Speeches and Councils

Composed of transcripts of the speeches delivered by both Indians and Whites at numerous councils and meetings, this section is subdivided into three categories: Indian nations' councils with other Indian nations (1704-1807); Indian councils with the British (1771-1828); and Indian councils with the Americans (1785-1815).

With other Native Americans

"Speech of the Savages of Detroit." July 30, 1704. Vol. 33, (1904): 190-193.

Huron, Odawa, and Miami attempt to make peace with the Iroquois by blaming Agoiatonous nation for the murder of several Iroquois.

"Speech of the Shawanese, Kickapoos, & Winnibeigoes, Dated June 8, 1812." Vol. 15, (1889): 89-91.

Delivered by Techkumthai (Tecumseh); explains attacks that the Pottawatomis made on Long Knives (Americans), and the negative repercussions possible in further actions.

"Speeches." February 25, 1781. Vol. 19, (1891): 593-596.

Speeches by Ouiatanons to French and Piankishaws at Vincennes. Also includes speech by Miami chief concerning whether British and French should be trusted.

"Indian Speeches at Caughnawaga," July 5-10, 1799. Vol. 20, (1892): 643-648.

"Indian Speech to Sir John Johnson at Lachine," July 12, 1799. Vol. 20, (1892): 650-651.

Caughnawagas and Iroquois discuss New York attempts to take Caughnawaga land as a punishment for their having fought on the side of the British during the Revolution. Apparently, the Iroquois inadvertently signed over Caughnawaga land to New York. The two parties decide to appeal to the British for help.

"Indian Speech to Indians in Council at Caughnawaga," August 7, 1796. Vol. 20, (1892): 462-463.

Caughnawaga Indians warn Odawa against trusting the United States or selling land to them.

"Substance of the Speeches of the Indians at the Council at the Big Rock," October 7, 1810. Vol. 25, (1894): 270-272.

Hurons and other western nations discussing unity and the need for caution when dealing with the British or the United States.

Techkumthai (Tecumseh). Speech to Potawatomi , Ottawa, Winnebego, and Sauks. November 15, 1810. Vol. 25, (1894): 275-277.

Tecumseh urges Indians to unite with the British and vow to never give up their land.

"Speech of Indian Chief to Various Tribes," May 4, 1807. Vol. 40, (1929): 127-133.

Le Maigouis (The Trout) predicts an eclipse, denounces whites as children of evil spirits, sets forth rules of conduct including what to eat, wear, and with whom to trade. This blend of traditional and new beliefs is the way of life proposed by Tenskwatawa, the Shawnee Prophet.

With the French

Beauharnois. "Council of the Indian Tribes at Detroit in 1738." Vol. 34, (1905): 151-154.

Describes past and present problems between Huron, Odawa, and other Indian nations.

"Talk between Marquis de Vaudreuil and Onaskin, Chief of the Outavois." August 1, 1706. Vol. 33, (1904): 258-262.

Marquis attempts to make peace between the Odawa and Miami nations, and answers Indian complaints about Cadillac and the return of prisoners of war.

"Talk of the Poutouatamis and the Reply of M. de Vaudreuil." ND (1777?). Vol. 33, (1904): 586-587.

Otchik speaks for the Pottawatomis. They are angry at de Sabrevois, commander of Detroit, and many Indians are going to the English for gifts. De Vaudreuil assures them that de Sabrevois is being replaced.

"A Talk with the Ottawas and Their Reply." June 1717. Vol. 33, (1904): 584-586.

De Vaudreuil representing French, Shamgoueschi speaks for the Odawa, who are angry at de Sabrevois. He does not give fair prices on trade goods and generally mistreats them, so they are going to the English for gifts. De Vaudreuil very angry at this development.

"Words of the Marquis de Vaudreuil to the Savages Who Came Down from the Upper Country." ND (1711?). Vol. 33, (1904): 503-506.

Odawa, Saulteurs, Malominy, Sauk, Potawatomi , Huron, Longekain, Miami, Kickapoo, and Outtagamis nations present. De Vaudreuil attempts to preserve peace among France's allies. The Missisaugas apparently attacked the Miami, while the Outagamis attacked the Illinois.

With the United States

"Indian Council Held at Wakitunikee." May 18, 1785. Vol. 25, (1894): 691-693.

