Biographical Papers H-M

Biographical Papers Letter H

James Hamrock

By 1880

P. 126

Born in Vermont, 1857 - (birth record below)

Married 1880, Mary Boyle, 1859-1927; born B.I. (daughter of Dan Boyle)


James, 1881

Mary, 1881 [1]

Ethel, 1887

A still born child, Mar. 26, 1894

He came to cut wood for Wagely (see Wagely card).

In the birth records he is listed as "farmer."

He lived in the stone house.

There is a stone - Mary Boyle Hamrock, 1859-1927

Marriage record:

1880: James Hamrock, 23 to Mary Boyle, 21.

In the 1880 census he is listed as living as a boarder in the home of John & Anastasia Pullman.

Nonie says he & McGee & her father Slocum came & started the first mill after the Mormons [left]. He seems young for this - could it have been his father that started the mill? It was Wagely's Mill & I doubt if they "started" it but they came to B.I. to work there.


Harry Hardwick

? - 1949 (in Maria's notes)

Old Hardwick's son.

P. 53

[Married] Mary Bonner McCafferty

Maria's story -

Mary Bonner (Pat's sister) was going to marry Harry Hardwick. The first banns had been read in the church. Harry had bought his wedding clothes (Maria says tuxedo but she must mean morning clothes). Mary ran away with Lanty McCafferty (whose mother was Darky Mike's sister; he [McCafferty] was a cobbler & had a store). They were away for a time. When they came back Lanty was sick & on crutches. Manes Bonner gave a ball to get donations to put up a house for them. In this house (across from the Hotel - where I used to buy candy from Mrs. Hardwick) Lanty had a cobbler shop. He died in 1906 and Mary then married Harry. His father & mother disowned him & moved to Grand Rapids. When they died they had property in Escanaba & G. Rapids but none of it went to Harry. Harry was buried in the tuxedo.


"Old" Henry Hardwick

- 1837 -

1836 -

P. 51, 55

House #78 (later Johnny Green lived here)


1st wife -

Mary Campbell, 1842 - (see Campbell)

2 nd wife (married July 21, 1872) -

Ann Gorden, 1845 - (according to Maria) [2]


Ann Geeren (according to Pat) - note birth records


Harry Hardwick, ?-1949 Aug.

John, birth rec June 16, '73, mother "Ann Gordon," born in Canada

Joseph H., birth rec July 12, '75, mother Anna Green, born in Ire.

He was a Mormon who stayed on. Mary was a Mormon but the 2nd wife Irish. He raised bees. He was prosperous. Pat Bonner doesn't think he was a Mormon but isn't sure. He brought horses over from Green Bay.


1884 - He bought E 1/2 of the NW 1/4 Sec 33 T39 R10 from Aud. Gen. for 10¢ [3] & got tax deed.

1883 - He bought W 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec 33 T39 R10 from Wm. Gibson.

(In 1885 Bowery made over the NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 to Wm. Gibson, Sr. - this was probably

to clear the title - perhaps Bowery had been buying up tax deeds.)

1883 - He paid 1880 taxes of $2.87 on NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec 33. Thus he had all of the NW 1/4 &

the adjoining NW 1/4 of the adjoining quarter section. However he seems not to have had

this long because in 1884 Jerry Corbett got the NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 by tax deed.


1860 census:

Henry Hardwick 24 laborer born Westenburg, Ger.

May Hardwick 18 ---------- born Mich.

Also 1860 census:

Henry Hardwick 22 farmer born Ger.

Mary Hardwick 19 --------- born Mich.

Protar has - "Anne Hartweg" died Sept. 19, 1923.


Bridget Harkins

From Co. Donegal

Married Harrison (Tip) Millar; her sister married John E. Bonner.

Pat tells me she was practically disowned when she married a Mormon. His mother never talked of her & considered the marriage a disgrace. Pat never met her until years later on the mainland.


Bridget Harkins

(card #2)

Mrs. House - The Muller family went to Missouri with Joseph Smith. Then they got to Texas. They came up from there & joined Strang. Gen George Millar is said by Strang, in list of those imprisoned to have been from " San Antonio Texas." Bedford, according to family tradition was wanted by the law in Texas for cattle rustling & Mrs. House thinks that must be where they met.

Gen George, Joshua (his son) and Tom "Mrs. Tom Bedford" all signed the coronation list on July 8, 1850 but none are in the '50 census so they must have reached B.I. shortly before the census was taken.

Ruth Ann & Tom were married in June '53, so she could not have been this "Mrs. Tom Bedford." She must have been a second wife - Tom was 20 years older than Ruth Ann.

Coronation list - Fitzpatrick - "most of list from coronation" obviously the Bedfords were not

Later - Fitzpatrick list was not all from coronation list & he doesn't say which ones were.


Paddy Harkins

1842 -


Miltown Lock, Ire.

Married, about 1864, Angeline O'Brine, New York, 1845 -

for children see census

He is mentioned 54 times in the Dormer book and he bought a house from Dormer. He came from Co. Donegal, a place called Milltown Lock. He was still in N.Y. in 1856 because Sophia was married there. He is Sophia Bonner's brother & came west with them.

Michael Haskins (Harkins) is mentioned in the 1860 census as living in the household of Robert Gibson.

Michael Harkins, 20, cooper, born Ire.


Paddy Harkins

(card #2)


Emigrated in 1850

Milltown Lock, Co. Donegal


Sophia - born in Ireland; ? - 1912. Married John Bonner (Pat's father)

Bridget - married Harrison Millar

The family must have emigrated around 1844 because Sophia "emigrated with her family at the age of 6," according to Pat, and she married in 1855 in New York a the age of 17. This means the family was still in New York in 1855. Paddy later moved to Escanaba.

He is mentioned 54 times in the Dormer Day Book and there is something in there about buying a house.


Sophia Harkins


Married John E. Bonner (Black) in 1856 in N. Y.

Her sister married "Tip" Millar.

She emigrated with her father and mother at the age of 6 and they went to N. Y. City. This must have been around 1845 (in 1900 she gave her emigration date as 1847). She & John Bonner were married in N.Y. in 1855. (See John E. Bonner's card.)

1965, just after talking to Pat -

She was 17 when she was married in 1856. This means she was born in 1839 and that they went to N.Y. in 1844 when she was 6. Her father died soon after they got to N.Y. Her mother later married Philip Connolly.


Ludlow Hill

1830 -

Born Elgin, Ill.

Married Cecilia Servans (born Mich.)


Ludlow Leonidas Hill, [born] Wisc.; Aug. 7, 1856 - Jan. 1. 1937 (on Marold II)

The above information comes from Ludlow Leonidas' death record. Capt. Hill was born in Wisc. two months after the Exodus. This is probably right & Roland's information that he was born on the Island an error. If Ludlow was a renegade (one of those who precipitated the Battle of Pine River) he had left the Island much earlier.


Ludlow Leonidas Hill


Died Jan. 1, 1937, Ludlow Leonidas Hill; married, 81-4-24, killed on _arold [4] II; born Wisc.; Lake Captain; [parents] Ludlow Hill, br. Ill. & Cecilia Servans, born Mich.



Ludlow & Oren Hill

According to the Crown of Glory - Cecilia Servans ([from] her son's death record) wished to marry Ludlow Hill (son of a Mormon but not one). Strang refused permission - they were married secretly by elder Savage. Hill & Savage called before Council. They swore Savage had converted Hill before the ceremony. They fled to Pine River. (This account was given by Hill in 1896 in an interview in Wonewac, Wisc. He was 66 years old.) [These were the men subpoenaed which caused the Battle of Pine River.] [5]

They bought land from Cable at Cable's Bay in 1852. The Mormon map shows O. Hill owning land N of Barney's lake & a P. C. (John C.?) Hill owning south of Barney's lake. According to K. of St. J., p. 155, Ludlow was "a renegade Mormon."

"Moses of the Mormons" - " Mich. Pioneer & His." vol. 32 (1902), p. 206.

Gives Ludlow & his wife Cecilia's recollections. He tells the story of the marriage by Elder Savage. He says his family was converted by Strang in Elgin, Ill. That they invested all their capital, $10,000. He was not converted. Mrs. Hill says Bacon was second in command after Adams left; that Gen. Miller was "chief military authority."


Orin Ludlow Hill

P. 89, 112

He was a Mormon & father of Capt. Hill of the Marold. [Roland said Oren was father of Capt. Hill, his death record says his father was Ludlow - Roland is mistaken.] [6]


James Hoy or Hay

Accused of beating Sam Graham, along with Richard O'Donnell. This led to the death of Tom Bennett. [7]


1 Author includes bracket and note stating that James and Mary were twins.

2 The author notes with a bracket that both Maria and Pat thought that "she [Ann] was a half-sister of the Gordons."

3 Cent- (not dollar-) sign in original.

4 Unclear, but from more-legible other entries is probably "Marold."

5 Brackets in original.

6 Brackets in original.

7 See history of conflict between Mormon and non-Mormon Islanders.

Biographical Papers Letter I


[ed.'s note: additional material on the Native American residents of Beaver Island can be found in the Subject Files ( Box 7)]

There is a death record for "Oald Cornstalk":

Oald Cornstalk, widower, age 96-7-28; died in Pea. Twp of old age on May 12, '99.

Born Mich.; retired, parents Paul & Catherine.

Oliver married Angeline. Oliver's Point is named for him & Angeline's Bluff is where they


1854 - Strang in An. & M. Mack., p. 39

There are in Emmet [county] 5 Indian villages.

  • Garden Island - formerly were on N. end of Beaver - moved within 6 years. A

majority of the males & many of the females can read & some write in their own language. A few children speak English. They are good fishermen & do some

agriculture. Formerly dissipated but now sober and industrious owing to suppression of the liquor traffic. A Catholic priest visits them once a year - at other times one of the head men reads the service. They are devout but there are some pagans.

2. Cross Village - a Roman Catholic priest resides there, supported by the U.S. under

the guise of a teacher. Are farmers with many horses & cattle. They do house &

boat building & coopering & have a saw mill.

3. Middle Village - on the bluff back of Isle le Galet (Skillagalee) Lighthouse. Much

like Cross village.

4. Head of Little Traverse Bay - Le Arbor Croche - most thriving of all Indian towns

in the state. Raise considerable corn & potatoes for sale & have a well-built

vessel of 30 or 40 tons burthen, constructed, owned, & navigated by themselves.

5. Bear Village - S. side of Little Traverse - out station of above & its agriculture is



All these villages engage in fishing part of the year. The fisheries along the east shore are not very productive. Some seasons they come from there to Beaver to the number of 100 boats.




Early History of Region

1668 - Jesuit Mission at Sault established

1670 - Jesuit Mission at St. Ignace established1

1813 - (after War of 1812) - 1856 - Indian subsidies paid at Mackinac. Sometimes

Amounted to $100,000 but in 1854 $20-$30,000.

1 Author notes with a bracket that the two missions were the "first white settlements in the region."

Biographical Papers Letter J

Franklin/Frank Johnson


Mr. Johnson was a wealthy merchant from Baltimore whom Strang converted. They had a fine home on Font Lake, with a large ballroom with hardwood floors. According to Mrs. Whitney, you could see the Johnson home when sitting on the bank of Font Lake nearest Pagetown. (This must have been near the Leonard cottage.) The house was taken down and moved to a farm. (Could this have been the house Bid talked about as having a hardwood floor to dance on?) One of the daughters married Wentworth, who, with Bedford, shot Strang. Was it Phebe D., in '50 census, age 15?

According to Crown of Glory he was a business partner of McCulloch & his home at Page Town.

King of St. James - his name was Frank & he was a partner of McCulloch's. [1] 


Capt. John Johnson

1851-1903 (stone)

P. 37

Married Hannah (Boyle?), 1864-1934 (death records); census says 1856 [for her birth date], I

think it is right. (Rosie, Pat Bonner's wife's aunt). I think this is Paganog's daughter with

whom he was living when he died - right. They were living at the " King Place" at that time.


Cornelius - died with McDonald

Nellie - married Shing Martin


Peter, 1879-1908

Alice, 1887-1962 - married Belfy

He had two boats - the "Rough & Ready" & later the "Nellie Johnson" after his daughter. He spoke with a Swedish accent.

Hannah & her son Cornelius bought the Johnny Strack O'Donnell house, #79. Later they built there the square house still there (apples).

Hannah was a wailer - she is the one Bid Sendenburg remembers so vividly - "Oh gora, oh mora."

These are Edna Mae's grandparents.


Capt. Johnson's picture is in the museum.

The story about Patchynog's death -

He was living with his daughter at the King Place. He started home, making directly for the lights of his house, walked off McCann's dock & was drowned. I believe his body wasn't found until the next morning.

John Johnson died 8 p.m. July 21, 1903, "after operation!!!" Protar's diary.


Death records:

John Johnson, married, age 53, died in Peaine Twp on July 2, '03, cause brain affected.

Sailor, born in Canada; parents Cornelius & _essol [2] Johnson.

Hannah Johnson, widowed, age 70-3-4, died in St. J. of "senility" on Sept. 12, 1934; born

Ire.; parents Patrick Boyle & Nellie Boyle, both born Ire.


Walter J. Johnson


Wife - Caroline, 1823


1860 census:

Walter J. Johnson 44 carpenter b. N.Y.

Caroline Johnson 37 ---------- b. Vermont

Elizabeth Johnson 11 ----------- b. Mich.

Walter Johnson 3 -------------- b. Mich.


1 The author has inserted the citation, "Child of the Sea," with an arrow, but it is unclear whether the arrow points to this sentence or to the reference to Phebe Johnson Wentworth.

2 Unclear.


Biographical Papers Letter K

Michael Kane


P. 20

He was a bachelor (evidently a widower) who lived with his sister who married Val McDonough, a cousin or uncle of Vesty.


Michael Kane, born in Ireland, Sept. 29, 1836; died Jan. 15, 1904, age 64 yrs., 3 mo., 17 days

(his death record says 1839-1901). [1]

There is a birth recorded of Mary Kane, Nov. 22, '76; father Michael Kane, laborer; mother,

Anna Bonner. His birthplace is "unknown," hers, Ire. This Anna Bonner must have been

related to Big John.

Death record:

Michael Kan, single, age 62, died Pea. Twp of scarlet fever, Jan. 15, 1901; farmer, born Ire.

Parents, Tom Kan & Annie Kan.


Robert W. Kane

He was here in 1905 when I have a confused notation about his administering the estate of John O'Donnell.

Michael Kane, 1839-1901 - brother of Val McDonough's wife - bachelor who lived with them.

Death record:

Michael Kan, single, age 62, died Pea. Twp of scarlet fever, Jan. 15, 1901; farmer, born Ire.

Parents, Tom Kan & Annie Kan.


Johnny Kelly

From Co. Mayo [ Ireland]

House #40

He was from Ireland & lived in the house that stood between Lake Genasereth & Lake Michigan.


? Bridget, 1835-1898 - married Jo[seph] Link

Could the Bridget Kely who married Joseph Link [above] in 1864 be his daughter?

In "B.I. Girls", in 1874, he is mentioned as coming into the Harbor in his fish boat.

There is a John Kelly mentioned in the 1860 census as living in James Cabel's home:

John Kelly - laborer - age 18 - born Ireland

Land office:

July 15, 1863 - John Kelly Hd. NE 4 SW 4 & Lots 2, 3, & 4 Sec 21-39-10, $10, near Kelly's Pt.


Patrick Kelly

1815 -

There are 2 Patrick Kellys

Wife, Catherine

July 15, 1863 Patrick Kelly Hd. SE 4 Sec 17-37-10 pat Nov. 1, 1864. Between Lake Gen. [2] & West Rd. & North of Lighthouse, just N of the quarter section in Sec 20 that John Gallagher Hd. just two days previous, July 13, 1863.

I have it that Patrick Kelly sold this land to Gottlieb Patch in May 1856 but this is obviously wrong. Could it be 1865?

The 1860 census lists:

Patrick Kelly 45 fisherman born Ire.

Catherine Kelly 40 ----------- born Ire.

Elizabeth Kelly 11 ---------- born Ohio

Maryan Kelly 9 ----------- born Ohio

Thos. Kelly 6 --------------- born Ohio

Jane Kelly 3 -------------- born Mich.

James Kelly 9/12 ---------- born Mich.

It also lists:

Patrick Kelly (this is Kilty) 40 fisherman born Ire.

Mary Kelly/Kilty 35 ----------------- born Ire.

Margaret Kelly/Kilty 9 ------------- born Mich.

Sarah Kelly/Kilty 5 ---------------- born Mich.

Mary Kelly/Kilty 4 --------------- born Mich.

Peter Kelly/Kilty 5/12 ------------- born Mich.


James Kennelly

1832 -


B.I. 1863

A Kennelly from Ireland lived in House #52.

Married Catherine Cull, 1836 - (Ire.) - a sister of Dennis? Probably, age right.


Catherine, 1863

Sarah, Nov. 28, '75

Baptism April 19, 1863: Catherine Kennelly - [parents] James Kennelly - Catherine Cull

In 1881 he bought the E 1/2 of the W 1/2 of the NW 1/4 Sec 9 T38 R10 from Hugh Boyle (I don't know which Hugh this is).

He was sheriff in 1878.

Birth rec. of Sarah.

Patrick Kilty

1820 - ('80 census)

P. Kilty (Patrick or Pete) à Pete was the son [see below]

Before 1849

House #37

M[arried] Mary McCarthy, 1827 - ('80 census)

It is Patrick in the land records.

He probably came from County Mayo because his wife and Mrs. James Martin were sisters named McCarthy. Mrs. Williams speaks of first knowing him at Mackinac and says he was a nephew of Loaney (Luney) and says they all came before 1849.

Bridget Kilty was the mother of Margaret Donahue, baptized Aug. 17, 1862. The father was Patrick Donahue. (Was this a sister?)

Ann Kilty was born April 6, 1863 to Patrick Kilty and Mary McCarthy (this is the sister of Catherine McCarthy, Mrs. Jim Martin).

Patrick Kilty appears once in the Dormer Day Book. He lived at Kilty's Pt. and got out cord wood for the steamers.

According to Maria -

He was first came to Mackinac Island from Ireland. His daughter married Manus Bonner.

According to Pat Bonner -

He first came to the Island [3] in 1845 with a party of surveyors.

Ann Kilty & Mannes Bonner were married in Chicago (I would guess around 1881-1885) so the Kiltys must have been living there then. As Patrick Kilty's wife was the sister of Mrs. James Martin whose family lived in Chicago & who were horrified that she lived on Beaver, it is reasonable to assume that the Kiltys lived there. No Kiltys on Mack. MacCarthy sisters visited their brother & there met Kilty.

Pete Kilty was a capt. on the Great Lakes. (Mrs. Williams)

Lawrence said that "Kilty's son was captain of one of the big car ferries, the one that was lost in 1915 or 1919 between New Haven (So. Haven? [4] ) & Milwaukee.

Clink's notes -

Peter Kilty - master car ferry #18 - lost all hands & ship, about 1910.

Land office:

Ink -

Oct. 11, 1856 - Lot 3, Sec 12-37-10, bought 22.6 A, $28.25 oat '59 (charl) [5] Kilty's Pt.

Pencil -

Apr.? 1858 - NE 4SW 4 & Lots 1 & 2 Sec 10-39-10 (North of Lake Geneserath) (this is a

pencil notation & is "Patrick Kirby")

Mar.? 1871 - Ann Looney to Patrick Kilty, Lot 2 Sec 12-37-10 (was this at his uncle's



Kilty [Family]

[see original manuscript for Kilty/Martin/McCarthy family tree diagrams (2 cards)]


The word "Kilty" means left-handed. - Irish Folkways, E. Estyn [6] Evans, p. 28

Notes, p. 15

Car ferry Pere Marquette 18 left Ludington for Milwaukee shortly before midnight, Sept. 8, 1910; capt. Peter Kilty. 29 loaded R.R. freight cars & 62 people aboard counting crew, passengers, & two stowaways. At 3 a.m. oiler from the engine room reported to the capt. "a lot of water aft." All pumps started but water kept on climbing. At 5 a.m. Capt. Kilty realized nothing could save the ship & ordered wireless operator to signal, "Car ferry 18" Before help could get there she plunged 400 feet to the bottom. Capt. Kilty & all officers went to the bottom. There were 37 survivors.


1 Here the author mathematically calculates Kane's stated age & his birth & death dates & concludes that the death record is more accurate than the cemetery marker.

2 This probably denotes Lake Genaserath.

3 From the author's usual reference to Beaver Island as "the Island" I assume she means so here, rather than Mackinac Island.

4 South Haven, Michigan.

5 Unclear.

6 This could also be Astyn.


Biographical Papers Letter L

Eugene LaBlanc

Mich. - farmer

[Married] Agnes Brown - Mich.


Eugene La Blanc, Mar. 25, '97 - white (birth record)

Also -

Oliver La Blanc - Mich. - farmer


Mira Fisher - Mich.


Samuel La Blanc, Feb. 26, '97 (birth record[)]

Maria says Charles Smith, the cooper, had a daughter Mary who first married an Indian by the name of La Blanc. Then she married a Kasky who was a white man that came here with the mill. She has a stone:

Marg La Blanc white



Death record:

Dec. 10, '74 - Joseph La Blanc, Chandler Twp.; father Samuel, Can.; fisherman; [1] mother Elizabeth Belonge, Mack. Isle.


La Freniere [Family]

P. 19, 96

The old people came in the early 1900s. They had nothing; the[y] were people who followed the mills around. The mother was "real" French, from France, and the father was French Canadian. They lived on Free Soil.

The Children were:




One daughter [2]

They all left for Detroit except Nels.



The father & mother

Nelson, 1852-1925 Nelson, 1885-1945

Cecilia, 1855 -1949 Sophia, 1885-1923

Winifred, 1893-1919 - Nel's sister & Sophia Jr., 1923


Death records:

Nelson Joseph La Freniere, married, age 59-5-0, died May 5, '45, in St. J. of cancer of the

rectum. Born Mecosta Co., Mich.; merchant; parents Nelson La Freniere & Cecelia Clement, both born in Canada.

[Ed.'s note: on the back of this card, upside-down and crossed out, are some general notes on the "Exodus of Gentiles" from Beaver Island.]


P. 18

Jack Larson (Art's father's brother)

Matt Jensen, 1858 - ? (Art's mother's brother) Came to America 1883 & settled that same year

at Green Bay, Wis. Look up land on Garden Island, 1884.

