Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine Residency | CMU College of Medicine

Gain advanced medical training and clinical experiences

Prepare for a career in primary care, hospital-based medicine and specialty fellowships with the CMU College of Medicine's Internal Medicine residency program.

We seek enthusiastic residents who want to make important contributions to the field, especially those who share our mission to expand services in Northern Michigan. Those who seek to contribute to the field in other places and in other ways will also find that our program offers outstanding training for whatever their personal mission in Internal Medicine may be.

Why choose CMU for internal medicine?

As a resident, you'll train in a team-oriented, supportive environment designed to shape competent and confident physicians. You'll learn to apply your knowledge at the patient bedside to a population with diverse medical conditions, growing proficient in advanced airway skills, vascular procedures such as arterial and central venous catheterizations, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other Internal Medicine-based procedures.

Based in Michigan's Great Lakes Bay Region, the program gives residents access to state-of-the-art classrooms, an expansive library and a clinical simulation center in the new CMU College of Medicine educational building.

Program graduates are highly competent internists who can perform procedures, manage critical care units on their own, and work in crisis situations. Our residents match well into all types of fellowships, are aggressively recruited, and are desirable for hospitalist positions all over the country.

Program overview

  • 3-year program
  • Fully accredited by ACGME
  • Experience as hospitalists and in outpatient practices
  • State-of-the-art simulated procedural training
  • 87,000+ annual visits in member hospitals' emergency departments
  • Clinical, academic, research and collaborate care opportunities
  • 1:4 core physician to resident ratio
  • Comprehensive didactic program including daily interactions and regular grand rounds for ambulatory and inpatient topics at various teaching sites, including a VA hospital
  • High pass rate on American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) certifying board exam

Curriculum and schedule

Learn more about the Internal Medicine Residency program curriculum.

PGY-1 - PGY-3 Curriculum


In addition to the primary care curriculum and research opportunities, other medical conferences and teaching experiences are held daily. 

These include: 

  • Peer-Education Model Board Review.
  • Case Discussion Hour.
  • Subspecialty Conferences.
  • Grand Rounds.
  • Morbidity and Mortality Review.
  • Journal Club.
  • Critical Care Lectures.

Our internal medicine program has a strong educational curriculum. We have noon conference three days per week that incorporate general internal medicine, subspecialty topics, morbidity and mortality, clinical pathological conferences, journal club, safety and quality, research topics, and a full structure board reviewed curriculum.

Case discussion hour takes place once per week where interesting floor and ICU cases are discussed with emphasis on management. All residents attend conferences, aside from those on night float, swing shift, and emergency medicine rotations.

Internal Medicine Grand Rounds take place every Friday and once per block the College of Medicine hosts Multidisciplinary Grand Rounds for topics of interest to the general medical community in Saginaw with outside speakers.

Ambulatory educational program

Friday, during the 2-week ambulatory block, is Academic Day for the residents. The academic program consists of didactics sessions in the morning. The didactics encompass an ambulatory topic for the first half of the morning followed by ambulatory case discussion hour. 

The afternoon program of the ambulatory block is held in the simulation lab every afternoon. The first half of the afternoon, residents are in Code Leadership where they practice running codes and other emergency scenarios. The second half of the afternoon, the residents are doing a patient centered simulation course that runs linearly throughout the year. (See template below) 

Other activities that occur in the Simulation Lab throughout the year include: 

  • FCCS (Fundamental Critical Care Support): course to gain certification in caring for critically ill patients.
  • Sensitive Issues Day: simulation training for male and female genital and breast exams.
  • Procedure Day: simulation training for procedures such as arterial line, central lines, intubations.
  • GTA (Gynecological Teaching Associate): live model training for breast and gyn exams.
  • MUTA (Male Urogenital Teaching Associate): live model training for male urogenital exams.
  • OSCE (Observed Structured Clinical Examination): for each PGY year.
  • Practice for procedural training.

Ambulatory block Fridays

All residents attend Grand Rounds on Fridays from 8:00-9:00 a.m. Residents on their ambulatory block continue with the following Friday schedule. 

9:30 – 10:30 a.m.Ambulatory Didactic Topic
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.Simulation Case or Code Leadership
After Simulation or Code Leadership,
additional education may include:

Procedure training
Procedure practice
Procedure testing

Where our graduates go

    Canada - Windsor, ONT - Hospitalist

    Illinois - Chicago - Masters in AI in Cardiology Fellowship, Northwestern University

    Michigan - Bay City - Hospitalist

    Michigan - Midland - Hospitalist

    Michigan - Lansing - Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship, McLaren Healthcare

    Michigan - Saginaw - Hospitalist

    Michigan - Saginaw - Hospitalist

    New Jersey - Passaic - Hospitalist

    Ohio - Cleveland - Endocrinology Fellowship, Cleveland Clinic

    West Virginia - Morgantown - Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship, West Virginia University

    California - Fresno - Hospitalist

    California - Fresno - Hospitalist

    California - Torrance - Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Fellowship, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

    Florida - Gainesville - Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Fellowship; University of Florida College of Medicine

    Kansas - Kansas City - Gastroenterology Fellowship - University of Kansas

    Michigan - Alpena - Hospitalist 

    Michigan - Bay City - Hospitalist

    Michigan - Midland - Hospitalist

    Minnesota - Minneapolis - Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Fellowship, University of Minnesota

    Ohio - Cincinnati - Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship, University of Cincinnati

    Washington D.C. - Critical Care Fellowship, George Washington University

    Kentucky - Lexington - Hematology and Medical Oncology Fellowship, University of Kentucky

    Kentucky - Lexington - Pulmonary/Critical Care Fellowship, University of Kentucky

    Michigan - Pontiac - Pulmonary/Critical Care Fellowship, McLaren Oakland

    Nebraska - Omaha - Endocrinology Fellowship, Creighton University

    New Jersey - Paterson - Cardiovascular Disease, St. Joseph's University

    New York - Watertown - Hospitalist

    Ohio - Toledo - Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship, University of Toledo

    Tennessee - Cookeville - Hospitalist

    Michigan - Holland - Hospitalist

    Michigan - Kalamazoo - Hospitalist

    Michigan - Lansing - Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellowship, Sparrow Hospital

    Michigan - Lansing - Cardiac Pacemakers and Pacing Fellowship, Sparrow Hospital

    Michigan - Saginaw - Hospitalist

    Michigan - Southfield - Cardiology Fellowship, Ascension Providence

    New Jersey - New Brunswick - Nephrology Fellowship, Rutgers University

    Wisconsin - Madison - Endocrinology Fellowship, University of Wisconsin

    Arizona - Glendale - Hospitalist

    Indiana - Elkhart - Hospitalist

    Kansas - Kansas City - Hospitalist

    Michigan - Midland - Hospitalist

    Missouri - St. Louis - Hospitalist

    New York - Watertown - Hospitalist

    Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh - Hospitalist

    Tennessee - Nashville - Hematology and Oncology Fellowship, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

    Internal medicine residents in action

    Our internal medicine residents at work and play during their residency program