Biographical Papers N-S

Biographical Papers Letter N

Frank Nackerman

Mr. Nackerman's mother went to Elk Rapids to work; there she met Nackerman, a German. He lived at house #38, which had earlier been Pete McCauley's home (where Cole's Mill was).

He lived at house #76, a new house.


This is Frank Nackerman's father & mother - Frederick J. Mary A. (daughter of Pete McCauley & Ellen Malloy)

1859-1946 1865-1946


Christonson Nelson

This is the tailor I remember.

Charlevoix records:

Died, Nov. 12, 1916, Christonson Nelson, widower, 75-11-12; La Grippe b[orn] Denmark; tailor; parents Madse Nelson - Nettie Christina.


Newton [Brothers]

Brothers Archibald (Archie), Carl, Obadiah, and Wilson. They located in St. Helena Island, "put out a good dock, built a large store & house and prepared to establish a business with the fishermen of lower Lake Michigan." C. of Sea, p. 12. They called in Whitney to build a boat, the "Eliza Caroline."

It was at St. Helena that the fishermen gathered for the Expulsion [1] and they were nominally under the leadership of Archie Newton. The boat used was the "C. L. Abel," owned & commanded by Capt. John Wagely. - Trav. Reg.

In 1850 census:

Obadiah Newton 35 [born] N.Y. fisherman, is living in home of John Wagely.1850 census (see Archibald Newton) lists:

Archibald, 35; Obadiah, 25; & Wilson, 29; all born in N.Y.


1 Forcible removal of most of the Beaver Island Mormons in July of 1856.

Biographical Papers Letter O

Edward O'Brien/De Briae

1815 - ('60 census)

P. 142, 144

Married Rosalie, 1815 (census, 1819)-1883


John, 1854-5 - married Adeline La Blanc) girl - who married Joe Smith Lawrence lists these dates:

Agnes O'Brien, 1879-1958 - married an O'Donnell (stone)

John O'Brien, 1854-1951 - married Adeline La Blancà Mrs. John O'Brien, 1857-1937

Wilfred, 1889-1954

Johnny Green gives a DeBriae as one of the 12 families at Green's Bay. They lived at McFadden's Point. He said it was Wilfred['s] father, but this man is too old & must be Wilfred's grandfather.

They came to B.I. in 1860 because "they came when Johnny was 5." When they came in 1860 they first stayed at Lobdell's boarding house.

1860 census:

Edward O'Brien 45 carpenter born Canada

Rosalie O'Brien 41 -------------- born Canada

Matilda O'Brien 20 ------------- born Canada

Mary A. O'Brien 23 ----------- born N.Y.

Angelina O'Brien 15 ------------ born N.Y.

Edward O'Brien 17 ------------- born N.Y.

Peter O'Brien 18 --------------- born N.Y.

George O'Brien 11 ------------- born N.Y.

John O'Brien 5 ----------------- born N.Y. - checks with John [above]

Joseph Smith 23 laborer born Mich. (note [above] that one of the girls "married Joe Smith")

Eugene Conochain(?) 21 cooper born Canada

Listed 4 times in Dormer's book.



wife of Edward DeBriae

died May 4, 1883

age 68 years


John O'Brien


Married Adeline La Bla[n]c, 1857-1937 - born Canada

Children (?):

Agnes O'Brien, 1879-1954 - married an O'Donnell

Wilford, 1889-1954

John had a sister who married Joe Smith.

His wife, Adeline LaBlanc, was a French-Canadian, as were the DeBriaes. The O'Briens came from the N. Peninsula. They lived in the Bennett house on the Point. Adeline was a wonderful skater.

There is a stone for Wilford O'Brien, no dates. In the same lot a stone, almost buried, which says:



This date hooks up with Lawrence's dates for John O'Brien.

Death records:

Adeline O'Brien, married, age 79, died July 2, '37 in St. J. Twp of "senility." Born Canada; parents Charles Brown & Julia Bush (did La Blanc change his name to "Brown"?).


James and Michael O'Brine

Land in Sec 21 T38 R10 was owned by "James & Michael O'Brine," and sold to Condy Gallagher.

Can this be the O'Brien family? with the name misspelled? There are many misspellings in the land records.

Land office:

Sept. 16, 1878 - James & Michael O'Brine sold to Condy Gallagher W 2NW 4, & NW 4 Sec 21-38-10 (where Condy lived - house with sheep).


Matthew O'Brien

Born in Wisconsin.

Married Annie Boyle (born Michigan)


Justa, Feb. 17, 1894

This information is from the birth records. He lists himself as "laborer."


O'Donnell [multiple individuals]

(card #1)

Frank "Ferona" O'Donnell - house #1 - vet. of the Span. Am. War (never married)

"Lably" O'Donnell - house #53 (Mike Cull's grandparents)

Joe O'Donnell - house #101 (country store)

Shamy O'Donnell - house #102

Daniel [F. O'Donnell] (26) - married Grace Gallagher (24), Feb. 8, 1864

Owen [H. O'Donnell] - on Dec. 15, '79 bought land from Anthony O'D., Sec 15 T38 R10

Catherine [O'Donnell] (Ketcheline Og, Rae Gilden's mother) - married James McCauley, July 30, 1868; both born Ireland.


O'Donnell [multiple individuals]

(card #2)

"O'Donnells I don't know"

James O'D. - married Bridget O'D., Aug. 18, 1862; [daughter] Rose, bapt. 1863

James O'D. & his wife Catherine Gallagher had a child, Francis, bapt. 1862

- [these two entries enclosed in bracket:] There is a J. O'D. & a J. H.

O'D. in the Dormer book, bother fishermen; April 18, '70 a land transfer from John Gillespie in Sec 9-T38-R10 to James


Michael O'D. - (21) married Sarah Battersbee (22), Sept. 24, 1863 (witnesses Bernard O'D. & Anna Vaughy)

Daniel O'D. - (26) married Grace Gallagher (24), Feb. 8, 1864 - mentioned in Dormer Bk. 1

Charles O'D. - & Grace Gillespie had a child, Grace, baptz. Sept. 7, 1863

John O'D. - & Bridget Boyle had a child, D. O'D., baptz. Oct. 22, 1863 (this is the one who was on B.I. in Mormon times? or the one with John Bonner?)

Catherine O'D. - married James McCauley (30), July 30, 1868 - both born in Ireland

Owen O'D. - on Dec. 15, '79 he bought land from Anthony O'D. in Sec 15 T38 R10

Anthony O'D. - who married a Sophia

Anthony O'D. - who married Hannah, Mrs. Vesty V.'s grandmother

John O'D. - different from above, he was the son of Hannah who came [as] a widow with 3 children


Anthony O'Donnell [multiple individuals]

1. Anthony - "Salty" - made 11 trips back. He lived [in] house #48, where Hamrock later built the stone house.

2. Anthony - married Sophia & had a child Francis, Nov. 3, 1862 (parish record)

3. Anthony - the one the widow who came with 3 children (Mrs. V. Vesty's mother [was] one married. Her dead husband in Ireland had also been Anthony O'Donnell.

4. Anthony - the father of Ellen, born 1857, one of 1st 3 children

5. Anthony - house #97 - his wife was a Kelly, both from Aranmore

6. Anthony - the son of Darkey Mike & Nangog

2, 4, & 5 are the same [individual]; 1 & 3 are the same.


Anthony O'Donnell

1826 (census 1830)-1893


Probably 1857

Not Salty

Married Sophia O'Donnell, 1828-1902 (death records), or [birth] 1830 (census) - sister to Paganog's wife & to Johnny O'Donnell (the Rat); did he [Anthony] have a second wife who

was "a Kelly"?


Bridget, 1851-1929 (Johnny Green's mother) - born in Ireland - married White Dan

Ellen, 1857 - ; one of the 1st 3 children born on the Island to the Irish (I am not so sure

it is this Anthony O'Donnell) right

Peter, 1859-1912

Francis, 1862 -

There is a parish record of a baptism Nov. 3, 1862, of Francis O'Donnell, son of Anthony & Sophia.

There were at least 2 Anthony O'Donnells, the one who married Sophia & the one who married Hannah (Mrs. Vesty's grandmother) who came as a widow with 3 children in 1862. Or perhaps they are the same, with Sophia dying & the widow Hannah marrying the widower. No

The Anthony who was the father of Ellen lived on the lane off the K. Hy. before you get to the Little Red Sch.. It is a substantial log [house] & looks like a Mormon house. This is the one married to Sophia, sister of Paganog's wife. Daughter Bridget is Johnny Greene's mother. He sent for Pachanog.

There is an Anthony O'Donnell mentioned 2 times in the Dormer Day Bk. (1876-77).

Anthony O'Donnell (Salty) made many trips back to Ireland (hence Salty). He painted a very rosy picture of B.I. & told them in Aranmore that you could "even make money from the limbs of the trees" (the cord wood, & R.R. ties). -Pat Bonner

(These are the same o [Anthony O'Donnell].)

Land records show U.S. to Anthony O'Donnell, Feb. 10, '73, NW 1/4 of Sec 15 T38 R10 (this is the quarter section on which is the stone house).

In this section, Anthony O'D. & wife made transfers of land in the NE 1/4 to Hugh Connaghan, Patrick Gallagher, and Owen O'Donnell in '70, '72, & '79.

He seems to have owned the north half of Sec 15 T38 R10. He got NW 1/4 under the Homestead Act in 1873. He sold the SE 1/4 & SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 to Hugh Connaghan in 1870.

Land office:

Mar. 27, 1859 - Anthony O'Donnell filed for NE 4 & SE 4NW 4 & Lots 1 & 2 Sec 1-37-11.

July 8, 1863 - Anthony O'Donnell Hd. NE4 & Lot 3 (probably Lot 1) $10 Sec 1-37-11, can.

Sept. 3, '77. [1]

[I do not know whether this was this Anthony or Salty, but probably Salty, as he Hd. in Sec 15 the same day, see below.] [2]

July 8, 1863 - Anthony O'Donnell Hd. NE 4 Sec 15-38-10 160A #10 F.C. Sept. 3, 1868 - the O'Donnell place.

June 30, 1870 - sold to Hugh Connaghan SE 4 & SW 4 of NE 4 Sec 15-38-10. In '72 he sold land here to Patrick McDonough (his son-in-law) & to Owen O'Donnell.

Death record:

Anthony O'Donnell, married, died Mar. 31, '93 [age] 66-5-6, in Peaine Twp, of apoplexy.

Farmer; parents - [father] Michael O'Donnell, mother not given.

Sophie O'Donnell, widow, age 74, died Pea. Twp, of paralysis, July 2, 1902. Born Ire.; parents Mike O'Donnell & Bridget Gall..

[See original manuscript for O'Donnell family tree diagram, and separate diagram for Anthony and Sophia O'Donnell.]


Anthony O'Donnell

(card #2)

From Tony's notes:

Born Aranmore, Aug. 15, 1826

Left there in 1851

Landed in Quebec, June 12, 1851

Ship - Countess of Arran; she was lost on the return voyage. Tony doesn't know how many of the family were with him.


Anthony O'Donnell

(card #3)

(from family bible)

Aug. 1, 1826 (Aranmore) - Mar. 31, 1893 (census - 1830)

He departed from Ireland Ap. 23, 1851 & landed at Quebec June 12, 1851 (50 days, 7 weeks).

Married Sophia O'Donnell, 1830 - (married Jan. 18, 1849, [on] Aranmore)


Bridget, Feb. 18, 1851 - Aranmore - married White Dan

Michael, Feb. 23, 1852 - Summerhill Twp, Cambria Co., Pa. (mining country) - not in census

John, Sept. 16, 1854 - Dumbarton, C.W. (Canada West)

Daniel, June 11, 1856 - Toronto, C.W. - the one who "took off for 30 years" (see Walton tapes)

Ellen, Dec. 25, 1857 - Beaver Island (she has stone as Ellen McDonough, 1857-1919; she married Pat Vesty)

Peter, Oct. 14, 1859-1912 - B.I. - married Mamie Maloney

James, May 4, 1861 - B.I.

Thomas, Sept. 3, 1862 (Francis in parish record) - B.I.

Mary, Aug. 15, 1864 - B.I. - married Neil Deary?

Michael, Mar. 11, 1866 - B.I. [3]

Anthony, Aug. 18, 1867 - B.I.

Joseph A., Feb. 6, 1869-Jan. 23, '26 - B.I.- married Paddy Rua's daughter Annie

Charles, Apr. 6, 1874 - B.I. - many stories about him, supposedly a wit; froze Dec. 25??? 1947 (Roland's story)

1860 census:

Anthony O'Donold 30 fisherman born Ire.

Sophia O'Donold 27 ------------- born Ire.

Bridget ) O'Donold 8 ------------- born Canada

Daniel O'Donold 11 ------------- born Canada

John O'Donold 7/12 ------------- born Mich.

- I have put this here but it does not check with the bible record.

However this is the only Anthony & have who married a Sophia.

1860 census - another record father on:

Anthony O'Donald 30 fisherman born Ire.

Sophie O'Donald 30 -------------- born Ire.

Biddy O'Donald 11 -------------- born Ire.

Denie O'Donald 5 --------------- born Canada

Ellen O'Donald 2 ----------------- born Mich.

Peter O'Donald 8/12 ------------ born Mich.

- This checks better with the family bible. It certainly looks like the same family recorded twice.

Death records:

Joseph O'Donnell, mar[ried], [age] 56-11-17, died June 23, '26, in Peaine Twp, of "tabes dorsolis." [4] Farmer; born Mich.; parents Anthony & Sophia O'Donnell.

Charles O'Donnell, Dec. 25??? 1946, found frozen in home; survivor, nephew Edgar O'Donnell (church).


