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Scheduling an Appointment at the Testing Center

The Certified Testing Center offers testing by appointment using the appropriate scheduler listed below. Scheduling is based on average completion time, but testers will be granted the full time allowed as needed. It’s important to schedule exams early to ensure availability before course deadlines. Exams may be scheduled up to 2 months in advance. In the event of a university closure, the testing center will be closed. If you have questions or need assistance with scheduling, please call 989-774-1092 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

      Students with approved testing accommodations may schedule exams online through Microsoft Bookings. SDS testing is available Monday through Friday during regular testing hours at the Certified Testing Center location, 319 Park Library.

      Please choose the appropriate length of time for your exam:

    • 60 minutes
    • 90 minutes
    • 120 minutes
    • If you are unsure of your time, please select 120 minutes and the testing center will adjust as needed. The Testing Center will request the exam/exam instructions from your instructor.

      To view specific times, locations, and exams available for proctoring on campus, please choose the appropriate length of time for your exam: 

    • 60 minutes 
    • 90 minutes
    • 120 minutes
    • Use this scheduling link when dates are available and no available seats are found under the Mt. Pleasant scheduler. All seats for Room 207 or Room 209 are scheduled for 120 minutes and have set start times: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. Call the Testing Center for scheduling assistance or with questions: 989-774-1092.

      120 minutes

      CMU students away from the Mount Pleasant campus may be able to have exams proctored at one of our CMU Off-Campus Center locations around Michigan. Please call for availability and to schedule an appointment. The CMU Centers request a minimum of 24-hour advance notice for exam appointments.

    • Grand Rapids: 616-361-4160
    • Lansing: 517-483-9760
    • Southfield: 248-357-8600
    • Traverse City: 231-995-1756
    • Troy: 248-526-2610