CMU Trustees to provide presidential search update

Trustees will tour CMU College of Education and Human Services

| Author: Kevin Essebaggers | Media Contact: Aaron Mills

The Central Michigan University Board of Trustees will hold committee meetings on Wednesday, September 25, and meet in formal session Thursday, September 26, on the Mount Pleasant campus.

Prior to Thursday’s formal session, Trustees will visit the College of Education and Human Services to learn more about the programs and initiatives underway. Trustees will tour the Center for Community Counseling and Development, Center for Excellence in STEM Education and the Interior Design program’s labs and studios.

In new business during formal session, Trustees will provide a major update on the presidential search. Chair Todd Regis also will announce the members of the Board of Trustees nominating committee.

Also at Thursday’s session, CMU President Bob Davies will present a report on the accomplishments of students, faculty and staff since the last meeting of the board. Additionally, Davies will present his annual report to Trustees on progress made in the last year toward his presidential priorities.

Other items on the meeting agenda include discussion of:

  • Prospective graduates for summer 2024.
  • New and changing endowments, awards and scholarships.
  • Renewal of a land lease for CMU public broadcasting.
  • Revisions to the Board of Trustees bylaws.
  • Office of Research and Graduate Studies quarterly report.

Highlights for Wednesday’s committee meetings include:

  • Policy and Bylaws Committee, 1:45-2:15 p.m. – Committee members will discuss revisions to the bylaws governing the CMU Board of Trustees.
  • Academic and Student Affairs Committee, 2:15-3:15 p.m. – Interim Vice President of Student Affairs Stan Shingles will give a presentation on the First Gen Forward program. Interim Provost and Executive Vice President Paula Lancaster will offer a report on the MiCAREER Hub. Vice President Jennifer DeHaemers and Executive Director of Student Success Evan Montague will provide an enrollment and retention update.
  • Finance and Facilities Committee, 3:15-3:45 p.m. – Jonathan Webb, associate vice president of facilities management, will provide a facilities update.
  • Trustees-Faculty Liaison Committee, 4:00-4:45 p.m. – Lynn Curry, director of the McNair Program, will offer a presentation on the McNair Program and experiences mentoring students along with Anja Mueller, chemistry and biology faculty member and McNair mentor and Eliza Atkinson, a current McNair scholar.
  • Trustees-Student Liaison Committee, 4:45-5:30 p.m. – Student Government Association President Caroline Hernandez Ruiz and Vice President Aashka Barot will offer a report. Program Board President Kat Allmacher and Vice President Lauren Rupe will have an update for Trustees. Residence Hall Association Director Bella Andreski also will give a report.

Agendas for the September meetings, including Wednesday’s public committee meetings and the formal session Thursday, are available on the Board of Trustees Agendas and Minutes webpage.

Board of Trustees meetings are open to the university community and members of the public. All meetings will be held in the President’s Conference Room in the Bovee University Center, with seating for up to 25 individuals in the adjoining Lake Superior Room. All meetings are also available via live stream:

Per the Board of Trustees Bylaws, individuals wishing to address the Board of Trustees during the public comment period must submit a request in advance of the formal session in one of two ways:

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