Student Services and Advising
Our academic advisors in the College of Business Administration are here to help you develop and navigate your path to graduation. We assist you with planning courses, selecting your major, understanding program requirements, discovering strategies for success, and exploring opportunities for professional development. Our faculty within your chosen major will provide specialized career advising to translate your success here into the real-world work environment.
Our mission
Business Student Services is dedicated to providing you with academic advising and support services as well as offering opportunities to enhance your experience as an undergraduate business student.
Grawn Hall 113
Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Current business students
All undergraduate students are assigned an academic advisor and schedule their academic advising appointments online. We serve as a point of contact and resource to business students and can be reached at 989-774-3124 or cba@cmich.edu.
Prospective students
Your journey to become a business leader starts early. By scheduling a visit with the College of Business Administration you will learn about our programs, meet our faculty, tour our facilities, and experience what it's like to be a CMU student.
We invite you to visit campus to see for yourself how we prepare business leaders. Schedule your visit plans with the Admissions Office staff
and they will coordinate with us if you choose to also learn more about business during your visit day.
Signature events

Transfer students
We look forward to an in-depth academic advising conversation with you to review your questions about transfer credits during New Student Orientation. To request an advising appointment prior to New Student Orientation, call 989-774-3124 or email cba@cmich.edu.
We encourage you to use the following tools:
- CMU Transfer Equivalencies to confirm how your courses will transfer to CMU.
- Transfer Simulation Tool to see how your courses may apply to a specific degree at CMU.
Note: In some cases, the syllabus of a course will need to be reviewed to determine potential transfer credit.
BSBA degree requirements
The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree (BSBA) includes admission requirements. In addition to specific business courses, you need to earn a minimum 2.50 overall CMU GPA. You will learn about the BSBA admission requirements when you meet with your business academic advisor at New Student Orientation.