Anthony "Salty" O'Donnell

(card #1)

1816-1912 (death record)

P. 51, 131

Aranmore? Rutland?

New York? - probably came through N.Y. City, as that is the way his brother-in-law Dan Malloy came By 1865; 1859 - land office; 1857 with Dan Malloy?

House #48 (where stone house is)

His sister [was] Dan Malloy's wife.

Married Hannah, widow with 3 children; his second marriage was to the widowed Mrs. Anthony O'Donnell who came with her 3 children. [5] Could it have been his wife that "was a Kelly"?

Mrs. Cull (Hannah's granddaughter) says they were married in Ireland. He made several trips to America & wanted her to come but she wouldn't for a long time. Finally she did & hated it. When she landed on B.I. they "stayed at Malloys' on Lake Genesareth" - this was her sister-in-law, Salty's sister.

"His brother drowned piloting a ship into a harbor where they lived in Ireland."

- Tony O'Don.'s notes

Salty made many trips back to Aranmore and he sang the praises of B.I.. Among other things, he told the Irish that "in America you could even make money from the limbs of trees" (cord wood, R.R. ties). - Pat Bonner

Pat Bonner:

Salty O'Donnell was older than the rest that came. Black Bonner said Salty was already a man on Rutland when he was a child. One time at a wake, the men got into an argument as to which was older, Dan Boyle or Salty O'Donnell. They called on Dan to settle it. He said: "Salty made a trip to the East Indies before I was born." [Dan was born in 1832. He {Salty} must have been born 1808-1810.] [6] The death records give his birth date as 1816.

His sister Fannie O'Donnell was Dan Malloy's wife. Her birth date is 1822.

Land office:

June 10, 1865 - Anthony O'Donnell Hd. NW 4 Sec 15-38-10 160A $10 F.C. July 1, 1872.(This is where the stone house is where he lived.)

Mar. 27, 1859 (pencil) - Anthoy O'Donnell, NE 4 & SE 4NW 4 & Lots 1 & 2 Sec 1-37-11 D.S.

July 8, 1863 - Anthony O'Donnell Hd. NE 4 & Lot 3 (could this be Lot 1[?]) $10, can. Sept. 3, 1877. [7]

Death records:

Anthony O'Donnell, widower, age 96-5-26, died Jan. 10, '12, in St. J. Twp, of "general debility." Born Ire.; farmer; parents Hugh O'Donnell & Bridget Green.

Hannah O'Donnell, age 70, died June ? 1878. Born Co. Donegal.

Hannah O'Donnell, born Co. Donegal, age 57, died Feb. 25, 1878.

[See original manuscript for family tree diagram of Salty O'Donnell and Fannie O'Donnell Malloy. Includes the note: Were there any children by Salty & his 1st wife? Who was she? Was he a widower when he came to B.I.? No - they married in Ireland; he worked on the boats coming over.]


Anthony "Salty" O'Donnell

(card #2)

[See original manuscript for Salty and Hannah O'Donnell family tree diagram.]

There is a discrepancy in the parents named in the death rec..

Barney died first - said parents Hannah & Anthony

Mike died second - said parents Nora & Anthony

Mary died last - said parents Nora & Anthony

The last was probably a mistake - survivors not knowing the right data. As she was older than Barney, & Mike much younger, she & Barney must have had the same mother.

It is obvious that Frank, Barney, & Mike all left Ireland in 1851 or '52 (Mike was only nine years old). Mary, already married to McCafferty, stayed in Ire. until 1863, when they came straight to B.I. to join the others who had reached Beaver in 1860.


Anthony "Salty" O'Donnell

(card #3)


Listed in home of stepdaughter Bridget McDonald Connaghan McDonough. See card of Lawrence McDonough.

Anthony O'Donnell age 82, [widower] [born] Ire. [to?] Mich. 1864 in U.S. 35 [years] Sailor can R & W


Anthony "Salty" O'Donnell

(card #4)

[See original manuscript for Salty and Hannah O'Donnell family tree diagram.]

See notes - p. 2-3, 30, 82, 95, 122, 142, 147.

Barney ["Barney of Barney's Lake" O'Donnell]'s children:

John B. - born Canada; house #81 - married Emma Big Biddie

Patrick, 1862-'95

Thomas, 1872-1876

Danny, 1863-?




Mary - married Big Neil Gall.?






Margaret (?)


Anthony O'Donnell [Family of]


About 1862

P. 94

Died in Ireland (Aranmore), where he was a saloon-keeper; he was also a bailiff in Ireland. No relation to Barney & Darkey Mike.

Married Hannah O'Donnell (maiden name), 1821-1878 - came to U.S. in 1865 (Bridget said 1900)


Bridget, 1852 (Mrs. Vesty Vesty's mother); [married?] 1st Daniel McDonald, 2nd Hugh Connaghan, 3rd Frank McDonough; she was 10 when they came.

Owen, 1848-1904 (died Escanaba, age 56; age 12 in 1860)

John (this is not the one here in Mormon times)

The widowed Mrs. O'Donnell came to B.I. from Aranmore about 1860, with her three children. They were 6 weeks crossing in a sailing vessel. They had heard of Beaver Island through a letter and came straight to the Island, landing at Cable's Bay. At first they stayed with the Malloys on Lake Genesareth. Mrs. O'Donnell was terribly disappointed; there was no tea or coffee here. She had brought tea from Ireland, so they immediately brewed a cup. "At least we had tea in Ireland," she said. After this temporary stay with the Malloys they went to live in Greentown. Mrs. O'Donnell later married another Anthony O'Donnell here.

(Mrs. Vesty Vesty, 1962)

There are discrepancies with what she told me in 1962, but here is what she said in 1964:

She came with her daughter Bridget who was 10 or 11 at the the time & her sons Owen & John. They were in New York about a year, after spending 3 months on the water. Hannah didn't want to come to B.I.. They landed at Cable's Bay in 1844 (this must be wrong - can it be '54? - but even that is early). For this date see card of Bridget under Connaghan. The date must be 1862. (If she didn't want to come to B.I. why did she?)

The Anthony O'Donnell she married here was Maria's father's uncle. No children by that marriage. He was Salty _____.

The Malloys she stayed with must have been the Dan Malloys, for she married Mrs. Malloy's brother, "Salty" O'Donnell.

Mrs. Cull:

They were married in Ireland (see Salty's card). They had been well-off in Ireland; Hannah's 1st husband had a saloon & was a bailiff. The way Bridget was relieved of saying the rosary 3 times a day. She was visiting at Big Owen's & excused herself to "say another rosary." Hannah asked about it & was told the story. She told Father Gallagher & he questioned Bridget. "Say them one more year, & then I absolve you from your vow." (See notes, p. 2)


Bernard "Barney"/"Barney of Barney's Lake" O'Donnell

1830 (census) - 1906? (death rec.)

I think, from Aranmore

Year emigrated, 1859 (1900 census)

By 1861

House #85

Married Margaret Curran, 1839-1883 - born in Canada (death records)


Patrick, 1862

Thomas, 1872-Sept. 24, 1876




Danny - father of Danny Barney

Johnny (house #81)



Wife of Bernard O'Donnell

died Nov. 29, 1883

age 44 years

a native of Ireland

Also, his son

Thomas,died Sept. 24, 1876 age 4 years

Parish record:

Oct. 3, 1862, Patrick O'Donnell: father, Bernard O'Donnell, mother, Margaret Curran.

In 1900 census Mary C., who married Big Neil Gallagher, says they came in 1857 [see "Big Neil"Gallagher's card]; she was born in Canada - however son Frank consistently is recorded as born in Canada in 1859.

Barney's son John B. O'Donnell is listed as born in Canada in the Charlevoix birth records (with the birth of his son Patrick), so they must have come through Canada; also one story is that Darky Mike's wife was left in Canada.

Pat Bonner says they came 5 or 6 years after Black Bonner (this would make it '61 or '62).

This is the Barney O'Donnell of "Barney's Lake," and that was the original O'Donnell farm where he and his half-brother Darky Mike farmed. His sister was Mary McCafferty.

He is mentioned in the Dormer Bk. 7 times. He sold wood to Dormer.

When I showed Rachel Dulevy Barney's picture she said, "He burned my father out & knifed - Capt. Roddy."

Girls (a big family): [8]



Ma__ [Maggie?]






Land records:

April 10, '73 - U.S. to Bernard O'Donnell, S 1/2 & NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec 4 T38 R10. This is the north shore of Barney's Lake.

Land office:

Pencil -

July 28 - Aug. 28, 1861, Offd. Barry O'Donnell, NE 4NW 4 & S 2NW 4 Sec 4-38-10.

Ink -

Aug. 16, 1865 - Hd. above 119.51A. F.C. Aug. 12, 1872 (Charlevoix date April 1873).

Bernard J. O'Donnell



A stone:


Bernard J. O'Donnell



Bridget (O'Donnell) McDonald Connaghan McDonough

Married to Hugh, 1878 (see his card)


1852 Aranmore [9]


The parish record says she was 26 in 1878 when she married Hugh. This means she was born in 1852. If she was 10 when they came to B.I. it must have been around 1862 when she came with her mother, Hannah O'Donnell, & her brothers Owen & John.

One of the brothers was very sick at sea and given up for lost. His shroud and sack were already made. Bridget was terrified that he would have to be buried at sea, and she vowed three rosaries a day if he would be spared. He recovered and she kept her vow until Father Gallagher released her. He said for her to do it for one more year and that would be enough. (Mrs. Vesty Vesty, 1964).

The parish record shows a Bridget O'Donnell who married Daniel McDonald on Nov. 28, 1868, when she was 16 & he 21. Then, ten years later, Sept. 18, 1878, a Bridget O'Donnell, age 26 married Hugh Connaghan, age 43. This is the same person - see the 1st marriage under McDonald. There were two children by the first marriage. Her third husband was Lawrence McDonough - son of Vesty.



Charles "Charlie Strack" O'Donnell

1828 -


Before the Mormons; before 1860 (when his daughter Mary was born in Mich.); son Charles born in Canada in 1858


P. 61


Married Grace Gillespie ("Gracie Strack"), 1828 - ; Old John's sister




Johnny Og (sometimes called Johnny Strack)


Grace - baptized Sept. 7, 1863

Charles O'D. & Grace Gillespie had a child, Grace, baptz. Oct. 22, 1863.

He was on B.I. in Mormon times. He absconded with funds entrusted to him in Toronto. He came to the Island and worked on the building of the Lighthouse at the Head in 1854 at the Harbor. He went back to Toronto (paying back the money) and told the Irish there about B.I..

Lawrence - when he absconded with the money he was working on a construction gang on a R.R.. The foreman gave him money to pay the crew but instead, he ran off with the money. He saved the money he earned working on the lighthouse to pay it back.

There is a Charles O'Donnell mentioned 4 times in Dormer D. Book (1876-'77). Dormer paid him for teaming & for wood.

1860 census:


? O'Donald 32 (not filled in) born Ire.


Grace O'Donald 32 ---------------- born Ire.


Charles O'Donald 2 --------------- born Canada


Mary O'Donald 2/12 ---------------- born Mich.


Nancy Gillespie (age?) ---------------- born Ire.

- I have put this here, for Charlie Strack's wife was Grace Gillespie & there is a Gillespie living in this household

Nov. 1, 1869, he patented from the U.S. under the Homestead law, E 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec 33 T39 R10. He must also have had the SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 because in 1877 he sold that piece to Big John Bonner. In 1884 Bowery got a tax dee on the N 1/2 of the quarter section but the title must have been cleared because it is included in the 1903 business over John O'Donnell's estate.

In 1895, Grace O'Donnell made the S 1/2 of NW 1/4 over to John O'Donnell. By 1903 a Catherine Conners gave title to John's estate of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 & in 1905 the NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 went to John O'Donnell's estate. This John must have been Johnny Og (Johhny Strach). I have him living in this house on this land.

Land office:


Pencil -


Feb. 8, 1859 - C. O. O'Donnell filed for SW 4SE 4 Sec 5-38-10 D.S. 409. (This is Connolly, later Protar, land.)
Ink -


July 8, 1863 - Charles O'Donnell Hd. E 2SW 4 & SW 4SW 4 Sec 33-39-10 160A $10


F.C. Sept. 24, '68.

Death records:


Charles O'Donnell, married, age 67-5-18, died Feb. 5, '95, in Peaine Twp, of Bright's disease. Born Ire.; parents unknown.


Wife Grace died the same year, July 20, '95, of paralysis, in Peaine Twp..



Daniel? "Lably" O'Donnell





P. 94, 131


House #53 (where Cunningham lives now)


Married Mary Gallagher (daughter of Don Father this must be wrong)




Mary, 1856-1928 - [married Dennis] Cull; then married to Buffalo Malloy


Frank, ?-1925 - never married


- [information from] same stone (Buffalo was buried with his 1st wife so she [Mary] was buried with her family)

These are Mike Cull's grandparents. They spoke Gaelic. He was blind many years. I think his name was Daniel - see census card.

Mrs. Lably O'Donnell is one that "went to bed," according to both Roland & Frank Nackerman. Her daughter Mary (who was first married to Dennis Cull) later married Buffalo Malloy, a second marriage for both. It was at Buffalo's house where she went to bed. She was a great talker & once when an old friend came to see her they got to talking about old times. She got so excited she jumped out of bed, acted out the whole story with gestures, got back into bed again, talking all the time in a mixture of Gaelic & English.


Because he was blind he had a cord that ran from the back door to the chicken coop. One winter night he went out to tend the chickens (went to close c_____ chicken coop). When he didn't come back his wife & a neighbor went to look for him - he had died on the way back - they think a heart attack.

