Medical Curriculum

Self directed and team-based medical education

The CMU curriculum is based on adult, self-directed learning methodologies preparing students for the practice of medicine today while simultaneously developing the life-long learning skills essential for them to practice the medicine of the future. 

Students learn the basic science to practice medicine through a series of integrated, interdisciplinary curricular blocks during the pre-clerkship curriculum. Each block incorporates a variety of educational methodologies including small group, case-based discussions, interactive team-based learning, active lectures, and laboratory experiences. 

A longitudinal clinical skills course runs simultaneously. In this course, students learn to perform a clinical examination (history and physical), documentation of a patient encounter and appropriate communication skills using standardized patients. 

The clinical curriculum consists of a structured third year including five hospital-based clerkships (hospital medicine, OB/GYN, pediatrics, psychiatry and surgery) and a longitudinal integrated clerkship in primary care (Comprehensive Community Clerkship). The fourth year offers more flexibility to explore clinical electives in addition to completing a required sub-internship and emergency medicine rotation.

Curriculum calendar

2025-2026 Curriculum Calendar