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Additional Safety Resources

At Central Michigan University, providing you with a safe campus is our top priority. While CMU has one of the safest campuses in the state, it's important that everyone takes steps to keep themselves safe, whether at home, in the workplace, or the classroom.

If you would like a safety presentation for your class or group, please contact Lt. Cameron Wassma​n at

Blue Light Emergency Phones

In order to maintain safety, Central Michigan University maintains an emergency outdoor phone system.

In various locations across campus, a Blue Light and Yellow Phone Box have been installed on the outside of a building or to a pole.

Once you have located the Blue Light Emergency Phone, press the red "CALL" button on the yellow box and your call will go to the Police dispatcher. Use the phone in an emergency, to report a suspicious person, or to contact the CMU Police for any reason. 

All locations are tested every other week to ensure they are operational. When any defects are found, they are fixed promptly. If you find a blue light phone which is in need of repair (e.g. not working, not lit, etc.) please contact the CMU Police Department.

View the Blue Lights on the  Campus Map.

Blue Light Emergency Phone locations

BiosciencesSoutheast corner of the building near the loading dock
Bovee University  CenterSoutheast corner of the building
Brooks HallNortheast entrance of the building 
Brooks Hall Loading dockNear the southwest corner of the building
CMED/Health ProfessionsSoutheast most corner of Lot 12
Courtyard MarriotSoutheast intersection of East Campus Dr and Stadium Dr
Dow ScienceNorthwest corner of the building
Foust HallWest end of the building
Grawn HallSoutheast corner of the building
IET BuildingNorth end of building
Intramural FieldsNorthwest corner of the service building
Kelly/Shorts Stadium & IACOn the Northwest stadium ticket booth
Lot 1North end of the east section
Lot 8Middle of the south side of the lot
Lot 22 NorthEast edge of lot across from Anspach Hall
Lot 22 SouthEast edge across from the Southwest corner of Pearce hall
Lot 33East end of median dividing north & south sections of lot
Lot 63Northwest corner of the lot on the stadium ticket booth
Lot 70On the light post in the southeast corner near entrance
Lot 75N
Northeast corner near the Broomfield Rd entrance
Lot 75SNorthwest most corner of 75S
Northwest ApartmentsOn the south laundry facility
Northwest Apartments Lot 1ASouthwest corner near building 4 
Pearce HallNorth side near the west end of the building
Public Broadcasting/Welcome CenterSouthwest corner of the building
Research Lab (by CART)On the light post in the parking lot
Rose PondsOn the electrical panel between the ponds
Rowe HallSouthwest corner of the building
SAC/RoseEast side of building at arena entrance
Soccer/Lacrosse FieldsSouthwest corner of the Bennett Track
South GroundsNorthwest corner of the garage 
Wheeler HallEast end of building
Wightman Hall/Lot 16Southwest corner of the building

Lost and found

The CMU Police Department houses lost and found property that are lost or misplaced on the CMU campus. The Lost and Found department is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Lost and found personnel schedules vary, so call 989-774-1835 for the operational hours or stop by the CMU Police Department and complete a lost and found inquiry form to have our inventory searched for your item.

Please e-mail with a description of the article you have lost, date, location, color and telephone number where you can be contacted. Please indicate LOST AND FOUND in the subject line of your e-mail. Please do NOT direct lost and found concerns to the generic police email account.


Campus lost and found pick up locations

Each building on campus also generally has a designated lost and found location. It may be beneficial to make contact with that specific building to see if your missing item has been turned in.

The CMU Police Department attempts to return property to the owners, when ownership can be determined. Inquiries about lost items can be made in person at the department, or by e-mail to

If any campus department would like to arrange for pick-up on a weekly or monthly basis, call 989-774-1835.


StormReady University

In 2009, Central Michigan University became StormReady compliant, as designated by the National Weather Service. CMU became the third university in the state (and one of less than 50 in the nation) to complete the program. Based on an average population of 23,000 (including on‐campus housing, local enrollment, and faculty/staff), CMU was able to meet the six criteria levels of StormReady.  We are re-evaluated every three years, and we continue to meet the requirements listed below:

1. The CMU Police Department is able to maintain operations during a severe weather event, working with on-and-off campus resources.

2. CMUPD is able to receive real-time and future weather information from multiple, technology-rich sources.

3. CMUPD maintains local weather monitoring equipment on-site. Our local weather conditions are reported to two sources, and can be accessed online:

4. Once information is received, the CMU Police Department is able to disseminate warnings to the campus community using multiple methods. We are able to notify many people in a timely fashion through applications which alert through phone calls, text messages, emails, and indoor and outdoor speaker systems.

5. The CMU Police Department works in conjunction with other departments to ensure the campus community is aware of severe weather risks and safety. The Environmental Health and Safety​ Department conducts various training opportunities year‐round; available to faculty, staff and students.

6. CMUPD and EH&S have policies in place for many activities related to severe weather. These include emergency notifications, contact with the National Weather Service, seeking assistance from other agencies, spotter activation, and crisis response. The CMU Police Department also has personnel who are trained in spotting and reporting severe weather, often at its early onset.

The safety and security of CMU students, faculty, staff, and visitors is our goal. If you have any questions or comments regarding our severe weather plans or our participation in the StormReady program, please contact Lieutenant Cameron Wassman.

Read for more information regarding the National Weather Service's StormReady program.

Weather-Ready Nation

Be a Force of Nature by knowing your risk, taking action and being an example for your community.

The Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador initiative is an effort to formally recognize NOAA partners who are improving the nation’s readiness against extreme weather, water, and climate events.  

As a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador, the CMU Police Department is committed to working with NOAA and other Ambassadors to strengthen national resilience against extreme weather. 

For more information, see the Weather-Ready Nation website.

Know your risk

Hurricanes, droughts, tornadoes, snowstorms, flooding – severe weather impacts every part of the country. The first step to becoming weather-ready is to understand the type of hazardous weather that can affect where you live and work, and how the weather could impact you and your family. 

Bookmark the National Weather Service website to get the latest forecast information.

What you can do

Take action

​Be a force of nature by making sure that you and your family are prepared for severe weather. This includes creating a disaster supplies kit and making sure that you can receive emergency messages.

What you can do

Be an example

Be a positive influence on your community by sharing your weather preparedness story. Be a Force of Nature by letting your friends and family know what you did to become weather-ready.

What you can do

Lock it or lose it

Remove your valuables and lock your vehicle each time you leave it.

Central Michigan University Police vehicle under arches

In the United States, a motor vehicle is stolen every 44 seconds.

Don't be the next victim

Nearly half of vehicle theft is the result of driver error, such as leaving a key in the ignition or a door unlocked.  An unlocked door or window is an easy target for thieves.  

The estimated total value of vehicles stolen nationwide each year exceeds $4.3 billion!

Only half of vehicles reported stolen are recovered.

Tips for keeping your vehicles and valuables safe:

  1. Always close windows, lock doors and take the key with you.
  2. Never leave your vehicle unattended while running.
  3. Park in a garage if available.  Lock BOTH the car and the garage.
  4. Don't leave your keys unattended, especially in easily accessible areas.
  5. Keep vehicle registration and proof of insurance on you; DON'T leave these documents in your glove compartment.​
  6. Always park in well-lit areas.
  7. Never leave valuables or packages in your vehicle, especially WHERE THEY CAN BE SEEN.  Put them in the trunk!
  8. Report suspicious activity by calling 911.

(Content provided by the Michigan Automobile Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA) of the Michigan​ State Police)

Fire safety and evacuation

Fire Egress Training