Someone said Lably was Frank - only a guess.



Daniel B. "Danny Barney" O'Donnell

(2nd Gen.)


(card #1)



Married Isabella ("Belle") Dougherty, 1866-1944; [born] Ireland




Frank Danny Barney - married Margaret McDonough (Vesty Vesty's daughter)


Teresa, July 4, '97 (birth record)


William, 1886 - married Bridget Burns

Isabella was a Dougherty & came in 1884 with the Don Father Gallagher party.

Stone (on same stone):



Daniel B. Isabella D.


1863-19__ 1866-1944

There is a baptism record:


D. O'Donnell, Oct. 22, 1863 - [parents] John O'Donnell & Bridget Boyle


- this baptism I have assigned to the John O'D. who was a brother of Anthony (of Anth. & Sophia)

Death records:


Isabella O'Donnell, married, age 78-0-10, died Nov. 16, '44, in Peaine Twp, of apoplexy. Born Ire.; parents William Dougherty & Mary Boyd, both born Ire..



Daniel B. "Danny Barney" O'Donnell

(2nd Gen.)


(card #2)



Son of Barney of Barney's Lake.


Married Isabella Dougherty, 1866-1944 (came to B.I. in 1884)




Frank (Danny Barney)


Teresa, July 4, '97 (birth record)


William, 1886 - ? (stone) - married Bridget Burns

There are stones for them. "Danny Barney's wife & her family came with their party from Ireland." This is the "Don Father" party of 1884.

Daniel F. O'Donnell

1838-between 1877 & 1880


(in Gillespie's book, "Daniel L. O'Donnell died Feb. 12, 1906")


Married (Feb. 8, 1864) Grace Gallagher, 1840 -

1860 census:


Susan O'Donnell 50 widow born Ire.


Dan O'Donnell 25 laborer born Ire.


Michael O'Donnell 15 ------- born Ire.


- This is obviously a widow living with her two sons & Dan checks fairly closely with the Daniel above who married 4 years later. This is Shugie - Anthony O'Donnell's mother & his 2 brothers.

Land office:


Pencil -


Sept. 3, 1860 - Daniel O'Donnell filed for SE 4NW 4 Sec 1-37-11 (S. end Green's Bay)



Ellen O'Donnell

Dec. 25, 1857 -


This is one of the 1st 3 children born on B.I. to the Irish. He father was Anthony O'Donnell but I don't know whether this was the Anthony who was married to Sophia & father of Francis in 1862 - it was Sophia.

She [Ellen] married Patrick McDonough, Vesty's son. They built the big frame house across from her father.

Other children baptized by Father Baraga - Manus Bonner & Frank Conn McCauley.

"Farragat" O'Donnell

(See census & church records.)

The man who piloted Farragat's flagship. He lived in Penn. until 1877, the year of the hanging - then came to the Island. [10]



Frank O'Donnell

The only Frank I have was a bachelor living in House #1, a Spanish Am. War vet. He would have been too young for this. Could this be "Lably"?

Land office:


Aug. 17, 1865 - S 2SE 4 Sec 32-39-10 & N 2NE 4 Sec 5-38-10 160A.


This is along Drky. T. Rd. & thru to beach N. of Barney's Lake. I have no cancellation date but it was Hd. by Darky Mike Apr. 7, 1878, app. Aug. 17, 1878 F.C. July 2 ? à Could this be the Frank O'Donnell, Barney's brother, who shows up in the 1900 census living with Barney?

James O'Donnell [multiple individuals]

James - married Bridget O'D., Aug. 1862


[Daughter] Rose, baptz. 1863

James - married to Catherine Gallagher


[Child] Francis, baptz. 1862

James, who owned land in Sec 22-38-10 (where Hanagan's Rd. turns off K. Hwy.) & who Claimed to be "heir to the Castle of Donegal." He wanted Father Hays to write to Ireland About his rights. (See card, Ireland - Hospitality)

"Shamy" house 102



James O'Donnell

1840 -


By 1859


Married Bridget O'Donnell, 1837 -




Rose (Big Rosie), 1863

Both the marriage record & the baptism of Rose, Aug. 2, 1863, are in the parish records. John & Bridget Dunlevy were witnesses at their wedding. As the Gillespies & Dunlevys were closely associated & lived side by side, this probably places this James on the Slopt. Rd..

Related to Willie John's maternal grandparents. How? His Grandfather Whiskey Boyle & Grandmother Hannah Malloy, cousin of Dan Malloy. Dan Malloy's wife was Fannie O'Donnell - is this the connection?


The most reasonable connection with Whiskey's family is that Hannah's mother was either Rose's sister or her husband's sister.

[See original manuscript for James O'Donnell/Whiskey Boyle family tree diagram.]

1860 census:


James O'Donald 20 laborer born Ire.


Roesey O'Donald 60 --------- born Ire.


- This must be the James who married Bridget 2 years later & named his first child Rose for his mother Roesey.

I don't know which James is Shamus - I have a pencil note that Maria told me the Shamus was the one married to Bridget O'Donnell (this is in my parish baptisms).

This must be the one that bought land in 1870 from John Gillespie, the E 1/4 of the W 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the E 1/2 of the W 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of Sec 9 T38 R10. In 1877 he sold the south half of this land to Shawn Gallagher (John & Bridget Dunlevy were witnesses at their wedding).

Land office:


Apr. 28, 1859 - James O'Donnell filed for W 2NE 4 Sec 9-38-10 [Hd. by John Gillespie in '63]. [11]



James R. O'Donnell

By 1863


He owned the NE 1/4 of Sec 21 T37 R10 (at the Head) because in 1878 he sold it to John Sawlin, & then 2 years later, in 1880, he sold the same thing to James McGee.

Land office:


July 8, 1863 - Hd. NW 4 Sec 21-37-10 $10 (between Cable's Bay & Iron Ore Bay).



James "Shamus Colum[?]" O'Donnell

1835 (census)


By 1862


Married Catherine Gallagher, 1839 - [born] Ire.




Francis, 1862


Mary - married James Carnes (Chi[cago] fireman


Catherine, Sept. 5, '73 (birth rec.)



William J. Carnes


Mounted Route, Box 218


Chesterton, Indiana

There is a baptism on Oct. 3, 1862 in the parish record of Francis, son of James O'Donnell and Catherine Gallagher.

1860 census:


James O'Donnald 25 laborer born Penn.


Catherine O'Donnald 21 ------- born Ire.


- I have put this here because it is the only James I have whose wife was Catherine, but the born in Penn. in 1835 is very questionable.

He lived where the oil well was, in house #102 - moved to Slopt. Rd.. He claimed to be the heir of the "O'Donnell castle in Donegal," & he wanted Father Hays to write about it to help establish his claim.

In 1879 a James O'Donnell got the W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of Sec 22 T38 R10 by tax deed. This is near where he is supposed to live so I assume it is this James O'Donnell.



John O'Donnell [multiple individuals]

1. John - "Mahane" - house #15 - this was where they had dances because it was the only


house with hardwood floors (could this possibly be the one that was supposed to be on B.I. in Mormon times, & is there any connection with the house Mrs. Williams talks about of the rich Johnsons, Mormons with ballroom & hardwood floors?).

2. John - according to Pat B., on the Island in Mormon times (is this the same as above?).


Johnny Green said this was his mother's uncle.

3. John - "the Rat" - fished out of Mackinac & Savannah, Georgia with Black Bonner. This must be the one Big Owen said came to the Island in '56 and was from Aranmore (Irish Colo[ny?]).

4. John - "Johnny Strack" - house #79; this house was log but Hannah Johnson & her son Cornelius bought it & built the square house there now (apples).

5. John - came as a child with his widowed mother, Hannah, & brother & sister (Mrs. V. Vesty's mother).

6. John - "Johnny Barney" - second generation

7. There is a John H. mentioned by Tip Miller as one of crew of 8 for Life S. S. season 1882.

1860 census mentions a John O'Donald, 35, laborer, born Ire., who was living in a bachelor establishment with Peter McCo__y, 30.

John O'Donnell



By 1860 (land rec.)


Johnny Green's mother's uncle - no, that was "the Rat"


Mike O'Donnell was an uncle; Anthony O'Donnell was an uncle (Johnnie's grandfather).


Married Bridget Boyle, 1825-1910




D. O'Donnell, baptized Oct. 22, 1863

There is a stone (is this John O'D.?):


Father, John M. - 1816-1905


Mother, Bridget - 1825-1910

Pat Bonner says "There was a John O'Donnell here in Mormon times."

Johnny Green - "The first of the family to come was John O'Donnell (no relation to Barney & Darkey Mike) who was my mother's uncle. He was here in Mormon times. It was Johnny the Rat, not this one.

Johnny Green also gives a John O'Donnell who homesteaded at Green's Bay. This is probably the same as above but as he didn't say it was his uncle it was probably this one.

Could this be the John O'D. who fished in the east with Black Bonner? No, that was Johnny the Rat, a bachelor.

1860 census:


John O'Donald 40 laborer born Ire.


Bridget O'Donald 38 --------- born Ire.


John O'Donald 3 --------------- born Canada


Joseph O'Donald 1 ------------ born Mich.


Bridget O'Donald 25 ---------- born Ire.

See Johnny Mahane for 1860 census & another John.

Land office[both] Green's Bay:


Pencil -


July 18, 1860 - John (D.?) O'Donnell filed for Lot 4 Sec 36-38-11


Ink -


July 28, 1863 - John O'Donnell Hd. Lot 4 Sec 36-38-11 69.1A $10 can. Sept. 3, 1877.



John B. "Johnny Barney" O'Donnell

(2nd Gen.)


1855 -


Born Canada


[Emigrated] 1859 (1900 census)


House #81


Son of Barney of Barney's Lake


Married Emma ("Big Emma"), 1856 - ; daughter of "Big Biddie" Boyle; born Ireland




Patrick, May 18, 1897 (record)


Bernard J., 1889-1921


Bridget, died Nov. 14, '94, age 3 yrs., 4 mo., 18 days; cause - enteritis (death records)

Land office:


Dec. 6, 1902 - John B. O'D. Hd. Lot 1 & NE 4NE 4 Sec 32-39-10 64.8A $5.00 F.C. Oct. 6, 1908.



John C. O'Donnell

Johnny Strack?


Born on B.I.




House #79


Married Mary Dunlevy, born B.I.




Chas. S., Aug. 23, '99 (record)


Francis Daniel, Feb. 10, '01 (record)

Who is this? The birth record says both the father & mother born on Beaver Island.



John "Johnny Mahane" O'Donnell



By 1859


"Trail Rd. O'Donnells"


Married Bridget Boyle




"Mike Mahane"


Catherine (Kitty) - married Big Tom McDonough

He lived in house #15 & Bid says they liked to have dances there because of the hardwood floors. [Could there be any connection between this & the fine house of the Johnsons (Mormons) that Mrs. Williams talks about?]

On p. 208 Mrs. Williams says, "The Johnson house was now taken down & moved to some farm." This seems to have been around the early 1860s.

Johnny Mahane's wife was one who went to bed ( - Maria).

1860 census:


John O'Donald 52 born Ire.


Bridget O'Donald 52 born Ire.


- I have put this here because the dates are all wrong for John, brother of Anthony. Although this seems doubtful too.

Land office:


Pencil -


Sept. 5, 1859 - John O'Donnell filed for W 2SE 4 Sec 2-38-10 80A.


Apr. 2, 1860 - Robt. Miller filed for this same land.


Ink -


July 8, 1863 - John O'Donnell Hd. W 2SE 4 Sec 2-38-10; Hd 80A $10 F.C. Sept. 19, 1870.

Death records:


John M. O'Donnell, married, age 88-11-15, died July 5, '06, in Peaine Twp, of old age. Born Ire.; farmer; parents Hugh & Rose O'Donnell.

[See original manuscript for Bridget Boyle/Johnny Mahane O'Donnell family tree diagram.]

John "Johnny the Rat" O'Donnell

By 1857 (came with Black John)


P. 51, 61


Never married

Tony O'Donnell's notes:


He came to Mackinac around 1853-54. He had a brother Peter who drowned in Ireland "gathering seaweed from the rocks; the tide carried him out."


Their mother was "Shu'gan" in Irish.

Pat Bonner:


He was a drinker. He & Bonner fished together on the Island as well as in the east & out of Mackinac together. He was "the Rat" because he was so good at climbing "the rat lines" on the sailing vessels.

He had 2 sisters here,


  • Sophia - who married Anthony O'Donnell (no relation)
  • "Rosie's grandmother" - this is Paganog's wife


He says Black Bonner & Johnny the Rat were here before the Mormons.

Johnny the Rat must have been Johnnie Green's "mother's uncle who was here in Mormon times."



Michael O'Donnell [multiple individuals]

1. Mike "Mike Mahane" - House #6 - son of John "Mahane" of the Trail Rd.


2. Mike "Darkey Mike"


3. Mike - brother of Anthony 5 - from Aranmore - he taught the Sand Bay School & married Maggie Gibson. House #100.


4. Michael - (21) - married Sarah Battersbee (22), Sept. 24, 1863; witnesses - Bernard O'D. & Anna Vaughy


5. Michael F. - his wife Hannah has a stone: Hannah (1844-1868), wife of Michael F.


O'Donnell born in Rutland, died St. James, 1868, age 24 yrs.. He is mentioned by Tip Miller as one of crew of 8 for Life S. S. season 1882.

3 & 5 are the same - Mrs. Williams mentions Michael F. as the school teacher.



