 1871 - born Mich.


Sophia, 1873 - born Mich.


Sarah, 1875 - born Mich.


Anthony, 1877 - born Mich.


Daniel, 1879 - born Mich.

He first lived at Greens, where Johnny was born. He was a first cousin of Dan Red Green and Owen. They were shipwrights in Ireland and all three came together. They first settled at Greens Bay and finished with gill nets there. When Johnny was 5, (1877) they moved to Sand Bay into a white house that had been built by Joe Smith, a real Frenchman, not a half breed. Later they bought a farm back of their beach property.

"North. Mich"


"Has been a fisherman and farmer on the Island since 1865."


1865-1880 - fisherman


1880 - took up farming on a tract of land 4 mi. south of St. James; 120 acres.
White Dan bought the Greene farm from Paddy Mor Gallagher & just passed over the money and took the deed, not leaving it registered. Bought it in 1880.

Death records:


Elizabeth Greene, married, age 63-6-23 died May 20 '37 in Peaine Twp of apoplexy;


born Mich.; parents Andrew Roddy & Catherine McBride.


Sept. 15, 1909 - Protar: "Black Dan Green" died.



Jim, or John Green

Son of John, brother [of] White Dan


Married Bridget Gallagher? - 1887 (a daughter of Mike Mahal Rua)




Bill Green about 1882

This information is from Lawrence. A Bill Green lived at Big Willies. His mother was a daughter of Mike Mahal's & was lost on the Vernon. The father was a Green, Lawrence thinks named John, who was a brother of White Dan's. This hooks up with the son of John Green's second marriage that Lizzie couldn't remember the name of. After the mother was lost on the Vernon the father went to Chicago and disappeared.

Benjamin Eugene Grey [106]


Dec. 5, 1871, a birth is recorded for Benjamin Eugene Grey, born on B.I.. Mother Emma, born St. James; father John, born Mich.; occupation, carpenter.


1 The author does not indicate what the check marks denote.

2 The author has attached a later comment to the line ending "Mary Greene" - this is BigDominick.

3 The author has enclosed Cornelius, Condy, Manus, & Don Father in a bracket, with the note, "no worked in mines."

4 This name is not absolutely clear.

5 "m." here would seem to indicate a marriage.

6 This may be Mr. Tilley-Charles Tilley (see his card) was a local carpenter.

7 Reference to the Irish island of Rutland, in County Donegal. See also Patrick/Paddy "Grey" Gallagher.

8 It is not clear from the arrangement on the page whether this baptism date refers to the "children" or to Edward Gallagher. The original layout is reproduced here, all written in pencil except for the word children and the entries under it for CorneliusMary, and Edward.

9 Illegible, but may be "tier."

10 Illegible.

11 No close-quotes here.

12 Could also be "24".

13 This is probably a reference to first wife Mary, as Molly was often a dimunitive of the name Mary.

14 Alternate spelling "Cundy."

15 Unclear but could be "Maria."

16 No indication what the x's next to Cornelius & Rose refer to.

17 "He" here probably refers to the Condy Gallagher, subject of this entry, rather than the nephew, but this is unclear. See further on in entry.

18 This note actually reads "Rose & Cornelius - less than 7," with "5" and "2" written in under their names.

19 This date at top of page; it is unclear exactly what it refers to; probably not CCG's birth date, as this is given later as 1861.

20 Major center of anthracite coalmining in the mid-nineteenth century; the mining population was heavily Irish-American.

21 Author has added an arrow from Jessie àLizzie, with the note "same."

22 An arrow points from brother to the phrase Born on Iniscara

23 There is a Mauch Chunk Penn. The author spells this correctly in a later entry.

24 Parenthetical statement in original.

25 Illegible but could be "host."

26 This looks like "Mary" but could also be "Maria," or possibly something else.

27 The author has enclosed the entries for Daniel T. & Dan F. Gallagher in a bracket with the note, "Probably the same - Tight."

28 Swamp Land Act; passed by Congress in 1850 to facilitate the transfer of federal lands in Michigan (and a number of other states) to the state governments for public sale.

29 This is likely a reference to where she was born, not that the wedding was in Ireland.

30 Illegible; could be "It'd be".


31 This could also be "F."


32 There is no year of death listed in original.


33 Illegible; likely known.


34 In this & the sentence that follows the name could be "Phil", but is very difficult to make out. From a later entry this would seem to be correct.