Shawnee, Mingo, Delaware, and Cherokee were angry at US settlement in violation of the Treaty of Fort Stanwix.

"Indian Speech to the Congress of the United States." December 18, 1786. Vol. 11, (1888): 467-470.

Iroquois, Huron, Shawnee, Delaware, Odawa, Ojibwe, Potawatomi , Twichtweca, Cherokee, and Wabash nations complaining of unlawful white settlement on Indian lands and request a council to discuss ways of achieving peace.

St. Clair, Arthur. Speech to Seneca Nation. September 8, 1790. Vol. 24, (1894): 96-97.

St. Clair, Arthur. Speech to Wyandot Nation. September 19, 1790. Vol. 24, (1894): 98-99.

St. Clair, Arthur. Speech to Ottawa Nation. October 7, 1790. Vol. 24, (1894): 100-102.

St. Clair is the governor of the Northwest Territory. He reaffirms peace between the US and the Seneca, Wyandot, and Odawa, and vows to defeat the Shawnee conspiracy.

Pickering, Timothy. Speeches to Six Nations. November 22, 1790. Vol. 24, (1894): 145-158.

Pickering is the US Commissioner of Indian Affairs. He assures the Iroquois that the US will investigate murders committed by whites, and asks that the Iroquois law of blood be set aside. He explains the provisions of the Treaty of Ghent and various congressional acts which put the Federal government in charge of Indian affairs. Finally, he expresses US displeasure with the traditional way of negotiating treaties with the Indians.

Pickering, Timothy. Speech to Six Nations. April 17, 1791. Vol. 24, (1894): 237-239.

Pickering urges the Iroquois to stay away from the western Indian confederacy.

St. Clair, Arthur. Speech to Seneca. April 23, 1791. Vol. 24, (1894): 239-241.

St. Clair (defeated later by Blue Jacket) tells the Seneca that they must help the US fight against the western Indian confederacy.

Arthur St. Clair to Delaware Indians. April 20, 1791. Vol. 24, (1894): 209-211.

Expresses sadness over the murder of two Delawares by whites and promises an investigation. Also chides them for not reporting the activities of other nations.

St. Clair, Arthur, to Wyandot Indians. Vol. 24, (1894): 214-215.

St. Clair to Negushway, Principle Chief of the Ottawa. Vol. 24, (1894): 215-217.

St. Clair to Wyandot Indians. April 30, 1791. Vol. 24, (1894): 217-219.

Increasingly threatening letters promising US assistance to the Indians during peace but destruction in case of war.

Pickering, Timothy. Speech to Five Nations. December 19, 1791. Vol. 24, (1894): 370-372.

Pickering urges Iroquois chiefs on the enclosed list to go to Philadelphia to meet with US Congress.

Wilkinson, James. Speech to the Indians, April 3, 1792. Vol. 24, (1894): 391-393.

Commander of the US Army's speech to Miami, Shawnee, Delaware, Tawa (Odawa?), Wyandot, Potawatomi , Huron, and Ojibwe Indians involved in the confederacy. He urges them to make peace, threatens the destruction of their nations if they refuse, but promises to redress their grievances against the US if they agree.

Knox, Henry. Speech to the Indians. April 4, 1792. Vol. 24, (1894): 394-396.

Secretary of War Knox urges peace with the confederacy but cautions that his entreaties have nothing to do with the ignoble defeat of Arthur St. Clair by the confederacy.

"Proceedings of a General Council of Indian Nations." September 30-October 9, 1792. Vol. 24, (1894): 483-498.

Delaware, Shawnee, Miami, Ojibwe, Odawa, Wyandot, Muncie, Connoy, Nantikoke, Mohican, Potawatomi , Cherokee, Creek, Iroquois, Mingo, Sauk and Fox, Ouiatenon, Seneca, and various Canadian Indian nations in council. They agree that whites have instigated trouble among the nations, that the British abandoned them in the Treaty of Paris, and that the Indian nations need to pursue peace with the US, but only on condition that the US remove their settlers and forts in Indian territories. Many of the nations distrust the Iroquois, and the Iroquois explain their dealings with the US. They then agree to join the confederacy.

"Proceedings of an Indian Council." November 13-14, 1792. Vol. 24, (1894): 509-516.

