STEM Partners

Great work doesn't happen alone. We're proud of the relationships that we've built with location and international partners. Some partnerships are on-going and include shared work between our staff and theirs. Others are built around a single event or project goal. The brief summaries below share just a few of the outcomes of our work together.

Partners in student programming 

      Regular programming at the Mt. Pleasant Discovery Museum that gets PreK students in the museum and working with our staff.

      Mt. Pleasant Discovery Museum

      Collaborative grant project that supports Place-Based Learning Initiatives with local elementary schools. 

      Chippewa Nature Center

      GLBR-West Cabinet is a part of the CSO International Program included middle and high school students from Clare, Gladwin, Gratiot, and Isabella Counties. Funded in part by the MiSTEM Network

      Chief Science Officers

      Intercession programming with Mary McGuire and Pullen Elementary. STEM activities are provided for intercession students who are on campus during the school's enrichment weeks. 

      High school students in teacher education CTE Courses come on campus to work with STEM Education Scholars in the makerspace.

      STEM Education Scholars

      We offer a regional Invention Convention for 4th - 9th graders each year. The Henry Ford Museum supports with transportation and start-up funds.

      Invention Convention

      Partnership in professional development

          Funding and support for teachers in Place/Project-Based Learning Summer Workshop at Belle Isle Conservancy. Ongoing support through academic year fellowship

          Belle Isle Conservancy

          MITEN Members facilitated Core Teaching Practices professional learning work for CMU teacher education faculty and K - 8 STEM Education teachers. 


          Collaborated on a grant to provide workshops for SPARKS Program Staff and funds for materials.

          SPARKS Program

          Collaborated on a grant to provide workshops for Chippewa River District Library (CRDL) staff and funds for materials. Scaffolded support of curriculum for STEM Programming.

          Chippewa River District Library

          We've proudly worked with CMU faculty and some of our partners to bring listeners current and interesting topics in education. You can see a full list of those partners by looking at our episode list.

          Teach Wonder