These two sailed for B.I. in 1884 but "fetched up" at Squaw [ Island]. That same year they took up homesteads on Garden.

Art says they had been fishermen from childhood in Denmark. Art says that the fact of being able to homestead here, as well as fish, was the big attraction.

Christina and Art were born in Garden; their father & mother & infant sister are buried there.

Larson bought the property on the harbor from Joe Smith, who married one of the O'Brien girls; Wilfred's aunt.

From the 1900 census it is possible to piece together this sequence: Matt Jensen, age 21, & Jack Larsen (not in census) came to Green Bay in 1882. In 1884 they took up land on Garden. In 1887 Jack's brother Gus, 15, & in 1888 Matt's brother, Peter, age 19, joined them. 1893 was a big year. Peter, 24, married the daughter of the James Wachters, Julia, who was probably living in St. James. Matt's sister, Christine, age 27, & Matt's bride Nicolene, age 28, came, & with them (probably) was the boarder (at Larsens' in 1900) Peter Nelson. Nicolene & Matt were married that year. Two years later, 1895, Christina & Gus married, she age 28 or 29, he 23.

[see original manuscript for Larson family tree diagram]


Hercules Lashontz

[or] La Plonz (?)

- a cooper mentioned in "B.I. Girls"

I think this is the same as the Alason La Plonz (this was a guess, the writing hard to read) in the 1860 census:

Alason La Plonz 37 cooper born N.Y.

Nancy La Plonz 32 ----------- born Mich.

Floyd La Plonz 11 ----------- born Mich.

Henry La Plonz 8 ------------- born Mich.


Mrs. Lasley

She & her son lived at the Head, house #43.

She was a midwife.

They were Indians.

[ed.'s note: the Lasleys' card is filed in the "Indians" section of Box 6.]


Mrs. Lasley

(card #2)

Son Edward, 1825-1896

She was a Native American & a midwife.

There is a William Lasley listed in the 1850 census (probably on Mack. Island), age 19, fisherman, born in Mich. The death record is a puzzlement; was he Mrs. Lasley's husband, not son? He is listed as married. A Native American's son would hardly have been born in France. Samuel C. Lasley is listed in 1830, head of a family of 6 males & 6 females. Also in 1830 William Lasley, over 20, under 30.

In 1888 Edward Lasley bought NE 1/4 Sec 20 T37 R10 (near Head lighthouse) from the heirs of Leatherhead Gallagher (John).

Death records:

Edward Lasley, married, age 71-5-13, died July 17, '96 in Pea. Twp; born France,

Lightkeeper; parents unknown.

From the age, Edward must have been her husband & the William Lasley, born 1831, a brother.

Lizzie Gallagher remembers Mrs. Lasley being called when one of her relatives was sick. Her dark, Indian face made an impression on her as a child. She went out in the woods & gathered herbs & made medicine for the patient.


Frank J. Left

Son of Joseph

(In 1904 {Daniel Gerald's birth} listed a) [3]

Frank J. Left - Mich. - fisherman - Frank Link

Wife Hannah Dunlevy, Mich. (Sam Dunlevy's daughter) - Hannah Innberry [4]


Joseph Alexander, July 18, '01

Daniel Gerald (Link), June 4, '04

Carl, 1902-1952

Margaret, 1905-1951 (married a Lagerman[)] stone

"Baby Link", still born Dec. 24, '99

Death records:

"Baby Link," 0-0-0, died in Pea. Twp, in St. James, parents Frank Link & Hannah Dunlevy.


Joseph Left


1832 (census[)]

Married, Sept. 22, 1864, Bridget Kely, 1835-1898


Margaret, 1860-1874

Frank J., 1865-1933 (father of Carl)

Marriage record in Parish re__:

Sept. 22, 1864

Joseph Links, 29 - Bridget Kely, 32

Michael Martin & Mrs. Smith [5]

A stone:

Joseph Left, 1834-1908

Bridget Left, 1853-1898

Margaret, 1860-1878

In another part of the cemetery:


Father Mother

Frank J. Hannah N. Betty Jean

1865-1933 1876-1937 1924-1932


Mother Father

Consulla [6] Carl

  • 1902-1952


Veronica S. Joseph A.

1901-? 1901-1953

1860 census records Joseph Left, 28, laborer, born Hamburgh, Ger., living in the household of Joseph Mageau(?). (I placed this under McGuire.)

The 1860 census also lists a Joseph Left, 25, laborer, born Ger., as living in the household of Julius Granger (this was on Mackinac for Granger lived there 1858-1870) in the same house - Dennis Cull.

Death records:

Joseph Link, widower, age 75, died St. J. Twp on Dec. 27, 09 of "stomach trouble". Born

Germany; fisherman; parents unknown.


David D. Lobdell

1831 -

P. 144

Wife, Eliza, 1835 -

He was from Fremont, Ohio. By Aug. 1857, when Mrs. Williams came back, he was keeping a hotel (larger than the Gibson House) in the building next door which had been the Mormon Dance Hall & Theatre. (This must be the building owned & lived in by the Mike Cull family.)

On May 29 th, '61 David D. Lobdell and wife sold land in Sec. 20, T37, R10 to Gilman Appleby.

D. D. Lobdell was postmaster from May 16, 1861 - Dec. 1, 1862.

Aug. 23, 1856 - David ______ [7] Lot 1 Sec 20-37-10, 38.1A $47.62 1/2 .

May ? 1861 - sold Lot 1, Sec 20, T37 R10 (near lighthouse at Head) to Gilman Appleby.

1860 census:

David D. Lobdell 29 merchant born N.Y.

Eliza Lobdell 25 -------------- born (can't read)

Hatty Lobdell 4 ---------------- born Wisc.

Augusta Holcomb ------------- born Ohio

The O'Briens stayed at this boarding house when they first came in 1860.


Hugh and William Logue

Fathers Logue

Hugh Logue - died at Centralia, Penn.

William Logue - died at Lancaster, Penn.

-They are buried with their uncle at St. Dennis Cemetery,

Oakmount, Upper Darby, Penn.

These were the nephews of Father Peter Gallagher who had come as children from Co. Tyrone in 1850.

Father Logue had a path called the Priests Path that went straight down to the Harbor from the Priest's house. He walked it every day to get the mail (Nonie - who says it can still be seen).

Hugh A. Logue, 1883-1885, stayed 2 years as companion to Father Gallagher.

William M. Logue, 1885-1890, stayed 5 years as companion to Father Gallagher.

They were brothers, sons of Father Gall.['s] sister Mary; they were Jesuits.


Patrick Looney, or Luney

1806-1871 (on land records)

From Toronto, before 1847

Wife Ann, 1815 -

This is the Luney, of Luney's Point, but according to Mrs. Williams (who lived near them as a child) it is Loaney. They were an elderly couple & they lived on the Point that bears their name before the Mormons came in 1848 & 49. They came the year before the Mormons which must have been 1847.

They returned after the Exodus in 1856 and he became the second keeper of the Lighthouse at the Head.

Their nephew was P. Kilty (Patrick).

In Jan. '59 Patrick Looney took a patent for land in Sec 12 T37 R10 from the U.S. In July 1870, Ann Looney transferred this land to Patrick Kilty.

Mrs. Williams says "they bought a piece of land from the government" at Luney's Point. They had a married son Michael in Toronto who visited them in '49 or '50. They spent the winter of '51-52 in Toronto returning to Island in the spring on the " Michigan". - "Child of the Sea"

1860 census lists:

Patrick Loney 54 farmer born Ire.

Ann W. Loney 45 ---------- born Ire.


Land office:

Aug. 3, 1848 - Patrick Luney - Lot 2 Sec 35-39-10, 43.7A, $54.62 (Luney's Pt.)

Oct. 9, 1856 - Patrick Luney - Lot 2 Sec 12-37-10, 40A, $50 pat '59

Mar. ? 1871 - Ann Luney to Patrick Kilty Lot 2 Sec 12-37-10

(does this mean Patrick died a this time?) [8]


They had "some cows." - C. of Sea


1 Unclear from the original whether Joseph or his father Samuel is designated "fisherman," but assume from the way other death records are written that it is Joseph.

2 Henry and the daughter are enclosed in a bracket with the notation, "died in a mental hospital (Winifred below?)."

3 This sentence is not completed; may refer to the line that comes after it but this is not clear.

4 This last name is not absolutely clear.

5 There is no explanation of these names but they may have been witnesses.

6 This could possibly also be Consuella.

7 From context this is probably Lobdell but is difficult to make out as such.

8 Assume the author here refers to Patrick Luney rather than Patrick Kilty.

Biographical Papers Letter M

Thomas Maguire

1832 -

There is such a man listed in the 1860 census as a fisherman and living in a bachelor establishment with John Maloy.

Anthony Malloy

(2nd Gen.)

P. 62, 99

Married Bridget Boyle, 1863-1902, on June 1st, 1885


Daniel, 1886

Anna, 1887

Hannah Maria, 1889-1974

Catherine, 1891 - married Hugh Connaghan, 1909

Michael, 1892

John Lawrence, 1894

Frances, 1896

John Tracy, 1898

Bridget Lucille, 1901

This was the son of Dan Malloy and the father of Maria (she is the "Hannah Maria").

Bridget was somewhat of an invalid and Hannah McCauley Gallagher, Pete McCauley's widowed sister, who was a 1st cousin of Dan Boyle, this Bridget Boyle's father, came to live with them the first year they were married & kept house for them. She died in their home in 1911. When Bridget died the oldest child was 16 & the youngest, 1, so Hannah practically raised the family. At one time they lived in Escanaba but Bridget wanted to come back. Bridget Boyle Malloy's picture is in the museum.

When Hannah Gallagher kept house for them the old women would come to see her in the afternoon, drink green tea and jabber in Gaelic - having a wonderful time (Maria).

Lawrence - Anthony Malloy spoke Gaelic. He didn't learn to sign his name until he was 40.

In 1880 he was on Whiskey Island, a boarder in the home of Joseph Smith (fisherman); his occupation - "laborer."

In 1896 at birth of Francis, he lists himself as "cook."

He first had a little restaurant in what had been Pratt's Saloon (I think where the Shamrock is now). Then he began to sell meat from there so it was his first butcher shop. The present Malloy property was bought from the cooper Charles Smith (see his card).

Death records:

Bridget Boyle, married, 39, died in St. James of valvular heart disease. Born Mich.; housewife; parents Dan Boyle & Kate Gallagher. - she appears in death records as & quot; Bridget Boyle."


Daniel Malloy

(card #1)


Born Aranmore - died St. James

N.Y. 1852

Came to B.I. 1857, with the Tyrone Gallaghers

House #29 (below Vesty's)

Mother's name - Sweeney

Married Fannie O'Donnell, 1822-1877 - born Aranmore; her mother was a Green; sister of Salty O'Donnell; married in Ireland in 1852 - later Maria said they were married in N.Y. in '70.


Julia, 1853 - married Owen O'Donnell, 1874

John, 18551 - married Catherine Big Dominick, 3 children; fisherman

Daniel, 1857 - one of 1st children born to Irish parents on B.I.; 3 children

Anthony, 1861 - married Bridget Boyle; see his card à Lawrence has Phil, 1863; he is in 1900 census; one child, Fannie; died 1939 [2]

Hugh, 1865 - went to the Panama Canal

Hannah Maria, 1867 - lost on " Vernon;" was to have been married in Chicago on arrival

Thomas, 1869-1858 - he & Pat Malloy organized the 1st labor union in Chicago; no


Bridget, 1872 - died in infancy, at 4 years of age (birth record - Dec. 18 th @ B.I. harbor)Stone (same stone, no dates): Daniel Malloy Fannie, his wife & Bridget Malloy

This was Maria's and Lawrence's grandfather, as they are the children of Anthony, above. Lawrence says he lived in N. York City for 7-10 years (that would make him leave Ireland in 1848 or '50). He says he was a ship rigger in Ireland. Maria says he was "fisherman & farmer" & "composer of songs and poems." See copy of "Lost on Lake Michigan."

Dan was 7 years in N.Y. (Lawrence) - can't be, is married in Ire. in '52 & on B.I. by '57.

He is supposed to have reached B.I. in the company of the Tyrone Gallaghers, who came through N.Y. ("Bowery" was born there).

The possible connection with the Tyrone Gallaghers is the name Sweeney. Dan's mother's name was Sweeney, and Big Gallagher's wife's name was Bridget Sweeney - no, Malloy, Dan's cousin. Big Gallagher's wife's name was Malloy à this is one of W. Malloy['s] sisters - Dan's cousin - if James McCann is right (see his genealogy of the Martins), for he says "Edward Martin married Grace Malloy, who was Bowery's mother's sister." This makes sense - they were all in N.Y. & Big Gall. married Dan's sister, hence they came to B.I. together (only Big Gall. stayed in N.Y. & didn't come until 1871).

He and his brother Jack had beach property at Big Sand Bay, at #29. For land held with his brother Jack, see John Malloy['s] card.

He appears 8 times in the Dormer Book.

Daniel Malloy

(card #2)

He is mentioned in B.I. Girls, 1874, as coming in to the harbor in his fish boat.

If they [Dan and wife Fannie O'Donnell] were married in Ireland in 1852 and he was in N.Y. 7-10 years - he must have returned to marry Fannie. Then they came right back to N.Y., where their first child was born.

1860 census (July) lists:

Daniel Maloy 36 fisherman born Ire.

Francis Maloy 29 -------------- born Ire.

John Maloy 8 ----------------- born N.Y.

Julia Maloy 6 ---------------- born N.Y.

Daniel Maloy 3 -------------- born Mich.

Note the discrepancy in dates, according to the census age figures he would have been born in 1824 (Maria gave 1813) & Fannie in 1831 (Maria - 1822). These dates seem more reasonable because of children's ages. Maria probably right - they wanted to be younger as they had married late. Death record & church records agree with Maria.

Land office:

Pencil -

Apr. 10, 1858 - he filed for Lot 1 Sec 9-37-10, N. of Lake Genesareth. This had been put under the swampland act 1854. Next heard of when he bought from U.S. by John Stewart, 1882.

Ink -

July 15, 1863 - SE 4NE 4 Sec 17-37-10 Hd. 40A $10 can. Sept. 3, 1877, between Lake Gen. & W. Rd.. Not heard from again until ___ Allot. in 1900.


Could this pencil notation mean it was this Malloy the widowed Mrs. Anth, O'Donnell stayed with "on Lake Genes." when she first came? She later married Fannie's brother, Salty O'Donnell. They were all from Aranmore.

He filed for land N. of Lake Genesareth in '58. His wife was Salty O'Donnell's sister. The Mrs. Anthony O'Donnell with three children who married Salty went to "Malloys on Lake Gen. when she first got to the Island." (Mrs. Vesty)


Dan Malloy

(card #3)

When the famine came Dan was 32 years old, Fannie, 23; when it was over Dan 37, Fannie 28. They were married in Ireland in 1852 (Dan 39, Fannie 30), 2 years after the famine, & must have left immediately for America for their two oldest children were born in N.Y. in 1853 & 1855, respectively. By 1857 they had come to B.I. with Mike Mahal Rua & Billy Gallagher, Tyrone Gallaghers. Billy's wife, Dan's sister, had just died. Big Gallagher, married to Dan's cousin Bridget, stayed in N.Y.. In 1857 son Dan was born, one of 1st Irish children born on the Island. Edward Malloy, Dan's uncle, father of Bridget (married to Big Gallagher), was on B.I. in 1860. Did he come with this party?

They both died in 1877, Dan 64, Fannie 55:

Dan died Mar. 7th

Fanny died Mar. 31st

At that time the children's ages were: John, 25; Julia, 23; Dan, 20; Anthony, 16; Philip, 14; Hugh, 12; Hannah, 10; & Thomas, 7. In the 1880 census John is married & living on Hog Island. With him are brothers Philip & Hugh, ages 17 & 15. His wife is Catherine, Big Dominick's daughter. Anthony, [age] 19, is on Whiskey in the home of Joseph Smith.


[Children], in 1877:

John, 24 - m[arried] Catherine Big Dominick, Dec. 1st, 1877

Julia, 22 - [married] Owen O'Don., Nov. 28, 1874

Daniel, 20 - m[arried] Mary Vesty, April 15, 1877

Anthony, 16 - [married] Bridget Boyle (Dan & Katcheline Mor)

Philip, 14

Hugh, 12

Hannah Maria, 10 - died on Vernon

Thomas, 8

[See original manuscript for family tree diagram of "Malloy Sisters - Cousins of Dan Malloy."]

Could the Edward Murloy (?) listed in the 1860 census, age 60, living in the home of Patrick & Mary Gallagher have possibly been these sisters' father? - yes Also listed in the census along with Edward Murloy, 60, is an Edward Murloy, 8.

In 1870 he was living with daughter Gracie Martin.

In 1880 he was living with daughter Catherine Gallagher, wife of Bryan

In notes of Tony O'Donnell, from letters from Charles Francis O'Donnell, it says in talking of Gracie Martin "who married the uncle of my informant (Charles Francis, above), a Frank O'Donnell. Her father was Eddie Malloy, another good singer."

[See original manuscript for additional Malloy family tree diagrams following cards for Dan. These include notes: P. 8, 27, 32-33, 39, 45, 55, 61-62, 92-93, 97-99, 101, 118, 126.]

Daniel Malloy (2)

(2nd Gen.)

1857 -


Married Mary McDonough, 1858- 1928; born in Canada


Marriage -

April 15, 1877: Daniel Malloy, 20 - Mary McDonough, 19


Thomas, Oct. 21, '77 (birth rec.)

Frances, 1878-1907

Nellie, 1879 - (birth rec. "Ellen," [born] Oct. 9, '77)

Daniel, 1881

He was the son of Daniel Malloy and Fannie O'Donnell and was one of the first three children born on B.I. to Irish parents.

Death records:

There is a Mary Malloy who died Jan. 4, 1928, age 71-8-8. This is the right age, only her parents are listed as Daniel O'Donnell & Mary _______. [3] There is no Daniel O'Donnell with a daughter the right age.

Ellen Malloy

She married Pete McCauley. She is the one that had the row with father Gallagher over St. Ignatius church.

Her father was Patrick Malloy.

She told her grandson, Frank Nackerman, about the "fairy stone" many times. She said she had seen fairies many times in Ireland, particularly in the corners of the stone fences. The fairy stone is the big one just above Boyle's Beach. (Her brother Buffalo lived here when he married Mike Boyle's daughter). Once she saw one very clearly, she was 2 ft. to 3 ft. high and was standing right on top of the stone, "as pretty as a picture." It was always at dusk when they were seen.

Catherine Malloy Kelly, born July 1, 1859 in Toronto, 10 months later came to U.S. & settled on Beaver Island (May 1860). She died, age 76 (1935). She went to Manistique when she was 20 (1879) & married Oliver Kelly in July of 1888 at Marinette, Wisconsin. He died in 1925. Mrs. Kelly was survived by brothers John Malloy of Pontiac (this is Buffalo - what was he doing there?), Hugh Malloy of Marquette, & a sister, Mrs. Wesley Brown of Chicago. [This information is from an obituary Nonie had.]

Nonie has an undated clipping telling that Hugh Malloy, 68 [he was born in 1868 so the clipping must be 1936] [4] & another fisherman were lost when they went out in an 18" [5] skiff to raise herring nets. The overturned boat had been "battered by icebergs" & its outboard motor lost. The bodies had not been found; the Coast Guard said they "were probably washed under the ice." This clipping was datelined Marquette, Mich.. A later clipping, Ap. 29th, says the body was found.


Hugh Malloy

Is this the son of Patrick, age 11 in '80? Probably no - he married Rose McCauley, child of Dan. Was she a second wife? Wife, Bridget, 1855-1893 (not the same Bridget born in '55, she was too old for Hugh)

Death records:

Bridget Malloy, married, died Nov. 6, '93, age 38, Peaine Twp, childbirth. Born Johnstown,Penn.; parents Susan & John O'Donnell.

The only Bridget that fits this in age is recorded in 1870 in the household of Mary O'Donnell, age 60, no husband given. This could very easily be the grandmother, with the mother & father dead. They could have been Susan & John. Bridget was born in Penn.

Maria says this one is not a Dan Malloy, but related to Buffalo & there is a brother the right age. He is not the right age - he would have been 13 years younger than Bridget.

I can't straighten this out.


Hugh & Michael, died Jan. 1, 1894, age 2 mo.. This is in death records; parents residence is "Manistique." (2nd Gen.)

Lawrence referred to him as "'Red Hugh Malloy,' my uncle."

Son of Dan, born 1865 (both in Maria's record & census). In 1870 - age 5 - he was living at home; in 1880 - age 14 - he was living on Hog Island with his brother John & John's wife Catherine. The father & mother had died in 1877.


John (Jack) Malloy

1830 - (census)

A brother of Dan Malloy (I) & they owned beach property at Sand Bay at #29.1860 census lists:

John Maloy 30 fisherman born in Canada

Thomas Maguire 28 fisherman born in Ireland

- This is one household. If this is Dan's brother the birth in Canada here is an error. He is the right age to be Dan's brother.

1880 census:

Maloy, John fisherman age 50 b[orn in] Ire. f[ather born in] Ire. m[other born in] Ire.- all the household

Land records:

1870 - John Malloy patented under the homestead act, the SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 & Lots 3 & 4.

In 1884 Dan (Maria says they held the property together) sold N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 & lots to James McCauley.

Land Office:

Aug. 16, 1865 - John Mulloy Hd. SE 4SW 4 & Lots 3 & 4 Sec 23-38-10 F.C. Sept. 16, 1870 (beach property in front of Vesty's).


John (Jack) Maloy

(card #2)

This must be Dan's brother "Jack."

1860 census:

John Maloy 30 fisherman b[orn] Canada

1870 census:

living with Dan & his family, age 40

1880 census, Galilee Twp.:

Maloy, John 50 fisherman b[orn] Ire. f[ather born in] Ire. m[other born in] Ire.

- this is all the household

These could be same man, only birth place is wrong.

John Malloy

(2nd Gen.)

1852/1855 - before '97 (1860 census gives his birth date as 1852, also 1870 & 1880 census - probably 1852 - right)

Married Catherine Gallagher, 1857-97; [born] Canada (Big Dominick's daughter) Marriage Dec. 14, 1877: John Malloy, 22 - Catherine Gallagher, 20


Daniel, 1879 (b. rec., Nov. 5, '78)

This [John] is the son of Dan Malloy, born in N.Y. city. I don't know what Gallagher this is.