35 Probably "married" but can't be sure.


36 This sentence unclear.


37 Assume a close-quote after "McCauley," but not in original.


38 Illegible; possibly "right."


39 Illegible; possibly "Maria."


40 This could be "Maria," but looks like an "o" after the M.


41 The author encloses Ellan, Mike, Julia, and Sarah in a bracket with the note, "his heirs."


42 Unclear; probably "Boyle."


43 Possible misspelling of site.


44 Possibly the diminutive of Melody, daughter of Big Owen.


45 A small boat made by covering a frame with hide or leather; also called a curragh or coracle.


46 James Napper Tandy (1740-1803); Irish nationalist leader. He was on Arranmore Island in September of 1798.


47 This variant spelling of "Manus" and the one below it in original.


48 "He" appears to refer to Mike Gallagher.


49 Here an arrow points to the name Mary O'Donnell.


50 Probably Spanish American War (1898).


51 Double entry of name in original.


52 Illegible; possibly in section.


53 Island in County Donegal, Ireland; well-populated in the late nineteenth century but faced steady population decline thereafter.


54 Clearly spelled this way in original.


55 Author encloses Barney's and Catherine's names in brackets with the notation, "does this [age] gap mean Paddy came first & Ellen followed?"


56 Asterisks in original.


57 No close-quotes here.


58 No opening quotation marks in original.


59 This last sentence appears to refer to a source.


60 Note: Philip/Philipine is sometimes spelled w/ one "l," sometimes with two.


61 Hannah & Ann are connected with a bracket and the note, "twins, parish rec, No 3, 1863."


62 Bracket in original.


63 Brackets in original.


64 Asterisk and footnote in original.


65 Brackets in original.


66 Irish potato famine, roughly 1845-1850. Irish immigration to the United States during these years is estimated at nearly one million.


67 County in the north of Ireland, part of modern-day Northern Ireland.


68 This appears to refer to Dan Malloy, but can't be certain from placing on page.


69 James Bowery and Willie John appear to be the sons of James Peter, but this is not absolutely clear.


70 The author has drawn an arrow from "Big Willie" ("Old Willie"'s son) à Mike Mahal Rua, but no indication as to why she has done so.


71 Parenthetical statement in original.


72 All members of this household except William and Susan are designated as "brothers & sisters."


73 "King's Highway"; see entry for "Old Billy" Gallagher, above.


74 Brackets in original.


75 Could be typo for "Hannah."


76 Duplication in original.


77 Illegible; Ulysses?


78 Unclear.


79 Unclear.


80 The author encloses the names of Lewis, Abigail, Wilson, & Ma__rna in a bracket, with the note, "Abigail looks like his wife but who are the others?"


81 Steamer.


82 Non-Mormon.


83 Unclear, but from context and later entries it is probably "home" or "house."


84 This is probably Postmaster; see similar notation under James G. Gibson.


85 The author has drawn an arrow from the line "...father of Willie Gibson in Charlevoix" to "...the mother getting pregnant...", but there are no additional notes.


86 This fragment is unclear.


87 The author has drawn lines between "Jock" and "Willie" Gibson, but there are no additional notes.


88 Unclear; could be "list."


89 This is clearly "T3R" in the original; a typo for T38?


90 Illegible initial; possibly "D".


91 This name is not certain


92 The author indicates here that the children's names are from the Gibb. Book.


93 An arrow extends from right Harlem's mother to Phillipine Gall.


94 Initial "J" only in original; assume "St. James."


95 i.e., Jewel's father, not the author's


96 A note on the line reads, "From here birth records."


97 Unclear; could be "Frank" or "Francis".


98 Initial "J" in original; assume St. James Township.


99 This is probably "Thomas," but is somewhat unclear.


100 This name is unclear, but may be O'Brien.


101 All question marks in this entry appear in the original manuscript.


102 No close-quotes appear in this sentence. No card for Julius Granger appears in this box of files, but there is one for him in among the census cards.


103 It isn't clear what this information refers to.


104 This conflicting information appears to have been written at a different time.


105 The author indicates that information about Daniel, Mary, & Joseph comes from gravestones on family lot.


106 In the original manuscript this card is filed with those for the family of Paddy "Grey" Gallagher.