US council with Iroquois. Iroquois explain what occurred at an October council with the Indian Confederacy, and urge the US not to continue hostilities against them. British Agent Butler and US Commissioner Chapin both agree to attend a council at Sandusky.

"Indians to General Washington." ND (probably February 1793). Vol. 20, (1892): 314-315.

Iroquois, Mohicans, Ouitanons, and unnamed nations complaining that the United States have not kept their word to remove their forts and settlers on Indian lands. They want a council to be held at Sandusky and will not accept any other place.

"Council Held at Fort Le Boeuf." June 26, 1793. Vol. 24, (1894): 671-674.

United States refuse to move settlers off land that the Iroquois requested in Pennsylvania that had been given to US by a treaty. The Iroquois believe their request is fair, and are willing to defend their rights.

"Reply of the Commissioners of the United States to the Indians." July 13, 1793. Vol. 24, (1894): 579-585.

The US commissioners declare that the Ohio River boundary line for US settlement proposed by the Indian Confederacy is unacceptable because of provisions of the Treaties of Ghent and Fort Stanwix that established a Great Lakes boundary line. They are willing to renegotiate this line, but they demand that the Indians make concessions.

"Council Held at the Foot of the Miamis Rapids." July 27, 1793. Vol. 24, (1894): 570-571.

The Indian Confederacy demands that all US troops and settlers be removed past the Ohio River and wants that river to be the permanent Western and Northern boundary of white settlement.

"Reply of the Indians to the Commissioners of the United States." August 13, 1793. Vol. 24, (1894): 587-592.

The confederacy argues that they had no part in the Treaty of Paris and did not give the British the right to give away Indian lands. They also argue that the US made treaties with Indians who had no right to give up land. Finally, they again demand the Ohio River as a permanent boundary for US expansion.

"Commissioners of the United States to the Chiefs of the Indian Nations." August 16, 1793. Vol. 24, (1894): 592-593.

The US makes its final refusal of the confederacy's demands that the Ohio River be the boundary between the US and Indian lands, and they believe that international law will support them.

"Proceedings of a Council Held at Buffaloe Creek." October 10, 1793. Vol. 24, (1894): 615-617.

Iroquois meeting with both British and American commissioners. They propose adhering to a Line of Demarcation at the Muskingum River but are willing to give up land on which the US has made improvements.

Anthony Wayne to the Indians, January 14, 1794. Vol. 24, (1894): 629-631.

Wayne demands that US prisoners of war be returned by February 14 and suggests a treaty council.

"Proceedings of a Council of the Six Nations." February 7-9, 1794. Vol. 24, (1894): 633-642.

The Iroquois assure the US that they want peace, and the US representative thanks them. A May 15 council is proposed, but the Iroquois are upset that the US did not accept their compromise over the boundary line. A British agent present at the meeting assures the Iroquois that the British did not give away Iroquois land in the Treaty of Ghent.

"Proceedings of a Council Held at Buffaloe Creek." June 18, 1794. Vol. 24, (1894): 662-666.

The Iroquois argue again for their proposed boundary line in Pennsylvania and are angry about the deaths of their messengers at the hands of Americans.

"Council of the Six Nations." ND (probably October 1794). Vol. 25, (1894): 46-52, 53-61.

Council between Iroquois and the United States. US agent is angry at the presence of a British advisor and orders him ejected from the meeting or the council will be canceled. General Pickering then berates Iroquois about British violations of the Treaty of Paris.

Wayne, Anthony. Speech to Indians at Sandusky. January 1, 1795. Vol. 25, (1894): 81-83.

Wayne promises cessation of hostilities and looks forward to the treaty council at Greenville. This is shortly after the Battle of Fallen Timbers.

"Address of the Chiefs of the Chippewa Nation." September 1797. Vol. 8: 506.

A request was made by the Ojibwe that the US government honor its agreement to furnish them with goods and supplies in exchange for allowing whites to use the land near Detroit.

"Speech of the Indians at Sandusky." September 4, 1805. Vol. 40, (1929): 68-69.

Hull, William. "Answer to the Sandusky Indians." September 11, 1805. Vol. 40, (1929): 70-72.

