EPP Faculty Application

Faculty must be Educator Preparation Program faculty members in order to teach EPP courses. Qualification for initial appointment to a five-year term requires possession of a doctorate in the appropriate field or exceptional expertise that meets Higher Learning Commission (HLC) requirements and qualifies the individual for their assignment in the EPP.

Additional qualifications required for reappointment to subsequent five-year terms are:

• Regular collaboration with 1) colleagues in Birth to grade 12 (B-12) settings; 2) faculty members in other college or university units, and; 3) members of the broader professional community to improve teaching, teacher candidate learning, and the preparation of educators; and/or

• Familiarity with the scholarship in their discipline in relation to current expectations for educator preparation and application of such scholarship in their teaching. (e.g., attendance at professional conferences and workshops, presentations and publications, membership in professional organizations)

In the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) standards, clinical faculty is defined as all educator preparation provider (EPP) and B-12 education-based individuals, including classroom teachers, who assess, support, and develop a candidate’s knowledge, skills, or professional dispositions at some stage in the clinical experiences. It is not required that clinical faculty hold doctorates. Clinical faculty requirements are consistent with accreditation standards.

EPP Faculty Application