School of Accounting Strategic Plan

Reflecting Central Michigan University’s Strategic Plan: Advancing Excellence (2017-2022) and the College of Business Administration’s Strategic Plan (2019-2020)


We nurture student success by providing a transformative educational experience.


We prepare our graduates to become accounting professionals who significantly impact their organizations and communities.

Core Values

  1. Student-centered learning. We value rigorous, active, lifelong learning.
  2. Business Connected. We value ongoing engagement with the business community and adaptable programs designed to meet current and future business needs.
  3. Broadly Educated. We value a broad educational background that cultivates critical thinking and innovation.
  4. Integrity. We value ethical and socially responsible behavior.
  5. Relevant Research. We value intellectual contributions that impact accounting and business practices, policy, theory, and pedagogy.
  6. Diversity and Inclusion. We value collegiality, diversity, and inclusion where ideas are judged on the strength of their intellectual merit.

CMU Academic Excellence imperatives

Imperative I: Nurturing Student Success

“CMU provides a transformative education to prepare students for successful careers and fulfilling lives. Successful students complete their programs of study in a reasonable amount of time and are well prepared for careers and/or postgraduate study. Alumni perceive their CMU education as a sound investment” (from Advancing Excellence: CMU’s Strategic Plan, 2017-2022)

The SOA values active, rigorous, student-centered learning. It provides a transformative education to prepare students for successful careers in accounting, business, and/or postgraduate studies while helping them to complete their program of study in a reasonable amount of time. We seek to meet the changing educational needs of students with a curriculum that encompasses the current demands of the accounting profession.

School of Accounting's Strategies for Imperative I

Strategy 1

We offer rigorous, active, student-centered learning in courses.

(Data Sources)
Maintain or increase the proportion of faculty participating in at least one teaching-oriented program each year (e.g., CETL program, AAA workshop, AACSB symposium, or other activity)
  • Provide financial support for faculty to attend training programs (ongoing)
  • SOA brown bag for best practices in teaching and for updates in the curriculum (2020)
  • Monitor currency of curriculum and teaching strategies used (ongoing)
  • OFIS
  • Assurance of Learning data
  • RPT review material and UTF evaluation forms
  • SOA Faculty Survey
Strategy 2

We engage students in transformational experiences:

  1. Promote internship opportunities.
  2. Assist students to obtain professional certifications.
  3. Encourage students to participate in Registered Student Organizations (RSOs).
Strategy 2(a)

Promote Internship Opportunities

(Data Sources)
Maintain or increase the proportion of faculty participating in at least one teaching-oriented program each year (e.g., CETL program, AAA workshop, AACSB symposium, or other activity)
  • Foster relationships with employers (ongoing)
  • Educate students about the importance of internships (ongoing)
  • Inform students of internship and leadership opportunities (ongoing)
  • Advise Students when to apply for internships and how to arrange coursework (ongoing)
  • CBA Exit Survey, (e.g., Mgt. 499)
  • SOA Faculty Survey
  • SOA Exit Exam Survey
  • Major Signing Packet Materials
  • SOA Chair Worksheet (2020)
Strategy 2(b)

Assist students to obtain professional certifications

(Data Sources)
Maintain or increase the proportion of accounting majors intending to pursue professional certification (e.g., CMA, CPA)
  • Include relevant certification information in the SOA advising packet (ongoing)
  • Hold an annual Professional Certification Information Session for accounting majors (2020)
  • CBA Exit Survey (e.g., Mgt. 499)
  • SOA Exit Exam Survey
  • Major Signing Packet Materials
Strategy 2(c)

Encourage students to participate in Registered Student Organizations (RSOs).

(Data Sources)
Maintain or increase the proportion of accounting students involved in an accounting or business-related RSO
  • Support student organizations (ongoing)
  • Include student organization information in the major signing packet materials (ongoing)
  • Inform students of accounting organization activities in major signing packet materials (2020)
  • CBA Exit Survey (e.g., Mgt. 499)
  • Faculty Survey
  • SOA Exit Exam Survey
  • Major Signing Packet Materials
Strategy 3

We provide opportunities for students to seek and secure employment in accounting-related fields upon graduation (including admission to graduate school) and maintain communication with alumni.

