Teacher Education Admissions
Please note that a non-refundable one-time Education Program Fee of $150 will be charged to your student account after the Admission of Candidacy is confirmed.
ALL admission criteria must be completed by the deadline before attending a mandatory meeting.
Upcoming Mandatory Admission Meetings: Attendance at a mandatory meeting is required to access the Teacher Education Application.
Mandatory Teacher Education Admission Meetings are held each semester (Fall, Spring and Summer) via WebEx. Please refer to this page for dates and times.
After RSVPing to one of the admission meetings, the OEPP will verify your eligibility to apply for the teacher education program. An e-mail confirmation will be sent to those who meet admission criteria one month prior to the meeting. A link to access the meeting will be sent closer to the meeting date.
Summer 2025 admission
May 29, 2025 2:00 p.m. | May 29, 2025 6:30 p.m.
Summer 2025 admission - 2+CMU Program* ONLY
May 28, 2025 6:00 p.m.
Fall 2025 admission
October 16, 2025 4:00 p.m. | October 16, 2025 6:30 p.m. | October 17, 2025 11:00 a.m.
Fall 2025 admission - 2+CMU Program* ONLY
October 15, 2025 6:00 p.m.
Spring 2026 admission
January 22, 2026 4:00 p.m. | January 22, 2026 6:00 p.m. | January 23, 2026 11:00 a.m.
Spring 2026 admission - 2+CMU Program* ONLY
January 21, 2026 6:00 p.m.
Teacher education admission criteria
It is the responsibility of the Teacher Education candidate to ensure that all requirements and deadlines have been met:
- Complete EDU 107 - Completion of EDU 107-Introduction to Teaching (or approved equivalency), with a minimum grade of a B (3.0) or higher.
- Minimum 2.8 GPA - A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.8. The GPA will be calculated on the student's cumulative CMU courses or at a regionally accredited institution.
- Complete ENG 101/201 - Completion of ENG 101 or ENG 201 (or one of its approved equivalencies), with a minimum grade of "B-" (2.7) or higher.
- Complete 30 credit hours - Completion of a minimum of 30 semester hours of university credit, including transfer credit.
- Declare Teachable Major/Minors - Declare teachable major(s) and/or minor(s) on B.S. in Ed or B.Mus.Ed. See Bulletin for the required options. Faculty advisors are found on the "Declare Major/Minor" link on the right side menu.
- Attend a mandatory meeting - Once the criteria are met, you must attend a meeting to apply to the program. Meetings are held three times per year. Meeting dates are posted above, in EHS 421, and on electronic boards throughout the EHS building.
After admission
After attending the admission meeting, teacher candidates will receive login information to access the application in TASKSTREAM.
Diversity statement
As an entity of the CMU Educator Preparation Program creates partnerships with school districts in Michigan and beyond to provide high-quality classroom experiences to teacher candidates in their sequences of clinical experiences. These fieldwork experiences are embedded in key pedagogical courses that focus on the practical application of teaching K-12 learners. Established partnerships include public, charter, and private schools, community organizations such as Mt. Pleasant Parks and Recreation, and CMU internal partners like the Child Development and Learning Lab and the Literacy Center.
Utilizing a variety of regional school partners, community organizations, and CMU-sponsored units, we are able to engage with and support children who represent the diversity of Michigan’s communities. Regionally speaking, many of our local providers and schools serve high populations of students from low-SES homes, diverse languages, and cultures (including members of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe). Within a 60-minute drive, our candidates can also experience urban and rural communities, high and low-population schools, one-to-one technology schools, project-based classrooms, STEM-based schools, multi-age classrooms, and balanced-calendar schools. We also utilize electronic platforms to partner with educational institutions outside of the area to provide candidates with opportunities to observe and explore classrooms in a variety of contexts. By organizing and placing candidates through one unit, the clinical experiences staff can provide each candidate with a sequence of diverse clinical experiences that acknowledges the powerful role of teachers in meeting the needs of all students including those from underrepresented or marginalized populations.