CMU honors faculty for exemplary contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts for students

| Author: Robert Wang | Media Contact: Robert Wang

Two faculty members from the College of Science and Engineering at CMU have been honored for their significant contributions to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion within the academic community.

Dr. Anja Mueller

Anja Mueller in a striped sweater smiling at the camera.Dr. Anja Mueller, from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, has been awarded the prestigious 2024 Dr. Diane E. Newby Award for Inclusive Excellence in Education. This award is bestowed upon individuals who exhibit unwavering dedication to advancing inclusive practices, equitable opportunities, and just policies within educational settings. Dr. Mueller’s tireless efforts in creating inclusive classrooms and ensuring accessibility to chemistry education for all students have been recognized as exemplary.




Dr. Xantha Karp

Xantha Karp wears a black blouse while posing for a headshot.In addition, Dr. Xantha Karp, from the Department of Biology, has been distinguished with the 2024 Stan L. Shingles Award for Distinction in Mentorship. This award celebrates mentors who cultivate nurturing learning environments grounded in principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. Dr. Karp’s research lab stands as a beacon of inclusivity and belonging, where students are supported throughout their academic journeys. Furthermore, Dr. Karp’s commitment to fostering inclusivity and equity extends beyond her mentorship role, evident in her teaching and service contributions to the Department and University at large.



Both Dr. Mueller and Dr. Karp’s recognition underscores their significant impact in championing diversity, equity, and inclusion within the academic sphere, enriching the educational experience for all members of the CMU community.

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