(Data Sources)
Maintain or increase the proportion of graduating accounting majors who have secured full-time employment in an accounting-related field and remain connected to the SOA
  • Support Career Fairs (e.g., Meet the Recruiters) (ongoing)
  • Encourage classroom visits by recruiters (ongoing)
  • Support employer networking events (ongoing)
  • Require students to use College and Career Development Services (e.g., mock interviews, resume review) and to attend other Career Development events (ongoing)
  • Encourage participation in the SOA Resume Workshop (ongoing)
  • Encourage students to join LinkedIn (2020)
  • Survey Alumni one and five years after graduation (2021)
  • CBA Exit Survey (e.g., Mgt. 499)
  • Survey Data from Career Development Center
  • SOA Exit Exam Survey Academic, Planning, and Analysis (APA) Data
  • SOA Faculty Survey
  • SOA LinkedIn Page
Strategy 4

We invest in retaining our students and graduating them in a timely manner:

  1. Facilitate student success in the accounting curriculum.
  2. Facilitate minimizing the number of credit hours to graduate.
Strategy 4(a)

Facilitate student success in the accounting curriculum.

(Data Sources)
Maintain or increase student retention for accounting majors
  • Hold faculty workshops to discuss and share successful teaching strategies (2020)
  • Inform CBA Student Services of preferred pathways for timely graduation for accounting majors (ongoing)
  • Educate faculty on best practices for accounting advising (ongoing)
  • Enhance consistency in expectations across accounting courses (ongoing)
  • Require each accounting major meet at least once (e.g. at end of junior year) with an accounting faculty advisor to review degree progress (2020)
  • Facilitate student tutoring (ongoing)
  • Academic Planning and Analysis (APA) Retention Data
  • SOA Faculty Survey
  • CBA Student Services Materials
  • SOA Exit Exam Survey
Strategy 4(b)

Facilitate minimizing the number of credit hours to graduate.

(Data Sources
Maintain or reduce the average number of credit hours students complete at graduation
  • Inform CBA Student Services of preferred pathways for timely graduation for accounting majors (ongoing)
  • Update accounting major maps to facilitate timely graduation (ongoing)
  • Require each accounting major meet at least once (e.g. at end of junior year) with an accounting faculty advisor to review degree progress (2020)
  • Provide student advising to maximize ‘double-counting toward degree requirements (ongoing) Monitor trends in hours to graduation for accounting majors (2020)
  • Promote accelerated MBA Program (ongoing)
  • Curricular Actions
  • Academic Planning and Analysis
  • Major Signing Packet Materials
  • SOA Exit Exam Survey
  • SOA Faculty Survey
Strategy 5

We commit to increasing diversity in the SOA.

(Data Sources
Recruit and support students and faculty from underrepresented groups
  • Target recruitment material and social media to underrepresented groups (ongoing)
  • Support NABA (ongoing)
  • Track demographic differences between SOA and CBA (2020)
  • Academic Planning & Analysis (APA)
  • Demographic Data
  • Faculty Personnel Services

Imperative II: Fostering Scholarly Activity

“CMU encourages a scholarly environment that attracts and fosters talented and diverse students, faculty and staff. Scholarship is essential to the intellectual life of a university and its accreditation. We embrace a broad view of scholarship, recognizing the value of theoretical and applied research, field-specific and interdisciplinary research, creative efforts, artistic performances, and pedagogical inquiry” (from  Advancing Excellence: CMU’s Strategic Plan, 2017-2022)

The SOA encourages a scholarly environment. Scholarship is essential to the intellectual life of the SOA and its accreditation. We embrace a broad view of scholarship, recognizing the value of theoretical and applied research, field-study and interdisciplinary research, and pedagogical inquiry.

School of Accounting's Strategies for Imperative II

Strategy 1

Faculty are engaged in quality research that is visible to the public.

(Data Sources)
All research-active faculty will have a Google Scholar profile and upload scholarly work into SSRN
  • Provide training and support for creating Google Scholar and SSRN accounts (2020)
  • Require a Google Scholar profile and an SSRN manuscript upload of research for professional development funds (ongoing)
  • Google Scholar (track percentage of faculty with profiles and total SOA citations)
  • SSRN (track percentage of faculty with profiles, and total SOA downloads)
Strategy 2

Faculty present and publish research that has impact.

(Data Sources)
Increase or maintain the percentage of faculty who publish in an academic, practitioner, and pedagogical journals
  • Support faculty to present at conferences (ongoing)
  • Support research that impacts theory, policy, practice, and pedagogy (ongoing)
  • Hold SOA faculty brown bags to informally share ideas and insights (2020)
  • OFIS
  • Research Credit Awards
  • SOA Faculty Survey)
Strategy 3

Faculty continue to meet AACSB standards for faculty qualifications and scholarly activity.