- Catherine was Big Dominick's daughter.

Death records:

Catherine Malloy, widow, age 41-6-10, died in Pea. Twp of "quick consumption" on Aug. 14,'97. Born Canada; parents Dominick Gall. & Mary Greene. Housewife.


John P. "Buffalo" Malloy


P. 55, 94, 97, 132

A brother to Ellen Malloy, Pete McCauley's wife.

Married (1st) Bridget Boyle, 1862-1898 (Mike Boyle of Boyle's beach's daughter); married by 1878


Austin Hugh, Feb. 10, '96 (birth record) - he lives in Lansing & has made a study of the old families

Grace Margaret, Nov. 22, '97 (birth record)

There is a birth record for Austin Hugh Malloy, Feb. 10, 1896; father John Malloy, born in Canada, & mother Bridget Boyle, born in Penn. He is a farmer.

Married (2nd) Mary O'Donnell Cull, in 1903; Mike Cull's mother, who was a Lably O'Donnell (this is from Roland). This must be right because Mr. Nackerman says "Mike Cull's

Grandmother" who went to bed was living at Buffalo's - see Lably O'Donnell card. His Second marriage to Mary O'Donnell (Lably) Cull was after she had been a widow many


He was called " Buffalo" because he was a big rough fellow. He married Mike Boyle's daughter and they first lived near Mike Boyle's Beach and later on the Trail Rd. where the big barn is (this farm is now owned by the Wilsons). He is the "father of the nuns;" 4 of his daughters became nuns, one died a year or so after taking vows. Two of the others were nurses & one taught school (Nonie).

Mabel Cull ( Buffalo's step-daughter) says there were 5 nuns in the family & 12 children.

Buffalo always bragged about all his children - 22 (his & his 2nd wife).

After Bridget died Mrs. Nackerman raised one girl and the twins were put in a home on the mainland (Maria).

There is a stone - all 3 are on the same stone:

John P. Bridget Michael Boyle this must be 1857-1937 1862-1898 1830-1900 Bridget's father of Mike Boyle's Beach

In 1878 he obtained N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec 11 T38 R10 (this is inland from Boyle's Beach) by tax deed from the Aud. Gen..

Death records:

Bridget Malloy, married, age 39-8-16, died in childbirth in Pea. Twp on Nov. 22, '97. Born Penn.;  housewife; parents Mike & Mary Boyle.


Patrick Malloy

1814 (or '16) - (census)


[Came to Beaver] Island around 1860.

Wife Mary O'Donnell Mooney, 1820 - (census) - parents Cornelius Mooney & Bridget Boyle (in her sister Susan's death record); in the obituary of child Catherine (who married a non-B.I. Kelly) it says she was born in Toronto in 1859 & came to B.I. age 10 mo.. [6]

Mrs. Malloy was the midwife who lived to be 108 - see her card under O'Donnell [under "Mooney" in this database].

I have one note that says his wife was a Mooney, but Mr. Nackerman, whose great- grandmother she was, is very specific - "she was an O'Donnell." He corrected himself - "she was a Mooney & Jim was her brother & Barney a 1st cousin."

According to Nackerman they were married in Aranmore & the oldest children born there,"certainly Ellen was."

Children: - for children, see census

Ellen - born in Ireland - married Pete McCauley

John " Buffalo", 1857-1937 - born in Canada (census says Mich. & gives birth [date as] '58 or '59; 1880 census says Canada)

Tom - married Bridget O'Donnell

Hugh, 1868 - [7]

Girl[?] - " Buffalo's sister married Wesley Brown of St. Ignace" (M)

(Patrick [also] had a son, Philip, by an earlier marriage)

They didn't leave Ireland until between 1857 (when Catherine was born in Ireland) & 1858 when Buffalo was born either in Canada or Mich.. I accept the Canada as he gave it. This means they got to the Island around 1860, after the census as they do not appear in that census.

Nackerman - "they must have come in 1858 or around that time."

They must have come through Canada if Buffalo was born there in 1857.

He was no relation to Dan Malloy. I have a Pat Malloy in house #26 who was a "half-brother to the other Malloys." Does this mean there were 2 Pat Malloys & one was "no relation to Dan" but the other his half-brother?

Roland's story is that he had a fight with Father Gallagher over the St. Ignatius incident and "died of the shame" of having been licked by a priest, only Roland said "Dan Malloy."

The "died of shame" story can't be true, for St. Ignatius was founded 1857 & "the mission continued 10 yrs. or so," that is until 1867 or '70 at the most. Pat was still living in 1880 (census, age 64). However he was "disabled, cause unknown" in 1880 (was he hurt in the fight?). He was in bed 10 or 12 years, then got up (see p. 155).

They lived on a farm on the Trail Rd., where Buffalo lived later.

Land office:

Nov. 5, 1864 - Hd. 160A $10, just what land I didn't get except that it was in Sec 10-37-10 can. June 2, 1874. Sec 10 is on Lake Gen., bordering on it. (May 27, 1899 - Philip D.

Malloy Hd. this same land; can. Dec. 8, 1906, 7 yrs.

The widowed Mrs. Anthony O'Donnell "stayed at Malloys at Lake Gen. when she first came." Is this the Malloy? Yes, - no - or it could must have been the Dan Malloys because he filed for land at Lake Gen. in '58 - Dan's wife was Salty O'Donnell's sister to whom she was married.

In 1880 the widowed Mary Warner, age 69, was living at their home as a boarder.


Pat Malloy

[Ed.'s note: this "card" is actually a piece of folded notebook paper with notes on it re: more

than one individual. It is filed at the end of the "McDonough" section.]


Was Buffaloe born in Canada ('80 census as he gave it) or Mich. (as '70 census)? à His wife was born in Penn. - who was she? Mike Boyle's daughter. [8]

Pat Malloy "1880 disabled, cause unknown"?

Malloy -

Philip Malloy, Pat's son by an earlier marriage - who did he marry (Bridget Gall. - widow - who was she)?

Were there any children between Ellen & Thomas (5 yrs.)[?]

Pete's grandmother had cow - calf - revenue _pd. Taxes on calf ate calf __ ___. [9]

His mother got here 1st in Canada.


Phillip Malloy

1836 -


By 1863

House #13

Married Bridget Gallagher, 1839 - , Nov. 9, 1863:

Philip Malloy, 28 - Bridget Gallagher, 25; Bernard Gallagher - Anna Smith [10] 

Marriage, Nov. 1863:

1864 William born who is listed as Wm. Gallagher in 1870 census; in 1880 census Wm.

Malloy but definitely called a step-son. Did Phil marry Bridget when she was pregnant by her 1st husband? Or was she pregnant by Philip & they called it a step-son for respectability's sake?

Is this the Philip Malloy that was a son of Patrick by an earlier marriage? - yes

He was no relation to Dan Malloy & his family. He was from Ireland.

The whole family went to Chicago before Nackerman came on the scene. (He never saw him but his mother visited him when Nackerman was a boy.)

Was it this Phillip Malloy who patented the SW 1/4 of Sec 10 T38 R10 in 1884 and then the same year sold it to Paganog Boyle? (Probably.)

Land office:

Oct. 3, 1877 - Philip Maloy Hd. SW 4 160A $10 app. Nov. 5, 1883 F.C. Feb. 17, 1883.

Phillip Malloy

(2nd Gen.)




Married Johanna McCauley, 1870-1907 (Pete's daughter) - died from blood poisoning, Jan. 22, '07 (church rec.).




Frances R. Malloy, 1896-1963

This is the Phillip Lawrence has, but not Maria. See Dan Malloy's card, whose son he was.

The 1880 census lists him living in the household of his brother John Malloy, age 17, laborer; born M[ich.], f[ather born] Ire., m[other born] Ire.. The father & mother had died in 1877.

Land office:


May 27, 1899 - Phillip D. Malloy Hd. land in Sec. 10-37-10 (borders on Lake Gen.), can.
Dec. 8, 1906, 7 yrs.. This is land Hd. by Patrick Malloy, 1864, can. 1870, but I don't
know just where in the section it is.



Tom Malloy

1851 -




Son of Pat & Mary (who lived to be 108).


M[arried] Bridget O'Donnell ("Mahane") - died before 1900




Fannie, 1881 - in 1900 in home of Big Tom McDonough


Mary, 1887


John E., 1888


Patrick, 1890


Catherine, 1891 - in 1900 in home of Grandfather Johnny Mahane

Tom Malloy

(2nd Gen.)
1869- 1858 ?
No children
This is son of Dan Malloy & Fannie O'Donnell - the youngest that grew up. According to Maria, he & Pat Malloy organized the 1st labor union in Chicago.
In 1902 he was home visiting his brother Anthony. They were in Cundy's Saloon. Neilly Dominick Gallagher knifed him (Maria has never been able to find out what the fight was about), ripping open his abdomen. Anthony rushed home & got a horse & wagon & they took him to Protar. After Protar did what he could they started to take him home but only got as far as Gillespies' because they thought he would die before they got to town. He stayed at Gillespies' a month or more & with Protar's treatment he recovered. [See also Neily Dominick Gallagher's card.]

Patrick "Pat" Maloney



By 1863 (land records)


House #4 (on point in Font Lake)


P. 117


Notes p. 5, 90


Wife, Mary O'Malley, 1830-1917 (father Michael O'Malley, mother unknown)




Patrick, 1865-1891 (spelled "Malowney" on his tombstone, Maloney on John's) - killed at Sweet's Mill, Big Sand Bay


Johnnie, 1867-1954 - teacher, father or Agnes Maloney


Rose, 1864-1913 - married Joe Burke


Mamie, 1870-1945 - married Peter O'Donnell; teacher

Mary, the wife above, emigrated from Ireland in 1847 (1900 census).

In 1928 J. P. Maloney (the Johnnie above) deed[ed] 25A to LaSalle Institute of Glencoe, Mo.. The retreat of Brothers of the Christian Schools.

Stones for both sons:

John P. Maloney Patrick,


  • son of Patrick & Mary Malowney (note this spelling) died 1891, age 25 yrs.
According to Johnnie Green, Pat was coming from N.Y. State to Wisconsin and shipped his furniture ahead on a Great Lakes steamer. The furniture was put off at Beaver Island by mistake. When Pat finally found his furniture he stayed & never went on to Wisconsin.
Land office:


July 8, 1863 - Patrick Maloney - SW 4 Sec 10-38-10 Hd. 160A $10 Can. Sept. 3, 1877; on Kgs. Hwy. opposite (N. of) stone house.


(Oct. 3, '77 Philip Maloy Hd. this F.C. Feb. 17, 1883)


Death records:


Patrick Maloney, married, age 84, died in Pea. Twp of paralysis on Sept. 12, '99. Born Ire.; farmer; parents Patrick Maloney & Rose McNady (McGrady?).


Mary Maloney, married, age 87, died May 1, '17, in St. J. Twp of old age. Born Ire.; parents: [father] Michael O'Malley, mother unknown.


Rose Burke, married, age 49-6-21, died St. J. Twp, Feb. 16, '13, cancer of the stomach.


Born Mich.; parents Patrick Maloney & Mary O'Malley.



Alden Darius Markham

Feb. 12, 1858 - under BLW Act of '50 he got NE 4NW 4 Sec 2-38-10 40A. This lies on the Mormon Rd. to Little S. Bay & is part of the land Marvin Aldrich tried, unsuccessfully, to get in 1849.

Since he got it under the Act of '50 he must have come himself.



Martin [Family]

[See original manuscript for Martin family tree diagram.]

P. 89, 105, 112, 137, and 145.
Mike & Eddie drowned off Martin's river lifting pound nets - also Carmody. The drowning must have been late '69 or early '70 because [Mike's] widow Jane has an 11- month-old child in the '70 census, & Grace [widow of Eddie] a 1 mo. old one.

Martin [Family]

(card #2)


"The rescue" was an institution in rural Ireland & a fertile source of disturbance. A "rescue" party could be gathered in a brief time to waylay & seize the cattle a tithe collector had impounded. The police never knew whether or not they were to haul an arrested man safely to jail; almost in the twinking of an eye, so deep was the sympathy for the man arrested, a "rescue" party, materialized out of nowhere, might pounce, even though the members neither knew the prisoner personally nor his offense. P. 65, To the G. Door, Geo. Potter

Martin [Brothers]



B.I. 1856


They lived at Martin's Bluff, #33

There were four five Martin brothers ([actually] 6 brothers - Owen went to Buffalo & did not live on B.I.):


Jim - the father of Shing, Barney, Dan, & Gracie McCann & 10 more


John - this family moved to Buffalo & there were no descendents on the Island


Edward - drowned in 1869, soon after they came; his wife Grace raised his family


Dan - unmarried; killed in explosion (James McCann)


Mike - drowned with Edward & [Patrick] Carmody [see his card], 1869; H. S. Gallagher


calls this Edward in "An Irish Island Colony." [11]


According to Roland they were from Co. Mayo and fished out of Westport. [12] They "broke the pound," were caught, jailed, and about to be transported to Van Dieman's Land [13] when they escaped and fled to America. They were in Pennsylvania 2 years before they went to Mackinac Island. They would go to Gull Island to fish, staying 2 or 3 months at a time. The fish were salted and sold to boats that came to the Island with supplies from Chicago. They came to B.I. when the Mormons left. They first came in '56 but went back to Mackinac in the fall. In the spring of '57 they came for good.

They were first at French Bay and then they went to the East side to Martin's Bluff.

According to "An Irish Island Colony" they came to N.Y. City in 1851, heard of the good fishing at Mackinac Island and in 1854 joined the Co. Mayo colony there.

Roland says they were stevedores and used to go to New Orleans every winter and work on the docks. (I think this was before they came to B.I. {this was when they were on Mackinac & was __ winters.})

"Northern Mich." says James was born in Donegal & Catherine McCarthy in Co. Mayo. I believe Roland. Roland says they were in Penn. before they came to Michigan.

Barney Martin

(2nd Gen.)




Canada ? - engineer


- So listed but can't be right


Wife, Mary Floyd - Canada (so listed - can't be right place)




Daniel Barney, Jan. 25, '01 (record)



Barney Martin






Mary Martin





Daniel Martin

(1st Gen.)


Unmarried. This is the one of the brothers killed in the explosion. This happened before 1860, because he is the only one not recorded in the 1860 census. They were walking along the beach when they saw a shanty left by the Mormons. Dan went in to investigate. He & the building went up in an explosion. It took place on McFadden's Pt..


Roland says that there were kegs of powder in the shanty; Dan put some on a shingle & lighted it (to see if it was gunpowder, I presume) on top of a keg.

Daniel J. Martin

(2nd Gen.)




(on Mackinac)


Son of James Martin


Married Bridget Gillespie


No children

In business with James J. - see his card. Dan was the senior partner.

Marguerite -


Andy Paddy Mary Ellen & Dan Martin couldn't read or write, only sign their names. She used to read to them out of the " Northern Michigan" & they never tired of it. This is Marguerite's uncle Dan.

"Northern Michigan":


"Born May 28, 1856 on Mackinac. The following fall the family moved to B.I.. "In his long experience on the Lakes (written 1905), he has never lost a vessel or met with a serious mishap. In connection with the fishing business he is interested in the life saving station on the Island & has rendered efficient service in the work of rescue & saving of property in wrecks."

Land office:


Oct. 2, 1877 - Daniel Martin Hd. N 2SE 4 & SE 4SE 4 Sec 2-37-10 120A, can. June 2, 1884 (back of Martin's Bluff).

Death records:


Daniel J. Martin, married, age 67, died in St. J. on Sept. 19, '23, of complication of diseases,heart trouble. Fisherman, born in Mich.; parents James Martin & Katherine McCarthy. There is a note in Protar's diary of the death of Dan Martin, Sept. 19, 1923.



Edward Martin

(1st Gen.)


1823-1869 (census)


P. 137, 145


Married Grace Malloy, 1835 - (census)




These are the children listed in 1870 [census] when their mother is widowed & head of the household:


Anna ____, 1861


Grace, 1864


Catherine, 1865


Daniel, 1867


Edward, 1869


John, 1/12 [14]


In 1860 [census]:


James, 1856


Daniel, 1857


-what happened to these children? Did they die or were they, age 14 & 13, in some other home in 1870?

He is one of the brothers drowned of[f] Big Sand Bay with Carmody in 1869. See Carmody card for drowning.

In the 1870 census the widow Grace had a household, and her father, Edward Malloy, was living with her. By 1880 she was married to Francis O'Donnell, who in 1870 was living with the John Martin family. They must have married by about 1871, for their oldest child Michael was born in 1872.

Land office:


Aug. 16, 1865 - Edward Martin, Lots 1 & 2 Sec 1-37-10 125A $10, homestead (Martin's Bluff, near Eisleys[?]).


June ?, 1873 - U.S. to Grace Martin, Lots 1 & 2 Sec 1-37-10, homestead. (In 1895 Neal Gallagher got this land from the Aud. Gen. by tax deed. By 1908 it was in the hands of Thomas Sheridan, who sold it back to Grace Martin. In 1911 she sold it to Wilbur Burns. {I have a note - " Neal Gallagher was one of the meanest captains on the Great Lakes."}.)



Edward Martin

(card #2)


Edward & Family. From letter of Sadie MacLaurin's to Mr. Roy, Aug. 31, 1965:

"My grandfather, Edward Martin, & his four brothers, were members of a large colony of Irishmen & women who occupied the Island before the Mormons came.


They were a hardy, hardworking, & fun-loving people who worked and shared as one big family. Commercial fishing, farming, & lumbering in a small way were their occupation - transportation what it was in those days and the lake not charted as it is today made for some hardships & it possible for them to improvise much of their tools, shipbuilding and all.


The five Martin brothers raised large families, John had 13 children, my grandfather Edward, or 'Ned,' 6. 13 of his descendents are living in Michigan or Wisconsin.


The second generation of these early settlers left home at an early age, or rather most of them - going to schools on the mainland, mostly southern Michigan and most of the men followed the sea and became captains & officers on the Lake carriers - my uncle Ed was Commodore of the Grand Trunk line of car ferries, & his son now holds that position. The 3rd generation also followed the sea, both of my brothers were officers - Lew(?) a captain on the C & O car ferries - Edward on the ocean-going ships in the Merchant Marines. My father, an easterner, also was an engineer on the lake-going ships.


Yes I well remember grandmother & mother telling me of the time Strang put my grandfather in a yaw without oars & he & his brother being set adrift. He & his brother lived to be drowned in a squall as my grandmother witnessed it from her kitchen window - four of the bodies were brought in & laid on her kitchen floor... Within 6 years ago both my uncles Ed & Dan passed away...their minds were keen to the end.


William Boyle was a character on the Island - he operated one of the first general stores on the Island & was married to Grandmother's sister Hannah who was a kind person - many times a much-needed gift was hidden behind her apron & given with love & kindness.


All being Irish they lived in peace as a rule - there wasn't the entertainment there is today so they made their own fun & folk songs - & Old Father Gallagher was priest & judge & pretty much leader... There were the Martins, Gallaghers, Mulloys, Boyles, Gillespies, McCanns, Greens, Sharkeys(?) - right - McCauleys, Bonars, & many others.["]



Edward Martin

(card #3)


Edward & Family.

Irish names - all intermarried. Mike McCann operated a general store & his brother had a fishing tug or two. One of the tugs was sent to the Smithsonian Institute [in] Washington, D.C. as the last steam-powered tug - gasoline came into use." [15]

James (Jim) Martin

(1st Gen.)




[Probably to B.I. in] 1856


P. 46, 89, 145


Married Catherine McCarthy, 1835 1834-1888 - she was a sister of Mrs. Kilty




John - in the parish register there is a baptism recorded Aug. 3, 1862, of John Martin, son of James Martin & Catherine McCarthy; died 1950 according to Lawrence's notes. 


Dan - didn't marry


Shing - is this the Edward Roland speaks of, or was Edward another son?


Barney - a great writer of doggerel, according to Pat B.


Gracie (McCann) - [had] 14 children - 7 girls, 7 boys

He appears 89 times in the Dormer Book.

It was Jim and John who had the run-in with the Mormons. Maria's & Nonie's story is that when they were fishing out of Mackinac they landed at 1st Clearings. There they were taken by the Mormons, stripped, set adrift in an open boat without oars. They drifted to Garden Island where they were befriended by the Indians, given oars and a sail and so they got back to Mackinac. Marguerite says Tip Miller threw them an oar.

"Northern Mich.":


[James] came to U.S. when a young man of 22 or 23 & later settled in Mackinac, where he fished. This story of the setting adrift is somewhat different. They landed in dense fog while on the way to Gull I.. The Mormons seized their cargoes, amounting to $700, & set them adrift without ballast. They came ashore on St. Helena, where they again fell into the hands of the Mormons. They were given a trial for alleged misdemeanors. 6 jurors were for the death penalty, 7 for setting them adrift again; which was done.



James met his wife at Mackinac when she was visiting there. They were always "very much in love" - he was 15-20 years the older. She died of a stroke in the fall when she was 49, & he died of no apparent cause in the spring. She had always wanted to leave the Island & he had bought property at Onekema & they were going to have moved in the spring. They spoke Gaelic to each other when they did not want the children to understand. Her people lived in Chicago & were reasonably well-to-do. They were horrified that she lived in so primitive a place, always wanting them to go to Chicago. Every sailing vessel that came in from Chicago brought a barrel of "goodies" for her. (Remember where this information comes from - Gracie's daughter. Did Gracie's "illusions of grandeur" color her stories, or perhaps she got these illusions from her mother[?]). Their first 2 children were born at Mackinac.

Roland says he met Catherine McCarthy at Mackinac & they were married there - Marguerite says in Chicago.

The land records show that Jan. 1, 1857 James Martin got land from the U.S. in Sec 1 T37 R10.

Aug. 4, 1861 James Martin & wife and John Sullivan and wife deeded land to Rev. Baraga in this same section.


The James Martin land at Martin's Bluff was gotten from the U.S. by James in 1859. In 1885 he made it over to Catherine. In 1889, James Martin, widower, gave title to Michael Martin (his son I suppose) who sold it 2 weeks later to Gottlieb Patch.

In 1865 he got, by the Homestead Act, the NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 11 T37 R10 (south & west of above). 

In 1885 he transferred title to Catherine, as with the land above.



James (Jim) Martin

(card #2)

1860 census lists:


James Martyn 34 farmer born Ire. - probably married in 1855 (age of children)


Catherine 25 ------------ born Ire.


