Academy of Medical Educators


The CMU Academy of Medical Educators supports and promotes excellence and innovation in medical education. The Academy is a community of educators dedicated to enhancing medical education and practice through evidence-based innovations, the scholarship of teaching and learning, mentoring, and developing future leaders. We value excellence in these areas:

  1. Teaching Learners
  2. Advising and Mentorship
  3. Instructional Development and Curricular Design
  4. Educational Administration and Leadership
  5. Educational Scholarship and Research


Employed faculty of the College of Medicine and Education Partners are eligible for membership in the Academy of Medical Educators after completing one year of employment. Academy members are those whose passion and experience in medical education allow them to be a resource to their peers and advance the field of medical education.

There are three categories for membership: 

  • Associate Membership
  • Full Membership
  • Fellowship in the Academy


One of the primary missions of the Academy is to promote excellence in medical teaching. Distinguished Members and Faculty Scholars of the Academy are expert and innovative teachers, who have a passion for excellence in the learning environment. These academy members participate in faculty development programs that will help other faculty become better teachers in the classroom and in the clinic. Academy members also provide consultations for others looking to improve their teaching skills.

Peer coaching and mentoring

The Academy supports robust peer coaching and mentoring programs. The peer coaching program allows faculty to work with a peer to reflect on current practices, share ideas, solve problems, and support each other in professional areas. Peer coaches and/or mentors and mentees meet in person or online at least once per month, and share ideas and set goals together.

The mentoring program helps support junior faculty by matching them to an experienced colleague. Mentors in the program receive training to be effective in their roles and help mentees set appropriate goals and action plans for their careers. Mentors provide guidance and resources to junior faculty.

Research and scholarship

Academy members are accomplished researchers and active scholars. The Academy facilitates original research and scholarly works in medical education. Academy members actively pursue scholarly opportunities, and are active members of professional organizations in medical education.

Academy members help others in their scholarly pursuits. The Academy has a peer-review process, disseminates training to faculty in medical education research, and sponsors Medical Education Research Certificate (MERC) workshops from the AAMC.


The Academy supports the development of leaders in medical education including discipline chairs, department heads, course directors, program & clerkship directors, and others. The Academy provides support for current leaders and opportunities to develop future leaders in medical education.

How to apply

The Academy of Medical Educators welcomes applications from prospective members each year. Applications are received in January and February and  announced at the annual faculty recognition and awards ceremony. Please contact the CMU Academy of Medical Educators at for information on how to apply.

Membership criteria

Associate membership is for junior faculty who are emerging as scholars in their fields. This level is appropriate for assistant/clinical assistant professors and instructors.

Full membership is for more experienced faculty and/or senior administrative staff who have demonstrated contributions in the area of medical education, scholarship and/or professional development activities. Full members must be at least 3 years beyond training and one year employed at CMU College of Medicine or CMU Health/Partners.

Fellowship in the Academy is for highly experienced faculty who are full Professors and/or senior administrative staff in a leadership position who have made significant demonstrable contributions in the areas of medical education, scholarship and/or professional development activities in their respective field. Fellows of the Academy will be expected to mentor junior faculty.

Application materials

  1. Completed application.
  2. A letter of support from the discipline chair or a current Academy member.