(Data Sources)
Maintain AACSB requirements for accreditation in the four qualification areas: SA ≥ 40%, SA + PA + SP ≥ 60%, and SA + PA + SP + IP ≥ 90%Review faculty status in all Article 6 and all reappointment, promotion, and tenure (RPT) decisions as well as UTF Evaluation Forms (annually) (ongoing)
  • OFIS AACSB Short Vita
  • AACSB Tables
  • Article 6 & RPT Documentation
  • UTF Evaluation Forms
Strategy 4

faculty offer opportunities to work with students on scholarly activities.

(Data Sources)
Maintain or increase the number of Honors contracts and capstones completed with students
  • Support faculty who participate in Honors contracts and capstones (ongoing)
  • Promote relationships with Honors Department (ongoing)
  • OFIS
  • SOA Faculty Survey
  • Honors Department Data
  • SOA Exit Exam Survey

Imperative III: Strengthening Partnerships in Michigan and Beyond

“CMU values community partnerships. We will emphasize partnerships with alumni, communities, corporations, government agencies and nonprofit organizations that lead to mutual growth and enhancement, starting with those in Michigan and going beyond to our country and the world” (from  Advancing Excellence: CMU’s Strategic Plan, 2017-2022)

The SOA values and seeks partnerships with professional accounting firms, corporations, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and alumni to form strong stakeholder commitments with the SOA.

School of Accounting's Strategies for Imperative III

Strategy 1

Faculty engage employers and partners in SOA events.

(Data Sources)
All faculty participate in at least one activity or event annually that engages faculty, students, and other constituents
  • Support SOA professional and social events (ongoing)
  • Encourage participation of stakeholders in SOA activities (e.g., classroom presentations, RSO speaker) (ongoing)
  • Hold annual/biannual Advisory Board Meetings (ongoing)
  • Survey alumni (2021)
  • Support Meet the Recruiter event (ongoing)
  • OFIS
  • SOA Faculty Surveys
Strategy 2

Faculty participate in the professional and academic accounting communities.

(Data Sources)
Maintain or increase the proportion of faculty who participate in accounting related organizations
  • Support faculty membership in professional accounting and business organizations (ongoing)
  • Support faculty attendance at professional conferences (ongoing)
  • OFIS
  • SOA Faculty Surveys
Strategy 3

Faculty participate in the professional and academic accounting communities.

(Data Sources)
Maintain or increase the percentage of faculty who participate in events to engage non-SOA studentsParticipate in events such as CBA Day, Fire-up Fridays, CMU and You Day (2022)
  • OFIS
  • SOA Faculty Surveys

Assurance of Learning Plan

Updated April 2019

Student Learning Goals

Upon completion of the accounting program, the student will be able to:

  1. Apply technology to solve accounting problems.
  2. Use critical thinking/problem-solving skills to make appropriate accounting decisions.
  3. Analyze and communicate business and financial information effectively.
  4. Understand the professional responsibilities, ethical standards, and regulatory environment of accountants.
  5. Demonstrate competency in core accounting concepts and knowledge.

Student Learning Goal #1

Apply technology to solve accounting problems.

Student Successes:
  • Using Excel to solve accounting problems
  • Using professional databases to resolve accounting issues
  • Using visualization software
Student Learning
Outcome (SLO)
Course Accountable for SLOMeasurement Method and Performance MetricPerformance Target
students will use Excel to solve accounting problems and report resultsACC 321 

Excel problem

The proportion of students who provide the correct answer

≥ 90% of students provide the correct answer

Acceptable (Met):
Between 75% and 89% of students provide the correct answer

< 75% provide the correct answer

students will use databases to solve accounting issuesACC 302, 311   
 ACC 531

FASB Codification Research project

The proportion of students who find the correct source(s)

≥ 90% of students find the correct source(s)

Acceptable (Met):
Between 75% and 89% find the correct source(s)

< 75% find the correct source(s) 

 ACC 311

Tax Research project 

The proportion of students who find the correct source of tax law 

≥ 90% of students find the correct source(s) 

Acceptable (Met):
Between 75% and 89% find the correct source(s) 

< 75%  find the correct source(s)

students will use appropriate visualization software to solve accounting issuesACC 531 

Data analytics case 

Proportion of students who complete 95% of the assignment correctly

≥ 90% of students complete 95% of the assignment correctly

Acceptable (Met):
Between 75% and 89% of students complete 95% of the assignment correctly

< 75% of students complete 95% of the assignment correctly 

Student Learning Goal #2

Use critical thinking/problem-solving skills to make appropriate accounting decisions.