Anna 4 ----------------- born Mich. (born on Mackinac)


Daniel 3 ---------------- born Mich. (born on Mackinac)


Mary 1 ----------------- born Mich.


Catherine ---------------- born Mich.

John & Jim always living together & had fished out of Westport together. They also went together to Wisconsin & worked on the Plank Road from Green Bay to Fond du Lac (Roland, '69).

Land office:


Jan. 14, 1857 - James Martin, Lot 4 Sec 1-37-10 57A $71.25, Martin's Bluff (part went to St. Ignatius church in 1861).


Apr. 2, 1860 (pencil) - James Martin filed for E 2SE 4 Sec 22-38-10.


Sept. 13, 1864 (ink) - James Martin Hd. E 2SE 4 & E 2NE 4 Sec 22-38-10, can. Jan. 28, 1864 

(this was Hd. Feb. 10, 1874 by Dominick Gall.).


[- there is a bracket around the above two entries - April and


September - with the notation, "Where Big Dominick lived."]


Sept. 13, 1864 - James Martin, NE 4NE 4 Sec 11-37-10 40A $50 (catty corner W & S of his property in Sec 1 above)

Death records:


Bernard J. Martin, married, age 75-10-3, died in St. J., May 17, '42, of apoplexy. Born St. J.; fisherman; parents James Martin & Katherine McCarthy, both born Ire.



James J. Martin

(2nd Gen.)



Married Mary ?, 1879-1959

This is John Martin's son. His baptism is recorded Aug. 17, 1863.


James J. "Shing" Martin

(2nd Gen.)

March 15, 1864 -


Son of James


P. 141


Married Nellie Johnson


Children (according to " Northern Mich."):




Elmer (drowned at 2 yrs.)



Is this the "Edward" Martin Roland speaks of, or was there another son?

According to Marguerite McCann, Shing was James.

According to "North. Mich.," Daniel J. & James J. were in partnership in fishing with the tug "Clara A. Elliot" - the business (1905) amounted to $8-$10 thousand a year.

He was a fine fisherman & made a fortune but he lost his money in the heavy fines he had to pay. Once when the game officer tried to board his boat, Nellie stood on the deck with an axe in her hand & wouldn't let him on. Another time, the law confiscated his nets as punishment, took them to Charlevoix, & wound them on reels over there. Shing went in the night with his crew, took them back.

"Northern Michigan":


"Born Mar. 15, 1864. Married Nellie Johnson. Children Wilbur, Elmer (drowned when age 2 while trying to board a tug), & John."

John Martin

(1st Gen.)

1836 -




P. 89, 145


Married Mary Wilson, 1835 - ; born Ireland; [marriage] 1863




James, 1863-1950


Edward, June 7, 1872 (county rec., Twp. Galallee, both [parents] born Ire., farmer)

In the parish register there is a baptism recorded for Aug. 17, 1863 of James Martin, son of John Martin and Mary Wilson.

The parish record shows a marriage record of John Martin, age 39, on Sept. 23, 1866. He labels himself "Ire. fisherman." The woman's name is not clear; I have "Julia" with a question mark. (Is this a second marriage or another John?)

1860 census lists:


John Martyn 24 farmer & fisherman born Ire.


Mary Martyn 25 ----------- born Canada

She is listed in the 1864 church record as "Protestant." Evidently they married by the church in '66 when she became converted. They already had 3 children.

This is the brother set adrift with Jim (see James Martin). Edward's granddaughter says it was Edward.

Roland says this family moved to Buffalo and that John was a great man to make up songs about people & happenings & to dance. Sadie MacLaurin says he had 13 children.

He appears 25 times in the Dormer Bk.

Mentioned in "B.I.Girls" as coming into the Harbor in his fish boat.

See James' card; Roland says these two hung together.

In 1895 there is a complicated transaction with Neil Gallagher over Lot 3, Sec 1 T37 R10. It seems to have been owned by John (whether this John or a later John Martin I do not know) & Neil bought it up for back taxes and the Deputy Sheriff, Henry Cooper, seems to have been called in to give Gallagher possession. He got possession because the next year he sold it to W. & G. W. Lord. - if John moved to Buffalo as Roland says - this must have been a later John. It was Owen in Buffalo.

Land office:


Feb. 23, 1858 - he & John Gall. paid $38.25 for Lot 3 Sec 24-37-11. On July 27, 1858 it was suspended because it was reserved for lighthouse purposes.


Feb 23, 1858 - John Martin, Lot 3 Sec 1-37-10 67 1/2 A $84.37 1/2 (Martin's Bluff).


Apr. 29, 1878 - John Martin Hd. Lot 2 Sec 36 & E 2NE 4 Sec 35-38-10 140.3A $10, F.C.


Aug. 22, 1885; N. of Eiches. (A Henry Kipp had filed, pencil, for Lots 1 & 2 Sec 36,


Mar. 25, 1861.)

John Martin


Tony O'Don.'s notes:


"He moved to Escanaba & was found dead on the beach where he had been beachcombing for R.R. ties with a horse & wagon. Horse was dead also, death was attributed to lightning. He had $100 on his person.

Michael "Mike" Martin

(1st Gen.)

1830 (census)-around 1869 Born Ire.


P. 145


Married Jane ?, 1849 (census) - ; born Canada; [marriage] 1866?




Mary, 1868


Daniel, 1869

In 1860 he was living in the home of his brother Edward. He must have married between 1860 & 1867. There is a parish marriage record - Aug. 30, 1866: John Martin, 39 - & for the wife I have a question mark with Julia. The record was hard to read. John had a child born in 1861 so this must be a mistake; it is the marriage of Mike & Jane.

He was one of the 2 brothers drowned off Big Sand Bay. The other was Edward. [Patrick] Carmody was the 3rd man drowned. The drowning must have taken place around 1869 - by the 1870 census Grace [Edward's wife] & Jane are both listed as widows. Mary Carmody is married to Morris Gallagher & has a 3 mo. old child. In the 1870 census Jane is listed as a widow with 2 children.

There is an "Uncle Mike" mentioned in the "B.I. Girls." Pat Bonner says this was "Mike Martin, Shing's uncle," but he must be wrong. Mike was dead by 1874 when the verse was written.

Land office:


Oct. 4 -Nov. 21, 1859 (in pencil) - Michael Martin, Lot 4 Sec 36-38-10 (just N. of Martin's Bluff; not patented until 1920).


Apr. 26, 1864 - Michael Martin homesteaded S 2NE 4 & S 2NW 4 Sec 26-38-10, 160A $10.


Cancelled Jan. 23, 1874. (Back of Pt. Lapar, at S. end of Sand Bay. John M. Boyle homesteaded it Oct. 9, 1874, with final clearance July 7, 1883.)


Aug. 8, 1865 - Michael Martin homesteaded NE 4 Sec 35-38-10, 160A $10. Cancelled June 2, 1874 (this is N. of Eiche's).

Owen Martin

(1st Gen.)

This is the family that moved to Buffalo. It must have been early because there is no record of them in the census. This information is from James McCann's genealogy.


There were two sons, Edward & George, captains on the "Auctorora" & the "Tinesta."

Samuel, William, & Edwin Martin


(Not the brothers)

The 1850 census, household 466, lists these two [16] Martins as living on Beaver, seemingly on Cable's Bay, in a household of themselves & Clark Whitney. All seem to be bachelors. Whitney is 18, but the Martins 26, 24, & 28.


This must be the Martins told about in the His. of the G. Traverse Region, p. 93. Gen. Miller & Strang took their property (see the book). Can this [Edwin] be the "Edward" in the 1860 census with a wife, Ellen? - no

Michael McCafferty


1816-1902 (death rec)


Mooney in 1900 cen.


Emigrated 1863, according to daughter Hannah


On Island by '64


P. 120


House #60


Married Mary O'Donnell McCafferty, 1825 - (census); 1816-1902 (death rec); she was a sister of Barney & Darky Mike. I think her husband's name was Barney Mike (he must have been still living when they came). Was his name "Mike" - Pat Bonner says the one who came from Ireland was Mike - father of Lanty & John (called Dick [17]) whose picture I have. [18]




Frances, 1867-1925 (stone)




Lanty, 1872-1906 - married Mary Bonner (stone)

Children [second listing:]


Madgie - left Island


Hannah - married Jim Mooney (see Old Billy's card - he made the match)


John ("Dick" - picture) - moved to Charlevoix; still on Island in 1900 - a boarder at Maggie Quinlin's.


Lanty, 1872-195 (stone)


Barney - married Grace Ann Boyle (Stanley Floyd's grandfather)


Anthony - married Gracie Strach


Francis - married Nellie Donlevy (youngest) according to Maria but Lanty's stone - Maria is wrong, census shows Frank 5 years older. [19]


Pat Bonner says the one to come from Ireland was Mike McCafferty and that they lost two children by starvation on the boat coming over. Mike was the father of John (called Dick) whose picture I have, & also of Lanty who married Pat's sister Mary. For story of Lanty & Mary & Harry Hardwick see note book [see also card for Harry Hardwick. -ed.].

Death records:


Michael McCafferty, married, age 86, died in Pea. Twp Aug. 29, '02, of old age. Born Ire.; parents Bernard McCafferty & Hannah Gallagher.


Mary McCafferty, married, age 87, died Oct. 16, '15 in Peaine Twp of old age. Born Ire.; parents Anthony O'Donnell & Nora Gallagher


Francis McCafferty, married, age 57, died St. J. of _____ [20] pneumonia. Born Mich.; farmer; parents Michael McC. & Mary O'Don.


Lanty McCafferty, married, age 34-6-23, died in St. J. Twp on Nov. 11, '06 of "tuberculosis - general." Born Mich.; laborer; parents Michael McCafferty & Mary O'Donnell. 

[See original manuscript for McCafferty family tree diagram.]



McCafferty [Family]


James Arthur McCafferty


1898-1935 (for death record see Bernard McCafferty's card)


Birth records - a Hannal McCafferty was married to James Mooney & had a son - Francis, Jan. 24, '96


Francis McCafferty, 1867-1925 (Maria says he is son of Barney & Mary O'Donnell {sister of Darky Mike} & that he married Helen Dunlevy {Biddie Sam's daughter}.)


He was son of Mike & Hannah.

Marriage records:


1893 - Lizzie O'Donnell married Pete McCafferty

A Michael McCafferty bought land in Sec 14, T38, R10 (near Sand Bay) from Lester Van Alstyne in 1882. However, this same property was included in that homestead by Michael Burk in 1888.

Protar - "Frank McCafferty" 2 a.m. Jan. 12, 1925, died.



Bernard/Barney McCafferty

(2nd Gen.)





( Canada?)


P. 50, 83, 91, 95, 109


House #82 - the house is gone


Is he the son of Mary O'Donnell McCafferty? - yes


Married "Grace Big Biddie" Boyle - Ireland




Berta Blanche, Feb. 10, 1901 (record)


Wm. John, Ap. 26, 1903


Flora - who married Joe Floyd


James, 1898-1935

Berta's record gives both parents born in Ireland. Wm. John's give[s] Canada for Bernard and Michigan for Grace. This last is wrong if all Big Biddie's children were born in Ireland as I have been told.

In 1898 he bought SW1/4 of SW1/4 Sec 33 T39 R10 from the heirs of Big John Bonner.

Death records:


June 10, '94 - Edward McCafferty, age 7 yr., 0 mo., 21 days


June 10, '94 - Patsy McCafferty (male), age 4 yrs., 2 mo., 0 days


June 10/11, '94 - Francis McCafferty, age 0 yrs., 6 mo., 0 days


[the author lists these three within one bracket, as "died Peaine Twp, cause of death, bronchitis; parents Bernard & Ann McCafferty"]


Apr. 7, '35 - James McCafferty, mar., age 37-2-15, died in Peaine Twp of "influenza


meningitis"; farmer; [parents] Bernard McCaffertey & Grace Boyle.


June 5, '35 - Bernard McCafferty, married, age 79-7-0, died in Peaine Twp of apoplexy. Born Ire.; farmer; parents Michael McCafferty & Mary O'Donnell. 

[See original manuscript for Barney/Grace McCafferty family tree diagram.]

Francis McCafferty



[Born] Mich.




Was he Mary O'Donnell's son? yes

Wife Helen Donlevy - Mich. (Nellie - Biddy Sam's daughter)




Alex Waters, Jun. 7, 1903 (record)



Francis McCaffert



Lanty McCafferty

1872-1906 (stone)


P. 53, 95, 120


Married Mary Bonner


Son of Mary McCafferty who was a sister of Darky Mike O'Donnell. He is the one that ran away with Mary Bonner who was engaged to Harry Hardwick (see his [Harry Hardwick's] card).

He became an invalid & they came back to B.I. Manus Bonner took up a collection for them which built the house across from the Hotel where I remember her as Mrs. Hardwick who sold candy in her little store.

Catherine McCarthy

Co. Mayo


1839-1888 1834-18__ [21]

She was married to James Martin (see his card). Married in Chicago - she met James Martin "on a visit to her brothers at Mackinac."



Mary McCarthy

Co. Mayo
Married to Patrick Kilty. Her sister Catherine met James Martin at Mackinac Is. on a visit & her first 2 children were born at Mackinac. Probably Mary met Kilty when she was visiting there like her sister. Their home was Chicago & Catherine was married there.

McCann [Family]

The McCann lots:


Father John Mother Grace James


1869-1930 1871-1946 1901-1954

Father Michael Mother Anna


1873-1938 1878-1961

Death records:


Margaret McCann, married, age 50-9-7, died Pea. Twp of "Brain Fever" on June 21, '97.


Born Ire.; housewife; parents David & Kate Malloy ( Murray).


James McCann, widower, age 92, died in St. James Twp on Feb. 19, '27, cause "senility." Born Ire.; grocer; parents John McCann & Mary O'Malley.



James McCann

1823 1835 (death rec.) -1927


Came to U.S. 1852 (or 1850)


P. 62, 95, 96, 147-48


Married Margaret Murrey, 1845-1897 (death record makes this date '47)

A cooper by trade - learned the trade in Ireland. Came from County Mayo - 1st at Mackinac Island.


McCann lived on Whiskey Island in the summer & went back to Mackinac in the winter before the Mormons left.


He & his brother-in-law bought Whiskey Island for fishing rights in 1866.


From Boston he went to N.Y. for two years - he then must have been in Mackinac because he "returned" in 1871 & John was born there in 1869. He was in business with another cooper in Chicago & they were burned out by the fire in 1871. He returned to Mackinac & moved to St. Ignace with his family & taught school at Brevort. He was on B.I. by 1877 because he was a frequent customer of Dormer. He appears 89 times in the Dormer Book. After Henry Clifton's death Dormer paid McCann $160.00 board to Aug. 12, 1877, due when Clifton died.


According to Roland it was in the early '80s that he either bought or built a cooper shop - this was burned by enemies. He bought a store at the Point - Roland says from Dormer, but the Dormer Day book seems to show that Dormer sold to Day in 1887.


Father Gallagher preached against him as an "outsider" and said "don't deal with the Mackinac Jew, but with the honorable John Day." He took care of Dormer's store in the winter when Dormer was gone, after his cooper shop burned. This was when Father Gallagher called him a "Mackinac Jew."


Roland says his mother says when they were without a priest for a few weeks or months he [McCann] put on a robe & said the Rosarie from the altar.


In 1903 he built the store that I knew as "McCann's." Johnny moved into his house in 1904. The upstairs of McCann's store was planned as an "opera house" but was never completed as such. In 1901 Father Zugelder had a great St. Patrick's Day play there.

I wonder if his wife Catherine Murray was related to Father Murray, whose family must have been from St. Ignace, as his father is said to have owned the ground where Father Marquette is buried. ("An Irish Colony") Roland says there is no relationship.

The 1860 census lists a "James McNan," 20, living in the home of Michael & Bridget Boyle. He would have been 23, but this could be James McCann (his biog says 1st trip 1856).



James McCann

(card #2)


"Northern Michigan," 1905


Born Sept. 28, 1938, Co. Mayo


Death record:


Church - 1834


Charlevoix - 1835


Landed in N.Y. Feb. 2, 1852


Moved (with family) to Mackinac, 1855


1856 - made 1st trip to B.I., where he decided to live


1856 - began trade as cooper


[1860] - cast his first vote, for Lincoln


1865 - began the fishing business


1876 - fire destroyed his cooper shop, with great loss of capital


1887 - started his general store


1895 - the "Tug Margaret McCann"


Required 15 men & 5 gangs of nets & has averaged from 200-250 tons of fish, the sales running from $28,000 to $30,000. His shipments (including what he bought from other fishermen) is fully 5/7 of the entire shipment from B.I.

He was [on] B.I. in census of 1860, age 20, living in home of Michael & Bridget Boyle.
On Whiskey 1880, moved to Beaver 1885 (daughter Mamie).

Married, May 3, 1866, Margaret Murray - a native of Co. Mayo & daughter of David and Catherine (Mulchrone) Murray of Mackinac I.




Mary (Mrs. Gibson)


John, 1869-1930


Michael - deceased


Michael J.


James, Ap. 20, '76 - (birth rec.) - deceased


Catherine, July 26, '78 - (b[irth] rec.) - deceased


- [James McCann] lists himself as "cooper" [in Catherine's birth record]

Marguerite says she [Margaret McCann] was an extremely kind woman. When the people [came] from the country to trade at the store she always had the women in to tea. "My mother (Gracie, her daughter-in-law) adored her." Marguerite says Margaret came over from Ireland with the McCanns.

The 2 families must have come together, as Margaret was 6 years old in 1852. In Mamie McCann Gibson's obituary it says she was born in 1867 at Mackinac Is. & "moved to Beaver Island with her family in 1885" - they were on Whiskey in census of 1880.

"His outfit for a number of years past being reputed the most complete of its kind on the lakes besides _____ _____ high honor at the world's expositions in the cities of Chicago & St. Louis." [22] [for fishing, see that section in notebook I]. [23]


[See original manuscript for McCann family tree diagram and additional notes; also "P. 46, 73, 105, 109, 146."]



James J. McCann

1859 -


[born] Ireland, farmer


Who is he? son of Old Man McCann; brother Patrick?


Wife, Rose Gallagher, 1874 - [born] Mich.




Blanche Genoseva, June 11, 1900 (birth record)


Thomas, 1912 (died age 2 days) à [death record below]


Patrick J., 1894


Catherine, 1896


Thomas, 1898 [24]


This information is from the Charlevoix births. This must be Johnnie's brother that died in Denver of T.B. (no) and the birth in Ireland a mistake because Old Man McCann was married in this country.


No - he is in 1900 census, born 1859 & Old Man McCann wasn't married until 1866, and his "James" has a birth record for 1876.

He could have a son of James ("Old Man") brother Patrick who was living with his brother in 1909, age 61. Also - he says he came from Canada in 1876. His wife Rose from Ire. [in] 1884 (one of the big party). That would have been when she was 10. Don Father had a Rose.


Moved to Charlevoix.


He was on Mackinac & drove a carriage. Rose was on Mackinac & they met there. They came to B.I. & he worked in the mill. [25]


Death record:


Thomas McCann, age 0-0-2, died St. J. Twp, [of] "______". [26] Born Mich.; parents James McCann & Rose Gallagher.

Chur. Record:


1908 (no other date) - Thomas McCann, age 11, inflammation of the bowels.



Johnny McCann

P. 56, 59

Michael "Mike" McCann



Married Annie Dunlevy (a Biddie Sam)

He was postmaster July 3, 1903 - Jan. 23, 1923.

Death records:


Michael Joseph McCann, married, age 64-6-4, died Jan. 7, '38, in St. J. Twp of diabetes. Born Mich.; merchant; parents James McCann & Margaret Murray.



Mike McCann

(card #2)


Correspondence with Dormer (these are carbon copies of Dormer's letters to Mike). Evidently Mike bought part of the Point from Dormer:


Nov. 28, 1905 - There is a question about the description on the deed. ... I note General Kimbel's agreement to establish a permanent paid crew on Whiskey Point provided we give him a quit claim deed, & your willingness to do so. ... I would advise you to be quite careful in making a disposition of any part of the Point I sold you. I believe that your best interest will be to reserve your own property for hotel purposes & that Kimbel might take some of the other property of which you have an eighth interest with me....Please hurry the settlement of our deal & send me back the mortgage duly signed.


If you have anything in the way of Trout, Herring & White Fish you can rely on better prices. We would pay $2.75 for Herring & $2.25 for suckers F.O.B. boat or cars for Buffalo, in _____. [27]


Dec. 1, 1905 - "John promised to send me the news of the occupants of the cottages on the Point & also that he would talk to you about making collections for the amounts due, & for future rents. For some years I have not seen a dollar from these people, & begin to think that it is time for them to settle. I will feel obliged to you if you will send me data of the time of the present occupants of the cottages & probably value per month with the occupation & ability to pay of the occupants. I think I should get more than enough to pay the taxes that I have been paying for a number of years out of these places." [There is a tax receipt for the property at the Point dated Mar. 10, 1905, sum $1.55.] [28] He goes on that he is anxious to get his real estate deal with Mike settled. "Let us get the matter fixed up at an early date." "Please advise me of the piece of property General Kimbel wants for a life saving station."


Dec. 21, 1905 - He has had no reply from Mike on the real estate deal. "One of the notes comes due I believe in February, & I shall of course expect that to be paid." "I asked where the Government wanted a life saving station, & I await your reply." "I am advised the Owen Gillespie, Neil C. Gallagher, & Willie Gibson are occupants, & have been of the cottages belonging to me for some time. I have written to them today stating that they must settle up, & that I am willing to settle on favorable lines... I suggested the propriety of you attending to the collection of all rents... There ought to be something coming from them. For the past five years I expect all tenants to pay something.


I understand the Mill Company [29] has been doing considerable building & that improvements must be coming toward the Point property. Would it not be well to see what you can do in the way of selling them some lots? You know you will have an interest in every one that is sold."


Jan. 13, 1906 - Mike wrote saying he would pay ___________ to the Ch_____ [30] beach.


Jan. 18, 1906 - Dormer: thanking him & mentioning that he is "quite an old man so the affair had better be finished as soon as possible. "I sent you a copy of a letter sent to Neil Gallagher re: rents & asked you to try to get the tenants down to business. You know you have an interest in this matter, & the sooner we start on business lines with these people the better for all of us. I wish you would make a statement as you remember it of all persons who occupied the Point property for the last five years so we can put in bills against them & make regular collections."