Wyandots, represented by Tarhee (The Crane), Roneniarah (The Crow), Harronenu (The Cherokee), and Rasharah (Stooky), are upset that an American named Isaac Williams is trying to defraud them of their land. Hull promises to deal with Williams.

Indians at Saginaw to Hull. June 5, 1807. Vol. 40, (1929): 144-145.

Chiefs remind Hull that he told them to never sell their land to anyone, but now Hull wants them to sell to him. They tell him never to return to Saginaw.

"Address of Ottawa Chiefs to Governor Hull." August 18, 1807. Vol. 40, (1929): 193-194.

Kauachawan. Speech to William Hull. August 24, 1807. Vol. 40, (1929): 194-196.

Odawa chiefs ask Hull whether they should go to Malden to meet with the British, and inform him that they sent Kauachawan to find out what the British wanted. Kauachawan refused their entreaties to conspire against the US. He also denounces Tenskwatawa (the Shawnee Prophet) and vows his friendship to the US.

Hull, William. "Proclamation Prohibiting Sending of Wampum to and the Holding of Councils with the Indians." August 20, 1807. Vol. 36, (1908): 198.

Hull's failed attempt to stop the British from interfering with the Indians on US-controlled lands.

Hull to Dearborn. November 1807. Vol. 40, (1929): 247-252.

Includes Hull's speech to the Indians around Detroit, and the response by Nanaume, a Potawatomi chief, and Poaqueboa, an Ojibwe chief. Both told him that the British were attempting to get the Indians to attack Detroit.

Claus, William. "Diary of Colonel William Claus." May 7-August 10, 1808. Vol. 23, (1893): 47-60.

Claus discusses various topics including a council with the Odawa, the delivery of gifts to Saginaw, the murder of two Delaware by whites at Detroit, the death of Tenskwatawa (The Shawnee Prophet), a council with Tecumseh, and several speeches by chiefs of the Odawa, Ojibwe, Huron, and Mohawk nations.

Hull, William. Speech to Chiefs of Chippewa. October 11, 1808. Vol. 36, (1908): 357.

Hull is sending two blacksmiths along with a US flag, and asks the Indians not to trade with unlicensed traders.

Jefferson, Thomas. Speech to the Indians. January 31, 1809. Vol. 40, (1929): 274-276.

Jefferson says that the Wyandot have no right to the land they gave up in the Treaty of Detroit and advises them to complain to the Indian Agent if whites settle on the land they retained. Also advises them on the US right to build roads through their reservations.

Wyandot Chiefs to William Hull. September 30, 1809. Vol. 40, (1929): 304-307.

Wyandot complains that the reservation set aside for them in the Treaty of Detroit is too small and that their fifty-year ownership as prescribed in the treaty is not acceptable. With totems (pictographs used as signatures) from Showhanwit (Black Chief), Maera (Walkinthewater), Sindaeweno, Hannacsaw (Split Log), Hayanemadac (Isedore), Yuckshawwawno, Noneyaeta, and Tahanoneka.

Lafrombois. Speech to Judge B. Parke. May 17, 1815. Vol. 16, (1890): 112.

Chief of Weas/Ouitanon regarding Kickapoo and Potawatomi nations' trips to Mackinac to accept goods from the British. Also, the Kickapoo have lied to the US about some unnamed thing.

Lambossier. Speech to Judge B. Parke. May 18, 1815. Vol. 16, (1890): 113.

Chief of Weas/Ouitanon regarding Odawa and Potawatomi nations' trips to Mackinac to accept goods from the British, and warning of a planned attack by the British.

With the British

"Col. Goldthwait's Talk with Indians." July 1771. Vol. 24, (1894): 2-3.

Q&A between Goldthwait and a Mataugwesauwack Indian, listing tribes between his land west of Lake Superior and Montreal.

"Speech in Indian Council at Detroit." August 18, 1773. Vol. 19, (1891): 308-310.

Miami chiefs reassure Huron, Iroquois, and British that the have no intention of going to war with them, and that the Shawnee are to blame for any rumors.

Hamilton, Henry. "Council Held at Detroit June 14th, 1778 with the Ottawas, Delawares, Shawanese, Miamis, Mingoes, Mohawks, & the Tribes of Ouashtanon, Saguinan, &c. Delaware Senecas." Vol. 9, (1886): 442-458.

Includes lists of people present and excerpts from speeches.