Michael O'Donnell

1845 -


Brother of Anthony




  • Hannah, 1844-1868 (Rutland)
  • Margaret, 1852 - (N.Y. City) - married 2nd, about 1871



Robert D., 1872-Nov. 4, '71 [12]


Francis J., 1874


Julia M., 1878


Charles, 1880


Walter, 1884






wife of


Michael F. O'Donnell


Born Rutland, 1844


Died, St. James, 1868


age 24 years

The marriage is in the parish records & witnesses were Bernard O'Donnell & Anna Vaughy.

He was a brother of Anthony who married Sophia, & a son of Susan (Shugie).

He is recorded in 1860 census as living with his mother & brother Ian. In 1870 he was again living with her, as his wife had died.

In 1871 at the birth of his son he listed himself as "Clerk." In the 1870 census "Clerk in store;" in 1880, "laborer."

Mrs. Williams mentions him as a teacher, p. 201.

He taught at the Sand Bay School.

[Son] Walter - the first Beaver Islander to be ordained a priest. Born Sept. 23 (13th in church record), died Mar. 17, 1862 at Notre Dame. Rev. Walter J. O'Donnell, C.S.C. Professed Sept. 14, 1905 LITT.B. 1906, M.A. 1908. Ordained at Notre Dame June 30, 1912. Ph.D Notre Dame 1924. First mass on B.I. (Tony attended as small boy).



Michael "Darky Mike" O'Donnell

(card #1)




I think from Aranmore.


House #84; shack #84A


P. 27, 30


Married Nangog, 1848 - (census); [marriage took place] after 1884, when Nangog came; 1900 census shows 1886 to have been the date




Anthony - killed in accident

Billy Gallagher, the marriage broker, made the match. He had left a wife in Canada (Roland says Ireland), so Father Gallagher wouldn't marry them. (According to Johnny Green, Mike's wife came to B.I. with him but didn't like it & wouldn't stay.) They were married by Big Gallagher, the Justice of the Peace. In the evening they were having the wedding dance at O'Donnells'* when there was a knock at the door. Billy hid under the stair. Sure enough it was Father Logue (one of F. Gall.'s nephews). Father Logue hauled Billy out from under the stair and expressed sharp disapproval of the marriage, the party, and all concerned. - Pat Bonner (see Roland's story of the curse of the Gallaghers).


Later Father Pascal said Darky Mike & Nangog could not live together. He made Mike build himself a shanty down below the hill on Barney's Lake. When Father Pascal left (he was here 1905-1907) Mike moved back home.


Lawrence Malloy was driving a visiting priest around the Island and told him the story. The priest, speaking of the shanty, asked dryly, "Did he stay there?"

*Mary McCafferty was their sister. The famous wedding dance was held at McCaffertys' (Pat).

Darkey Mike worked in one of the saloons & was "a fine-looking man with black curly hair."


  • Johnny Green
Pat said he came to B.I. 5 or 6 years after Black Bonner ('62?).

He and his half-brother lived at Barney's Lake; his house stood back on the road before you go down to the lake on the left-hand side.

Nangog had a daughter with her when she came to B.I.. This girl married Peter Gallagher, 1869-1958, the son of Big Dominic. Nangog's daughter probably wasn't born before 1869, as the man she married, Peter Gallagher, was born then. This means she & her mother must have come to B.I. after this date.


Land record:


Dec. 30, '78 - U.S. to Michael O'Donnell, N 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec 5-T38-R10 (north of Barney's Lake).

Land office:


Apr. 7, 1878 - Michael Boyle Hd. S 2SE 4 Sec 32-39-10 & N 2NE 4 Sec 5-38-10 160A $10; app. Aug. 17, 1878 - F.C. July 2, ? (This land had been previously Hd. by Frank O'Donnell.)

Death records:

Bonvid O'Donnell, died June 22, '06, widower, in St. J. Twp, cause not given. Born Ire.;

farmer; parents Anthony O'Donnell & Hannah Gallagher (I failed to get age but this would be about right - age 76 at death).

Frank B. O'Donnell, single, age 76-7-7, died in Peaine Twp, Dec. 25, '35, of "senility partialobstructions." Born Canada; farmer; parents Bernard O'Donnell & Margaret Kerns.

Michael "Darky Mike" O'Donnell

(card #2)

(This is Darky Mike according to age in 1900 census)

Married (Sept. 24, 1863) Sarah Battersbee, 1841 -

Parish record of marriages, witnesses were Bernard O'Donnell & Anna Vaughy.

Could this possibly be Darky Mike & this the first wife that didn't like B.I.? The marriage witness was Bernard O'Donnell. He is around the right age to be Barney's brother. Yes - the age is right in 1900 census.

The 1860 census shows living in a household composed of Wm. Buckrum, 60, Hugh Boyle, 30, Patrick Boyle, 33, a Michael O'Donald, 19, laborer, born Ire..

In the 1870 census there is listed a Michael O'Donnell this age as living as a boarder in the home of John Dunlevy. He is called "shoemaker."

This is the same age as these 1860 & '70 listings. He could have married Sarah in '63, she left him before '70, & [he] married Nangog after '71.

This is the most probable place for -

Death record:

Michael O'Donnell, married, age 67, died St. J. Twp on May 19, '10 of Bright's disease. Born Ire.; farmer; parents Anthony O'Donnell & Nora Gallagher.

- this makes it look like Darky Mike but he didn't marry Nangog until after 1871

Michael "Mike Mahane" O'Donnell

"Trail Rd. O'Donnells"

House #6

[Born] Mich.


Married Mary McCormick - [born] Mich.


Grace Margaretta, July '01 (record)

This is from county birth records. It is probably the "Mike Mahane" of House #6, a son of Johnny Mahane on the Trail Rd.. (Is this the old man George & I took home from the tavern?)

Is this Mike Mahane? Probably

Nangog (Nancy) O'Donnell

Came sometime after 1879; she said it was '84.

P. 50, 91, 132

Married to "Darkey Mike"


Nora, 1879-1954 - a daughter who was born of an earlier marriage to the uncle of Mrs. Doney Gallagher - (dates [from] stone) - this means Nangog came after 1879, the date of Nora's birth

Anthony (son by Darkey Mike)

She was a wailer.

What her maiden name was Maria doesn't know, but her first husband's name was Gallagher & he died in Ireland. She had known Darky Mike in Ireland. She came here a widow with one daughter.

She had been married to an uncle of Mrs. Doney Gallagher before she came to B.I. with her daughter (who married Peter Dominic). This [her daughter's marriage] was after Darky Mike was dead; Nonie was at the wedding.

Peter Dominic's dates are 1869-1958. This means Nangog must have come after 1869, as her daughter probably wasn't older than her [daughter's] husband.

According to information in 1900 census (Peter & Nora Gallagher), Nora was born in 1879, they emigrated in 1883, reached the U.S. in 1884.

[See original manuscript for family tree diagram of Nangog and Darkey Mike.]

Nora O'Donnell


"Shugie" Susan, mother of Anthony, Michael, etc.. is only one old enough.

Died, Nora O'Donnell, born Aranmore, age 95, Feb. 20, 1893.

Owen H. O'Donnell



About 1862

This is the son of the widowed Hannah, who came with her 3 children about 1860.

Married (1874, on B.I.) Julia Malloy, 1853-1905 - the oldest child of Dan Malloy & Fannie O'Donnell, born in N.Y.


Anthony, Oct. 1, 1876

Daniel, Feb. 12, 1878 (birth rec. Feb. 25, '78; father "sailor")

Nora Hannah, June 13, 1879 (birth rec., June 13, '79; father "school master")

John, Sept. 27, 1880

Frank, June 13, 1883

James, Dec. 24, 1884

Frances Mary, Feb. 6, 1886

Theresa, 1887 - born in Escanaba

Maria, 1890 - born in Escanaba

Lawrence, 1895 - born in Escanaba

"He was a school teacher and railroad man." (Maria)

Tony O'Don.'s notes:

"Owen O'Donnell was sheriff of Manitou Co.. His son Anthony was nicknamed "The Deputy."

Dec. 15, 1879 - bought from Anthony O'Donnell in Sec 15-38-10 (this was his stepfather).

Where did I get this? - I can't find it now.

Patrick O'Donnell?

[?] -1879

The whole west side of Sec 8 T38 R10 (the land just west of Bonners') belonged to a Patrick O'Donnell. In 1879 he evidently died, because in that year his heirs established ownership to the land by a patent under the Homestead Act.

Land office:

Oct. 3, 1872 - Patrick O'Donnell Hd. W 2NW 4 & W 2SW 4 Sec 8-38-10 160A $10 F.C. Jan. 9, 1879. Pat. by his heirs, Nov. 25, 1879.


Patrick O'Donnell?

[?] - 1891
Married Bridget ? , [?] - 1891

There is a stone with 2 names:
Bridget O'Donnell Patrick O'Donnell
died 1891 died 1891
No other information - this could be 2 children [who] died in an epidemic of some kind, but they usually put the age in such a case.

Peter O'Donnell

1859-Dec. 9, 1912, born Mich.

Anthony & Sophia's son

P. 90, 129

Married, 1894, Mary Maloney, 1870-1945; born Mich. - Agnes Maloney's "Aunt Mamie"


Sophia Mary, May 31, '96-1926 (stone); born in Manistee (birth record)

Edward Allen, June 25, '04


The above dates are from Charlevoix birth records. The gravestones say:


Mary Ann Peter

  • 1859-1912
They must have been living in Manistee in '96 when Sopia was born, but the birth is recorded at Charlevoix.

The family bible confirms the birth date of Peter as Oct. 14, 1859, as does the census. Those birth records are most inaccurate. The doctor in giving them in evidently guessed at the father's age.

Death record:

Pete O'Donnell, married, age 53-1-13, died Sept. 23, '12 Dec. 7, '12, in St. J. Twp of "carbuncle." Carpenter; parents Anthony & Sophia O'Donnell.

In 1904 he lists himself as "carpenter." [13]

Mamie seems to have taught about every school on the Island. She taught on the Dky. T. Rd. [and] at the Point.

Richard O'Donnell

He was mentioned in the Northern Island. Issue of Aug. 14, 1851 in their article on the death of Thomas Bennett. K. of St. James, p. 261.

He, along with James Hoy, is supposed to have attack[ed] the Mormon Samuel Graham as he was on the way to see Sheriff Granger. The article says the attack was unprovoked. Later, these two were supposed to be arrested along with the 2 Bennetts. When Constable Wm. Chambers tried to serve the warrants the fracas ensued in which Bennett was killed.

Pat says he never heard of a Richard O'Donnell.

Maria - "Old Richard" or "Old Richie" married to John Gillespie's sister Old Aggie. Lived where Mrs. Dillingham lives. This is house #56 & I have that for "Agnes Scott, widowed sister of Old John Gillespie."

The 1850 census lists a Richard O'Donnell, age 29, fisherman, born Ire.; can't R or write. He is living in the home of Patrick Sullivan at Cable's Bay. This is probably the one here in Mormon times.

Susan "Shugie" O'Donnell

1810 (1880 census - 1799) -

"Shu'gan" in Irish


Anthony, 1826 - ; married Sophia


Dan, 1838 - ; married Grace Gall.

Michael, 1845 - ; married Hannah & taught school

Francis, 1830 - ; married Ed Martin's widow, Gracie?

1860 census:

Susan O'Donald 50 widow born Ire.

Dan O'Donald 25 laborer born Ire.

Michael O'Donald 15 ----- born Ire.

Another entry in 1860 census:

Wm. Gallagher 24 cooper born Ire.

Cicly Boyl 30 -------------- born Ire.

Maw_____ Boyl 25 fisherman born Ire.

John Boyl 17 ---------------- born Ire.

Bridget Boyl 15 -------------- born Ire.

Susan O'Donald 50 widow born Ire.

These must be the boarders & the above her children. Is Cicly Boyl a domestic?

In [the] 1870 [census] she is living with sons Francis & Michael.

In the 1880 census she is living with Anthony & is listed as 81 years old - born 1799.

William O'Donnell

(3rd Gen.)

1886 -

Frank's brother, Dan Barney's son.

Married Bridget Burns, 1894-1951


Rita (Jewel's wife)

Eleanor M., 1919-1927

Daniel, 1916-1952

Similar stones on one lot:

William Bridget

1886 - 1894-1951

Eleanor M. Daniel

1919-1927 1916-1952

O'Grady [Family]

There was an O'Grady family [who] lived at the Black Hills along with Cundy & Shamus.

John Oliver

1821-1901 (death record)

Born in Scotland

Married Mary, 1845 - ; à is this Angeline? No, according to the grandson in Charlevoix.

Oliver's Point is supposed to be named for her husband, who was a white man.


Joseph, 1870

Annie, 1872

Eliza, 1875

Mary, 1877

John, 1900

From an undated newspaper of Nonie's; it must have been in the '30s:

"John Oliver, son of the nationally-known manufacturing concern, quit his travels to settle here (B.I.). He married a Native American of the Ottawa tribe on Garden Island & was buried at St. James."

There was a Joseph Oliver living at the mouth of the Betsey River on the mainland around 1847. He had an Indian wife. His. of G. Trav. Region, p. 66.

(July 1975) I talked with Oliver's grandson, Jay Oliver of Charlevoix. The wife Mary was Marian, & her Indian name was Chawon (as near as I can get it). The maiden name was Chanoodin. In the '80 census it is spelled "Chenotii" (her brother _____ [14] was living with them. The Angeline is incorrect; Mr. Oliver thinks she may have been a sister. She was a devout Catholic, he was not. The marriage took place at his death bed, his last act taken out of consideration for her. The children did not go to school, but Oliver taught them to read & write themselves. Oliver is buried on Beaver in an unmarked grave, Jay said, in the "old cemetery," but he doesn't know which one. She was buried on Garden Island. This probably means that he was Protestant, for they would probably have been buried together if he were Catholic. As the Protestant church was built by the mill, this cemetery was probably started at that time & that is where he is in all probability. His name was John Joseph, but Jay knows him as John, so the man on Mack. in the '50 could have been the same man as the John of '80 & 1900. [15] Only the wives are wrong age. The brother in So. Bend, Ind. (farm machinery) sent the family clothes, etc...
Death record:
John Oliver, married, white, age 80, died St. James, of old age, on Feb. 14, 1901. Born Scotland; fisherman; father Andrew Oliver, mother not given.

