Public Service Institutes
Public seminars, conferences, courses, and programs are offered to the public for professional development.
We are pleased to offer the option to earn college credit through attendance at each institute. You may earn 1-3 hours of undergraduate or graduate credit in an independent study format (ISF). Part of the credit requirements includes full attendance during the institute along with follow-up work required by the CMU faculty member assigned to your ISF. Further information regarding college credit and how to sign up will be available during each institute.
Michigan Association of Municipal Clerks Institute (MAMC)
The institute is a three-year training program, which provides instruction expressly designed for municipal clerks. The sessions are non-sequential and one may begin the three-year cycle at any time. The heart of the mission for the MAMC is to promote and encourage professional development through communication, education, and training. The institute focuses on training that fulfills the IIMC certification requirements.
Michigan Municipal Treasurer’s Institute (MMTI)
The Institute is a three-year training program, which provides instruction expressly designed for treasurers and other finance administrators from cities, townships, villages and counties. The MMTI course is delivered in one-week sessions over the course of three years. The focus is on training in public finance, enhancing individual growth and professional development.
Michigan Public Service Institute (MPSI)
The MPSI is a three-year training program, which provides instruction expressly designed for city and county public service supervisors focusing on Service Excellence in Public Works; Communication Skills; Effectiveness in Service Delivery; Critical Issues; Conducting Effective Meetings; Managing Negativity; Developing Local Government’s Image and Creating Action Plans.