
The debate program at Central Michigan University has been active and successful for more than 40 years. Students have won numerous awards at the National Forensics Association's National Tournament and the Pi Kappa Delta National Tournament.

Six students are posing with the many trophies they won at the last debate tournament.

Recent debate alumni have gone on to top-tier law schools and management positions in major companies.

The debate squad has traveled to tournaments in New York, Washington, California, Iowa, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Georgia and throughout Michigan. 

Numerous academic studies show that competitive debate trains students to think critically on their feet. It gives them confidence in public speaking and teaches them how to do in-depth research. 

Although high school experience helps, our coaches work closely with students to prepare you for tournament competitions. Team members meet at least weekly to work on speeches and plan for tournaments.

Central Michigan University Debate Team - Joseph Packer

Central Michigan University Debate Team - Tyler Tobias

Central Michigan University Debate Team - Yina Todd

Central Michigan University Debate Team - Natalie

Debate Director