O'Malley [multiple individuals]

There were four O'Malley men recorded on Mackinac in the census, and one woman, Mary O'Malley, wife of Jack McCann we know was there through the McCann family:

William, born in 1805 (or 1807); Charles, born 1807 (or 1814); & Tully, born 1825. Also Owen, born 1805 (or 1807).

Charles William was in the 1840 census & we know from other sources he was there in 1835; William, Tully, & Owen are in the 1850 census.

Charles - was subpoenaed in an investigation of charges against Schoolcraft, the Indian agent, in 1840. At that time he had a general store. He was State Representative for the district in 1846, '47, & '49. In 1850 he was a Justice of the Peace. He was unmarried in 1840 but in 1850 he was married to Bridget, born 1848, & Tully was living in their home. There were no children at that time.

Tully - he was Charles' brother, according to an article in "Motor News." In 1850 he was living in Charles' home & he was a sheriff & owned $6000 of real estate.

William - in 1850 he was on Mackinac with his wife Mary, age 33, & 5 children. He had been in Ireland in 1843 when son Martin was born, but was on Mackinac in 1848 when Sarah was born (Big Sal). In 1861 he went to Beaver Island & was still there in 1870 when he listed himself as Hotel Keeper, with real estate of $1000 & personal property of $2000. He was a citizen at this time. "Northern Michigan" says he was a general merchant & dealer in fish. By this time there were 3 more children. Later he moved to La Pointe, Lake Superior, where he lived until his death.

Owen - I only have in the 1850 census (I took none later on Mackinac). He was 18 45 at this time with wife Mary, age 35, & 3 children. The oldest of these was born in Maine, the next 2 in Canada, the youngest being 8. This means he was in Maine by 1835, and came to Michigan between 1842 & 1850.

Mary O'Malley & Jack McCann arrived in U.S. in 1852, according to the McCann family, & got to Mackinac in 1855 ("Northern Michigan").

Mary Maloney, 1830-1917 - wife of Patrick Maloney; her father (death rec.) was Michael O'Malley.

[See original manuscript for possible family trees for the O'Malleys, and a "possible connection with the Wisconsin O'Malleys."]

O'Malley [multiple individuals]

The O'Malleys were from Westport, [16] according to Rachel Dunlevy, Big Sal's daughter.

The O'Malleys on Beaver & Mackinac:

  • William - wife Mariah - came to the Island about 1861 & had a store ("N. Mich."); these
must be the parents of Big Sal - yes.

2. Charles O'Malley - Justice of the Peace on Mackinac, 1850 & 1851 (K. of St. James).

Charles M. O'Malley - settled Mackinac in 1835 & had a store & entered politics & was A leading member of the legislature ("To the Golden Door").

these are probably the same man

3. Patrick O'Malley - son of William O'Malley; married Grace Rodgers in St. James, 1868 (parish records)

4. John O'Malley - son of William; Homesteaded land, 1863 - cancelled, 1877

5. Martin O'Malley - son of William; Homesteaded land, 1868 - cancelled, 1874

6. Tully O'Malley - living with Charles, 1850

Charles O'Malley

(card #1)

1814 - (census)

Charles O'Malley of Mackinac Island wrote to Gen. Winfield Scott, Feb. 5, 1848, enclosing "a letter of the deserter John Riley," then an American prisoner in Mexico City. "___ said Riley worked in my employ off & on for the space of 2 years. He was always at variance with anyone he had anything to do with."

O'Malley was hardly a man to condemn Riley's "variance" with others. An irascible Irishman, born in Co. Mayo, he had studied for the priesthood but settled in Mackinac in 1835 as a merchant & entered politics. A leading Democratic member of the Michigan legislature, he was known as "the Irish Dragon," a take off on Lever's Charles O'Malley, "The Irish Dragoon," after a quarrel with Henry Schoolcraft, the explorer & Indian lore scholar, who constituted himself the guardian of the Indian tradition in Michigan. To spite Schoolcraft, the angry O'Malley put through the legislature a bill changing the Indian names of five counties to Irish names after four counties in Ireland: Antrim, Clare, Rosecommon, & Wexford, and after the national hero Emmet, nearly breaking Schoolcraft's heart.

  • To the G. Door, Geo. Patton, p. 482

Charles O'Malley

(card #2)

"A sort of war existed between Strang & Mackinac & he was, as he claims, exasperatingly pursued by Charles O'Malley, once a member of the legislature, later a justice of the peace at Mackinac. O'Malley's antipathy to the Mormons at times overcame his discretion. To be a Mormon was in his eyes to be the worst of offenders.

Michael Dousman, quite celebrated, locally, for his alleged piloting of English troops to a landing at Mackinac during the War of 1812, became the richest man in all that region. He succeeded to the business of the American Fur Co. & thus exerted a wide influence.

Dousman had a suit in O'Malley's court, being defendant, & was silenced by the 'squire when his remarks became too personal. Not long after the dispute between them was renewed on Dousman's wharf. O'Malley, being worsted, returned to his office, assumed the chair of justice, & sentenced Dousman to prison for "contempt of court." Dousman's only redress, after several days of confinement, was to sue out a writ of habeas corpus.

In 1850, Strang was before Justice O'Malley, charged with driving a woman from B.I. by threats of personal chastisement. Strang claimed the woman was a prostitute. The witnesses were not distinct as to the use of threats, and Justice O'Malley recalled one to inquire "if he understood Mr. Strang to mean that she should be chastised or rode on the black ram, if she did not leave the island?"

Strang objected to the question & O'Malley at once sentenced him to life imprisonment for contempt of court. Strang was taken to jail and the case proceeded, with the result that the Mormon king was sentenced to a year in jail for want of sureties in the sum of $10,000 to keep the peace.

It was this same O'Malley, who, being in the legislature & having a quarrel with Schoolcraft, took revenge on him by changing the Indian names of various counties in Michigan, to Irish designations, such as Roscommon, Clare, Emmet, & Antrim. It nearly broke Schoolcraft's heart & earned for O'Malley the designation of the "Irish Dragon" to distinguish him from Lever's hero, Charles O'Malley, "The Irish Dragoon."

- Michigan Pioneer & Historical Soc. Publications, Vol. XVIII, p. 625 [17]

Charles O'Malley was educated for a priest but became a merchant on Mackinac. He was subpoened on behalf of the Indian tribes about Mackinac during the investigation of charges against Schoolcraft in 1840. At that time he had a general store & was described as "an honest, industrious man." He was State Representative 1846-7-9, & Clerk of Mackinac Co. in 1864.

- Ibid., p. 694 [18]

John O'Malley

[shares card with Martin O'Malley]

Son of William O'Malley (census), age 26 at this time -

Land office:

July 8, 1863 - John O'Malley Hd. W 2NW 4 & W 2SW 4 Sec 14-38-10, can. Sept. 3, 1877.

This is back from the beach at B. Sand B.. The lots on the beach went to Michael Gall. in '64 & after the can. of O'Malley, Mike Burke got this land in '81.

A "John O Mala" is listed as Post Master Dec. 1, 1862 - Nov. 20, 1863 (William's oldest son).

Martin O'Malley

[shares card with John O'Malley]

Son of William O'Malley (census), age 26 at this time -

Land office:

Sept. 24, 1868 - Martin O'Malley Hd. NW 4 Sec 22-38-10 160A $10 can. June 13, 1874.

On W. side Ks. Hwy. just below Little Red School. This was hd. successfully by Owen McCauley, Dominick Jr., & finally by Wm. Rickssger in 1901, F.C. 1908.

Patrick O'Malley

[Born] 1837 (1850 census) or 1839 (parish marriage record)


Son of William

Married Grace Rodgers, 1853 -

Marriage Jan. 6, 1868:

Patrick O'Malley, 29, [born] Ire., fisherman - Grace Rodgers, 15

Her mother seems to have married Francis Gallagher in 1866.

William O'Malley

1805 (1850 census) [or] 1807 (1870 census)

[Co.] Mayo

About 1861 to B.I.

P. 73

Married Mariah Dirkin, 1818 - (census)


Sarah ("Big Sal"), 1849-1917 - born on Mackinac - married James Dunlevy


In 1850 there was a Justice Charles O'Malley (also in 1851) on Mackinac & the Sheriff of Mackinac was Tully O'Malley. They were concerned with proceedings in that year against Strang brought by Adams (see K. of St. J., p. 121; also p. 124).

"Northern Mich.", in article on James Dunlevy:

"Wm. O'Malley & sons were general merchants & dealers in fish on Mackinac Island & came to B.I. about 1861, continuing in the same line of business for several years. Later they removed to La Pointe, Lake Superior, & so continued as long as Mr. O'Malley lived." (All other sources - including 1870 census - say he kept a hotel.)

Mrs. Williams mentions Sarah O'Malley as a school-teacher, p. 201 (this is Big Sal I expect).

1 There is a bracket around the land office entry for March and the first entry for July, with the notation, "South part of Green's Bay.'

2 Brackets in original.

3 The author has enclosed the names of James, Thomas, Mary, and Michael in bracket, with the notation, "not in census - did they die?"

4 This cause of death is somewhat unclear.

5 Seems strange but is written this way in original; see below for explanation.

6 Brackets in original.

7 The March and July transactions are enclosed in a bracket, with the notation, "South end, Green's Bay."

8 This section is not directly tied to any other part of the entry, but evidence from other cards indicates that these were also children of Barney O'Donnell. 

9 Likely a reference to her birth place

10 This looks like a reference to Union Admiral David G. Farragut, the renowed Civil War naval commander. Farragut's flagship was called the Hartford, and a John O'Donnell is known to have served on it.

11 Brackets in original.

12 It is unclear what the author means here, possibly a typo?

13 There was no federal census taken in 1904 (although there was a state census taken that year); this probably refers to the birth record for Edward.

14 This name is unclear, but may be Tom.

15 This is probably a reference to the census.

16 Westport: city in County Mayo, on the west coast of Ireland.

17 This transcription from the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society Historical Collections is literal, but omits some parts of the original text.

18 This page number does not appear to be correct.




Biographical Papers Letter P

Jerry Palmer

1869 - (He was born same year as Frank Floyd)

P. 114, 117, 143

Married Johana Godhal, 1865-1935

Jerry Palmer was Old Lady Floyd's brother. He came to B.I. from Northport.

Anna Palmer Wyman

32900 Ten Mile Rd.

Farmington, MI 48024

Death records:

Johana Palmer, married, 70-11-9, died July 26, '35, in St. J., of myocardial degeneration.

Born Norway; parents: [father] Peter Godhoe, mother unknown.


John Papineau

In "Northern Michigan," John Papineau -

born in Cleveland, 1832

died in Charlevoix, Aug. 5, 1904

In 1849 came to B.I. & moved to Fox Island, 1852. He did not stay there long, going to Washington Island, & in 1855, to Harbor Springs. Moved from there to Charlevoix in

  • He married & had 6 children

In 1850 - listed in census in household with;

James Calet (Corletle [Corlette?]) 25 years [old] born Ohio fisherman

Thomas Neal 17 years [old] born Ohio fisherman

John Papineau 18 years [old] born Can. fisherman


Father Pascal

He & Father Norbert were here at the same time. He was very strict & wanted everyone to sign the pledge. He is the one that said Nangog & Darky Mike couldn't live together (see Darky Mike's card). He is also the one that told Hannah Gillespie Gall. that her children were swearing (see Tight Gall.['s] card). He is the one tha[t] "performed the miracle."


George R. Peckham

1825 -

From Toledo, Ohio

From Sarah McKinley Livingston's manuscript:

Geo. Peckham was the son of Ray Peckham (he - Ray - came after Geo. & "bought a farm near Round Lake."). Mrs. Geo. Peckham started a Sunday school & prayer meeting. Mrs. Ray Peckham was "from Saratoga." George lived at the Point, near the Harbor Lighthouse.

In the fall of 1857 he bought out the goods of a Mr. Burke, a merchant from Buffalo who had been on the Island that summer. (C. of Sea)

A few years after 1857 he went partners with C. R. Wright. Later Wright bought out Peckham's interest.

There are land records in '57, '59, & '60 of a Racheal R. Peckham.

Ray (Geo. R.?) & Rachel Peckham had extensive land dealings from

July 29, 1857, when they bought out all of Abner Sherman's holdings, through

Mar. 25, 1873, when there was a sale to James Gallagher (see land sheet).

Mrs. Williams calls him "Mr. Ray Peckham," & speaks of his farm "near John

Bonnar's." There were, therefore, 2 Peckhams, probably brothers.

(-- "Child of the Sea")

1860 census:

George Peckham 35 merchant born N.Y. R. estate [worth] $2000


______ (Morrison?) Potwin

[Born] Can.


Married A___ate Russet - [born] Can.


Selena, Feb. 25, '76 (bir. rec.)


Ed. P. Pratt

[born] Ohio

P. 100

Married Molly Boyle Gallagher - Charles' widow; [born] Mich.

[Children] (these births are recorded):

Deforest, 1894 (record) - married Matt[ilda] Cole

Bernard, 1896

Alfred Emmett, Oct. 19, 1897 (record)

Mary Alberta, Jan. 13, 1900 (record)

Lora Loretta, Oct. 5, '04 (record)

Emmet Leo, Sept. 13, '01 - died at age 22 days, of "acute inflammation"

According to Mrs. V. Vesty, he kept a saloon where the Shamrock is now. This saloon was earlier kept by Willie Boyle (his father-in-law).

