Hiring a Temporary Employee
Temporary employees are limited to 48 hours per pay-period during the academic year and 80 hours per pay-period during the summer. Temporary employees can only be hired through CMU if they will be working in the state of Michigan. If you need a temporary employee to work more than 48 hours per pay-period during the academic year or you'd like to hire a temporary employee to work remotely from another state, they must be hired through Manpower. The cost associated with hiring an individual through Manpower is a 30.39% premium in addition to the individual's rate of pay. If interested in this option, you can work directly with Manpower by calling 989-772-7720.
All temporary employees must apply to the appropriate temporary posting unless the assignment duration is 3 days or less. All postings are available on the CMU applicant portal under Temporary Staff. If your job opening does not fall within any of the posted positions, Human Resources is happy to tailor a posting to your needs. Most postings will remain open year-round so applicants can apply at any time. Temporary employees may be hired for 6 months up to 3 years depending on the collective bargaining agreement/handbook but have no guarantee of continued employment or reappointment.
Temporary employees do not qualify for benefits but may be eligible for retirement contribution if they previously worked at CMU or another university in the MPSERS retirement plan. In addition to the cost associated with wages (Human Resources can assist the department in determining an hourly rate) and possible retirement contributions, the department will also be responsible for covering the costs associated with FICA (7.65%).
In order to hire a temporary employee, the department must complete the electronic transaction process (Personnel Transactions) before the employee begins work to ensure that legal guidelines are met for payroll purposes.
On the new hire's first day of work, he/she must complete the Employment Eligibility Form (I-9), as required by law, and the appropriate temporary paperwork. This includes the following:
- Direct deposit form, city and other state tax forms (if appropriate)
- Employee Self-Identification Information Sheet
- Employment Eligibility Form (I-9)* (required by law)
- Employment Verification Form - temporary employees
- Federal Tax Form
- Holiday Pay for Temporary and Relief Staff
- Michigan Earned Sick Time notification - temporary employees
- Michigan Tax Form
- Temporary Appointment Letter
- University Oath Card
- Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability
- Optional 403(b) Supplemental Tax Deferral Plan
- Temporary Employee Separation Checklist (optional)
Here is a list of frequently asked questions.
*Secure forms must be downloaded and opened with Adobe Reader.