Scholarly pursuits: South Korea

CMU senior Joshua Briscoe receives competitive Fulbright award to teach abroad

| Author: Ari Harris

Joshua Briscoe, a Central Michigan University senior from Limerick, Pennsylvania, has been awarded a Fulbright U.S. Student Grant to teach English in South Korea.

Briscoe, who is double-majoring in international relations and cultural and global studies, is a third-generation CMU student. He applied for a Fulbright award after being mentored by philosophy and religion faculty member Hope May, who was a Fulbright Scholar in South Korea from 2017 to 2018. He worked with Honors Program staff and Maureen Harke, coordinator of the CMU National Scholarship Program, to complete the application process.

During his Fulbright year, Briscoe hopes to develop a better understanding of Korean culture and education. Briscoe plans to pursue a Ph.D. in political science and said the Fulbright experience will add shape to his future research on human rights, forced migration and conflict.

Each year, fewer than 2,000 U.S. students, artists and young professionals receive Fulbright grants to study, conduct research and teach English abroad. Fulbright student programs are offered in more than 140 countries around the world. Students are selected based on their academic merit, leadership and cultural competency.

Briscoe will live and teach in South Korea for a year — the longest he’s ever been abroad. He hopes others will be inspired by his journey.

“I want to encourage all students to go abroad and learn about other cultures so they can experience some of the things that were transformative for me as an undergraduate at CMU,” he said.

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