Media Hall of Fame - Joe Misiewicz

Headshot of Joe Misiewicz wearing a dark blue blazer and red collared shirt against a soft maroon backdrop.Dr. Joe Misiewicz, was a member of the Broadcasting and Cinematic Arts faculty from 1976 to 1985. Joe was a sergeant in the Army Reserves called into stateside active duty four times with his platoon. He was trained as a photographer and journalist at a Defense Information School in Indianapolis. One key military assignment was covering the Watergate trial for three weeks for the National Armed Services Radio Network. He also recorded music programs to ship to Vietnam as a DJ for two years with “Good Morning Vietnam.” Joe’s career has included being a radio host, a newspaper publisher, the general manager of a public television station, and decades teaching broadcasting at CMU, Bradley University, Morehead State University, Eastern Michigan University, and Ball State University, where he was a professor and chair of the Department of Telecommunication from 1990 until his retirement in 2012. After retiring from Ball State, Misiewicz spent three years as president and CEO of the Indiana Broadcasters Association, lobbying on press rights and media access issues for the state’s broadcast television stations. He is a graduate of EMU, where he was editor of the student newspaper, the Eastern Echo, and news director of WEMU-FM and a DJ for a classical music program. He’s also in the hall of fames for the Indiana Public Broadcasting Stations and the Indiana Association of School Broadcasters.

“Dr. Joe was the most important professor I had during my undergraduate days at CMU, and the lives he touched and shaped during his years in Mt. Pleasant are simply too numerous to tally. He was much more than a teacher – he was very hands-on and developed a broadcast department that is still going today and is second to none,” said Fred Heumann, sports director of WILX-TV in Lansing and a 2019 CMU Media Hall of Fame inductee.