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Automated External Defibrillator Locations

Anspach HallFi​rst floor between classrooms 166 and 167
​Athletics Field​Mobile unit
​Athletics IAC​Inside main doors and athletic training room
​Athletics Training Room​Inside Athletic Training Room 108
​Beaver Island Biological Station (4 units)​Academic Center, Boathouse, MV Chip, and Shock Boat
​Biosciences Building (4 units)
​Outside of 1009/1010, 2100/2200 (field AED), 3200, and 4200
​Bovee University Center​210 (next to men's bathroom)
​Brooks Hall​First floor between classrooms 129 and 130
Carls CenterOutside rooms 1103 and 2130
​Central Health Investment Program (CHIP)​Under sink in main gym area, in 3rd drawer with yellow tape
​College of Medicine (2 units)
​First and second floors by the restrooms (2416A and 1424A)
​College of Medicine - Saginaw
​First floor between rooms 1012 and 1014
​College of Medicine - SouthFoust Hall Basement Hallway outside room 028A
​Dow Science Building​Outside the south entrance/exit of 171
​East Area Fitness Center​Behind front desk inside the Fitness Center
​Education and Human Services Building​First floor main hallway outside of restrooms (121)
​Engineering & Technology
​First floor between rooms 123 and 125
​Fabiano/Emmons/Woldt Halls​Main Desk
​Finch Fieldhouse​First floor outside Military Science Office room 111
Foust HallOutside room 028
​Grawn Hall​First floor next to rooms 103 and 110
​Health Professions
​Outside rooms 1031, 1307, 1414, 2301, 2217, 2265H, and 2415
​Kelly Shorts Stadium 
​Training room in locker room
​Lacrosse/Soccer Stadium
Training room and next to rooms 102 and 130
​Moore Hall / Bush Theatre​Northwest outside Kiva Auditorium (130)
​Music Building​First floor hallway outside main office
​Park Library
​Second floor reference desk in room 221
​Pearce Hall​First floor between rooms 114 and 115
​Police (4 units)​In Police vehicles
​Robinson Hall​Front desk
​Ronan Hall
​Corner of stairs on second floor
​Rose Hall
​Athletic training room
​Rowe Hall
​Next to room 114
​Saxe/Herrig/Celani Halls​Main desk
​Sloan Hall
​Outside room 126
​Smith Hall
​West exit stairs, first floor
​Sweeney Hall​Front desk
​Theunissen Stadium
Training room
​Thorpe Hall​Front desk
​Towers​Main desk
​Towers Fitness Center​Behind front desk inside the Fitness Center
​Trout Hall​Front desk
University EventsFront entrance on shelf
​UHS - Foust​Room 028
​Between large and small sports forum
​UREC SAC​Entrance to the billiards hallway
​Mobile unit (clubs)
​UREC SAC​Mobile unit (IM)
​UREC Injury Care Center - SAC
​Room 057
​UREC Service Center - SAC
​Behind main desk by room 202
​UREC Sports Medicine - Rose ​Outside room 145 in hallway
​UREC - Rose​Outside room 127 - Ryan Dance Studio
​UREC - Rose​Outside wrestling room 100
​UREC - Events Center​Outside first aid room, by section 106
​Warriner Hall​First floor outside of Plachta Auditorium
​Wightman Hall​First floor outside of room 125