In 1904 he is listed "longshoreman and laborer."

According to Lawrence the butchershop was once Pratt's Saloon (was it moved?).

There was a J. M. Pratt was an employee of the Indian agency in Grand Traverse Bay between 1842 & '52 (Mission Point). P - His. G. Trav. Reg., p. 29. Also see p. 105 for Charles Pratt of Ohio - father of Ed & J. M.?


[De?] Forrest H. Pratt

Married Matilda Cole


Had twins, born Nov. 29, 1915 -

Ward Moore Pratt (lived 2 days)

Mabelle Fenmore Pratt (dead at birth)


George Preston


Benjamin Preston, his son.

Mentioned as having been charged with murder in Mar. 18, 1852 issue of paper.

He was Supervisor, & visited the Pine River gentile settlement to make assessments for taxation. (This was prior to the Battle, July 14, '53.)

In the spring of 1854 he brought his family from B.I. to set up a Mormon colony at Pine R..

He was County Clerk in 1855; see His. of G. Traverse Region, p. 98.

His son Benjamin (see census) evidently came back to the Island before 1860. Probably left the Church after Strang's death (or before).


Feodar Protar


Newspaper, 1939:

Landed in 1892 in "fashionable 'Prince Albert' & spotless white vest."

First came on a summer vacation in 1887. He was aboard a freighter going between Green Bay & Mackinac Island when it was driven into the harbor by a storm. After that spent his vacations on Beaver & in 1893 came to live. He died Mar. 3, 1925.

- Grand Rapids Herald magazine, Sunday, May 15, 1955


Death record:

Feodar Protar, single, age 87, died Mar. 4, '25, in Peaine Twp; cause "senility." Born Russia; parents unknown.

Biographical Papers Letter R

John Reed

Born Pen[nsylvania]


Married Mary Bonner - born Pen.


Peter, July 13, '78 (b. rec.)

Ricksger [Family]

The Ricksgers are supposed to have been brought here from Grand Rapids by Father Zugelder (1899-1905).


Father Henry Mother Elizabeth

1849-1930 1852-1920

Father John Mother Helen

1893-1959 1900-1933

Mother Otha


William Bridget

1878-19_ 1882-19_

Protar's diary: Apr. 3 - Mrs. Ricksger died 8:00 a.m.

Death records:

Elizabeth Ricksger, married, died in Peaine Twp, Ap. 3, '20, of bronchial pneumonia &

asthma. Born German; parents unknown.

Henry Ricksger, widower, age 80-1-21, died Jan. 4, '30, in P. Twp, of senility. Born

Germany; farmer; parents unknown.


Andrew Roddy, Sr.

(card #1)

Mar. 14, 1834 - 1897

[Born on] Rutland

B.I. by 1863

House #62

P. 22, 41, 51, 52, 67, 70-72, 76, 81, 95, 122, 142

[Parents] Patrick and Kate Bonner.

He is the brother of Mary Ellen Roddy Gallagher, & they were nephew & niece of Black Bonner. Wife, Catherine McBride, Oct. 1, 1840 - [born] Rutland - her father was a schoolmaster in



Andrew, Mar. 14, 1858 - [born] Rutland

Patrick, Sept. 4, 1863 (parish rec. of baptism, Sept. 6) - [born] St. James - married Nellie Carmody

John, Jan. 6, 1865 - [born] St. James

Mary, Mar. 17, 1866 - [born] St. James - married Jack Martin, brother of Shing

Timothy, June 18, 1868-1925 - [born] St. James - married Nellie McCauley

Francis, July 14, 1869 (stone: 1866-1948) - [born] St. James

Joseph, Jan. 6, 1871 - [born] St. James

Lizzie, Sept. 29 [or] Oct. 27, 1873 - May 30, '37 - [born] St. James - married Johnnie Green

Ella, May 1, 1874 - [born] St. James - died at birth (birth record: Ellen Roddy, July 21, '72)

Ella, Aug. 15, 1875-1944 - [born] St. James - (birth rec.: Aug. 12, '75; Bid Sendenburg, mother) - she married a MacDonald

Charles, Mar. 16, 1877 - [born] St. James - died at birth (birth rec.: Apr. 22, '77)

Charles, May 15, 1878 (or 9) - [born] St. James

Katie, Oct. 20, 1880-1937 - [born] St. James - married Dominic Gall. (the one I knew)

- stone

According to Bid Sendenburg, the Roddy family first came to the Island about 1862 to live, but Andrew Roddy sailed in here before that. Bid understands that he hauled cedar ties and Christmas trees from the Island to Chicago and other ports. Pat Bonner says he expects they brought back produce to the Island.

The 1st record of a Roddy in the parish records is Patrick's baptism, Sept. 6, 1863, with Andrew Roddy & Catherine McBride as parents.

According to Bid:

There were 4 Roddy brothers came here together: Patrick, John, Francie, & Andrew. Patrick and John went back to Ireland but Andrew & Francie stayed at B.I. (in parish record it is Patrick who stayed; did their sister Mary Ellen come with them or later?). Andrew was married to Catherine McBride in Ireland & their 1st child born there in '58. The second child was not born until '63, so it looks as if she must have followed him over (did Mary Ellen come with her?). She (C. McBride) had two sisters, Elizabeth & Mable, & a brother, Ignatius, who stayed in Rutland. Their father was a schoolmaster.

Land records show he [Andrew] took land Sept. 18, '64 by tax deed - E 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec 3 T38 R10.

Mentioned 5 times in the Dormer Day Book. Record of their buying land, 7-26-77.

There definitely was a Roddy - Father Gallagher feud, but I have not yet run it down. Roland says it was caused by Mary Ellen (see her card). Others say there was a question of the legality of Andrew & Catherine McBride's marriage. All agree they didn't go to church.

According to Bid:

They were married in Ireland & there first son born there. They came first to Philadelphia & he worked in the mines there. Probably a year later he went to Chicago & started a homestead. He took up land where the Marine Hospital is now & put one building up. He was coming [continued on card #2]


Andrew Roddy, Sr.

(card #2)

[continued from card #1] in and out of Beaver I. in his boat. [Bid said this was Mormon times but this must be an error if his 1 st child was born in Ireland in 1858 because the Exodus was 1856.] They took out lumber (logs, there was no mill here [I question this]) and Christmas trees to Chicago. Before proving up on is land in Chicago he left and brought his family to Beaver to the Roddy farm. He had twelve children of his own and raised two more from a brother's family. [1]

He is mentioned as "Capt. Roddy" in verse 7 of the "Beaver Island Girls."

"Irish Colony" says Mrs. Williams spoke of his being in and out in Mormon times - this must be an error - see above. This article quotes Andy Mary Ellen as saying that Andrew Roddy's father, also Andrew Roddy, was a sea captain who was plundered in the East Indies by pirates.

He could have been "in & out in Mormon times" - returned to Ireland, married, & his 1 st child born there - doubtful as he was 13 in '47 & 22 at Exodus.

From an article by Joan H. Walton, "Folk Singing on B.I.":

"I cannot close this account of folk singing on B.I. without at least a brief mention of a few Island singers. One inquiring about the origin of Island songs will repeatedly be told, 'I learned that one from Old Captain Roddy and how he would sing it !' I unfortunately arrived on the Island too late to hear him, but the memory of his singing is still very vivid among many of those with whom I talked. He was a big, muscular man weighing about 250 lbs., and he had a big, powerful bass voice. He acted out his songs, and seemingly had an unending supply of them. He owned and sailed several 'lumber hookers' on Lake Michigan during the late 1800s. Several men who did their first sailing with him told of his leaving them aboard to watch ship while the lumber was being unloaded in Chicago while he spent the time in sailor hangout saloons or 'free-and-easy-shows,' where there was much singing; and at his trick at the wheel on their way back down the Lake - he always stood the captain's watch himself - he would start humming & singing bits of the songs he heard, and 'soon he'd be singing 'em all.' His son Frank, or 'Francie," as he is called on the Island, who sang many old songs himself, said of his father, 'He never had to buy no drinks himself.' He was referring to the custom in shore saloons which catered to sailors of giving free drinks to anyone who would sing a song or provide some other form of entertainment. Francie added that his father, 'Never had no schooling at all, but he could sing any god-damn song that ever was,' and other Islanders agree with him."

Pat says he would get up and sing at the dances when the fiddlers were taking a rest. Pat also says, "The Roddys & the Bonners were cousins," [and that] Capt. Roddy's father was "missing in the British navy; consequently he always hated the English."

The figures given above were from Bid. Their stone says 

Catherine, 1838-1912

Andrew, 1833-1897


Andrew Roddy, Sr.

(card #3)

Maria - "People thought the Roddys & the Bonners were so much; if you were friends of theirs it was something." Mrs. Roddy thought no one good enough to marry her children. She didn't give any of them a wedding, for she disapproved of all the matches.

From notes by Tony O'Donnell:

"Roddy in English navy for years. Black Sea. Black Sea & all islands in Mediterranean Sea. Had many interesting stories regarding these adventures. Roddy's father (name not mentioned) [Patrick - death record] was captain of a large English ship, was murdered in China, aboard ship."

He came to America in the party with Cornelius Gallagher. He went on to Chicago from Penn. but Bid doesn't know if he ever worked in the mines. He did not send for his wife until he was established on B.I..

Harrison Miller's Coast Guard book of 1881:

Sept. 19 th, 1881 - "Andrew Roddy appointed as one of the crew of this station in place of

Albert Wright, resigned."

Nov. 4 th, 1881 - "Andrew Roddy became one of my crew."

At the birth of Ellen Roddy, July 21, '72, he lists himself as "sailor."

There was some trouble about the land. John Van Alstine acquired it by tax deed in May, 1903. In Sept. of the same year Van Alstine sold it to Catherine Roddy. Andy died in 1897 & Catherine in 1912. It looks as if the widow had neglected to pay taxes.

Aug. ? 1864 - Aud. Gen. to Andrew Roddy, E 2SW 4 Sec 3-38-10. The Roddy farm. This had been declared swampland, 1854.


Death records:

Andrew Roddy, married, age 63-7-4, died in Pea. Twp, cause unknown. Born Ire.; sailor; Parents Patrick Roddy & Kate Bonner.

Catherine Roddy, widow, 72-1-15, died in Pea. Twp, on Dec. 12, '12, of gallstones. Born Ire.; parents: [father] John McBride, mother unknown.

Elizabeth Green, married, age 63-6-23, died May 20, '37, in Pea. Twp, of apoplexy. Born Mich.; parents Andrew Roddy & Catherine McBride.


Ella Roddy

Aug. 15, 1875

Married [a] MacDonald

Her husband was lost (or murdered). He and another man were found dead in their boat off Cheboygan. (--Maria)

She was left a widow with seven daughters & no sons. Bid was raised by the Roddys. (--Bid)

Roland says they were killed by monoxid gas. [2]


Mary Ellen Roddy

May 5, 1843 ( Rutland) - July 28, 1903 (St. James)

P. 64

Married, 1866, Bernard (Barney) Gallagher, 1840 ( Rutland) - 1881 (St. James)


Andy "Mary Ellen"

Paddy "Mary Ellen"

For parish records of marriage & record on grave stone see Barney Gallagher's card.

Mary Ellen landed at Cable's Bay with 3 pictures in big, old-fashioned frames. Nonie has one - two children praying at a shrine.

Could read & write. According to Roland, she wrote to the Bishop about the affair of the St. Ignatius church. Her brother Andy Roddy took up the fight and that was the cause of the Father Gallagher - Roddy feud.

Nonie's version of the feud. Father Gallagher wanted to buy the farm where Buffalo lived later. Mary Malloy got it. She couldn't read or write so Mary Ellen wrote the letter for her that got the farm, & F. Gallagher was furious. Like Roland's story, this involves the Malloys & a letter, under different circumstances. Others say Mary Ellen was a power in the church.

Maria says the feud was because of some irregularity in Capt. Roddy's marriage. She says the family did not go to church services - that Father Gallagher refused to allow them.

Maria's story is borne out by the fact that in the church record of membership in 1864 the oldest Roddy child is recorded as "Roddy" but this was crossed out & "McBride" written over it. The 1st is recorded by F. Murray, the 2nd in a different handwriting (F. Gallagher's?).

She was a midwife. Nonie - Mary Ellen had perfected a way of turning the child in the womb. Once when she was on the mainland she was called to help a doctor in a difficult case. He gave up but she succeeded in turning the child. Later, when he had similar cases, he sent for her.

Protar's Diary - "July 28, 1903, Mary Ellen died 1 a.m."


Timothy Roddy

June 18, 1868-Jan. 20, 1925

[Born] St. James


Wife, Nellie McCauley - [born] Mich.


Daniel Andrew, Ap. 24, 1900

([source of] information: Charlevoix records)

Protar: "Tim Ruddy" died 2 a.m., Jan. 12, 1925 1 a.m., Jan. 20, 1925

Death records:

Timothy Roddy, married, age 57, died St. J. on Jan. 20, '25, of apoplexy. Born Mich.; sailor;

parents Andrew Roddy & Catherine McBride.

Roddy [Family]

[See original manuscript for Roddy family tree diagram.]

