DigMich Newspaper Grant
Congratulations to the 2025 Awardees!
- Bessemer Public Library, Bessemer, MI
- Eastpointe Memorial Library, Eastpointe, MI
- Elk Rapids Area Historical Society, Elk Rapids, MI
- Fennville District Library, Fennville, MI
- Pentwater Historical Society, Pentwater, MI
- Polish Institute of Culture and Research, Orchard Lake, MI
- St. Clair County Library System, Port Huron, MI
A committee that included Clarke Historical Library staff, Library of Michigan staff, and a Central Michigan University faculty member reviewed the applications and determined the awards.
The 2025 Digital Michigan Newspaper Grant Program was made possible by the Robert and Susan Clarke Endowment with additional funding provided in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library of Michigan and the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.
Digital Michigan Newspaper Award Program
The Clarke Historical Library offers an annual competitive award to increase access to a Michigan newspaper through digitization. Michigan libraries, historical societies, museums, archives, and other nonprofit organizations holding runs of newspapers are welcome to apply.
The awarded application(s) will receive an amount of the following:
- For a microfilmed Michigan newspaper: Scanning and hosting online in the Clarke Historical Library’s Michigan Digital Newspapers Database
- For an original, print Michigan newspaper: Microfilming, scanning, and hosting online in the Clarke Historical Library’s Michigan Digital Newspapers Database
If you would like more information about our newspaper digitization, microfilming services, or grant program, please email us at ClarkeMicrofilm@cmich.edu or call (989) 774-4420.