Jan. 27, 1906 - Dormer says he received letter from Wm. Gibson, Owen Gillespie. "I desire you to arrange definitely & specifically with these two and the other tenants. Let us get down to business with them & insist upon business treatment. In a former letter I suggested $2.00 per month as a fair price for the small cottages & if you agree with me, I shall be entirely satisfied if these tenants will pay the sum commencing on Jan. 1st & pay it promptly to you. Give me your ideas definitely on this matter, & let us commence treating these people in a business way so that you & myself may get some returns from our investment.


...Some time ago I wrote you asking what the Lighthouse Service wanted at the Point, & am without any advises from you. I sincerely trust that you will not be foolish enough to give the Government any part of the Point I sold you, but reserve it for business or hotel purposes, which will make the rest of the place much more valuable than the Life Saving Station would.


If the Life-saving Station is put on the Point it will be an opportunity for us to dispose of more or less of our lots, & that matter can be taken up later.



McCauley [Brothers (5)]

James McCauley, 1835 (one of the 5 brothers) - married Elizabeth Gall. in 1864

John McCauley, 1838 - married Catherine O'Donnell in 1868

Frank McCauley - stone in cemetery: Frank, 1858-1932 father


Bridget, 1858-1925 mother

Mack McCauley, 1887-1910 - stone


Edward McCauley - stone "father" - 1862-1912


(must be second generation)



McCauley [Brothers (5)]

(card #2)




By 1863, through N.Y.There were five brothers & at least one sister that came from Donegal probably Aranmore because Paddy's son was born there in 1851. (Mel says Aranmore definitely.)

Mentioned in Dormer's bk.:


(10) Conn, 1826-1902 - married sister of Big Owen in Toronto


(5) Owen, 1841 - a big pirate on the sea; married daughter of Paddy Grey


(2) Jim F., 1835 - married sister of Big Owen (1832-1918, death rec)


Paddy Baca - a pirate - came in 1884 with Don Father Gallagher


John, 1837-1909 (?) - Rae Gilden's father; see card, the last to come


Hannah, 1843 (1846?) - married "Big Owen" (see Gallagher); she came in 1866

There is a stone for a Frank McCauley & his wife Ann who would be the right age to be the father & mother of these brothers. Could they have come with the sons?

When they came:


Conn - was here by 1863 because he had a son baptized Feb. 3 (married Big Owen's sister Mary)


James - was married April 21, 1864 on B.I. (married Big Owen's sister Alice)


Owen - was married 1867


Patrick - was still in Aranmore in 1851 because he had a son born then in Ireland


Hannah - is not supposed to have come until 1866 because that year she "sewed a button on Father Baraga's coat" & that was the year she came from Ireland.


John - the last to come (Mel) & he brought the father & mother, 1866 - evidently Hannah came with him too.

Did the 5 brothers come together & the mother & father came later with Hannah? Say the boys


Came in 1861 - their ages at that time would have been: Conn, 35; James, 26; Owen, 20; Hannah, 18. (In '66 when she came she would have been 23.)


Mel straightened this out; see John, above.



Connell McCauley



(one of the five brothers)


By 1860 (census)


P. 61


House #66


Wife Mary C. Gallagher, 1829-1919 (Big Owen's sister) - married in Toronto


Mary B., rec. June 20, '74




Dominick, 1863


Owen, 1864-1958 ( Lawrence's dates for "Owen Conn") - married Mary McDonough, Val's sister


Frank C., 1858-1932 (stone) - married Bridget Gallagher, Manus Gall.['s] daughter Ann - married a Gatliff


"Jimmy Conn" - "Swimmer"

Parish records - Dominick McCauley baptized Feb. 3, 1863, father Conn McCauley, mother Mary Gallagher.



Connell McCauley, born Donegal Co., Ire., Nov. 15, 1826, died Jan. 9, 1902 A foot stone saying Mother, 1919

Mentioned 10 t[ime]s in Dormers Bk.

"Owen's Point" - Mel says he had a fishing business here.

Lawrence doesn't remember where Conn lived. He remembers when his widow lived with her mother (Kitty Gallagher, the 103 one) in the upstairs of the house where Jewel now lives. I have him listed in house #66.

Is " Conn's Point" [named] for him? If so, why? Because he had a fishing business there ( Lawrence).

His granddaughter, Clementine, says the[y] came "3 mo. after the Mormons left," with Vesty, Connaghan, etc.. - that would have been Sept. 1856 - & that her grandmother was pregnant with Frank, "the oldest child born to gentiles on the Island."


He built fishing boats at Conn's Point. He piloted the charter vessel that brought them all to the Island.


He grew wheat (Clem.) & took it to Elk Rapids to be ground.

1860 census:


Con McColly 30 fisherman born Ire.


Mary McColly 32 (22?) --------- born Ire.


Frank McColly 2 -------------- born Mich.


Mary McColly 5/12 ------------ born Mich.


John Boyl 25 laborer -------- born Ire.

In 1892 he bought from the Matthew Burchard estate the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 S3 T38 R10.


In 1902 Mary C. McCauley made this land over to Frank C. McCauley (evidently at Conn's death).


In 1884 he bought Sec 12 T38 R10 ( Conn's Point) from the Auditor Gen. by tax deed.

Land office:


July 28, 1863 - Conel McCauley Hd. Lots 1, 2, & 3 Sec 36-38-11, 124A, $10, Can. Sept. 3, 1877 - Green's Bay. (Dominick Gallagher & John Bonner had filed for this earlier.)


Clementine - "Grandmother McCauley told me they lived in Mormon houses until they built their own. Grandpa settled on the farm."

Conn McCauley

(card #2)


"Conn McCauley was a pilot in Canada, piloting boats in & out of Toronto." Charlie Strach "wrote his wife telling about the beautiful chain of islands so much like Aranmore & the other Irish islands they came from & suggested that the others come, so Grandpa Con, his wife, & seven other couples chartered a packing vessel & Grandpa sailed the vessel to the Beavers.


When they reached the Beavers Grandma McCauley was pregnant with Uncle Frank (Mamie's father) & he was the first "gentile" child to be born on the Island." [Some say the 1st was Ellen, daughter of Anthony & Sophia O'Donnell, born Dec. 25, 1857.] [31]



Daniel G. McCauley [32]

Aug. 15, 1817-1904


Aug. 1851 [33]




Came to B.I. about 1867


House #24 (Sister's house) across road


Married Bridget Correy, 1831-1898 (3?) - County Clare - see Corry [34]




Bridget, 1863 Tom, 1873-1954


Nora, 1859 P. D., 1862-1906 stone

Dan McCauley's wife died in Ireland and he came here with his son Edward. He was Pete's uncle. He was a schoolmaster in Ireland. He and Vesty married sisters (Bridget Correy Burns & Helen Correy) and had adjoining farms at Big Sand Bay. His oldest daughter was christened in '59 so he must have been here then. He probably came with Pete McCauley in 1858. This must be the Nora McCauley in Lawrence's notes as having been baptized by Bishop Baraga on the same day with Joe Burke & Manus Bonner in 1859.


The Parish records - Feb. 4, 1863 - Bridget McCauley baptized - father Dan McCauley & mother Bridget Correy.


He is not mentioned in Dormer's Day Book (nor is his brother-in-law, Vesty). Did he teach here?

Did he & Bridget Correy Burns marry in Canada? Helen Correy's & Vesty's daughter Anna was born in Canada in 1859 but Nora McCauley, daughter of Dan & Bridget Correy was baptized by Father Baraga on B.I. in'59.

As the McDonoughs were married in Canada & had two children there it seems reasonable to suppose both sisters were married there and the two families came to B.I. together. They took adjoining land on Sand Bay.

Nonie -


Dan McCauley was a schoolteacher in Ireland. "He couldn't fish & he couldn't farm." (Maria says this represents Nonie's delusions of grandeur.) He had a night school in his home for the Vesty boys & the Boyles of Big Sand Bay, the Dominic Gallaghers in the country, and others. These boys had to work all day fishing, etc.. They could only go to school at night so he taught them then.


He got a Gaelic newspaper from Ireland and the night it came the men, Vesty, Dominic, etc.. would come over & he read it to them from cover to cover. Sometimes their wives would come with them and gather in another room to tell fairy & ghost stories. Nonie remembers when she was a little girl (this would be in the 1880s) sitting on a chair & listening. As the stories got more fearful, she got more & more frightened, drawing her feet up under her. Finally she fell off the chair.


According to Nonie, the house she was born in was across from the sister's cottage & stood on the sand hill that is a little to the south. I do not know whether this was Dan's house or belong[ed] to Slocum. I can't help thinking it was Dan's. right.

There is a double stone:


Danile G. McCauley


Aug. 15, 1817 - Aug. 29, 1904



Sept. 30, 1831 - Feb. 24, 1898(3?)



Dan McCauley

(card #2)


Maria - Dan McCauley came first with his son Edward, then sent for his nephews Dan Boyle and Pete McCauley. [Is this from Ireland to Canada and they all came to B.I. together, or does it mean from Canada to B.I.?] [35]


Maria - Dan McCauley married Mrs. Burns on B.I. Her husband drowned in Scotland. She came over with her children to join her sister (Mrs. Vesty). She had two sons, Jim, who married Sarah Martin (Grace McCann's sister), and John, who married "Doll" Butler, daughter of a lighthouse keeper at the Head. The third child was Nonie's mother. [In the Charlevoix birth records John Burns lists his birthplace as Canada. These records are of doubtful authenticity. As Nora was baptized in '59, one of the first children born to Irish parents on the Island, it must have been a fast [36] marriage. I think it is probable that they married in Canada but that the Burns children were born in the old country.] [37]


Tony ______'s [38] notes - "Mr. Burns drowned in Canada, where Dan McCauley met her."

Children of Dan & Bridget:

Nora Dan's son Ned (by his 1st wife) - went west




Nellie Bridget's children by Burns:


Jane Mary (Slocum)


Daniel Jim - married Sarah Martin (Gracie McCann's sister)


Peter John - married Doll Butler



1860 census, July, lists:


Daniel McColley 40 farmer born Ire.


Bridget McColley 30 farmer born Ire.


John B. McColley 5 ------------ born Canada


Mary McColley 4 -------------- born Canada


James McColley 3 ------------ born Canada [39]


Hannah McColley 9/12 ------- born Mich.


James (name I couldn't make out) 20 laborer born Ireland

The 1900 census says he emigrated in 1851 - he must have been in Canada until 1857 when he came to Beaver with the Vestys.

There is a birth record -


Aug. 20, 1877 - Sarah Jane Slocum (this is Nonie's sister), Gal. Twp., father Marvin Slocum, engineer, and mother, Mary Burns. Registered Aug. 31, 1878.

My guess is that his is the father, that they were married in the summer of 1878 & then registered the birth. Did Marvin desert her? In 1880 she was working in a boarding house as a servant. Was he an engineer on a boat that came in & out of B.I.?

Land office:


July 8, 1863 - Hd. SE 4 Sec 15-38-10 160A, $10, F.C. Sept. 4, 1868; Little Red School House corner.



Daniel McCauley

(card #3)


From notes from correspondence between Tony O'Donnell & Charles Francis O'D.:


"Apparently one son was born of this second marriage of Dan McCauley, a John McCauley, nicknamed '____ey', left B.I. at an early age for Texas, became a cowboy & cattleman. Sister Alexandra [a Salty] is reported to have visited him in Texas; he was her uncle as he was half brother of her mother Nora Salty. He was quite old at that time."


[Other sources have called him Edward & said that he left when his father married Bridget Correy Burns. He disapproved of the marriage.]


[There is a "James", age 20, living with the family in 186[0] census. He does not appear in the 1864 church roll.] [40]

[See original manuscript for McCauley family tree diagram. The diagram is accompanied by the notation,"p. 32, 38, 39, 41, 47, 54, 82, 90, 95, 98, 99, 102, 103-105, 119, 144."]



Dan McCauley

(2nd Gen.)


Nonie's uncle - for him & the Union see p. 105.

He married Sara Green, White Dan's daughter.

From clippings at his death (undated):


"Had sailed the Great Lakes ever since a youth of 14. Ten years ago he acquired an interest in the Coffey Fishing Co. & has been engaged in fishing out of this port ever since. He was captain of the steamer Alice C.. Born in St. James & united in marriage to miss Sarah Green."


Survived by 4 daughters & 2 sons, [as well as]


3 sisters:


Mrs. Eli Garrett [of] Escanaba


Mrs. Hugh Malloy [of] Marquette


Mrs. John Gallagher [of] Green Bay


1 brother:


Thomas [of] St. James



Eddie McCauley

P. 56


This is Pete McCauley's son & was living on Garden Island with his wife and many children. He & Sisco were fishing together. They came & docked in the harbor (out at the point somewhere). Maria saw him go past & sent her brother Tracy (she was living at home unmarried at the time) to get him for dinner. Tracy couldn't find him. Others looked for him; they went to all the houses in the country where they thought he might be as well as the stores & saloons but he was not found. The next morning his body was found under the dock where he had fallen through a hole. He was still clinging, with his arms locked around a pile. [There was some suspicion of foul play on Sisco's part but only a suspicion.] [41]


Johnny McCann was all ready to start out with the "Margaret" for the day's fishing but he dropped everything & went right over to Garden & brought the widow & children to Nackerman's (Mrs. Nackerman was Eddie's sister).



[Edward?] "Neddy" McCauley

House #31


I also have Neddy McCauley for house #105.

Could this be Dan McCauley's son Edward by his 1st marriage? à Probably, as he lived at Sand Bay - no, he is supposed to have left as soon as his father remarried.



Edward "Neddy" McCauley



Came around 1874


P. 123


1880 census -


Wife Catherine O'Donnell




James, 1858 - born Ire.


Bridget, 1861-1899 - born Ire.; had illegitimate child by Jimmy the Jew


Bernard, 1863 - born Ire.


John, 1865 - born Ire.


Hannah, 1868 - born Ire.


Catherine, 1875 - born Mich.; married a John Crully [42]


Anna, 1877; born Mich.

This family is related to no other McCauleys on the Island. They lived down at Sand Bay, the 1st house on Hannegan's Rd. James had been an officer in the English army & he taught the Sand Bay School - Nonie went to school to him. [It seems unlikely that he had been an officer. If they came together before 1875, when Catherine was born in Mich., he was only 17] [43] - he could have been a non-com. [44] The long gap between Hannah & Catherine, looks as if the father came over 1st & then went back for the family or sent for them. One of the other brothers taught the Sand Bay School & also Emma.

James caught fish in the Jordan River with his bare hands.

Death records:


Bridget McCauley, single, 34-0-12, died in Pea. Twp of consumption on Feb. 12, 1899.


Housekeeper. Born Ire.; parents Edward McCauley & Kate O'Donnell.


Edward McCauley, widower, age 79, died St. James Twp of asthma on Dec. 1, '09. Born Ire.; farmer; parents [father] Bernard McCauley, mother unknown.


Kate (O'Donnell) McCauley, married, age 52, died in _____ [45] Twp Mar. 3, '91; killed by a runaway horse. Born Ire.; parents John O'Donnell & Nora Boyle.



Frank McCauley



1866 - with son John


Also called Owen


Wife Ann Gallagher, 1801-1882

This stone:


Frank McCauley, 1798-1885


Ann, his wife, 1801-1882

Could these be the parents of the five brothers? - yes In 1856 Frank was 57 years old - rather old to come entirely on his own. Did they come with their daughter in 1866? Yes - he was 68, she, 65.


When they came I do not know but he was the father of the five brothers & he lived with his son Conn McCauley as an old man. They came in '66.

The notation on Frank's stone, son of Patrick (see his card) proves that they were the parents of the five brothers. Their stone is a relatively new one but the one for Frank the grandson is old. The stones are side by side. The notation about the grandparents is crowded at the bottom of the stone. Was it put on after 1885 (9 years after Frank the grandson's death) instead of erecting a stone at that time? Their stone is quite new.

Mel - John was the last one to come, bringing his father & mother (and Hannah) with him. They got here a few days before the Fourth of July 1866. The Irish Colony really celebrated the Glorious Fourth, beginning a few days before & continuing a few days after. The mother thought that everyone in the U.S. was crazy, that that was the way they acted all the time.


(I can just imagine how the Irish celebrated the 4th & freedom from England!)


Clementine - Grandma McCauley lived to be 92. Improbable - see census card.

 Frank C. McCauley

(2nd Gen.)


Married Bridget Gallagher, 1858-1925

Son of Conn McCauley & his wife was daughter of Manus Gallagher - cousin of Cornelius.

There is a stone for them. At Conn's death his wife made over the land in Sec 3-38-10 to this son.

Frank was the 1st child of Irish parents born on B.I. Born June 23, 1858 - conceived in Sept. 1857. They must have come Sept. or Oct. of '57, moved into the Mormon houses.

Death records:

Frank McCauley, widowed, age 73-10-22, died in Peaine Twp May 14, '32 of myocardial degeneration. Born St. J.; parents Conn McCauley & Mary Gallagher.


Hannah McCauley



1885 B.I.

P. 63

She was a sister of Pete (see family tree). She was 6 mo. on the water coming over. She went to Chicago and there met a man named Gallagher. He died and she came to B.I. in 1885. When Maria's father & mother, Anthoy Malloy and Bridget Boyle, were married in 1885 she moved in and stayed there until she died in 1911. Bridget died in 1902 (the oldest child 16, the youngest 1), so she practically raised the family.

From Maria's notes - "Hannah McCauley married to Hugh Gallagher in Chicago where he died. Born in Aranmore, 1842, died August 1911, age 69. Came to B.I. the summer of 1872. She was 29 years old in 1871 at the time of the Chicago fire. She was there. Grandfather went after her in his sailing boat in 1872.


Hannah "Hannah Big Owen" McCauley

1837 1843 1846 (about - on stone, death rec.)-1941

Daughter - Catherine Melody ("Mel Big Owen"), 1879 -

"Hannah Big Owen sewed a button on Bishop Baraga's shirt on his last trip to B.I. She came to the Island from Ireland that same year, 1866."


James F. McCauley


Came 1860 (1900 census)

P. 61, 92

House #9

(one of the 5 brothers)

Wife, married April 21, 1864,

Elizabeth Gallagher, 1834/38-1919 (census & death records) - sister of Big Owen - called Alice. [She] came [over] in 1863.

Parish record:

April 21, 1864 - James McCauley, 29, married Elizabeth Gallagher, 26 (sister of Big Owen).

Parish record:

Feb. 8, 1864 - James McCauley & Stella Gallagher witnessed the marriage of Daniel O'Donnell, 26, & Grace Gallagher, 24.

He is mentioned twice in the Dormer bk.

There are two James McCauleys because the Parish Record has another marriage, July 30, 1868, between James McCauley, 30, laborer, [born] Ire., and Catherine O'Donnell, [born] Ire. I'm sure this is John who married Katcheline.

Roland's story is that his family all died of tuberculosis in the house on the Trail Road that burned. When the last of Jim's sons died he looked at the picture of Jesus on the wall and said, "You _____, you took my last son!"

Protar's diary has a note that James McCauley died 7 a.m. April 8, 1918.

Lawrence says that Jim bought his land & didn't register it. He lived for years thinking he owned it when he didn't.

Land records:

1884 he bought from Dan Malloy N1/2 of SE1/4 of SW1/4 & Lots Sec 23 T3 R10.

In 1884 James McCauley got Lot 5 Sec 21 T37 R10 by tax deed.

Land office:

Nov. 5, 1864 Hd. N 2SE 4 Sec 20-37-10 & NW 4SW 4 Sec 21, 160A, $10, Can. Jun. 2, 18__. [46] (20 is Lighthouse section & 21 between it & Cable's Bay)

Death records:

James McCauley, 26-7-15, died Peaine Twp Mar. 15, '94, consumption; parents James & Alice.

Francis McCauley, 27-7-2, single, died Peaine Twp, Jan. 4, 93, consumption; occ. fisherman; parents James & Alice.

Patrick J. McCauley, 23-10-20, single, died Peaine Twp, Sept. 9, '99, "caught cold," occup. asst. lighthouse keeper; parents James & Alice.

Owen J. McCauley, 34-5-18, single, died Peaine Twp, Apr. 6, '06, consumption, [occ.] laborer, parents James & Alice.

James F. McCauley, 86, married, died Apr. 9, '18, in Peaine Twp., general debility/senile; born Ire., farmer; parents Frank McCauley & Nancy Gallagher.

Alice McCauley, 85, widow, died in Peaine Twp, on Dec. 4, '19, of old age. Born Ire.; Parents James & Katherine Gallagher.

Parish records:

Mrs. Alice McCauley, 83 - mother Catherine Gallagher

Protar - James McCauley, Apr. 8, 1918.


John McCauley



Emigrated 1866 (1900 census)

(one of the 5 brothers)

House #69

P. 84, 110, 113, 142

Married, July 30, 1868

Catherine O'Donnell (Ketchelin Og); emigrated 1867


Rae Gilden - Hannal, Aug. 29, '72 (birth rec)

Ann (is Mrs. White), 1877-1941

Clifford White

The mother of



John, '78-'95

Patrick, 1869

See card, Dancing, for Ketcheline Og and the "lilting."

"John married an O'Donnell. A very musical woman. Never saw a piano until she was past 60 but became very proficient. Pat Bonner learned many of his tunes from her. If no instrument was available, she conveyed her music by lilting."

-from Tony O'Donnell's notes

I feel sure that the James McCauley's marriage to Catherine O'Donnell is really this John - a mistake in the record.

This is the man Roland says ate fish by putting it bones & all in his mouth & then just spitting the bones out of one side in a continuous stream.

He is the one of the 5 brothers to come last & he brought his father & mother with him & his sister Hannah, who married Big Owen - see Frank & Ann's card for the 4th of July celebration.

In 1900 he said he came to [the] U.S. in 1866, Catherine [in] 1867.

There is a stone for John McCauley, 1837-1909 - these dates are right for the 5 brothers. There is a stone on the same lot with Rae Gilden (see her card), saying




(this is Clifford White's mother) à White left her; she later married a Chicago policeman.

Letter from Jewel - "Clifford White's grandmother was Kathleen O'Donnell, a relative of Con O'Donnell & she (Con) always said she was the only direct descendent of Red Hugh O'Donnell, the 16th century prince of Donegal, also known as "O'Donnell Abu."

In 1895 John P. McCauley got, by tax deed, NE1/4 of NW1/4 Sec 21 T38 R10. As this is the only John McCauley I have, I assume it was he.