"Inventory of Indian Councils Held at Detroit." Vol. 20, (1892): 133-135.

Description of councils held at Detroit from June 1778 to June 1783.

Schieffelin, J. "Indian Council." December 1, 1782. Vol. 11, (1888): 326-328.

Seneca chief Ayouwiainsh complains to the British about his people's need for supplies which the British failed to deliver.

"Indian Council at Detroit." July 30, 1783. Vol. 20, (1892): 153-154.

Deals with an attack on the Shawnee by whites purporting to be Virginians.

Shieffeling, J. "Transactions with Indians at Sandusky." August 26-September 8, 1783. Vol. 20, (1892): 174-183.

Council between the British and the Huron, Delaware, Shawnee, Mingo, Creek, Cherokee, Odawa, Ojibwe, Potawatomi , and Iroquois. British are attempting to reassure them about the boundary line decided in the Treaty of Ghent.

McKee, Alexander. "Indian Council." December 24, 1786. Vol. 11, (1888): 470-472.

Transcripts of a council of the deputation of the Iroquois and "the several nations of Western Indians." Indians ask British to make the Ohio River the boundary line for settlers until a definitive treaty agreement can be reached.

"Indian Council." July 11, 1787. Vol. 11, (1888): 491-496.

Transcripts of speeches given at Michilimackinac by British officials and leaders of the Sioux, Pican, Fox, Sisitous, Pitous, Odawa, and Ojibwe nations regarding continued friendship.

Dayenty and Egouchaway. "Indian Speech to Sir John Johnson at Huron Village." August 16, 1790. Vol. 20, (1892): 308-309.

Huron and Odawa chiefs concerned with boundaries of their lands. Includes description of understood boundaries.

Blue Jacket. "Blue Jacket's Speech and Answer from A. McKee." January 23, 1791. Vol. 24, (1894): 135-138.

Blue Jacket wants food and clothes from the British in return for Shawnee help during the American Revolution. Also says that the Shawnee do not want to go to war with the US again. McKee promises provisions.

"Proceedings of a Council Held with the Six Nations." May 24, 1791. Vol. 24, (1894): 234-237.

Council between British and Iroquois at Niagra. The Iroquois describe a council with Colonel Proctor of the US, and the British agree to have an agent present when the Iroquois deal with the US in the future.

McKee, Alexander. "Colonel Alexander McKee's Speech to the Indians." July 1, 1791. Vol. 20, (1892): 310-311.

Concerning the delivery of presents to the Mohawks, Hurons, Delawares, Odawa, Potawatomi , Miami, Shawnee, Muncie, Mingo, Connoys, Mohicans, Nantikokes, and Moravian Indians.

"Speech of Lord Dorchester to the Indians." August 15, 1791. Vol. 24, (1894): 309-313.

Speech to Odawa, Ojibwe, Potawatomi , Huron, Shawnee, Delaware, Twitwis, and Iroquois. He is sorry for US attacks on Indians, reassures them that the British did not give up Indian land in the Treaty of Ghent, and says that he will try to negotiate with the US on their behalf.

"Proceedings of a Private Council Held with the Chiefs of the Five Nations." January 31, 1792. Vol. 24, (1894): 367-370.

British advising the Iroquois on relations with the US. They fear that conflicting messages from different US sources could mean trouble, and thus the Iroquois should not accept the US invitation to meet with Congress at Philadelphia.

Johnson, William. "Journal of His Proceedings from Niagra Westward." August 29-October 23, 1792. Vol. 24, (1894): 468-472.

Describes councils with the Iroquois and Delaware and a speech by a Shawnee chief to the Iroquois, all relating to the confederacy against the US.

J. G. Simcoe to Western Indians. June 22, 1793. Vol. 24, (1894): 551-554.

Simcoe promises provisions at Sandusky council and reassures them that the British did not give up Indian land in the Treaty of Ghent.

"Minutes of a Council." July 7-9, 1793. Vol. 24, (1894): 560-568.

Council between British and Western Indians, with a US delegation present. Discusses the failure of a council at Sandusky because of the presence of too many US soldiers. US replies that they had no intention of violence. The parties agree to attempt another council because the US delegation has the power to establish a new boundary line.

"Indian Speeches at the Glaize." May 6, 1794. Vol. 20, (1892): 346-347.

