Generals to talk leadership with InSciTE students

Fourth-annual event gives military officers a chance to give back

| Author: Eric Baerren | Media Contact: Aaron Mills

Major Gen. Darren Werner came to Central Michigan University from a small, rural town in Michigan’s Thumb in 1985 to prepare for a military career as part of its ROTC program.

He remembers his hometown fondly and said he wouldn’t change a thing about his childhood. After receiving his commission in 1989, he joined an Army full of people from every part of the diverse nation he defended.

Throughout his career, which took him to places like Iraq, Afghanistan and Korea, he observed the strength that diverse viewpoints bring to problem-solving.

“I watched how diversity in thought has made the military better,” he said.

Werner maintained ties to CMU during his career, which ultimately took him to Detroit, and he said he frequently reflected on the strong connection between the Army and the university.

Then, a few years ago, he was talking to David Ford, dean of the College of Science and Engineering. Ford told him about a new STEM program at CMU that brought people of diverse backgrounds together to solve problems.
Werner said he fell in love with the program, InSciTE, immediately.

“I love the design of the program,” he said.

One key takeaway from his military career is that getting different perspectives is critical to solving problems.

“That’s exactly the perfect way to go,” he said.

Werner will meet CMU’s InSciTE students for lunch during this year’s General Officer/Flag Officer Alumni Event on Sept. 20-21.

InSciTE’s director called the lunch a great opportunity.

“A networking event with flag officers offers students a unique and invaluable opportunity,” said Wiline Pangle. “Not only do they gain insights from top-tier leaders and deepen their understanding of strategic leadership, but they also get to practice making professional connections in a low-stakes environment.

“These events provide a supportive space for students to hone their networking skills, ask thoughtful questions, and explore potential career paths without the pressure of formal interviews or evaluations.”

This is the General Officer/Flag Officer’s fourth year. The program started as a way to recognize high-ranking military officers who are university alumni during a home football game. It’s evolved to provide those officers an opportunity to give back to CMU’s students.

The lunch will bring the program’s faculty and staff together with a handful of the more than 150 generals and admirals who’ve attended CMU over the years. Over lunch, Werner said he plans to discuss the importance of teamwork.

Werner said he plans to focus on how teamwork is essential to success from a military standpoint. Teamwork is also a core principle of InSciTE.

After lunch, Werner will moderate a conversation about the value of mentorship from 2-3 p.m. in the University Center Auditorium, followed by an hour of breakout sessions to discuss leadership. The event will be livestreamed.

The event is sponsored by the offices of the President and the Provost, Army ROTC and the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics.

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