In 1869, with Owen, he bought from Robt. Gibson the E1/2 of NW1/4 of S3 T38 R10 - this land is still in the family (Clifford White I think).

Death records:

John McCauley, single, age 17-0-2, died Dec. 29, '95 in Pea. Twp, of consumption; laborer; parents John & Catherine McCauley.


James John (?) McCauley

(card #2)

1838 (1840 census) -

P. 61

Married Catherine O'Donnell (Katcheline Og) (1842 census)


Patrick, 1869 - wife named Mary, born Mich., married 1894

James, 1871

Hannah, 1873 - birth rec. Aug. 29, '72 - married Gilden

Emma, 1874- 1938 - birth rec. Sept. 22, '74 - death record Aug. 26, 1938; married Hunt, then Denny Boyle

Annie, 1877 - "Cassie" - birth rec. Aug. 12, '76

John, 1879-1895 - died of consumption, Dec. 29, 1895

Marriage - July 30, 1868: James McCauley, 30, laborer, [born] Ire. - Catherine O'Donnell, [born] Ire.

Bernadine says that John sent the money back to Ireland to bring Katcheline over.

[See original manuscript for McCauley family tree diagram. Includes notes: "Aranmore - came through N.Y. Clementine says Conn brought the party from Toronto. P. 41, 59, 113, 141.]


Owen F. McCauley

1841 (1837 census & death record) -1919

(one of the 5 brothers)

House #65

P. 62, 84, 142, 147

Wife Catherine Gallagher, 1849 - ; sister of Big Owen daughter of Paddy Grey

Parish records - In 1867 Owen McCauley, 26, Ireland, fisherman, married Catherine Gallagher, 18 (sister of Big Owen)

So abusive she had to leave him. According to Maria all these McCauley men were rough & tough except Conn. Owen & Paddy pirates.

He is mentioned 5 times in the Dormer bk.

McCauley's Pt. is named for him; he fished off the Pt. with pond nets.

He was supposed to have been a "big pirate" on the high seas.

It was his son Johnny Owen who was the fiddler in this family.

In the birth records there is a Hugh McCauley born to Owen McCauley & Kate Gallagher, both born in Ireland & he is listed as a farmer. This is possible as the mother would have been 45. It might also be the son of Owen Conn, except that he was born here& his wife's name was Mary.

In 1869 he & John together bought from Robt. Gibson, the E1/2 of NW1/4 S3 T38 R10 - this land still belongs to the McCauley family.

Land office:

July 13, 1874 - Hd. NW4 Sec 22-38-10, 160A, $10 Can. Nov. 2, 1881. West side Kgs. Hwy., Opposite Country Store. Willie Ric__ger Hd. __ in 1901 F.C. 1908. [47]

Death records:

Owen F. McCauley, widower, age 82-3-2, died Dec. 10, '19 in Peaine. Twp, of old age.

Farmer, retired 14 yrs. Born Ire.; parents [father] Frank McCauley, mother unknown.

Peter Owen McCauley, married, age 58-1-12 died in Peaine Twp, July 2, '40, of bronchial pneumonia b___ [48] stg.. Farmer; parents Owen McCauley & Catherine Gallagher, both born Ire.


Owen McCauley

(2nd Gen.)


[born] Mich., lightkeeper

P. 92

Wife (married in 1899), Mary McDonough, [born] Ireland - Val's daughter


Mary Clementina, June 23, '01 (record)

Mary Kate, June 6, '01

- must be a double record

This is from Charlevoix birth records. Can this be "Owen Conn"? - yes The Mary is not Vesty's Mary because she married Dan Malloy. Could she be a Val, Big Tom's sister? - yes

He was born in Ireland & so might his sister.

Clementine says:

Vesty sent for his brother Tom's 2 sons Patrick & Tomas (see family tree card on back of Vesty's card). They sent for their sister Ann & the 3 sent for the parents & the rest of the family. This is the Clementine that _____ [49] to the Beacon. See Kitty Gallagher (the 103 year old one) about her (Clementine). Great grandfather named James Napp__ T__dy [50] Gallagher . "My father entered the lighthouse service & was keeper of the Squaw Light for 28 yrs., when he was transferred to St. Joe & stayed there 10 years until he retired in 1938."


Patrick McCauley

[Born] Mich., "farmer"

Wife Minnie - born Mich.


Irene, Feb. 16, 1899 (record)

This information is from Charlevoix records.


Patrick H. McCauley

Born Mich., "farmer"

Married Mary Harris - born Mich.


Hannah Delia, Mar. 17, '97 - birth record

This information comes from the Charlevoix births. I don't know whose son he was.

  • son of John & K_____ [51]


Patrick "Paddy Baca" McCauley


(one of the 5 brothers)

P. 110

House #8

Wife, Mary Sharkey


Frank, 1851-1866 (a stone) - Aranmore

Charlie, 1864 - [52] married Catherine Boyle (Whiskey's daughter) [in] 1889; had boat, "Magwood"


Conn, 1863 - married Hannah Big Dominic

Paddy (over) [i.e., see below]

He is supposed to have been a pirate. He lived in the house where the Schmidts now live, & bought the property from the ex-Mormon Orson Campbell, July 6, 1884.

He was lame, as the Baca indicates (Maria & Mrs. McMillen).

He was still in Aranmore in 1851 because there is a stone for his son Frank -

Frank, son of Patrick & Mary McCauley born in Aranmore, Co. Donegal, Ireland died here July 7, 1866 age 15 years

"His grandparents, Frank & Annie, repose beside him."

"Pady McCauley arrived Beaver Island in 1884, probably the 5th of those brothers. He lived at ' Campbells'' & later sold the farm to Joe Smith. Claimed to have been a pirate in his younger days & his brother Owen also claimed that distinction. Their father came to B.I. at a later date, probably 1876." - Tony O'Donnell's notes

The note of coming in 1884 must be wrong as his son Frank was buried & died here in 1866. Perhaps he came once, went back, & came again. This is probably right as Mary Early says he came with their party (his second trip).

Frank probably came with the grandparents & died 3 days after they got to the Island July 4th.

Clink's notes -

Paddy Bochie's sons:

Conn McCauley - passenger boat out of Chicago

Paddy McCauley - government dredge out of Detroit

Chas. McCauley - Grand Trunk car ferry

Jack McCauley

Jim McCauley


Peter McCauley

1834 - (census)


Came to B.I. 1858 (this is Nackerman's date)

P. 78, 95, 98, 101, 127, 140

House #23

Wife Ellen Malloy, 1843 - (census)


Edward, 1862-1912 Eddie [53]

Ellen, 1868

Johanna, 1870-1907 (married P. D. Boyle)

Agnes, 1878

Mary, 1865 (married Nackerman)

No relation to the 5 brothers. His father was Eddie McCauley who died in Ireland. The father was a brother of Dan McCauley (see family tree), so Dan was his uncle. He married Ellen Malloy, daughter of Patrick Malloy. This is the woman who had the row with Father Gallagher.

He came over in 1844 (this must be a mistake, it must be 1854) with Hugh Conehan (Hugh was the father of Mrs. Vesty Vesty and Mrs. Cull). Pete could not read or write.

Mentioned 11 times in Dormer's book.

They lived at Nomad at the Cole property, house #38 (Cole bought the property from them).

He and Dan Boyle (Maria's grandfather) were 1st cousins and were raised together by a grandmother because they were orphaned. Peter first came to Canada. Many Irish came this way because the British Government paid their passage, in an effort to solve the "Irish Problem" & colonize Canada at the same time. The Irish had no intention of staying; they wanted to get to " America." When he got here he worked for Wagely, cutting wood. Pete got together enough to buy some second hand nets & set them off shore at what is now McCauley's Bay. In the morning they were full to overflowing. From then on he fished. -Nackerman (his grandson)

Why did he have to be raised by a grandmother? His mother was married here to a n O'Donnell Boyle & later to Fitzsimmons. Perhaps when his widowed mother married O'Donnell she left him with the paternal grandmother - she must have been only 16 when she had him - it is reasonable that with so young a mother (widowed) that the grandmother took him.

There is a stone for P. D. McCauley, 1862-1906 - is this a son? The date's right and the grave is right next to Dan G. & Bridget à no - Dan McC son.

Dec. 1979 he got, by T at deed, the W1/2 & NE1/4 of SW1/4 & Lot 3 of S11 T37 R10 (Land Office says SW 4 & Lot 3, Sec 11).

Roland says he was "a real Irish gentleman"; he never saw him anything but dressed up & carrying a cane.


Pete[r] McCauley

(card #2)

1860 census shows:

Peter McColey 30 laborer born Ire.

John O'Donald 35 laborer born Ire.

1860 census, another listing:

Peter McColey 24 fisherman born Ire.

Henry Boyle 25 laborer born Ire. this is Pete's step-brother Hugh T. Boyle

Pete told his grandson Frank Nackerman -

There was a round tower on Aranmore. In the summer he went "up on the mountains with the cattle." He played "on the strand" & talked about the edible, salty, seaweed. During the famine a boat with corn was wrecked on Aranmore. The corn drifted ashore but when the people tried to gather it to eat the British soldiers drove them off, stood in a ring to guard it. It was eaten by the sea gulls.

Pete's son Eddie was living on Garden Island & he & S___o [54] were fishing together. Eddie had 7 or 8 children. He was drowned at the dock next to the meat market. He was found with his arms around the dock post. No one ever knew what happened but some suspected foul play on S___o's part. Johnny McCann took his boat & immediately went over to Garden Island & brought the wife & children to Nackerman's (Mrs. Nackerman was Eddie's sister).


Pete[r] McCauley & Dan Boyle

(card #3)

[See also Dan Boyle's card for more on Dan]

[W]ere living on Aranmore at the time of the famine. Dan, age 13 in 1845 & Pete, age 11. When it was over Dan was 18 & Pete 16.

Dan probably came over in the early '50s. He went back to Ireland to marry Catherine, followed her to Canada, & was married in 1857. They must have come to B.I. very soon because he filed for land on Lake Geneserath Apr. 10, 1858 & their first child, Mary, was born on B.I. in 1859.

Pete went to Canada first & then to Penn. where he worked in the mills in Johnstown. Did he come with Dan when Dan 1st came? If they came in 1852 (two years after famine was over) Dan would have been 20, Pete 18; if in 1854, Dan 22, Pete 20. Nackerman says Pete left after Dan, after his mother, but got to the Island before his mother.

Pete's mother married Thomas H. Boyle in Ireland. He was 25 years older than his wife & had at least 2 children by an earlier marriage. When the famine came Thomas H. was 55 years old, Mary (Pete's mother), 30. The oldest child of theirs recorded in the census is Catherine who was born in 1853 when Mary was 38, Tom 63. The census says this child & the other 2, Michael & Bridget, were all born in Mich., but this seems unlikely. There is reason to believe that Michael, born 1855, was born in Penn.* Probably Bridget, the youngest, was born on B.I. in 1857 à no - she was born in Penn. Did Mary & Thomas marry after the famine, come to America, to Canada, & with them his son Hugh[?] Later they went on to Penn. Did Pete follow his mother? Then he stayed longer in Penn., while 1st Hugh, his step-brother, & then his mother & step-father went to B.I.

In 1860 Hugh T. Boyle (Hugh H.'s son by 1st marriage) living with his step-brother Pete. By 1861 he was married to Hannah Veag & their 1st child was born while Pete was married to Ellen by 1862 when their first child was born.

Apr. 10th, 1858 - Hugh filed for land on Lake Genesareth the same day as Dan Boyle & Dan Malloy for nearby land. Does this mean Hugh was the 1st to come?

*A Michael Boyle, living on Hog Island in 1880, gives his age as 22 & says he was born in Penn., mother & father born in Ireland. This is the Mike Boyle closest to the right age. [55]


Peter D. McCauley

(2nd Gen.)

Dan's son.

Clipping when he died (undated):

He died in Superior, when before taken ill with typhoid he was capt. of the fishing tug "Ethel _" [56] at Marquette, went to Superior 1 month before his death. His brother Capt. Dan McCauley & his brother-in-law Capt. Eli Garrett went to Superior but didn't get there until after his death - body taken to Garretts'.

Born St. James 1862, lived in Manistique many years in employ of the Booth Fisheries as shoreman & sailor. "A young man of good habits."

Survived by 2 brothers & five sisters:

(Nora) Hannah - Mrs. Gallagher [of] St. James

Ellen - Mrs. Roddy [of] St. James [57]

Jane - Mrs. Eli Garrett - of "this city" [58]

Rose - Mrs. Hugh Malloy of Ontonagon

Bridget - Mrs. Bernard Scheidt [of] St. James

Thomas McCauley [of] St. James

Dan McCauley

Attending the funeral (went to mainland early in the week from St. James):

Capt. & Mrs. J. C. Gallagher Lizzie Gallagher

Capt. & Mrs. Tim Roddy Nora Gallagher

Hugh & Dennis Boyle Sadie Bevens

Dan & James Martin


Tom McCauley

(2nd Gen.)


House #25

P. 90 à P. 129

There is a stone: Thomas McCauley, 1873-1954

This is Nonie's "uncle" which means he must be Dan McCauley's son.


Dr. McCulloch

He was a Mormon and according to the " Kingdom of St. James," the real leader behind the plot against Strang. He came from Baltimore, first for his health; but he liked it and stayed on.

His house was a story and a half gothic, white, with a white picket fence. It stood opposite the dock he owned on which Strang was shot. That would make it about where Nels' store was or behind it.


Daniel Donald McDonald/McDonnell [59]

1847 - (died early)

Tombstone says McDonald

Marriage, Nov. 28, 1868: Daniel McDonald, laborer, 21 - Bridget O'Donnell, 1852 - (Aranmore, Ire.), 16.


Raymond Donald McDonnell, 1874-1908

Jessie D. McDonnell - married Con C. Gallagher

Ten years later Bridget married Hugh Connaghan (see his card). [60]

" Northern Michigan":

Conn C. Gallagher "married Jessie McDonald, daughter of Daniel & Bridget (O'Donnell) McDonald, and who was also a resident of B.I. for many years."


Raymond McDonald


This must be the child of Daniel McDonald who was dead by 1878 when his [Raymond's] mother married Hugh Conneghan.

Married Ella Roddy, 1875-1944 (called Nellie in second registration for Jessie & Ellen in Bridget's) [61]

They had 7 daughters, no sons, of whom Bid Sendenburg was one:

Jessie, Oct. 29, '96 (birth record)

Jerry, Nov. 16, '96 (birth record) [62]

Bridget, Jan. 17, 1900 (birth record)

Erma, June 29, 1901 (birth record)

Anna, 1904-1947

There are stones:

Raymond McDonald, 1874-1908

Ella, mother, 1875-1944

Daughter Anna, 1904-1947

Raymond lists himself as a "farmer" in birth records.

Death record:

Donald R. McDonald, [63] married, age 35-3-8, died Mar. 16, '08, "accident, found dead in a boat." Born Mich.; fisherman; parents Donald R. McDonald & Bridget O'Donnell.


McDonough [Family]

[Ed.'s note: this "card" is actually a piece of folded notebook paper with notes on it re: more

than one individual. It is filed at the end of the "McDonough" section.]

You will see from the chart that Bud & Joy [64] trace back to "Co. Clare" through Ellen Correy, & to Galway through Sylvester McDonough. Just where in Co. Clare is never specified. They always said "Galway" for the McDonoughs but whether that means the county or the town of Galway is not clear.

Through their grandmother, Mary Connaghan, Bud & Joy go back to the island of Aranmore in Co. Donegal.

Russ's forebearers, through his grandfather Red Hughie Boyle and White Dan Green & grandmother Bridget O'Donnell, go back to Aranmore, but through grandmother Anna McDonough to Galway.

Vesty & Ellen Correy met on the boat coming over but the exact year of their emigration is not known. [65]

Probably the year of emigration was 1853. With Vesty was his sister Big Mary. If there were any other members of the family in the party we do not know about them. Vesty was 21 and Mary 19.

On the boat they met the Correy family. With Ellen were a brother & her sisters Bridget (later to be Mrs. Dan McCauley) & Margaret. One account says an aunt was with them. Ellen was 23.

Through their grandmother Mary Connaghan, Bud & Joy go back to Aranmore. It was Mary's mother, Bridget O'Donnell, who came from Ireland with her mother Hannah & her brothers Owen & John. Hannah was a widow. These were the children of Hannah's first marriage. Their father was Anthony O'Donnell, who had been a saloon keeper & bailiff on Aranmore. The family had been in better circumstances than most who reached Beaver. After her first husband's death Hannah married a Walter Anthony O'Donnell, called "Salty," on B.I.. The year of Bridget's emigration was 1852 or 1853. There are conflicting reports as to whether Hannah's second marriage took place in Ireland, N.Y., or B.I..

Through Eva Lafreniere Bud & Joy go back to Patrick ("Paganog") Boyle. Eva's mother, Sophia Boyle, was the daughter of Patrick (Paddy Hela) and Bridget Boyle, daughter of Pa_____. Both were born on Aranmore. Paddy Hela's father never came to Aranmore, but his mother, Cicely, nee O'Donnell, was here by 1870, joining her children who had come in __ preceded her to Beaver some of whom were on Beaver by 1860. Paddy Hela's wife Bridget, the daughter of Patrick (Paganog) The family came to Beaver directly from Aranmore in 1870, having been sent for by Paganog's brother-in-law, Anthony O'Donnell, Russ's great-grandfather. The family Boyles were all from Aranmore.

Russ's forebearers, through his grandfather Red Hughie Boyle and White Dan Green & great grandparents Bridget O'Donnell, go back to Anthony & Sophia O'Donnell go back to Aranmore, but through grandmother Anna McDonough to Galway.

Red Hughie sometimes said he was born in Ireland & sometimes in Michigan. The earliest records say Ireland & from his age that is right. He was a baby when they reached They came to Beaver by way of Canada and were here by 1859 when sister Grace was born, 1860. Hughie's parents were Edward (Neddy) Boyle & Bridget ("Big Biddie") Gallagher, who were from Aranmore. The exact year of emigration is not known, but they were on Beaver by 1860.

Red Hughie's wife was Anna McDon., daughter of Sylvester's Vesty's cousin Thomas McDon. ("Val"). Vesty had sent for brothers "Big Tom" & Patrick and after they had been here a year they brothers sent for Anna. The year of her emigration was 1880. In 1882 the three children, Big Tom, Patrick, & Anna, sent for their parents Thomas ("Val") McDonough & Catherine Kane. All of the family was from Galway.


Anna McDonough

(2nd Gen.)

Daughter of Sylvester [McDonough] & Ellen Correy. She was born in Canadaand there is a parish record of her marriage, July 13, 1880:

James McGee, 38 - Anna McDonough, 21

Could she afterwards have married "Red Hughie," Big Biddie Boyle's son? See his card. Her age is right.

This was a double wedding with Mary Burns & Mark Slocum. [66]

​This is the one Nonie was named for, Annora - the Nora was for Salty's wife, Dan McCauley's daughter Nora (Hannah).


James V. McDonough

(2nd Gen.)


P. 96-97

Son of Vesty & Ellen Correy

Married Katherine Gallagher, 1876-1919 - daughter of Big Phil

Only child:

Gordon, 1899-1917 (death record 1900-1918)

The son died at age 18, the mother 2 years later, & the father soon after. "Father Jewel said, there was nothing wrong with him, it was a broken heart."

There are stones for all three.

He was a fine carpenter. Is he the one that built the house on the Trail Rd. & his wife died before they moved in? If so he also built the James McCauley house. He & his brother Pat built the McDonough house I know.

Death records:

James V. McDonough, widower, age 51, died in Peaine Twp on Nov. 17, '19, of pneumonia.

Born Mich.; parents Vesty McDonough & Ellen Correy; farmer.

Protar's Diary: July 24, 1919 - "Mrs. Jim Vesty died at 10 a.m."

Nov. 17, 1919 - "James Vesty died a.m."


Mary "Big Mary" McDonough

 1837 -


A sister of the 1st Vesty

By 1862

P. 47, 146

Married Patrick Carmody, 1822-1869

3 children, 2 girls & a boy

There is a parish record, Sept. 15, 1862, of a marri[age] between Patrick Carmody, 40, and Mary McDonough, 25. The witnesses were Anthony and Catherine Gill. Maria says she was also married to Morris Gallagher (see his card).

She married Carmody in '62, her oldest child was born in '65 (or '64) & the youngest by Carmody in '68. Her 1st by Morris Gallagher was born in '70, so Carmody must have drowned around '69. (This checks with the youngest children of Ed & Mike Martin drowned with him.)

Mrs. V. Vesty says she was a midwife & was a widow with 3 children. She was 6' 2" tall & a very strong woman. She smoked a pipe. They didn't have good enough docks so they pulled the boats up on the beaches when there was a storm. Sometimes it was hard to get them down again if sand had been piled up in a storm. If the men couldn't move them Big Mary put her shoulder under the prow & pushed them out. Her husband drowned (see his card).

She later married Morris Gallagher, Big Phil's half-brother (Nonie says he was lazy, "no good.")

Nonie -

Big Mary Carmody lived in a house that stood where the play ground is now. Her living room had a big four poster bed with white lace trimmed curtains that were tied back with ribbon bows.

Nonie has a picture of her sitting in front of her house (the present Gillespie house where Grace lives, only it was log) smoking her pipe with three grandchildren playing around her. It is so faded you can't see the face, or pipe, but she is sitting straight as a ramrod with her hands folded in her lap.


Mary McDonough

(2nd Gen.)

Daughter of Sylvester [McDonough] & Ellen Correy. She was born in Canada in 1858. There is a parish record of her marriage, April 15, 1877:

Daniel Malloy, 20 - Mary McDonough, 19

This is the Daniel Malloy who was born on B.I. in 1857, one of the first children. yes


Patrick McDonough

(2nd Gen.)

House #98

P. 146

Son of Sylvester [McDonough] & Ellen Correy

There is a parish record of his baptism:

Mar. 30, 1862: Patrick McDonough, [parents] Sylvester McDonough & Ellen Correy

Married Ellen O'Donnell (daughter of Anthony O'Donnell) - she was one of the 1st children


Bert Pat McDonough (he has the O'Donnell bible)

In the birth records is Martin McDonough, son of Patrick V. McDon. & Ellen O'Donnell, born Jan. 28, 1896. He is listed as a farmer.

