LPR/Virtual Permit FAQ
What is license plate recognition (LPR)?
License Plate Recognition (LPR) utilizes vehicle mounted and handheld cameras to read and identify license plate numbers. The license plate, once registered, becomes a “virtual” permit-by-plate and no physical permit is required to be displayed on the vehicle.
What does that mean?
Just like a cashier at a grocery store scans the barcode on your groceries rather than manually keying in the price, the LPR system will capture your license plate and determine if it has a virtual permit instead of parking enforcement officers manually checking for a permit.
What are virtual permits?
Virtual Permits use license plate information and a connected database to identify a vehicle with LPR rather than a traditional affixed decal permit or hangtag permit. Essentially, when you register your vehicle on campus, your license plate becomes your permit.
How can I purchase a virtual permit?
Students, faculty and staff can access the online Parking Portal to add, edit or delete a vehicle from their account by following the steps listed below. All vehicles parked on campus must be registered online and associated with a virtual permit for License Plate Recognition to avoid receiving a citation.
-Visit the online Parking Portal at https://parking.cmich.edu.
-Login with your CMU credentials.
-Select "Vehicles" from the top left side of the webpage.
-Click on "Add a New Vehicle" on the right side of the webpage.
-To edit or delete a vehicle, select your vehicle and follow the steps accordingly.
Will I still need a physical permit if I have a virtual permit?
There will be no physical permits (decals or hangtags) for students, faculty, staff or guests beginning fall 2022.
How do I make changes to my virtual permit?
Any changes that need to be made to vehicles, including updating license plates, adding or removing vehicles, or purchasing annual or temporary virtual permits can now be done through the parking portal at parking.cmich.edu.
Can I register a friend’s or colleague’s license plate number under my name so they do not have to purchase a virtual permit? What about a member of the same family?
No. A virtual permit, just like the physical permit, cannot be shared with others. In addition, each permit can only be associated with one vehicle.
Within the LPR system, if you do this and then bring both vehicles to campus, it will show up as a violation when the license plates are scanned.
I currently have a faculty/staff hang tag permit that can be moved between my different vehicles. How would that be handled in this system?
Any changes that need to be made to vehicles such as adding or removing vehicles can be done through the parking portal at https://parking.cmich.edu.
Each virtual permit may only be associated with one vehicle so you can login to the parking portal and choose to update the vehicle associated with your virtual permit.
How long does it take to receive a virtual permit once it has been purchased?
With the implementation of LPR, the registered vehicle may park on campus immediately following the purchase of a virtual permit.
What if I temporarily borrow a vehicle or rent a vehicle to drive to campus?
Virtual parking permits are linked to the registered vehicle on an account through the online parking portal. Only one vehicle per virtual permit may be registered. You are able to add a "Temporary Replacement" vehicle by accessing the online parking portal which will link a rented or borrowed vehicle to your virtual permit for a specified date.
Can I back in or pull through a parking space?
Yes, if a registered or front parking plate is mounted to the front of the vehicle. CMU will issue front parking plates for a small fee of $10. All vehicles must display a license plate that is visible to the LPR vehicles when parked. A $30 citation will be issued beginning in September 2022 for vehicles who back into or pull through a parking space unless they have a CMU issued front parking plate or a registered license plate mounted on the front bumper of their vehicle.
What happens if my license plate does not face the drive lane?
The vehicle will be cited for the license plate not being visible. The cost of this citation is $30.