"Indian Speeches at the Miami Rapids." May 7, 1794. Vol. 20, (1892): 347-350.

"Three Nations" want to take Virginians prisoner and want the sale of rum stopped. They also recount a Spanish speech to the Delawares encouraging Indians from the Creeks to Michigan to unite against the US.

"Council at Brown's Town." October 11, 1794. Vol. 25, (1894): 40-46.

Iroquois, Wyandot, Delaware, Shawnee, Miami, Odawa, Ojibwe, Potawatomi , Cherokee, and Muncie Indians depressed by the loss at Fallen Timbers, asking the British for help.

Duggan, Thomas. "Journal Kept of Councils with Indians Near Detroit, 1794." Vol. 12: 105-109.

Proceedings of councils with the British. Equshewa was the primary speaker for the Ojibwe.

"Indian Speech at Sandusky." February 6, 1795. Vol. 20, (1892): 392-393.

Protesting to Vicar Edmund Burke about his request that unnamed nation abandon their land.

J. G. Simcoe. Speech to Six Nations. August 28, 1795. Vol. 25, (1894): 94-100.

Simcoe says that US agent Pickering was wrong to exclude British agent from an October 1794 council meeting. Also explains the French Revolution and the Treaty of Ghent to them from the British point of view, and assures them of continued British support.

"Speeches of Condolence on the Death of Lieut. Col. John Butler." May 16, 1796. Vol. 20, (1892): 444-447.

Butler was Deputy Agent of Indian Affairs. Chiefs of Iroquois and Captain Brant memorializing him by following the mourning customs of the Iroquois. Also includes speech by Brant which was sent to Butler's family.

"Indian Speeches to General Prescott at Caughnawaga." August 13, 1796. Vol. 20, (1892): 464-466.

Response by Odawa, Micmac, and other nations of lower Canada to speech by Prescott forbidding hunting and fishing on lands north of the St. Lawrence up to Hudson Bay.

"Talk between Captain William Mayne and Indian Chiefs." June 30, 1797. Vol. 20, (1892): 519-521.

Four Shawnee chiefs angry at Colonel McKee for holding back presents. Mayne defends McKee's policy.

"Captain Peter Drummond to the Chiefs and Their Reply." October 19, 1797. Vol. 20, (1892): 560-561.

Drummond asks Arbre Croche Ojibwe not to take up hostilities toward traders. Chiefs reply that they had no such intention.

"Speech of Captain Joseph Brant." Vol. 23, (1893): 19-20.

Speech by Brant to Odawa, Ojibwe, and Potawatomi , urging them to go to a council at Buffaloe Creek. No date, possibly 1802.

"Indian Council at Amherstburg." June 8, 1805. Vol. 23, (1893): 39-42.

Sauk, Fox, Odawa, and Potawatomi discussing the possibility of joining the Indian confederacy against the US, but the British encourage them to stay peaceful.

"Proceedings of a Private Meeting with the Shawenoes." March 25, 1808. Vol. 25, (1894): 242-244.

British explain the "Chesapeake" incident and ask if the US had contacted the Indians. Shawnee reassure them of their loyalty.

McDonall, Robert. Speech to Indians at Michilimackinac. June 5, 1811. Vol. 25, (1894): 283-286.

Discusses American attempts to invade Canada, urges the Indians to join the British in case of war, and promises supplies.

"Indian Speech at Council of Condolence." November 6, 1812. Vol. 23, (1893): 95-96.

Speech by Kodeaneyonte memorializing the death of General Isaac Brock.

"Indian Speeches, Without Date." (May 1814?) Vol. 15: 558-561.

Speeches by Indian chiefs of the Sioux, Menominee, and Winnebago nations pledging their allegiance to the British.

"Minutes of an Indian Council." October 28, 1814. Vol. 23, (1893): 453-455.

Two Potawatomi chiefs remind the British that the Potawatomi were the first to assist them in war, and that they had been abandoned by General Proctor. They request supplies and constantly reassure the British that they will not join the "Big Knives," meaning the Americans.

"Message to the Western Indians." ND (December 1814?) Vol. 23, (1893): 459-461.