Mary McDonough, June 26, '97 - birth record

Ellen Sophia, Mar. 17, 1900 - birth record (the mother must have been 43 at this birth)

According to Pat Bonner, he was a blacksmith.

He built a frame house across the lane from his father-in-law's log house. The lane goes off the King's Hg. before you get to the Little Red Schoolhouse.

Ellen McDonough has a stone:

  • - 1919 [67]

Protar's Diary: "Mrs. Pat Vesty died 8 p.m.," on May 12, 1919.


Sylvester "Vesty" McDonough


Born in Galway, [68] died B.I. 1910

P. 140, 146

House #28

His wife - Ellen Correy; born in County Clare, 1832, died B.I., 1916


Ann, 1859 - [born] Mich.; married James McGee

Mary, 1858 - [born] Can. [69]

Thomas, 1855 - [born] Can.

Patrick, Mar. 30, 1862 (parish record); married Ellen O'Donnell, daughter of Anthony O'Donnell


James V., 1868-1919 (stone)

There is a single stone for them:

Sylvester McDonough

1831-191 06

Helen, his wife


Here she is called "Helen" but Patrick's baptismal record calls her "Ellen."

For Ellen's sister Margaret, see card under Correy.

 They were married in Canada and had two children there. They settled where the Vesty farm is now. He farmed and cut wood, clearing the homestead.

They made ties and cord wood; the ties were hune by hand. A boat came and anchored as close as possible. They made a boom (logs inside a circle of roped logs) and towed them out to the ship. This was a sailing vessel. (Mrs. Vesty Vesty)


"I went to a ball at Vesty's. It was my first big party, but I danced. I was about 15." (this would be 1896)

There was a flowing well in Vesty's kitchen.

The 1860 census lists:

Vesty McDonough 30 laborer born Ire.

Ellen McDonough 25 ---------- born Ire.

Thos. McDonough 5 ---------- born Canada

Mary McDonough 4 ------------ born Canada

Anna McDonough 3/12 ---------- born Mich.

Thos. Maguire 30 laborer born Ire.

Land records:

1869 - he homesteaded SW1/4 of NW1/4 & SW1/4 of SW1/4 Sec 23 T38 R10.

Land office:

July 18 (8?), 1863 - Festus McDonough, N 2SW 4 & SW 4SW 4 & SW 4NW 4 Sec 23-38-10, 160A, $10 F.C. Sept. 24, 1868.

Death records:

Ellen McDonough, married, age 89, died Feb. 24, '16, in Peaine Twp, of old age. Born Ire.; parents, [father] John Correy, mother unknown.

Sylvester McDonough, married, age 86, died Mar. 9, '16, in Peaine Twp, of old age. Born Ire.; farmer; parents, f[ather] Lawrence McDonough, mother unknown.

Lawrence McDonough, married, age 57-10-21, died on Mar. 4, '25, in St. J. Twp, of cancer of the stomach. Born Ire.; fisherman; parents Sylvester McDonough & Helen Correy.

Sylvester "Vesty" McDonough

(card #2)


I have used the dates on the gravestones.

When the famine began Vesty was 14, Ellen 13. When it was over he was 19 & she 18. Vesty's sister Big Mary was 7, & 12 when it was over.

When they came to Canada I don't know but it was before 1855 when they were married. They met on the boat coming across [to] Canada. Probably Ellen & her sister Bridget (see Dan McCauley) came with their parents. The members of Vesty's family we know were here were his sister Big Mary & his brother or cousin Val.

They were married in Canada in 1854.



Sylvester "Vesty" McDonough

(card #3)


[Ed.'s note: this "card" is actually a piece of folded notebook paper with notes on it re: more than one individual. It is filed at the end of the "McDonough" section.]

If I go by the stone figures, they were married in Can. by 1855 when their oldest child was born there. They were on B.I. when Anna was born there in 1859. In one census Mary (last child born in Can.)'s birth date is 1856, in 2 others, 1858. Between her birth & Anna's, 1859, they came to B.I..

If they were married in '54 Vesty was 24, Helen 23.



Sylvester "Vesty Vesty" McDonough

(2nd Gen.)


187_(?) - April 1949


Son of Sylvester [McDonough] & Ellen Corry


Married Mary Connaghan, 1879 - , in 1894






Bruce, 1908-1937 - death record calls him Hugh Roland; died on the Marold II




Jessie Genevieve, June 7, 1900-1902 (stone); her birth is recorded


Margaret - married Frank Danny Barney O'Donnell

Father Gallagher married Vesty Vesty & Mary Connaghan. Weddings were not with a mass at that time. As I understand it they were married at the priest's house or in the church in the afternoon. Then a wedding dance was held in the evening. Bowery lived in the house where the Culls now live and his daughter Sadie (a very close friend of Mary's) was dying (of consumption?). The second floor was used as a dance hall then. They couldn't use it because of Sadie, so the dance was held at her father's house. Father Gallagher furnished the wine (as he customarily did). When news came of Sadie's death, the dance stopped.

Death records:


Hugh Roland McDonough, married, age 29-2-0, killed on the Marold II.



Thomas "Big Tom" McDonough



Born in Ireland




Son of Val


Married Kitty O'Donnell (called "Kate" in second registration), 1863-1936 - daughter of John O'Donnell & Bridget Boyle? "Johnny Maliane"?




Thomas John, Nov. 30, '96 (birth record; registered twice)


Pat Joseph, June 5, 1900 (birth record)


Leo Lawrence, Aug. 16, 1903 (birth record)

In the registration for Pat Joseph it says Thomas was born in Mich. & Kitty is listed as Katherine, also Mich.. In Leo Lawrence's Tom is listed as [born in] Ireland.

Clementine - Vesty sent for him & his brother Patrick. They sent for sister Anna (who married Red Hughie), & the three sent for the father & mother & the rest of the family including Mary who married Owen Conn, the lighthouse keeper. The last came in 1884 (it looks as if they came with the Don Father party, of which Mary Early was one.)

Death records:


Thomas John McDonough, single, age 27-11-13, died Oct. 13, '24, in Peaine Twp, of pulmonary tuberculosis. Born Mich.; parents Thomas McDonough & Catherine O'Donnell.


Thomas McDonough, married, age 77, died May 23, '36, in Peaine Twp, of "toxic absorption, gangrene of right foot." Born Ire.; farmer; parents Thomas McDonough & Catherine Kane.


Catherine McDonough, widowed, age 73-8-8, died Oct. 10, '36, in Peaine Twp of "myocardial degeneration." Born Mich.; parents John O'Donnell & Bridget Boyle.

[See original manuscript for McDonough family tree diagram; includes reference: p. 23A, 47, 66, 92, 93, 97, 103, 146.]



Thomas "Val" McDonough



P. 88, 137


Wife, Anna Kane (called Catherine in death record of son Tom)

Still in Ireland in 1857 when daughter Anna was born; still in Ireland in 1859 when [son] Big Tom (1859-1936) was born. Anna married a Boyle, "Red Hughie" (see death records).

Clementine says he homesteaded the farm where the golf course is & later it went to son Big Tom.

There was a "Val" McDonough who was either Vesty's uncle or cousin. His wife was a sister to the Michael Kane who has a stone in the cemetery & is in the death records. See card, "Kane."

He lived in house #17 - the log house at the right angle turn of the Trail Rd. According to Maria he was a brother of Vesty's & his wife was a Kane. Her brother Michael Kane ([there is a] stone) lived with them. They must have been married in Ireland because the son Big Tom was born there.

Probably a cousin or brother - Sylvester born 1831 - Kane the brother-in-law of Val, 1836 - the same generation. - but Val was born in 1819 - could be uncle.

Clink says Val & Vesty were brothers.

Big Tom's son has a stone - Thomas J. McDonough, Nov. 30, 1895-Oct. 13, 1924.


There is a birth record for Thomas John - Nov. 30, '96.

Death records:


Thomas Donough (this was first McDonough, then erased & changed), died Aug. 3, '03. He was widowed, age 84, cause old age; born in Ire.; a farmer; parents unknown. This is "Val."Anna Boyle, married, age 77-9-22, died in Peaine Twp, Feb. 4, '34, of bronchial pneumonia.


Born Ire.; parents Thomas McDonough & Anna Kane. Married to Red Hughie.



James McGee

1842 -


P. 109


Married, July 1880, Anna McDonough (a Vesty), 1859 -




John, 1881 -


Delia, 1881 (death records)-1938 - born Canada

In April 1880 James McGee bought NE1/4 Sec 21, T37, R10 from James R. O'Donnell.

Nonie says he, Hamrock, & Slocum started the 1st mill after the Mormons.

Bruce Catton, "Waiting for the Morning Train," p. 94:


"One of the biggest companies logging the Manistee River got a bad name because it served baked beans 3 times a day, with everything else regarded as trimmings. The men made up an irreverent jingle to the tune of ' Maryland, My Maryland' -

Who feeds us beans until we're blue?


Louie Sands & Jim McGee.


Who thinks that nothing else will do?


Louie Sands & Jim McGee.


Who feeds us beans 3 times a day?


And gives us very little pay?


Who feeds us beans again I say?


Louie Sands & Jim McGee."

Death records:


Delia McGee Wilson, married, age 57-9-8 died in Peaine Twp on Nov. 15, 1938, of coronarythrombosis. Born Canada; there is a question mark for parents. She is buried in the Protestant cemetery.




P. 139


Cornelius Gallagher's wife was Grace McGladrey. Her cousin, Ann McGladrey worked for the Hugh Connaghan family. [Sometimes this family is called "Gladrey."] [70]



Bridget McGowan

House #64


The first to buy land on B.I. was David McKay - on July 4, 1848, filed for 43A of land comprising fractional E1/2 of SE1/4 of Sec 21 TW 30N R10 W. This is on north beach, including the public camp site & runs back to P_____ [71] Bay Rd. Lawrence said "The first store on B.I. was a[t] Page Town." Thus this was probably an Indian trading post located as it is between Indian point & the harbor.

On Feb. 25, 1814 Captain William McKay was serving with the Michigan Fencibles in the British garrison on Mackinac Is.

Spring of 1814 - Capt. William McKay, formerly of the 5th Battalion, Canadian Embodied Militia, was appointed commanding officer of the Michigan Fencibles. He was soon promoted to the rank of Major of the Militia. He had come out with Dickson (of the Indian Dept.) in the fall of 1813. When the British heard that the Americans were establishing a fort at Prairie du Chien, the fur traders, alarmed, raised two companies of volunteers which were commanded by Major McKay with the local rank of lieutenant colonel. The force left Mackinac on June 28th & arrived at Prairie du Chien July 17. After brisk action the American garrison capitulated. The British named the fort " Fort McKay."


-this information - Michigan History, winter 1973, pp. 287-289, by Brian


Leigh Dunnigan

Could he have been David's father?



Peter McKinley

1810 - ?


Lightkeeper, 1859-60


James McKinley, 1814 - ? [brother of Peter] - had stone?

He was from Fairport, Ohio-born Jamestown, Ohio-and is supposed to have been a cousin of the President. [72] Pres. McKinley's grandparents were from Co. Donegal.


About 1849 he bought out Alva Cable at Whiskey Point. He also raised cattle, some of which were stolen by the Mormons. [73] His store was on the Point at the time of the gun "battle," July 4, 1850.


Thomas Bedford worked for him & the whipping is supposed to have been because he gave information to McKinley about the Mormon stealing. (-Mrs. Williams)


McKinley moved his family to Mackinac because of the Mormons in the summer of 1852, but he was back by 1857. At this time he set up his business at what had been the Adrich Dock during Mormon times. This is what I know as "the King Place." At that time it was called "the Gregg Property." In '57 he was in the state legislature, the business run in his absence by his brother Harrison. - "Child of the Sea"

Peter was postmaster Sept. 19, 1851 - Feb. 24, 1852 (during Mormon times).


A James M. McKinley was postmaster Sept. 19, 1857 - May 16, 1861 (is this the "Grandpa McKinley" Mrs. Williams talks about?) Peter's father? No, his brother.


When did he leave if he was postmaster in 1852? Did he leave right after Feb. 1852?

He was one of the complaintants against Strang in the proceedings of July 1851 that resulted in the trial in Detroit.

There is a record of a transfer of property in 1851 from him to Robt. Buchan, T38-R10-I2. [74]

In summer 1857, when Mrs. Williams returned she says Peter McKinley was serving in the State Legislature & didn't return to B.I. until late fall. In the meantime his business was being run by his brother Harrison. [75]


Mrs. Williams says he followed his Lyman Granger as keeper of the Harbor Light & served nine years, 1860-1869. "He lost his health soon after the appointment," but his younger daughters Effie & Mary lived with him & tended the light. She also mentions Effie McKinley as a school teacher. There was a 3rd girl - Sarah, the eldest.

Land office:


Sept. 1859 - Peter McK. bought lots 2 & 3 Sec 2-38-10, 69.3A, $86.62 1/2 . Beach just S. of Little Sand B.


? 1861 - Peter McK. sold to Robt. Buchan these lots.


Sept. 9, 1861 (pencil) - James D. McK. Lot 1 Sec 36 & Lots 2 & 3 Sec 25-38-10 (Beach N. Of Martin's Bluff).


({ink} July 26, 1877 - Philip Gall. - this land 140A, $10 F.C. 1883)


Aug. 1, 1861 - Jas. M. McK. - ____ [76] Lot 3 Sec 36-38-10 (very close to Eiche's)


(Neil Gall. filed in 1899, Can. 1906. It was pat in 1920 by Armidoes Brown.)



Peter McKinley

(card #2)


1860 census:


Peter McKinley 50 lighthouse keeper born N.Y.


Effie McKinley 20 ----------------- born Mich.


Mary McKinley 15 --------------- born Mich. (kept the light, 1860-1869)

There is a Charles McKinley, age 61, in the 1840 census in Michilimackinac County; he was in "manufacture or trade["].

Peter McKinley was P. Master Sept. 19, 1851 - Feb. 24, 1852 when he was succeeded by Dennis Chi__ester (probably Mormon). James McKinley was P. Master Sept. 19, 1857 - May 16, 1861.

Mrs. Samuelson - When they returned in '57 (or '56?) "only two apple trees had escaped destruction by the Mormons." They established themselves at Troy. (C. of S.)

Peter & James' father, David, was in Rev. War. [The sons were] born [in] Jamestown, N.Y. & moved to Fairport, Ohio.

William N. McLeod

Representative of Mackinac in the state legislature. He drew up the act that divided the Upper Pen. Into counties, 1843. Praised as "the ablest Representative Mackinac ever had" by Strang in his An. & Mod. Michli., p. 31.

May 1851 he was prosecuting att. for co. of Mackinac. He went to B.I. to assume direction of the prosecution of Richard O'Donnel & James Hay after the Sher. refused to serve the warrant of arrest issued by Judge Greig to M. M. Aldrich (death warrant). The resulting effort to arrest both the culprits & the Bennett brothers resulted in Tom [Bennett]'s death. [77]


Alexander [Mcleod] began the settlement of Cheboygan & built a saw mill there, 1847.


[ An. & Mod. Michli.], p. 33



1880 High Is.


McLeod, William 58 laborer born Can. fath. [born] Scotland moth. [born] Scot.


Boyle, Hugh 22 laborer born Can. fath. [born] Ire. moth. [born] Ire.



McNutt [Sisters]

P. 30


The two sisters who were to have married Strang in July after his death.


Mrs. Williams, who got back to the Island in later August of 1857, says they were just leaving at that time. "The two sisters were very beautiful girls who were orphans & had a home with their uncle, he being a staunch Mormon but a very good man," Child of S., p. 183


Betsy McNutt was Strang's 3rd wife. Was she a cousin of the two sisters, if the latter really existed?


Pat Bonner's mother said she met them at a quilting bee and asked them why they wanted to marry the same man. They said, "Because we would then not be separated."



Patrick McMalion



He is not in the census.


Married Catherine Boyle - Pen.




Michael, May 12, '78 (birth rec.)



Michael and Patrick McNally

Patrick McNally






Married Mary Brown - Ire.




Ann, Sept. 20, '76 (birth rec.)

There was a Michael McNally, 23, on Gull Island with five other young men when the 1880 census was taken.



Millar/Miller Family

Harrison (Capt. "Tip"), 1838-? - married Bridget Harkins, 1843 -


Charley, 1839-?


Joan Ruth Ann, 1834 - ; married Thomas Bedford, who shot King Strang (Pat Bonner callsThomas Bedford's wife Ruth Ann, not Joan - right).


Another sister who married a Gibson, brother of the man who had the Gibson House - name - Julia Julia, 1836 - married Albert Field


According to Roland, she was married to Robt., not his brother. Sister Lorraine says Robt.


Gibson was married to Julia Scully. Could the other Gibson have been married to Tip's sister - see Harrison Millar.


According to "Child of the Sea," Robt. Gibson & his wife both came from New York City. - right. Ireland


[This must mean that the whole family was from N.Y.. Harrison was a Mormon, and so was Joan. There is no suggestion that Gibson was; but if Tip & Joan were - Charley & Julia probably were too. See Gibson.]


[If Julia & Robt. Gibson came from N.Y., the Millar family probably did too.]

Another thing that points to N.Y. is that Tip married Bridget Harkins whose family emigrated around 1841 or 1843 and were in N.Y. in 1855 when Sophia Harkins was married to John Bonner.


This family were evidently disillusioned Mormons, one sister married a gentile, and the other the man who killed Strang. "Tip" joked about being a Mormon, & he & the other brother stayed on after the Exodus.

K. of St. J. has a Sheriff Miller, a Mormon, sheriff at the time of the assassination. See p. 172. See card for Joshua Miller.

There is a Robert Miller in the Land Office records - could he be of this family?


Pencil -


Apr. 2, 1860 - Robt. Miller, W 2SE 4 Sec 2-38-10, W. side Trail Rd. from Val's to Big Phil's (John O'Donnell Hd., this in 1863).

He [78] was 1st captain of the Coast Guard & served from 1876 through 1887.



George Miller, Sr.

(card #1)


Nov. 15, 1794-1857


Born Orange Co., Virg.; in Kentucky when 11-14. At age 19 learned carpenter's trade at Richmond, Ken.


In 1814 moved to Lexington, Ken.


1815 - went to Cincin[nati, OH].


1816-20 - back in Virg. where worked as carpt. in Charlottesville.


1840 - in house of Joseph Smith at Nauvoo [ Illinois]; entered Mormon Church.


1841 - appointed Presiding Bishop of the Church.


1842-43 - fall & winter, getting out lumber in Wisc. above La Cross.


1844 - after Smith's assassination he & Newell Whitney voted trustees-in-trust of all Church property. He was in Kentucky on mission when ass. took place. [79]


1846-49 - in Texas (left for Texas to be with Wright):


1846-47 - with Wright's stake (150 people)


1847-49 - outside[?] but in Texas


1850 - reached B.I. from Austin, Texas (in Austin Lyman Wright had formed a Stake Group thatmade [the] trek - 23 persons, 4 wagons. Trip started Oct. 12, 1849; wintered in Arkansas, reached Voree, Sept. '50.)

Set out for B.I. late Sept. '50. Sailed from Racine [ Wisconsin] on brig Boston, whose destination was G. Trav. Bay. Other Saints [80] on way to Beaver & boat took them there. On arrival Strang came aboard to greet them. He & Phineas Wright got them settled.


June 28th, '56 (12th day after assassination) - left on propeller [boat] Louisville with the wounded King - at bedside of Strang.


[Miller] died 1857.

Soon after [81] he became disillusioned with B. Young & decided to go somewhere else until true successor to Smith be found. In '46 son Joshua in Missouri.



George Miller, Sr.

(card #2)

1838 - Living near Macomb, McDonough Co., Ill., in Nov.. Ferried sheep over at Quincy [ Illinois] to Missouri & ran into the "Mormon War." He ret_____ to ____. [82] Had sons & 2 nephews. Smith escaped from prison & Miller converted.


1839 - Fall, moved to Iowa, across river from Nauvoo.


1840 - Sept., moved to Nauvoo, ordained High Priest.


1841 - Jan., appointed Bishop.


1842 - Goes to Wisc. to run lumber mill; Lyman Wright an associate.


1844 - Apr., returns to Nauvoo with family; May he went to Ken[tucky] to convert & electioneer for Smith for Pres.; June, Smith killed.


1847 - summer, goes to Texas where son John F. was with Lyman Wright. His son (Joshua?) & family is with him. From July to Dec. '47 at Cherokee capital. Lyman Wright had community of 150 under his control (son John had married his daughter), as a common stock association. Wright drinking[?] & "false teaching."


1848 - August, leaves Wright; goes to Austin [ Texas] (85 mi. away).


1849 - wife has stroke, further hardship. Has a letter setting forth Strang's claims to leadership. Further correspondence [with Strang]. Is convinced of his authenticity; resolves to go to B.I.. Oct. 
12th, start. Has with him John G. Miner (not a Mormon but a likely convert); Clarke Lyman Whitney - Miller convinces of Strang's legitimacy. Dec. 12th, stopped with Creek & Seminoles for winter. Miner stays.


1850 - July 4th, start for B.I.: Miller & family, Joshua & family, Whitney & family, 23 persons.


Sept. 4, arrive Voree [ Wisconsin]. Benjamin Wright in charge at Voree. Whitney decides to stay, where he died the next spring (his 3 children go to B.I.).



George Miller, Sr.

(card #3)


"General" George Miller








Sheriff Joshua L. Miller (sheriff sent to Pine River)


George Jr. (by polygamous wife)

He had two middle-aged wives & one young one. "He was old & white-haired." - Crown of Glory

He reached B.I. late in 1850, therefore not in the census but signed coronation list July 8, 1850.

At the time that Sheriff Granger came down from Mackinac to arrest the men in the posse of Mormons that had tried to arrest the fisherman Erri Moore for selling whiskey to the Indians on Garden Is., a group of the men with Granger surrounded Joshua L. & told him his father was dead, exhibiting portions of his clothing. They said the party sent to arrest him where he was working in the woods had murdered him. (K. of St. James, p. 259, May 1851).

He [George Sr.] was present at Voree at the death bed of Strang (where he is called Sheriff George Miller - is there a confusion here with Joshua?). - K. of St. J., p. 179

There is an account in the His. of the G. Traverse Reg., p. 93, of "Gen. Miller" & Strang appropriating the property of a man named Martin (not one of the Martin brothers).

Mrs. Ludlow Hill said, "He was chief military authority" & "had been a bishop in the Church at Nauvoo," and "came with 2 wives and married another on the Island - a young woman, although he was an old gray-haired man."



