Marching Band Audition Information

Arranging for an audition

Auditions take place in conjunction with early Student Orientation sessions. Once accepted to the University, students will receive an information packet from the Orientation office. Register for New Student Orientation

Auditions may be played in person or by submitting a video. On-campus audition dates are: June 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, and 11.

Our suggestion is for students to audition the day before their orientation session. So, if your orientation is on June 4, we’d like you to audition on June 3 – if possible. You may also audition at the end of your orientation day, though spots are limited. We’ll work with you to avoid multiple long-distance trips to campus.

If you choose to audition after Orientation, be sure to register for MUS 186M when scheduling classes. We rehearse Monday through Friday from 4 to 5:20 pm – adding the class after the rest of your schedule is in place is often difficult.

Whether you choose to audition in person or on video, we ask that you let us know when you’re coming for orientation so we can get you fitted for your uniform while you’re here!

Send inquiries about live audition scheduling to Dr. Batcheller using this form:

Packets with audition materials and instructions have been prepared for all sections. Demonstration videos are available, as well.

    Any CMU student may audition to become a member of the Chippewa Marching Band. All incoming freshmen and transfer students who are not Music Majors may schedule an audition in the spring. Typically, once a student has been accepted to the marching band, they will not be required to audition in subsequent years.

    Students will be asked to demonstrate the best of their training. The emphasis in these auditions is on determining your skill level and your experience. There will be some physical movement in the audition so take time to warm up and dress to be comfortable. Winds and percussion will be asked to mark time while playing during a portion of the session (low impact mark time only: heels rise and fall, toes remain on the ground) to determine agility and coordination.

    You may prepare your audition video using your phone, tablet, or any device that will allow you to record and transfer a video via the internet. We ask that you submit your video through YouTube because it's among the easiest and most secure methods available. If you don't already have a YouTube account, you can establish one by following the instructions at YouTube Help.

    YouTube Help

    We ask that you submit your video through YouTube because it's among the easiest and most secure methods available. If you don't already have a YouTube account, you can establish one by following the instructions at YouTube Help.

    Once you've completed your audition, submit it using our online form below. Audition videos are due no later than June 12 by 11:59 pm for full consideration.

    Submit Your Video

    Information for music majors and minors

    • Incoming Instrumental Music Students who have passed their entrance audition for School of Music faculty may play their primary instrument in the marching band without further audition.
    • All percussion majors must audition for placement in the field battery.
    • All incoming freshmen and transfer students who wish to participate in the color guard must audition.
    • Vocal, Choral, Theory, Composition, and Commercial Music students may need to audition.  Instrumental majors and minors who wish to play an instrument other than their major instrument may need to audition to do so. Contact Dr. Batcheller for additional information.

    Pre-season rehearsals

    New Woodwinds and Brass will report for pre-season rehearsals on Saturday, August 16, by 3:00 pm.

    New Percussion and Color Guard students will report for pre-season rehearsals on Thursday, August 14, by 3:00 pm.

    Pre-season rehearsal camp runs every day up to the start of classes and ends with a performance for family, friends, and the community on Sunday, August 24th.