French poetry for Valentine’s Day

Faculty members share French poetry from medieval to modern times

| Author: Carrie Euler | Media Contact: Sarah Buckley

Students and faculty members from the Department of History, World Languages, and Cultures braved the elements Feb. 13 to attend a poetry reading dedicated to Valentine’s Day. 

Professors Leïla Ennaïli and Doina Harsanyi prepared a selection of French poetry—from medieval to modern times—presented on a PowerPoint slide show in original French with English translations.

A special word of appreciation is owed to the French Club students who read several poems in French.

The evening ended with a lively conversation, around a bowl of chocolates and madeleines, on the topic of love as a constant, yet ever-changing, literary theme.

The organizers are grateful to Dean Rothaus, who graciously took time out of his busy schedule to join this event.

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