George Miller, Jr.

Born Feb. 11, 1850 in Indian Terr., among Creek Indians.


At age of 11 mo. (Jan. '51) went to Mich. where mother died (did his mother & he stay in Voree until Jan.? Seems unlikely as Jan. an impossible month for lake travel. He must have been 7 months old).

[See original manuscript for brief family tree of George Miller.]

1854 - family moved to Meringo, Ill., where father died next year, 1855.


1855 - Geo. Sr. died. Same article [83] says he died in Ill. in '56. This is possible, later in the




1856 - went to Iowa to join Joshua & go to Calif.


1857 - party wrecked in Gulf of Mexico near For La Vaca; appealed to John for help. He came


to join them from Texas. Journey continued overland by oxcart.


1858 - were in Burnett Co., Texas


1859 - Mormon[?] mill where waited a year for strong enough wagon train to collect to cross




1860 - reached Calif.; the party:


John Miller, with 2nd wife & 5 children


Joshua Miller, with wife & 5 children


Elizabeth - married (1) Robt. Ke__ & (2) Bill McCoy


Geo. Jr. (he later married Eleanor Hancock & had 8 children)

Note discrepancy -
Geo. Miller was at Strang's death bed, June 1856 - no he couldn't have died in Ill. in 1855, nor moved to Ill. in '54.


Joshua in Iowa, 1856 - this is possible late in the year but he was on B.I. [in] June '56.


It is possible they moved to Meringo, Ill. after Strang's death & that Joshua and family went to Iowa. Then after Geo. Sr. died in Meringo in '57 the rest of the family joined Joshua & the rest of the account [is] accurate.

Graham - Mormon


Census, 1850:


Samuel Graham 30 born N.Y. minister, Mormon


Leah V. Graham 25 born Penn.


Brigham Graham 5 born Mich.


Mary E. Graham 3 born Mich.  ​

Capt. Harrison "Tip" Millar/Miller

(card #1)


1835-1931 (died at La Cross, Wis.)


P. 23, 52, 137, 146


Married Bridget Harkins, 1843-1930 (sister of Sophia who married John E. Bonner) in Har. Springs, July 16, 1859




George Miller (married Gracie Gallagher) - Postmaster Nov. 4, 1881 - Dec. 6, 1881 (succeeded by James Gibson)

Pat - "Tip had a son, George Miller, he married Gracie Gallagher. Tip was a rough fellow, a good man with a boat.'

He is mentioned once in the Dormer Book.

His. of G. Trav. Region, p. 81, lists him as being at Little Traverse in the fall of 1851 - he would have been 16 years old.

He was lighthouse keeper at the Head Light for many years, according to "Child of the Sea," for 11 years or more. He was there in 1874 (see "The Beaver Island Girls"). Millar's Marsh was on his trail to the Light House. On leaving the Light house he was keeper of the Life Saving station at the harbor, succeeded by Big Owen, when he was appointed to the Point Betsy Life Saving Station ("C. of Sea").


"Northern Michigan," p. 601 (under Big Owen) says that he was first keeper of the life saving station at St. James. It was established in 1876 & he was there until 1887. There 1881 - see C. Guard reports that year.

"I have this day engaged Geo. Miller as surfman in place of Charles Moore." - Tip Miller, Life S. S. book

When he left B.I. he was Coast Guard at Point Betsy ( Frankfort) in 1887.

He was a Mormon - but "not a good one, he joked about it". He was called "Tip" because he was a great drinker and in the saloons he said "Tip me up one." "Tip" was a great man with a sail boat - the best." (Pat)

Tip told great stories. One was that he was cutting pine trees with another man when he got tired of working. He dropped his end of the saw, and when the other chased him, he, Tip, climbed a big birch tree. When he wouldn't come down, the man said he'd bring him down. Taking an axe, he started to chop down the birch. When it was about to go, Tip swung across to another birch, like a squirrel. "There I was, swinging around like a squirrel. The bastard never did get me."

He is the one who flung an ore to the Martin brothers when they were set adrift.


Land Office:


Nov. 19, 1873 - U. S. to Harrison Miller & Henry Wright W 2SW 4 & NW 4 Sec 18-37-10 & SW 4 Sec7 400A $500.00, on W. Rd. below Miller's Marsh.


Jan. 1889 - Miller sold the SW 1/4 Sec 9 T37 R10 to D. B. Butler. This is just NW of Lake Genesareth.


Nov. 10, '83 - Harrison Miller, Sheriff, to James Dormer, S 1/2 of NE 1/4, Lot 3, Sec 1 T37R11 (this is near the Antrim Iron Co. mill).

Land record:


Sec 7 T37 R10 " U. S. to Henry Wright & Harrison Millar, Mar. 20, 1874." This is Millar's Marsh. There is a "Wright" that shows on the crude Mormon map at the Head, and a "P. Wright" near Shiloh Village on the other Mormon map.

Capt. Harrison "Tip" Millar/Miller

(card #2)


[See original manuscript for Miller/Millar family tree diagram.]

Mrs. Fitzpatrick, who had researched the George Miller family, says Harrison is definitely not of that family. However, he named his oldest son George à postmaster, 1881.


It is possible that he was related to the Erastus Miller who bought land where the Strang house was. There was 29 years difference in their ages if the census figures are right but I strongly suspect that Tip was older than the 31 years he confessed to in 1870. The history of the Traverse Region says he was at the Little Traverse the winter of 1851 as a fisherman. He would have been more than 12 then.


He could be a son of Erastus by an earlier marriage, or a much younger brother.


See pencil family tree (3). That information is from Mrs. House - her husband (ex) was a great-great-grandson of Julie Ann Miller Bedford.

The confusion with the Gibsons seems to be that it was a daughter of Tip who married a Gibson - she was Elizabeth, born 1863. She married Wm. Henry Gibson in Charlevoix, Oct. 9, 1884.

The Charlevoix paper, July 10, 1884, says, "Mrs. Harrison Miller returned home from B.I. last week." What does this mean? Harrison was on B.I. as keeper of the Coast Guard until 1887. Had she left him? Or was their home in Charlevoix & he came over to the Island for the navigation season, she visiting him? This seems reasonable.



Joshua L. Millar/Miller

A Mormon [84]


He is mentioned in the Northern Island., May 1, 1851, as having been surrounded by a rabble under Sheriff Granger and having asserted that his father Gen. Geo. Millar was murdered while working in the woods. - K. of St. James, p. 259

He lead the Mormon party at the Battle of Pine River. - ibid., p. 271, Northern Island., July 14, 1852

He was sheriff of the county at the time of the assassination and vainly tried to get custody of Bedford & Wentworth from Capt. McBlair of the " Michigan."

There is a Joseph Miller, married to Genevieve Leone, who had a child, F. H. Miller, baptized Dec. 25, 1863.

What relation are these (Geo., Joshua, & Joseph) to Tip Miller?



Reuben Miller

High Priest - converted to Strang's claims when meeting him in debate at Ottawa, Ill. in Apr. 1846. He returned to Nauvoo & convinced John E. Page of validity of Strang's mission.

In 1846 [he] brought out a pamphlet, "James J. Strang Weighed in the Balance & Found Wanting," in defense of the faction in Voree who defected because against establishment of "Order of the Illuminati."

By 1847 he was preaching in N.Y. against Strang as an imposter.

Never on Beaver.

Robert Miller

[This entry is on the back of the card for George Miller, Sr.]

1860 census:


Robert Miller, 25, laborer, born Bavaria, Germ.; listed in the household of Timothy Smith.



R. Frederick Mills


One of Strang's first party of exploration in May 1847. Bought land of Erri James Moore.



David Moon

Renegade Mormon

Castigated by Strang in Northern Islander, June 30, 1855, for criminal conduct. He was one of those subpoenaed at Pine River (along with Ludlow Hill & Wm. Savage). K. of St. J. says he was a fisherman who had been driven away from the Island by the Mormons for criminal conduct.



James (Jim) Mooney





He came from Ireland and lived in house #58.


Married Hannah McCafferty, 1850-1934 (born in Ireland) - either a daughter or a sister-in-law of the widow Mary McCafferty; Am. Irish His. article says still living on Island in 1932. John(?) Mooney




house #90 - are they brothers or the same man, living at different times in different houses?






Jim - There is a Jim Mooney that Maria says was killed on the Corderoy [85] going to Christmas Eve confession in 1845 along with Mrs. Hanley's husband. This must be a son.


Francis, June 2, '73 (birth rec.)


Grace, Ap. 7, '75 (birth rec.)
Lawrence says "Billy Gallagher made the Mooney-McCafferty match." Pat Bonner says this too - see Billy Gallagher's card.





Hannah, 1850-1934


James, 1836-1917

Jim Mooney was a nephew of Mary Mooney who was Pat Malloy's wife, also a nephew of the wife of one of the Tyrone Gallaghers ("Bowery's uncle"). This seems more reasonable than Nackerman's relationship. Nackerman says "Jim Mooney was the brother of Mary Mooney, wife of Pat Malloy & Barney Mooney their 1st cousin" (Nackerman was Mary Mooney's great-grandson). I also have "Mary Mooney was Jim Mooney's aunt."

Birth record - Charlevoix (this Michael is probably Jim Mooney's son):


Michael Mooney, [born] Mich., farmer


Wife Rose Gallagher, [born] Mich.


Child, John Mitchell, [born] June 27, '00

Rachel says "Daniel Dunlevy came over on the same boat with Jim Mooney." That would have been 1857.

[See original manuscript for Cornelius Mooney/Susan Boyle family tree diagram.]

Land office:


Oct. 10, 1873 - James Mooney, Lots 1 & 2 Sec 5-38-10 & S 2NE 4 Hd. 138.8A $10, F.C. Sept.9, 1884. ( Darkytown Rd. just above Connolly land & going through to beach.)

In 1885 James Mooney homesteaded S 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec 5 T38 R10, & also Lots 1 & 2 in the same section.


In 1892 John Mooney bought from the Matthew Burchard estate the S 1/2 of the SW 1/4 S3 T38 R10.

Death records:


James Mooney, married, age 80, died Peaine Twp, of heart disease. Born Ire.; farmer; parentsunknown, on Apr. 24, 1917.


Hannah Mooney, widow, age 82, died Peaine Twp on May 21, '34, of apoplexy. B[orn] Ire.; parents Michael McCafferty & Mary O'Donnell.



Mary O'Donnell Mooney

1815 (death record) or 1820 (census) -




Mrs. Patrick Malloy


Sister of Mike Mahal Rua's wife; her sister (a Mooney) married Bowery's uncle (which one?); Mike Mahal Rua married Susan Mooney. She was an aunt of Jim Mooney.




Ellen - [born] Ireland


Buffalo (John), 1857-1937; in the birth records [he] is listed as born in Canada




Patrick, 1865 - mar. "Anna Gall." (death rec. of a child)

Wilson's barn, Mike Boyle's beach [86]


She lived to be 108 & then died from an accident when she fell while washing windows. She was a midwife & had harrowing experiences answering calls in all weather. Once they came to get her in the middle of winter and in driving over the ice in a sled, she & the men both fell through the ice when the sled broke through. She got out, "shook herself off, and went about her business."

She smoked a pipe.

Was this the Malloys' at Lake Genesareth that the widowed Mrs. Anthony O'Donnell stayed with when she first came with her three children? Could she have been a sister of the Anthony O'D. who died in Ireland - therefore Mrs. Anthony (Hannah) O'D.'s sister-in-law?

Death records:


Thomas P. Malloy, widowed, age 85-8-27, died Apr. 9, '36, in Peaine Twp, of "myocardial degeneration." Born Ire.; farmer; parents Patrick Malloy & Mary Mooney.


Mary O'Donnell, widow, [age] 85, [died] Peaine Twp, old age. Born Ire.; parents Mike[?] O'Donnell & Bright (Bridget?) McCauley.

Owen Mooney

1837 -


Also called John.


Born Ire.


They came in 1860 (1900 census), but are not recorded until '80 census; evidently stayed in Canada.


Married Mary Gallagher, 1834 - ; born Ire.




Michael, Feb. 25, 1873 - ; (birth rec.; father listed as "farmer," Peaine Twp)


John, 1866 - ; born Ire.


Mary, 1869 - ; born Ire.


Bridget, Sept. 22, 1875 - ; (birth rec.)

Mil[waukee] Jour[nal], Jan. 10, 1932:


"Bridget, or Biddie, Mooney, age 73 (would have been born in '59) is one of the outstanding characters on the Island. She lives with her brother John & has never been off the Island - nor does she desire to be."

I cannot place them - children of whom?

Nonie remembers these two but doesn't know whose children they were. Biddie ended in the insane asylum in Traverse City.

This is the only Mooney in the census with a Bridget & a John, but Biddie is much too young (57 in '32) for the article.

This is the right pair I feel sure - the Milwaukee Journal reporter over-estimated her age by 15 years. She probably told him she was that old.


This is right, they are in the 1900 census living with their widowed mother. Bridget lied about her age, she was 56.

Death record:


Mary Mooney, widow, age 78, died Peaine Twp on Feb. 28, '12, of old age. Born Ire.; parents Hugh Gallagher & Margaret O'Donnell.

[See original manuscript for Mooney family tree diagram.Includes additional notes: Nonie - " Mary Malloy & Big Willie's mother were sisters." Nackerman - "Jim Mooney was Mrs. Malloy's brother, Owen her cousin." P. 45, 50, 73, 93.]



Charles Moore

Mentioned by Tip Miller as one of crew of 8 for 1882 season in the Life S. S.

See church records for marriages, etc...

On May 25th, 1882, "I have this day engaged George Miller as turfman in place of Charles Moore."



Eri James Moore

Strang says Moore joined the Mormons after the land sale "but was a mere hypocrite, hoping to make money out of them, & directly turned against them." - An. & Mod. Mac., p. 42

According to Fitzpatrick he signed the coronation sheet.

He was a resident agent for the Fur Company & Strang says, wrongfully entered Co. property in his own name, July 11, 1848.

He is the one who got in a fraicas with the Mormons over selling liquor to the Indians in 1851.

Mrs. Williams mentions "James Moore & family who had left in 1852" as being back in the summer of 1857 when she returned.

His. of G. Trav. Reg., p. 81, lists him as being at Little Traverse in the fall of 1851.

He is in the 1850 census:


E. J. Moore 33 warehouse [born] N.Y. $3,000 real estate


Sophia Moore 21 ---------- [born] N.Y.



James Morris (or Moore)

1821 -


Wife, Amanda, 1818 -

1860 census:


James Morris 39 sailor born N.Y.


Amanda Morris 42 ------- born Mich.


Mary H. Morris 5 ---------- born Mich.


Emma A. Morris 5 -------- born Mich.


James H. Morris 4 -------- born Mich.

1880 census:


Moore, James 52 fish inspector born Ire. father [born] Ire. mother [born] Ire.


Moore, Amanda 62 wife/housekeeper born N.Y. father [born] N.Y. mother [born] N.Y.


Moore, Mary 26 dressmaker born Mich. father [born] Ire. mother [born] N.Y.


Moore, Charles 17 S. laborer born Mich. father [born] Ire. mother [born] N.Y.

Death records:


James Moore, married, died May 19, '94, in St. James; cause unknown; age 65; born Ire.; laborer; parents not given. - Charl.

On this same day in death records:


May 19, '94, "name & age unknown," male, white, died St. James, killed; sailor; parents unknown. - Charl.



David Murray

Co. Mayo, Westport


Married Catherine




Mary, 1836


Patrick, 1838


Dominic, 1844


Margaret, 1845 or 1847 (death rec.)


William, 1850

These are on Mackinac in 1850 census.


In Margaret McCann's death record her parents are David & Kate Malloy ( Murray), & she would have been born in 1847. Was she left behind when the family came & came later in 1852 with the McCanns? - yes, according to Roland she came with the McCanns.


I think they were on Mackinac - in this census the whole county is lumped together - including B.I.

[On the back of this card is an entry for a John Boyle, married to Sarah Green, which has been entirely crossed out. See his entry under "B".]



Father Murray

(card #1)

P. 27

Father Murray

(card #2)

Oct. 1857 - ordained by B[ishop] Baraga, p. 289.


Feb. 15, 1860 - Baraga visits Mack. Is., "where the zealous pastor Father Murray awaited him at the door of the church," p. 318.


1864 - F. Murray there when Baraga visited (in letter dated Sept.).

[Note: this card is filed with those of Father Baraga.]


1 The author has enclosed the names of Julia and John in a bracket with notes: "born in N.Y." (this is crossed out), and "The census, both '60 & '70 (also church [record]) shows the two reversed in age - John older."

2 This note is inserted and is slightly confusing.

3 Blank in original.

4 Brackets in this and the previous paragraph in original.

5 This must be 18 feet, not inches.

6 This must refer to Catherine, not Mary, Malloy.

7 The author has enclosed the names of John ( Buffalo), Tom, and Hugh in a bracket, with the notation, "these were the ones that broke into the church."

8 The phrase "Mike Boyle's daughter" may or may not be crossed out here; definitely less so than the preceding sentence.

9 This sentence is very difficult to make out. May be either grand mother OR grand father.

10 Bernard and Anna probably witnesses. 

11 Mike Martin is also designated with the note, "blown up in a shanty at McFadden's Point," but in this and other entries he is listed as having died by drowning. 

12 Westport: city in County Mayo, on the west coast of Ireland. 

13 The island of Tasmania, in Australia; location of British penal colony from the 1830s through the mid-1850s. 

14 The author encloses the names of Anna and Grace in a bracket, with the notation, "where in 1880?" There is also a bracket and notation for Catherine, Daniel, Edward, and John, below, "listed as step-children of Francis O'Donnell in 1880." 

15 There are no opening quotation marks here; this card is likely a continuation of the previous card's transcription of a letter by Sadie MacLaurin/s. 

16 No indication why the author says two here instead of three; possibly a typo. 

17 Illegible here but from later entry must be Dick. 

18 The information on this part of the card is somewhat confusing in its organization. 

19 This is unclear; there is also a notation under "...(youngest) according..." which says "1869-1925 (stone)", but it isn't obvious what exactly this pertains to. 

20 Unclear; looks like "lober".

21 This is blank in the original.

22 The World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago (1893) and World's Fair and Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis (1904).

23 Brackets in original.

24 The author has enclosed the names of Patrick, Catherine, & the younger Thomas in a bracket, with the notation, "1900 census."

25 Probably a reference to the Beaver Island Lumber Company, which began operations on the Island in 1901.

26 Illegible; looks like inavation (enervation?).

27 Illegible.

28 Brackets in original.

29 This is probably a reference to the Beaver Island Lumber Company, which had begun operations on the Island in 1901.

30 Parts of this sentence are unclear; the beach mentioned may be Charlevoix.

31 Brackets in original.

32 The author has included a note above the middle initial that appears to be an F or a 7, with the notation, "(according to Nonie[)]."

33 No indication what this date refers to.

34 The author indicates "stone" in reference to both Daniel and Bridget.

35 Brackets in original.

36 This is unclear; is possibly first, but looks much more like fast.

37 Brackets in original.

38 This could be either Gibson or Olson.

39 The author has enclosed the names of John, Mary, and James McColley in a bracket, with the notation, "These must be the Burns children, although the census lists them McColley."

40 All brackets in this entry appear in the original manuscript except "186[0]".

41 Brackets in original.

42 Unclear; could also be Crilly, or something else.

43 Brackets in original.

44 Non-commissioned officer?

45 Illegible.

46 Date is unclear; could be 1874.

47 Parts of this last sentence are unclear.

48 Illegible.

49 Unclear; could be writes.

50 Illegible.

51 Illegible.

52 The author encloses the names of Charlie, Jim, and Conn in a bracket, with the notation, "these men were all captains on the Great Lakes."

53 This name is floating out by itself and may be a repetition of Edward.

54 This is unclear; could be Sesso or Sisso, but from the entry for Eddie McCauley it is probably Sisco.

55 Footnote in original.

56 Final initial is unclear; may be "J".

57 The author has enclosed the names of Nora and Ellen Gallagher in a bracket, with the note, "wives of Salty & Tim."

58 Nineteenth and early-twentieth century newspapers often attempted to conserve scarce capital letters when setting type by referring to their own town as "this place" or "this city." Information recorded in the entry for the younger Dan McCauley suggests that the Garretts made their home in Escanaba, and thus the obituary may have come from an Escanaba newspaper.

59 Next to McDonnell the author includes note, "(Maria probably right)".

60 The author likely here means ten years after her first marriage to Daniel; this is also borne out by Raymond McDonald's entry (below).

61 This sentence incomplete in original.

62 The author encloses Jessie and Jerry in a bracket with the note, "These must be the same - another double record".

63 This death record would seem to refer to Raymond, but the replication of the name Donald R. McDonald is in original.

64 The author does not specify who "Bud & Joy" (and later "Russ") are, possibly individuals interested in learning more about their family history.

65 This section is very lightly crossed out; not entirely inaccurate, or only in parts? See also further on in this entry.

66 The author does not specify here which wedding was supposedly the "double" one.

67 This could be "1854," but look more like "1857;" the author has inserted a note, "Dec. 25", above this line, but it is unclear whether this refers to the birth or the death date.

68 City and county on the west coast of Ireland.

69 The author had originally enclosed Ann and Mary's names in a bracket, with the notation, "born in Canada," but has crossed this out. Mary remains so designated.

70 Brackets in original.

71 Illegible.

72 President William McKinley, 1843-1901; president, 1897-1901. McKinley, a Republican, was born and grew up in Ohio.

73 See histories of Mormon/non-Mormon conflict on the Island for background here.

74 This might also be "92".

75 Assume this is Harrison (see above), but looks like Morrison.

76 Illegible.

77 Refers to an 1851 incident in the conflict between Mormons and non-Mormons.

78 It is unclear here whether or not this reference is to the Robert Millar mentioned in the Land Office record.

79 Author has inserted arrow to this paragraph, with notation, "This was a proposal by Brigham Young in 1846."

80 Members of the Mormon Church.

81 This probably means soon after the assassination of Smith.

82 This sentence is difficult to make out; possibly returned to Iowa.

83 No citation given for the article referred to here.

84 For references to Mormon history in Miller/Millar family entries see published sources.

85 Probably a log, or "corduroy" road, or one that was originally made of such logs.

86 This is a random notation and doesn't seem to be directly connected to anything else written near it, but see John P. "Buffalo" Malloy's card for possible connections.