Student Successes:
  • Providing resolutions to financial accounting and tax issues using the appropriate literature sources
  • Providing an appropriate resolution when analyzing data
Student Learning Outcome (SLO);Course Accountable for SLOMeasurement Method and
Performance Metric
Performance Target
students will provide the correct resolution to financial accounting issues using relevant literatureACC 302

Research Project

The proportion of students who provided a correct answer to the issue

≥ 90% of students provide a correct answer

Acceptable (Met):
Between 75% and 89% of students provide a correct answer

< 75% provide a correct answer

students will provide the correct resolution to a tax issue using appropriate sources of tax law (i.e., IRC, Treas. Reg., IRS ruling, and /or court case)ACC 311

Research Project

The proportion of students who provided a correct answer to the issue

≥ 90% of students provide a correct answer

Acceptable (Met):
Between 75% and 89% of students provide a correct answer

< 75% provide a correct answer

students will analyze data to resolve an accounting issueACC 531

Data analytics case

The proportion of students who provided  an appropriate resolution to an issue

≥ 90% of students provide an appropriate resolution

Acceptable (Met):
Between 75% and 89% of students provide an appropriate resolution

< 75% provide an appropriate resolution


Student Learning Goal #3

Analyze and communicate business and financial information effectively.

Student Successes:
  • Preparing financial statements
  • Analyzing financial accounting issues to formulate an appropriate accounting and reporting resolution
  • Analyzing business decisions relating to planning and the implementation of plans
Opportunities for Improvement
  • Analyzing budget variances
Student Learning Outcome (SLO);Course Accountable for SLOMeasurement Method and Performance MetricPerformance Target
students will display the ability to maintain a basic system of double-entry accounting, know the accounting cycle, and construct financial statements according to GAAPACC 301

Accounting cycle case

The proportion of students who achieve a score of 75% or better 

≥ 90% of students provide achieve a satisfactory score

Acceptable (Met):
Between 75% and 89% of students achieve a satisfactory score 

< 75% achieve a satisfactory score

students will apply managerial accounting concepts to appropriately analyze business decisions relating to planning, implementation of plans, and measuring and comparing performance to planned performanceACC 321

Budget variance analysis project

Proportion of students who provide an appropriate analysis

≥ 90% of students provide an appropriate analysis

Acceptable (Met):
Between 75% and 89%  of students provide an appropriate analysis 

< 75% provide an appropriate analysis

students will analyze financial accounting issues to formulate an appropriate accounting and reporting resolution ACC 501

Case project 

Proportion of students who provide a correct solution

≥ 90% of students provide a correct answer

Acceptable (Met):
Between 75% and 89% of students provide a correct answer

< 75% provide a correct answer

Student Learning Goal #4

Understand the professional responsibilities, ethical standards, and regulatory environment of accountants.

Student Successes:
  • Understanding the regulatory environment for internal controls
  • Identifying ethical violations

Opportunities for Improvement
  • Applying ethical standards to fact situations
Student Learning Outcome (SLO);Course Accountable SLOMeasurement Method and Performance MetricPerformance Target
students will demonstrate an understanding of the regulatory environment ACC 370

Internal control case

Proportion of students who complete 80% of the assignment correctly

≥ 90% of students complete 80% of the assignment correctly

Acceptable (Met):
Between 75% and 89% of students complete 80% of the assignment correctly

< 75% of students complete 80% of the assignment correctly

students will analyze ethical issues facing the accounting professionACC 321

Ethics case

Proportion of students who complete 80% of the case correctly

≥ 90%  of students earn at least 80% of the assigned points for the case

Acceptable (Met):
Between 75% and 89% of students earn at least 80% of the assigned points for the case 

< 75% earn at least 80% of the assigned points for the case

Student Learning Goal #5

Demonstrate competency in core accounting concepts and knowledge.

Student Successes:
  • Achieving an acceptable score on the exit exam
Student Learning Outcome (SLO); Course Accountable SLOMeasurement Method and Performance MetricPerformance Target
 ACC 531

Accounting Exit Exam taken by students enrolled in ACC 531

Proportion of students who achieve a score of 50% or better 

≥ 90% of students achieve a satisfactory score

Acceptable (Met):
Between 75% and 89% of students achieve a satisfactory score

< 75%  of students achieve a satisfactory score