Emergency Medicine

Gain advanced medical training and clinical experience

The CMU College of Medicine's Emergency Medicine residency program exposes resident physicians to pathology, trauma and hands-on procedural experience.

We seek enthusiastic residents who want to make important contributions to the field, especially those who share our mission to expand services in Northern Michigan. Those who seek to contribute to the field in other places and in other ways will also find that our program offers outstanding training for whatever their personal mission in Emergency Medicine may be.

Emergency Medicine Residency | CMU College of Medicine

Emergency medicine at CMU

At CMU, you'll care for high-acuity medical and trauma patient populations. Our primary training site accounts for more than 93,000 emergency department visits annually. Both training sites are American College of Surgeons verified Level II trauma centers, each with dedicated helicopter transport services.

All traumas are supervised by our Emergency Medicine residents, with preceptor oversight allowing for unparalleled exposure to the management of blunt and penetrating injuries. Patient demographics include urban to rural, with a large geographical transfer region.

As a resident, you'll be exposed to an innovative curriculum that focuses on collaborative and interactive learning. We utilize a multi-modal format that includes flipped classrooms, hands-on procedure labs and more than 50 hours of simulation-based training annually. Our state-of-the-art, 10,000 square foot clinical simulation center places us among the premier simulation facilities in the nation.

Our faculty are nationally and state recognized leaders in Emergency Medicine who pursue excellence in academics, clinical care and mentoring. Dedicated to teaching evidence-based medicine, our faculty will support your growth and leadership.

Program highlights

  • 3-year program with two months of electives
  • 25 blocks in the emergency department
  • Five blocks in ICU
  • Fully accredited by ACGME
  • Two training sites: Covenant HealthCare and MyMichigan Medical Center Saginaw
  • High patient-to-learner ratio
  • Limited competition for patients and procedures
  • Research and publishing opportunities
  • Extensive training in high-fidelity simulation
  • Unparalleled trauma experience: Our residents "run" all trauma presenting to our ACS verified clinical sites
  • Outstanding pre-hospital medicine experience, supported by our partnerships with community aeromedical transport services

MIDOCs loan repayment program

The MIDOCs program is a state-funded program set up to expand residency positions to recruit and retain physicians in underserved areas of Michigan. This expansion includes a two-year commitment to practice in a rural or underserved area of Michigan. MIDOCs residents are also eligible for up to $150,000 in student loan repayment! Learn more about MIDOCs at the CMU College of Medicine. 


The emergency medicine curriculum shows prospective residents a sample of what types of rotations are available for each year of the residency program.

PGY-1 through PGY-3

Conference schedule

The emergency medicine conference schedules show the current rotation schedule details.




Didactics include the following:

  • Foundations of Emergency Medicine
  • EM Grand Rounds
  • CMU Interdisciplinary Grand Rounds
  • Journal Club
  • M&M
  • Toxicology
  • Infectious Disease
  • Simulation Resuscitation Review
  • EKG
  • Radiology
  • Follow-up Rounds
  • Ultrasound Sono Rounds
  • EM Administration/CQI
  • Orthopedics
  • Trauma/Critical Care
  • Resident Lectures on Focused Topics
  • Psychiatry and Ethics
  • Oral Board Cases
  • Advocacy/Leadership/Committees
In preparation for the ABEM certifying examinations, practice written and oral exams are given. We also participate in the annual ABEM in-service examination.

Where our graduates go

    Canada - Windsor, ONT - Attending Physician

    Indiana - Indianapolis - Attending Physician

    Kentucky - Lexington - Attending Physician

    Massachusetts - Boston - Attending Physician

    Michigan - Midland - Attending Physician

    Michigan - Midland - Attending Physician 

    Michigan - Saginaw - Attending Physician

    Oregon - Medford - Attending Physician

    Tennessee - Chattanooga - EMS Fellowship, University of Tennessee

    Texas - Tyler - Attending Physician 

    Florida - Hudson - Attending Physician

    Maryland - Baltimore - Attending Physician

    Michigan - Midland - Attending Physician

    Michigan - Midland - Attending Physician

    Michigan - Saginaw - Attending Physician

    South Carolina - Greenville - Attending Physician

    Texas - San Antonio - Attending Physician

    Texas - Tyler - Attending Physician

    Washington D.C. - Attending Physician

    Arizona - Phoenix - Attending Physician

    California - Sacramento - Attending Physician

    Hawaii - Hilo - Attending Physician

    Michigan - Howell - Attending Physician

    Michigan - Midland - Attending Physician

    Michigan - Midland - Attending Physician

    Ohio - Columbus - Attending Physician

    Ohio - Cleveland - Attending Physician

    Oregon - Lincoln City - Attending Physician


    Connecticut - Hartford - Ultrasound Fellowship, Hartford Hospital

    Massachusetts - Boston - Ultrasound Fellowship, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

    Michigan - Midland - Attending Physician

    Michigan - Petoskey - Attending Physician

    Michigan - Saginaw - Attending Physician

    Michigan - Saginaw - Attending Physician

    Michigan - Saginaw - EMS Fellowship, CMU Medical Education Partners

    Michigan - Saginaw - EMS Fellowship, CMU Medical Education Partners

    New Jersey - Paterson - Acute Pain Management Fellowship, St. Joseph's Medical Center



    California - San Diego - Anesthesia Critical Care Fellowship, University of California

    Massachusetts - Boston - Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

    Michigan - Alma - Attending Physician

    Michigan - Iron Mountain - Attending Physician 

    Michigan - Pigeon - Attending Physician

    Michigan - Saginaw - Attending Physician

    Michigan - Saginaw - Attending Physician

    Michigan - Sturgis - Attending Physician

    Ohio - Columbus - Attending Physician



    Emergency medicine in action

    Our emergency medicine residents at work and play during their residency program.