New CMU Career Outcomes Rate shows rising graduate success

Nearly 95% of recent grads get hired, outpacing most Michigan universities

| Author: Kevin Essebaggers | Media Contact: Aaron Mills

A remarkable 94.9% of recent Central Michigan University graduates are employed, continuing their education or participating in military or other service, according to the newly calculated Career Outcomes Rate. The high rate reflects the employment success of undergraduate CMU students who graduated between August of 2022 and June of 2023.

“Students choose to join us at CMU because of our focus on their future success,” CMU President Bob Davies said. “Now we have even more proof that CMU is delivering the hands-on education and experiences that result in successful careers and inspire leaders for the real-world.”

Emphasizing career preparedness

CMU Innovation and Online Executive Director of Business and Community Outreach, Rob VanDorin said students have been more engaged in initiatives and programs offered by CMU’s Career Development Center, which contributes to the increase in successful employment outcomes.

“The Employer Partnership Program connects potential employers to CMU students, often leading to post-graduation career opportunities. The program experienced an 11% increase in employer participation in the last year,” VanDorin said.

A man and woman sitting in chairs in a computer lab.The center’s effort to meet individual students for sessions on career counseling, first impressions and career peer advising also experienced a dramatic rise in students taking advantage of the service, he said. In the last year, the center says more than 4,000 CMU students scheduled appointments to prepare for their job search.

CMU Associate Director of Career Development Erica O’Toole said the effort to prepare students is strong and is only intensifying.

“We offer support at the individual level by helping students develop professionally and give them the skills necessary to be successful after graduation,” she said. “This year our goal is to, once again, increase appointment numbers in our office in order showcase our reach across campus.”

Preparing students to meet industry needs

A strong focus on preparing students for successful careers through hands-on experiences is an integral part of the university’s 2023-2028 strategic plan. It also is a priority of faculty members and woven throughout the curriculum of all of CMU’s academic colleges.

Veronica Barone, chair of the CMU Department of Physics, said a hands-on approach to learning in the College of Science and Engineering provides students a chance to develop technical skills that are extremely valuable to employers.

“We are known for providing personalized attention to students, engaging them in externally funded research projects as early as their sophomore year under the guidance of our faculty advisors,” she said. “They develop critical problem-solving abilities, making them highly attractive to future employers as well as graduate programs."

A physical therapy student using equipment to work with a patient.In the College of Health Professions, the Speech-Language Pathology program’s Summer Specialty Clinics offer students hands-on experience working with children with communications disorders. It allows them to develop and implement treatment plans, interact with clients and collaborate with other professionals just as they will in their careers after graduation.

Speech-Language Pathology student Erica Barta said working in the clinic helped her feel confident and career-ready.

“It is such a valuable experience that has equipped me with clinical skills and insights needed for a brighter future in my chosen career. I feel so fortunate to have been a part of such a unique learning environment on CMU’s campus,” she said.

Alumnus Jordan Storey (’24) studied in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. He credited CMU faculty with helping him discover a path that led to a career as a transportation planner for the State of Michigan upon graduation.

“When I first arrived as a freshman, unsure of my path, CMU expanded my horizons with a diverse range of courses that captivated my interest. It led me to explore three different majors, each time following my curiosity,” Storey said. “By investing in the personal and professional growth of their students, CMU ensures that they leave with the skills and confidence needed to excel in the workforce.”

Student activities that shape leaders

Career preparation does not happen exclusively in the classroom at CMU. Involvement in student organizations, co-curricular activities, campus employment and recreation also play a major role in developing valuable skills that employers desire, according to CMU’s Interim Vice President of Student Affairs, Stan Shingles. He said CMU's emphasis on student development aligns with the National Association of Colleges and Employers Career Readiness Competencies that foster the growth of transferable skills.

In club sports leadership roles and student employment opportunities through CMU University Recreation, students manage teams, coordinate events, and make strategic decisions. Recent graduates find these experiences mirror the collaborative and leadership skills needed in the workplace, preparing them to contribute effectively in professional environments.

A woman shaking hands with other people at a career fair.Alumna Heidi Garay (’24) participated in the Women’s Rugby Club during her time at CMU, and served as the club’s president. She said the role developed her leadership voice and learned to adapt quickly to challenging situations – skills she now puts to use as an Associate Account Manager at Lockton Companies.

“When the time came to look for full-time roles, I was confident in my skill set and what I could bring to a workplace dynamic,” Garay said. “During job interviews, employers could see that they weren’t just interviewing another desperate college kid, but a confident employee ready to put in the work wherever needed.”

On a mission for success

CMU’s mission statement says the university defines itself by the success of its students and alumni. President Bob Davies said the latest Career Outcomes Rate quantifies that success and shows progress toward meeting the university’s strategic goal of raising the rate of successful career outcomes for students even higher.

“While we now have more evidence that CMU is highly effective in connecting students with careers, our effort to prepare them for their futures will only gain momentum to fulfill our mission,” he said.

Calculating student success

The 94.9% Career Outcomes Rate marks an improvement over CMU’s prior year First Destination Survey results, which were just under 94%. The new rate is calculated using additional data sources than were used to calculate the First Destination Survey, completed by graduates within their first six months of graduation. The formula for the new rate includes information from the National Student Clearinghouse and networking platform LinkedIn, among other inputs.

VanDorin oversaw the transition to the new process to collect employment data. He said CMU enhanced the accuracy of measuring post-graduation career outcomes and it now aligns with how other universities in Michigan measure alumni career success. 

“We can now be even more confident in the employment data we are getting, and we are able to better see how CMU competes with other public universities when it comes to successful outcomes for our students,” VanDorin said. “Not all universities publicly report their career outcomes rate, but of those who have reported, it appears CMU is outperforming most of our peer institutions.”

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