Information from old book that belonged to Bid Sendenburgh (these are exactly as recorded on pages obviously torn from a Bible and put in a religious book):


[ Births:]

Andrew Roddy, Mar. 14, 1834

Born Rutland Isle, Co. Donegal

Catherine Roddy, Oct. 1, 1840

Born Rutland, Co. Donegal


1. Andrew Roddy, Jr., Mar. 14, 1858 - born Rutland

2. Patrick Roddy, Sept. 4, 1863 - [born] St. James

3. John Roddy, Jan. 6, 1865

4. Mary Roddy, Mar. 17, 1866

5. Timothy Roddy, June 18, 1868

6. Francis Roddy, July 14, 1869

7. Joseph Roddy, Jan. 6, 1871

8. Lizzie Roddy, Oct. 27, 1873

9. Ella Roddy, May 1, 1874

10. Ella Roddy, Aug. 15, 1875

11. Charles Roddy, Mar. 16, 1877

12. Charles Roddy, May 15, 1878 or '79

13. Katie Roddy, Oct. 20, 188?



Andrew Roddy, Jr., May 12, 1894

Andrew Roddy, Sr., Feb. 5, 1897

Maria Roddy, Mar. 1, 1903

Patrick Roddy, Sept. 19, 1908

Raymond M. McDonald, May 17, 1908

Catherine A. Roddy, Dec. 12, 1912

Timothy Roddy, Jan. 22, 1925

Mrs. Timothy Roddy, June 11, 1928

Daniel Roddy, Ap. 18, 1929

Elizabeth Roddy Greene, May 20, 37

Catherine Roddy Gallagher, Dec. 12, 1937

Ella Roddy McDonald, Sept. 23, 1944

Charles Roddy, June 9, 1947

Francis Roddy, Mar. 29, 1948

Joseph Roddy, Mar. 16, 1949

John Roddy, June 6, 1952



Mary Roddy & Jack Martin, June 16, 1885

Patrick Roddy & Nellie Carmody, Feb. 8, 1886

Andrew Roddy & Mary Connelly, Jan. 26, 1881

Joseph Roddy & Rae Gallagher, Feb. 8, 1895

John Roddy & Maria Keyho(?), May 18, 1896

Timothy Roddy & Nellie McCauley, Jan. 6, 1891

Lizzie Roddy & John Greene, Nov. 2, 1898 (or 1893)

Ella Roddy & Raymond McDonald, June 4, 1896

Kase Roddy & Dominick D. Gallagher, Nov. 19, 1902

Charles Roddy & Margaret O'Donnell, May 1907


Mary Roddy Martin died Sept. 1, 1952 at Milwaukee, Wisc..


Sailing vessels owned by Andrew Roddy:

1. Six Brothers

2. Tom Payne - flat bottom

3. Florence Smith - Raymond McDonald sailed on this boat with grandpa Dominick


4. Milwaukee Belle - which Roddys did not sail, as it burned on beach at Head Light

near fog signal. Dan Boyle, Sr. sailed on the Milwaukee Belle before Roddy owned it.


Rodgers [Family]

[See original manuscript for Rodgers family tree diagrams. The following notes are not on cards but on folded sheets of notebook paper.]


Is it possible there were two couples, Bridget Rogers & Dan Gallagher, one in Tyrone & one in Co. Donegal? Hannah Veag was a girl - 12 or 14 - when she came over & must have been with her parents. How could her mother Ann have been from Co. Tyrone & her father from Donegal?

Old Billy & Bridgebilly met on B.I., for he came a widower. She could have been here with her sister, Hannah Veag's mother. 

Sisters evidently & 1 brother:

Ann, born Ire., 1802 - Hannah Veag's mother - parents Dan Gall. & Bridget Rodgers; N.Y.

in 40 _

Bridget, born Ire., 1817 - married name Gall. - daughter [of?] Dan Gall. [and] Bridget

Rodgers ; death rec. both church & Charl.

Philip, born Ire., 1813

( osame)

Patrick, born Ire., 1813 or '14

[Second generation?:]

Rose, born Ire., 1847 - married Cundy - sister below ( _ N.Y.)

Hannah, born Ire., 1836 - Veag, m[arried?] Gall. ( _ N.Y.) Boyle (B.I.)

Ann, born Ire., 1846 - married John Dunlevy

Grace, born Ire., 1825 - married Neal Green


Robert Roe

1820 -

P. 74

Wife, Kate, 1835 -


Allice, 1855

Charlie, 1859

1860 census:

Robert Roe 40 fisherman born Ire.

Kate Roe 25 -------------- born Ire.

Allice Roe 5 ------------- born N.Y.

Charlie Roe 1 ------------ born N.Y.

There are several Roe families on the Foxes [3] [in the] 1860 census.

This is part of the family Rachel Dunlevey told me about that burned the draft papers.

"Rachel told about a man coming from the Foxes with papers to draft 3 Beaver Islanders into the army for the Civil War, one a Dunlevy. A woman by the name of Roe stole & burned the papers."

Child of the Sea:

One of our pioneers, Capt. Robert Roe, of Buffalo, N.Y., had settled on S. Fox Island in 1859. He put out a dock, built a comfortable house, & bought the land the Mormons had occupied. He farmed & furnished cord wood to lake steamers for many years. His brother was keeper of the light on S. Fox for several years.

Protar records the death of "Patty Roe," Apr. 13, 1912.


Philip (or Pat, in church record) Rodgers



By 1866

P. 118, 120, 138, 144, 146

Married Bridget Quin, 1828 - ; must be a 2 nd marriage for both

Marriage, Aug. 20, 1866:

Philip Rodgers, 53 (laborer, [born] Ireland) - Bridget Quin, 38 ([born] Ireland)

Nonie says Hannah Veag's mother was a Mrs. Rodgers - she was at her wake at Hannah's house.

Bridget Rodgers is given as the mother of Michael R. Gall. (Mike Mahal Rua), who was born in 1821. She must have been a sister of Ann & Philip.

It looks as if Ann ([see] below) was a sister-in-law of Philip. She was born in 1802. Either of the two Graces could have been her daughter.

In 1866 Grace Rodgers (born 1821), age 45, married Francis Gallagher, age 48.

On Jan. 6, 1868, Grace Rodgers, 15, married Patrick O'Malley, 29.

There is a Grace Rodgers, born 1825, listed June 19, '74 as the mother of Julia Green; husband Neal Green; living in Peaine Twp. Julia is in the 1880 census, as are her father & mother, Neal & Gracie. John Dunlevy's wife was Ann Rodgers.

Ann Rodgers is given as the mother of Grace McGladrey (this is Cornelius's wife) at Grace's death, June 12, 1910. The father Charles Gladrey (no Mc), age 85.

Mrs. Cundy Gall. is listed in the birth records as Rose Rodgers. By census records she was born in 1847.

Lizzie Gallagher (Mrs. Andy Mary Ellen) said her mother's stepmother was named Rodgers.

Roland says, "There was a Jimmy R at 'Gutter's' at odgers who livedone time."

There is a Patrick Rodgers, 22, [born] Ire., fisherman, listed in 1850 in a boarding house for fishemen kept by Stephen Maxen on Mackinac Isle.

Ann Rodgers, widow, age 94, died Pea. Twp, of old age, on Oct. 27, '96. Occ. - retired; born Ire.; parents Daniel Gallagher & Bridget Rodgers.

This must be Hannah Veag's mother, at whose wake Nonie was.


Charles, 4th Duke of Rutland

For whom Rutland [Island,in Ireland] is named. He is the one who set up the town & commercial interests on the Island.

Succeeded his grandfather. When Marquess of Granby he represented Cambridge University in the House of Commons & strongly opposed the policy that led to war with the American colonies. He helped to procure the entrance of the younger Pitt to the House of Commons, & remained through life Pitt's intimate friend. After succeeding to the Dukedom in 1779 he sat in the cabinets of Shelburne & of Pitt & became Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in 1784.

He was one of the earliest to advocate a legislative union between Ireland & Great Britain, which he recommended to Pitt in 1784.

  • Ency. Britannica

1 All brackets in this paragraph except the first appear in original.

2 Likely carbon monoxide.

3 Fox Islands, part of the Beaver Island archipelago.

Biographical Papers Letter S

William Savage 

(Mormon renegade)

1. Mentioned by Louis Gebo as one of the three presented summons at Battle of Pine R.. He calls him one who had fled Mormons when Strang sent him with Ludlow Hill to found a colony at Drummond Island.

2. Mentioned as having been in the 1st exploratory party to B.I. & who left with Strang.

(- "Traverse Region")

According to "Crown of Glory," a Mormon girl, Cecielia (last name not given), wished to marry Ludlow Hill (son of a Mormon but not one). Strang refused permission. They were married secretly by Elder Savage. Hill & Savage were called before the council; they swore Savage had converted Hill before he ceremony. They fled to Pine River.

1850 census:

Jehiel Savage 43 minister born in Canada (Mormon)

Catherine Savage 28 ------- born in N.Y.

George Savage 6 ----------- born in Mich.


Schmidt [Family]

They were supposed to have been brought here by Father Zugelder (1899-1905) from Grand Rapids, where Schmidt was a cabinetmaker.


Joseph Katherine Olds

1860-1929 1868-1925

Annie, wife of Joseph,


Were there 2 Joseph Schmidts, father & son, with the above being the wife of the second?

Death records:

Dorothy Schmidt, 5-8-10, died Nov. 22, '03, pepteris[?]. B[orn] Mich.; parents Jos. Schmidt

& Catherine Olds.

Albert Schmidt, 0-0-1, died of pneumonia, on Jan. 4, '10; parents Joseph & Catherine


Joseph Schmidt, widower, age 68-11-29, died Jan. 20, '29, of "myocardial degeneration."

Born Germany; farmer; parents John Schmidt & Mary ?

Annie Schmidt, married, age 47-8-6, died Apr. 23, '36, in Peaine Twp, of "general

parcus"[?]. Born Mich.; parents Patrick Gallagher & Bridget Boyle (daughter of Thomas H. Boyle?).


Agnes "Old Aggie" (Gillespie) Scott

A widow who lived at house #56. She was a sister of Old John Gillespie.

Maria - "Old Richard," "Old Richie" was married to Old John Gillespie's sister "Old Aggie." Lived where Mrs. Gillingham lives (house #56).


Fred S. Sendenburgh

(card #1)

P. 92

Married Susan Boyle - daught[er] of "Whiskey," sister of "Billy"


Joe - married Bid McDonald

sister - married a La Blanc

Willie - died 1919 (Protar's diary)

Fred came to the Island from Milwaukee in the 1890s. He became a Catholic in 1896 or 8.


Fred S. Sendenburgh

(card #2)

[Born] Mich.


Married Susan Boyle, 1868-1957 - [born] Mich.


Sylvia, June 3, 1894

William Stafford, Jan. 30, 1900-1919

Henry Joseph, Ap. 3, '01 - married Bid

John Allen, Apr. 17, 1911 - lived 3 days

The above is from the birth records.

Fred Sendenburgh was raised by Fred Butts at the Head.



Susan Sendenburgh




Protar's diary: Jan. 23, 1919 - "Willi Sendenburgh died."


Sharkey [Family]

(card #1)

John & Owen Sharkey are in the census.

John & Catherine in church records, beginning July 21, '78, & are in the census.

Owen & Margaret are in the church, beginning Apr. 20, 1884, but are not in the census

(evidently came after 1880).

Margaret Early (Sharkey).

Mary McCauley (Sharkey) is in church as wife of Patrick McCauley in death of son Frank.

Another note gives Mary Sharkey as wife of Manus Boyle.

Estimated ages:

John, 1839

Margaret, 1840

Owen, 1841

Mary, 1849

- Estimated ages [years of birth]. Anyway they could be brothers & sisters.

1979 - This family stills lives in Runafasta, according to an Irish girl here this year camping with the Edwards. A Sharkey (this is the true spelling of the name) was post master when she was there a few years ago.


Sharkey [Family]

(card #2)

P. 119

There is a John Sharkey in the 1880 census.

Mrs. John Early was Margaret Sharkey.

These were both born in 1840, according to the census figures. Were they brother & sister? There is a death record of Margaret "Shartsey," born in 1840. This is probably Margaret Early.

Margaret came with her husband to B.I. in the '60s, for they are in the 1870 census. - They emigrated in '66 (1900 census).

John was in Penn. from 1872 - 1876, for he had 4 children born there in those years. In 1878 he was in Mich., for his son Charles was born in Mich. & there is a birth record for him in Charlevoix.

Manus Boyle (one of at least two with that name) had a wife Mary Sharkey.


[Seeoriginal manuscript for family tree diagram for John Sharkey and Mary O'Donnell.]


Abner Sherman

He came in the summer of '56 & bought up land under MBLW. He quickly sold out to the Peckhams & was out by the summer of 1857. He was one who got a lot of land in '56.

Marvin Slocum

P. 114

Married (?) Mary Burns



Nonie says he deserted her mother; that he, Hamrock, McGee, & William Cole came & started the 1st sawmill after the Mormons (owned by Wagely).

In the 1880 census Mary is listed as a servant in the boarding house of Frank Wells, in which her brothers, John & James Burns, & Cole & McGee are all living. Nonie's sister is living at Dan McCauley's, age 2.

I do not find Slocum in the census reports.

The birth records show a Sarah Jane Slocum born Aug. 20, 1877, registered Aug. 31, 1878; father Marvin Slocum, engineer, born Mich.; mother Mary Burns, born Canada.

In 1880 census Sarah Slocum is living at Dan McCauley's; age 2, birthplace Mich., no birthplace for father; mother, Canada. She is listed as a granddaughter. The census was taken before Aug. 20th.


Charles Smith

1842 -

Born Ill.

[To] B.I. around 1870

Married Anna Gallagher, 1846 - ; [born] Canada


Walter, Aug. 7, '73 (birth record) - house #36

Mary ?

1880 census:

Nellie M., 1866 - born Mich. (Mary?)

Warren, 1867 - born Ill.

