School of Communication, Journalism, and Media Graduate Assistantships

Get valuable training and experience as a graduate assistant in the School of Communication, Journalism, and Media. These competitively selected assistantships will provide graduate students with the opportunity to teach courses, assist faculty in instruction, and advise experiential learning activities. We seek graduate assistants who bring a strong content background and professionalism to our programs.

Communication graduate assistantship

The Master of Arts in Communication program offers competitively selected teaching assistantships. These assistantships provide invaluable hands-on experiences that are essential for future academic or professional roles. Leading lectures and class discussions strengthens leadership skills and enhances public speaking ability. Engaging with diverse student perspectives fosters adaptability and effective communication. Ultimately, the experience gained as a teaching assistant not only enriches one’s academic journey but also lays a solid foundation for a successful career in communication or related fields.

To qualify for an assistantship, students must be enrolled in the Master of Arts in Communication. Assistantship applications are reviewed March 1.

Graduate students awarded an assistantship teach two stand-alone sections of an introductory communication course a semester while pursuing their master's degree in communication. The assistantships include a tuition waiver that covers up to 10 credit hours per semester (20 per year) over two years and a stipend. 

COM GA Application