Graduate CAEP Education Data

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Educator Preparation Programs (EPP) is the primary coordinating body for all of CMU’s teacher preparation and continuing education programs. Distributed across five colleges, 12 departments, and three interdisciplinary councils, the EPP offers 8 graduate programs at the master’s and specialist levels and 20 areas of specialized study at the undergraduate level accredited by CAEP. The EPP consists of more than 150 professional education faculty members, the Director of Educator Preparation, the dean of the College of Education and Human Services, and the dean or dean’s designee of each involved college. The work of the EPP is supported by the Office of Educator Preparation Programs housed in the College of Education and Human Services.  CMU has been a leader in teacher education programs since it was founded in 1892 and graduates more than 300 teacher candidates annually.

Measure 1: Completer Impact and Effectiveness

MDE Administrator Effectiveness Rating

2022-2023 Effectiveness Ratings for Administrators

Graduate Effectiveness

Measure 2: Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement

Employer satisfaction

The EPP is currently undergoing a new data collection for employer satisfaction.

Alumni satisfaction

Graduate Alumni Satisfaction

"My advisor was extremely helpful, and I enjoyed the coursework overall. The ability to apply learning to practice through an assistantship was invaluable!"

"The variety of foci in our core curriculum was somewhat limited given the size of the program and cohort(s), however the subjects and faculty brought in for the course were great and timely."

"My professors and advisor were supportive. My supervisor and other staff in my department provided opportunities for professional development as well as support in my employment search post-graduation. My cohort was supportive and the curriculum we were provided aided in our relationship building as well as extended knowledge in various areas. Overall, my program was a perfect fit for me."

Measure 3: Candidate competency and program completion

Graduate program completer graduation data


Graduate Completers

Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC)

Three year summary pass rates for program year 2022-2023

Graduate MTTC Scores


Measure 4: Ability of completers to be hired in educator positions

Graduate Ability of Completers to be Hired

  • 95% of CMU Alumni of the Educational Leadership Programs are Employed Full-Time.
  • On a scale of 1-10, CEHS Graduate Alumni rated the degree had an impact on their personal goals at a 7.7.
  • On a scale of 1-10, CEHS Graduate Alumni rated the degree had an impact on their attainment on their professional goals related to their professional career at a 7.4.
  • 100% of Alumni of CEHS Graduate Programs surveyed are somewhat or fully satisfied with their employment trajectory.
  • 62.5% of Alumni of Educational Leadership programs surveyed reported their current salary $50,000 and over.

The Graduate Program is currently collecting new data.