Computer and Graphics Labs

Wightman Hall 135 LabMove beyond theory and bookwork by taking hands-on classes in rooms with software comparable to what you may encounter on the job. The College of the Arts and Media has several computer-based classrooms, two of which are available for use outside of class (Wightman 149 & 159).

You can access the latest versions of industry-standard software in all of our labs so you're ready for all aspects of your career.

Most of our labs are equipped with large format color laser printers, so you can print up 11 x 17 posters.

Wightman 158 offers large format photo printing, up to 44 inches wide.

Lab hours

Wightman 149Wightman 158
Sunday: 1 to 10pmSunday: 1 to 10pm
Monday: 5 to 10pmMonday: 11am to 10pm
Tuesday: 5 to 9pmTuesday: 9am to 12:30pm and 3:30 to 9pm
Wednesday: 6 to 10pmWednesday: 11am to 4:30pm and 6 to 10pm
Thursday: 5 to 10pmThursday: 9am to 2pm and 5 to 10pm
Friday: Noon to 5pmFriday: Noon to 5pm
Saturday: 1 to 6pmSaturday: 1 to 6pm

***When the University is closed the labs are also closed***

Lab programs

    After Effects
    Premiere Pro
    (and the rest of the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite)

    Moore 113
    Moore 424
    Moore 450a
    Wightman 149

    Wightman 224

    Wightman 149