British message to Winnebago, Odawa, Ojibwe, Sauk and Fox, and Sioux, saying that the cowardly US had asked for peace, but that British demands that Indian needs be met led to the US refusal, and that the war was continuing to help the Indians.

"Minutes of a Council." January 29, 1815. Vol. 23, (1893): 469-471.

British with Potawatomi and Odawa. Chebainse spoke for the Potawatomi , saying that the Kickapoo, Miami, and Delaware were eager to help the British. Also asks for guns and ammunition.

McDonall, Robert. Speech to Indians at Michilimackinac. June 28, 1815. Vol. 16, (1890): 192-193.

McDonall's speech to the Fox, Kickapoo, Sauk, and Potawatomi , regarding the unity of Indian nations with each other and with the British. He tells the Ojibwe and the Sioux to stop fighting, offers yearly gifts at Drummond Island. His speech is followed by a response from Leettoite, a Sauk chief.

McDonall, Robert. Speech to Indians. September 17, 1815. Vol. 16, (1890): 273-275.

McDonall's speech to the Odawa at Arbre Croche and Grand River warning them not to desert the English for the US. He promises that English armies would soon return to help the Indians once their war with the French was done, and that it was the US who sued for peace. He also tells them that the Odawa should defend the British if they want to continue receiving gifts and advises them not to drink alcohol.

"Speech of Shawanese King." August 7, 1815. Vol. 16, (1890): 197-198.

Shawnee chief is angry that Colonel Caldwell has replaced Colonel Elliott as British commissioner because Caldwell is not delivering promised supplies.

Black Hawk. Speech in Reply to McDonall. ND (probably August 1815). Vol 16, (1890): 196-197.

Black Hawk is angry at the British for the terms of the Treaty of Ghent ending the War of 1812. He says the Sauks only joined the war as a result of British pressure, but they may have to fight the US without British help.

Robinson, Frederick P. "Proceedings of Indian Council at Niagra." August 31-September 1, 1815. Vol. 16, (1890): 262-266.

Council called by Sir Gordon Drummond between the British and the Huron, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, Tuscarora, Tutulie, and Delaware nations.

James, Lieutenant Colonel. Speech to Indian Council. September 14, 1815. Vol. 16, (1890): 269-273.

James lies to the Indians about British losses at New Orleans, Erie, and Niagra. He denounces Napoleon Bonaparte as a murderer and a thief, and tells them about the Battle of Waterloo. He also thanks them for not selling their land to the US and assures them that the British do not want it.

James, R. "Proceedings of a Council." June 19, 1816. Vol. 16, (1890): 471-473.

Huron, Ojibwe, Odawa, Potawatomi , Shawnee, Kickapoo, and Muncie nations angry at the British for various broken promises from the War of 1812, especially their promises that the US would be defeated.

McKay, William. Speech to Council. June 29-30-1816. Vol. 16, (1890): 479-487.

Sioux, Winnebago, Menominee, Odawa, and Ojibwe at Drummond Island council. British attempting to reassure them that they would protect them against US plans to build forts in violation of the Treaty of Ghent. Includes responses by Wabasha (Sioux), Kewimen (?), and Karahmannie (Winnebago).

McDonall to ?, August 7, 1816. Vol. 16, (1890): 508-512.

Informs unknown person addressed as "Your Excellency" about June council at Drummond Island and of US attempts to build forts at Green Bay and Prairie du Chien. Also, that the Indians are angry at the British that their traders are not being allowed in western lands.

Evans, Lieutenant Colonel. "Minutes of Council Held at Amherstburg." October 16, 1818. Vol. 16: (1890).

Council held between John Askin, superintendant of Indian Affairs, and seventeen Ojibwe chiefs, which are listed by name. Council concerned with the purchase of all Ojibwe land north of the Thames River. The Indians ask for five reservations and payment over fifty years, specifying that this payment will not replace the traditional gift-giving.

"Indian Speeches." June 15, 1820. Vol. 23, (1893): 101-103.

Shawnee and Huron are angry at Ironside for conspiring against Indian Agent John Askin. Includes words of Tenskwatawa, the Shawnee Prophet.

"Indian Speech at Drummond Island." June 30, 1828. Vol. 23, (1893): 144-147.

Winnebago chief Nayocantay fears that the British will ask him to go to war against the Americans again. Also discusses Indian relations with Governor Lewis Cass.