Curriculum Committee
The Curriculum Committee is charged with the responsibility and authority to:
- define and revise the structure and content of the undergraduate medical curriculum including both preclinical courses and clerkships and the goals, objectives, and assessments.
- approve the creating or removal of courses from the educational program.
- formulate and recommend policies regarding the educational program.
- define and revise structure and content of any joint degree programs and the goals, objectives, and assessments.
- approve proposed graduate programs subject to University policy and procedures.
- conduct regular reviews or courses, clerkships, and the curriculum as a whole.
- evaluate and/or analyze data about course or clerkship syllabi and teaching materials, student evaluations of a course or clerkship, and overall student performance in a course or clerkship.
- approve annual course/clerkship reports.
- approve major changes to the structure of the curriculum.
- approve major changes to the grading system for the assessment of student performance.
Meetings are held monthly.
The committee forms subcommittees as required to address curricular needs.