Lizzie J., 1869 - born Mich.

Walter E., 1873 - born Mich. (b[irth] rec.)

Hattie, 1876 - born Mich. (birth rec.)

? Clara, 1861-1891

There is a death record:

Clara (Smith) Boyle, married, age 30, died in Gallilee Twp from "a fall after childbirth;" born St. James; parents: [father] Charles Smith, mother unknown.

He [Charles] is mentioned in "The B.I. Girls"; [in it] he seems to be in business with "Mr. Curtis."

He lived in the house Lawrence lives in now and had his shop on the beach below the shop. Lawrence said the house burned & the cooper shop was moved up & made into the present house.

The cooper shop (the present house) was built in 1859. The house it replaced that burned "was a big fine house." (Lawrence)

There is a stone:

Mary LaBlanc Kasky


Maria says this was a Mary Smith, that she was all French, but that her first husband, LaBlanc, was Indian. The Kasky came here with the Mill (white).

This is probably the Clodius Smith in the 1860 census:

Clodius Smith 25 cooper born N.Y.

Jane Smith 21 ------------ born Mich.

Edwin Smith 2 ------------ born Mich.


Joe Smith

1837 -

P. 36, 61

Married ? O'Brien (sister of John O'Brien, Wilfred's father)

He lived in the Larson property; Larson bought from him. The "lake" at French Bay was named for him (see place names).

Johnny Green said that in 1877 his familiy moved to Sand By into a house built by Joe Smith ("a real Frenchman, not an Indian or a half-breed.")

1860 census lists as living in the home of Edward O'Brien:

Joseph Smith 23 laborer born Mich.

Land office:

Aug. 11, 1865 - Hd. NE 4SW 4, SW 4SW 4, & Lot 3 Sec 11-38-10 139.75A $10, F.C. Sept. 6, 1870, pat. 1870. (Just below Mike Boyle's land at Boyle's Beach.)

In 1870 he got property in the SW 1/4 of Sec 11 T38 R10 from the U.S. by patent.

In 1877 he sold it to James Dormer.

Ralph C. Smith

He had extensive land dealings beginning July 15, 1856, when he got land under MBLW. He sold to Matthew Burchard land of Burchard he seems to have bought up for back taxes & sold back to Burchard. (See land sheet)


Tim Smith

1838 -

P. 36

Wife Ellen, 1843 -

and Thomas (Tim's brother)

His. of [Grand] Trav. Reg., p. 81, list[s] "Thomas Smith" as being in Little Traverse in the fall of 1851; [also], p. 94, lists Capt. T. D. Smith as living at Pine River at the time of the Battle. In 1856 this same source says that Capt. T. D. Smith & his brother Thomas were living at Middle Village, where the Mormons burned their cooper shop (p. 106).

"T. D. Smith & family who had left in 1852 had now returned" (1857 - Child of the Sea)

In 1858 Timothy Smith, Deputy Sheriff, made a transfer of land in Sec 3 T38 R10 to an Archibald Newton.

1860 census:

Timothy Smith 22(?) cooper born Mich.

Ellen Smith 17 ---------------- born Mich.

Arthur (?) Smith 2 ----------- born Mich.

Robert Miller 25 laborer born Bavaria, Ger.

(this man is too young to be the Capt. Smith of other sources)

1874 - "B.I. Girls" - Tim Smith living in Charlevoix, coming over to buy cattle.

There was a Tim Smith who was a fiddler. One time he was in a boat in very rough weather - he was in the cabin fiddling when someone came in & said, "Everything is going to Hell up there!" Said Tim, "If everything is going to Hell, let me off 1st at Charlevoix." (- Johnny Green)

In 1892 Johnny saw this Tim again, he was hauling a stuffed whale to the Chicago World's Fair on a lighter with his tug the "John Martin."


Nathan Spencer

1823 -

1860 census lists Nathan Spencer, 37, laborer, born N.Y., as living in the home of Thos. Bedford.


George "Old" Stevens

1856 -

Born vicinity of Oswego, N.Y.

Came about 1900

Married Jennie ?, 1857 - [also] born vicinity of Oswego, N.Y.


Albert, 1897 - born Rochester, N.Y.

He was from Yorktown, N.Y. and he built the relatively new house in Hidden Valley.

Brother of Rosie Bissell. George was a cook in lumber camps. The Bissells wrote about B.I. to the Stevens[es]. They came, homesteaded 80A for $7.50. Later he took the 80 adjoining & their land ran to Piscah beach & took in Mt. Piscah.

"We owned a lot of timber that never did us much good only for wood & for some lumber to build our buildings. My dad was very ambitious & cleared the land, built the house, & we had the most beautiful garden & orchard that ever was, we called it the Garden of Eden."

"I remember we lived in an old Mormon house not far from McCann's store until my Dad, with the help of our good Irish neighbors, got the house built that we lived in that must have been around 1903 or 1904. I started school downtown when I was 5 years old before we moved to the country, then I went to school where you did (Clink Gallagher - Andy Dominic, Dominick), in Peaine Twp. Later on my first job was raking hay for Johnny Green at 50¢ a day, which was pretty good for me. The Greens were our best friends & neighbors. I left the Island in 1913 or '14."

He said his father was "a man of all trades, cooper, carpenter, mason, farmer, butcher, & Lord knows what else. They moved around quite a bit, wherever there was work, that's where they went. In those days you could not be choosey."

"Frank Roberts used to work with my Dad making apple barrels at Sutton's Bay, Omena, & Northport, & being a bachelor & no regular home my dad asked him to go home with him & live. He was a good old man & died in his '90s in Charlevoix." [1]


Charles R. Steele

Extensive land operations beginning Aug. 2, 1856 and continuing until 1870. (See his land sheet)


Clement Strang

Clement Strang was Strang's son by his 1st wife, a fact he emphasized. [2] He was a pillar of the Congregational church. He served on the faculty of the Benzonia Academy several years. He was a Congregational minister & taught classes in science. He was in Benzonia only a few years & Catton did not know where he went after that. His son Thurlow Strang lived there the rest of his life. He was an expert cabinet maker.

- in Bruce Catton's "Waiting for the Morning Train," p. 137


James Jessie Strang

(card #1)

[This entry is on the back of the card for Reuben Miller.]


Census, 1850:

James J. Strang 38 born N.Y. lawyer

Mary Strang 32 born N.Y.

Ellen M. Strang 10 born N.Y.

William E. J. Strang 5 born Wisc.

Harriet Strang 2 born Wisc.

Right below Strang is listed Elvira Field, age 20, birthplace unknown. [3]

James Jessie Strang

(card #2)

Ludlow Hill:

One of these acquaintances was Mr. Ludlow Hill, who says, "Strang was in many respects a remarkable man. He was small and spare, but as a speaker he towered like a giant. He was one of the most fascinating orators imaginable. He wore a very heavy beard of reddish tinge, & his hair was red, too. He had dark eyes, that looked at one on occasion as though they could bore right through. They were set close together, under wide projecting brows, from which rose a massive forehead. Add to this a thin hatchet face, & you have a group of features that would attract attention anywhere. His oratory was of the fervid, impassioned sort that would carry his audience with him every time. His words came out in a torrent; he could work himself into emotion spells at will, the sincerity of his words being attested by tears when necessary to produce that effect, or by infectious laughter when his mood was merry. He had what is known as magnetism, too, & could be one of the most companionable of men. His influence over his followers was unbounded. He was certainly a man of unusual talents in many respects. Had he chosen to use them for good, he would have left a great impress upon his country."

Historic ___, p. 365, Vol. I

from Michigan Pioneer & Historical Collections, [Vol.] XXXII, [p.] 213


James Jessie Strang

(card #3)

In his diary he recorded a great discovery:

"This is that I am eager & mankind is frail." Followed by the announcement, "I shall act upon it for time to come for my own benefit."


James Jessie Strang

(card #4)


From a letter written by Clement Strang (son of Elvira), Jan. 26, 1941, to Mr. Jack G. Boone:

"The wonder of peace & happiness that prevailed in his own household. Would any of us moderns undertake to be the head of a family consisting of one husband with four wives, all normal in their heredity & early training. The first wife, not one of the four, is as much a wonder as the others, since she refused to disturb the peace, but watched the outcome of him whom she once loved devotedly. Doubtless the fact that father planned the occupation in his family in his absence in Lansing, assigning each a part in the program that was congenial, and his own program had won their interest. And besides this, the parents of the wives were enthusiastic in the venture of fulfilling the governmental plans of their beloved leader. Elvira had the private secretary position, which included keeping & reporting the weather tables. When father was in Lansing her correspondence work was quite exacting. Betsy's work was mostly in the kitchen, over which she took well-deserved pride. Sarah & Phebe, being congenial cousins, cooperated in caring for the three children of Elvira and the two of Betsy, when their own mother's tasks were pressing. Their own children were not yet in the process of gestation, and after the death of father four children were born to him, two girls & two boys. And think of the dreams of royalty terminating by awakening in some other world & observing the five widows resulting from his being called hence.

My mother told me that they all loved father so devotedly that they could but love one another as born sisters."


James Jessie Strang

(card #5)

[cont. of above]

In a letter dated Jan. 26, 1941, to Mr. Jack G. Boone, from Clement Strang:

"When father was taken from this life the major part of the Island at least (I really think all) ws held by deed to him. In 1906 the people of the Island wished to make it into an attractive summer resort, having found that many Chicago people were wishing to buy lots. Many lots were sold on contract but when the deeds were made out an abstract was demanded. The people of the Island were resting upon the common law that a claim to possession expired after twenty years of peaceable possession. But the prospective buyers would not pay cash without a complete abstract of title...

William J. Gallagher was counted most able in business & was selected to visit me in Benzonia & see what could be done to establish a clear title. I told him their were so many "heirs" that I had no authority to act in such a deal. Evidently he had been to see a lawyer & had been advised to pay me for the trouble, & suggested that I get quit-claim deeds from all my family, & then get the estate probated. The idea was that far-away people, offspring of all others except my mother, would never see the probate advertising and therefore not be able to make any objections"...

I believed it would aid in clearing what I considered a 'bad _.' The highest offer made me for this transaction was $150. I found the assessed value of the property was $375,000... I gave the money to my mother [Elvira]." [4]


John Sullivan

1825-1886 (when his estate was being administered in August 1886)

House #41 (3 mi. from Lighthouse, according to Mrs. Williams)

Married Anastasia ? , 1828-1886

He came from Ireland and is said to have been a pirate. He lived near the Head Lighthouse

(- Maria).

He was there when Mrs. Williams came back in 1857.

He is mentioned 11 times in the Dormer Day book, and was a fisherman.

His wife's name was Astacia, according to the land record when they, with James & Catherine Martin, deeded the land for St. Ignatius Church to Bishop Baraga ( - Lawrence book).

In An. & M. Mack., Strang says "Mr. Strang left a cow on the Island that winter ('49-'50) for the use of a poor woman with palsey. A fisherman by the name of Frazier (Thomas Frazier - 1850 census [lists him] at Cable's Bay), wintering on the Island, drove her off and sold her to another fisherman named Patrick Sullivan, who, knowing the circumstances, said he would "kill any damned Mormon who came for her." When Strang came back he "went for his cow, and the Irish fishermen in Sullivan's neighborhood with shelalas to beat him & rescue the cow. They were met by an equal number of Mormons, standing at the edge of the woods, ready for an encounter, and desisted. He drove the cow home & Patrick Sullivan went to Mackinac to prosecute him before Justice O'Malley. At this time O'Malley was a candidate for member of the convention to revise the [Michigan state] constitution, to which he had no hope of being elected without Mormon votes, and he sent Sullivan home without any process. (Ibid., p. 46)

1850 census:

Patrick Sullivan 24 cooper [born] Ire can't R or W

John Sullivan 26 fisherman [born] Ire. can't R or W

Joanna Sullivan 23 ---------- [born] Ire. can't R or W

Richard O'Donnell 29 fisherman

(this is the one in the fracas with the Mormons when Tom Bennett was killed)

Evidently there were two Sullivans, Patrick & John. His. of G. Trav. Reg., p. 81, says Patrick Sullivan was living at Little Traverse in the fall of 1851, fishing.

1860 census:

John Sullivan 35 farmer born Ire.

Anna Sullivan 32 ------- born Ire.

Land office:

Oct. 11, 1856 - Lot 1 Sec 12-37-10 48.8A $57.25 pat. '59 (Charlevoix)

1886 - Lot 1 Sec 12 T37 R10 was sold by his estate to Shoemaker Gallagher.


[?] Sweet

Sweet had a lumber mill on Big Sand Bay. It must have been running in 1891 because Pat Maloney was killed there in that year. It stood just across from the end of Hanagan's Rd.

A George Sweet shows up in the land records of Sec 2 & Sec 3 & Sec 4 of T37 R10 in 1874. This is land back of Martin's Bluff - he must have been getting timber for his mill.



1860 census:

Mary Sweney 50 widow born Ire.

? 34 born Ire.

Denie Cull 20 born Ire.

Rosa Malvina 30 born Ire.

1860 census:

Anthony Swiney 35 fisherman born Ire. (son of [Mary,] above)

John Coylet 40 laborer born England

Eley Cambell 24 fisherman born Scotland



In the 1860 census there is the following record. The name was so defaced I could hardly make it out, probably not Swoony:

Frank Swoony(?) 39 cooper born in France

Margaret Swoony(?) 30 ------- born in France


1 The author never specifies the source of these quotes.

2 If Clement Strang was the son of Elvira Fields (see later entries) he was in fact the son of Strang's first polygamous wife, his second wife overall.

3 Elvira Field was Strang's first polygamous wife, whom he had married in 1849.

4 Brackets in original.