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Team Builders

CMU leaders genuinely care for others, are available and approachable, and work in a framework of we. We acknowledge our limitations and mistakes and freely ask for help. We value each team member and combine humility, strength, fairness and consistency. We foster strong, diverse teams through respect, trust, collaboration and inclusivity, creating a sense of belonging and celebrating success. We value professional and personal development and lifelong learning.

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    For your team or department. Experiential activitieswill be used to explore the dynamics of effective team work, andreflection and discussion will draw out specific applications for your team.In this workshop, teamwork, cooperation, communication, and trust are not just discussed; they are experienced, which leads to better application.

    Patrick Lencioni, the author of the best selling book by the same title, will share the five dysfunctions that prevent teams from optimally performing (by video, of course!): absence of trust, fear of conflict, inability to commit, lack of accountability, and inattention to results. Participants will leave with specific tools and activities that can be used to help overcome the challenges teams encounter. You can wait for one of the open workshops (usually one or two a year). However, this material is most effective if you schedule Professional Development Programs to present this workshop for your entire team so you can discuss the specific applications and share in a common language the dynamics of effective teamwork.

    Take the MBTI personality inventory and discover your natural preferences and style. Learn to develop an understanding of personal style so that you are able to interact more effectively with others. This workshop explores the impact of personal style on relationships, teams, and work units. Communication, decision-making, and problem-solving will all be addressed.

    This intensive, two-day workshop provides participants with a robust and tactical implementation plan to fully integrate the 7 Habits into their lives. You will learn how to improve focus, communication, and balance for yourself and your organization; how to develop professional relationships for productive collaboration; the importance of responsibility, accountability, and commitment; skills for increasing productivity by staying focused on the right things; and how to reduce conflict by understanding exactly what you can influence. Cost is $95 and covers the Franklin Covey workbook.

    Professional Development Programs offers this series just once per year in the fall. This fast-paced program takes a more in-depth dive into the heart of the Leadership Standards Initiative, exploring leadership theory,  practices, and skills in an interactive and engaging setting. Certification will be awarded upon completion of the series. If you are interested, you must register for the entire series.

    Leadership Excellence is comprised of the following 8 required sessions:

    • Foundations of Leadership 
    • Thoughtful, Open Communicators 
    • Team Builders and People Developers
    • Diversity and Inclusion
    • Change and Transitions
    • Conflict, Courage and Difficult Conversations 
    • Proactive, Responsible and Accountable
    • MBTI and Leadership Styles

    For more detailed information, you can go to the Leadership Excellence Series webpage. 

    To register for one of these training opportunities, or to learn more about Professional Development opportunities at CMU please visit the Professional Development Programs website.